151 research outputs found


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    Suluk Wujil is a well-known early Javanese Islamic literary work that focuses on spiritual pursuits and teachings. Wujil, a convert seeking the ultimate truth, is a symbolic person who carries crucial Sufistic teachings as well as the revelation of socio-religious discourse at the dawn of Islam in Java. This article uses three steps of semiotic reading to disclose the content of Suluk Wujil: narrative framework, primary sign discovery, and syntagmatic and paradigmatic analysis. First, the Suluk Wujils narrative plan arose from Wujil's complaint that after ten years of spiritual study in Bonang, he had failed to enter The Ultimate Truth. The statement "Arriving in Mecca" at the end of the book is the second key sign of Suluk Wujil. This term emphasizes Suluk Wujil's spiritual qualities in relation to the spiritual path toward the reality of Islamic mysticism. Third, the paradigmatic analysis reveals that multiple parallel and contrary signs exist at the same moment. The combination of various signs forms a synthesis that leads to a deeper comprehension of the meaning of these indicators. Syntagmatic analysis leads to a better comprehension of indications that are diametrically opposed but complementary

    Bimbingan Konseling Islam Dalam Membentuk Kesadaran Beribadah Kepada Siswa Kolej Vokasional Nibong Tebal Malaysia

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    Islamic counseling guidance is an effort to assist an individual or a group who are experiencing physical and emotional difficulties in fulfilling their life duties using a religious approach, namely by awakening the strength of faith to overcome problems. This study aims to investigate the religious guidance services in enhancing the worship awareness of students at Kolej Vokasional dan to analyze the obstacles that arise during the religious guidance process. The methods used in this activity are observation and interviews with Kolej Vokasional Nibong Tebal. The research findings show that there is an increased deep understdaning among students about the etiquette in the mosque, the virtues of congregational prayers, memorization of the Qunut prayer, and the pillars of prayer through religious guidance services. However, challenges such as variability in students' religious knowledge levels, limited time dan resources, and varied student responses indicate an urgent need for adaptation and improvement in program delivery. These challenges highlight the importance of differentiated teaching approaches, technology integration, and program duration extension to achieve maximum effectiveness in vocational religious education and ensure that all students can internalize the values taught most effectively dan sustainably


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    Islam considers human being as the most perfect and noble creature from another God's creatures. Perfection and glory are not only from the structure of creation but also from the presence assuming the Caliphate ability. Humans "take care" of the earth is identical to their real work in synergizing the socio-cultural aspects and divine integration, the world and the hereafter, pious and charity, simultaneously and comprehensively. Islamic Dakwah has a responsibility to "greet" all human beings in any position and existence. In line with the principle of inclusiveness, Islam is a religion that really appreciates the differences that exist in the human being as an object of his call. This is why Islam to acknowledge the differences that exists in the human race, ethnicity, skin color, and religion as well as beliefs. Therefore, Islam teaches that wise pattern of dakwah against the basic difference, and condemned the degrading act of mutual confidence others’ status. Mankind is in the creation, which should have the right in the unity of monotheism in Islam. This paper is a bit much to try to open the universality of the human role as the caliph of God on the earth that is manifested in the work and activities of the dakwah of Islam, as well as the vision to be developed is to make Islam belongs to all mankind (rahmatan lil 'alamin) through various recognition on the issue of plurality as a necessity that must be faced and followed up through the Islamic missionary movement wis

    The study of relationship of job satisfaction, organization commitment and turnover intention towards person-organization fit: a case study at Pernec Corporation Berhad / Zalikha Esa

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    The main purpose of this study is to explore the relationship of job satisfaction, organization commitment and turnover intention towards person-organization fit at Pernec Corporation Berhad. The methodology of this study is using one hundred respondents, which we can see how many respondents that give responds towards the questionnaire that will be distribute later. The data will be interpreted by using SPSS. This is demonstrated in the finding that those who do not fit their organization tend to look for work elsewhere. The researcher proposed a few recommendations to Pernec Corporation Berhad that should be considered for its future long term planning. The statistic will be used is frequency analysis to determine level of person organization fit. Pearson correlation analysis will be used to identify the relationship between dependent variables and independent variables. To determine which factor influence the most towards person-organization fit, multiple regression analysis will be used


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    Tulisan ini mengangkat topik “Dinamika Pemikiran Keagamaan Ulama Dayah†Sebagaimana diketahui, khususnya di daerah Aceh, dalam hal pengembangan pendidikan, khususnya pendidikan keagamaan berawal dari pendidikan dayah. Dari waktu ke waktu lembaga pendidikan dayah sudah melahirkan banyak ilmuan, khususnya yang ilmuan yang menguasai ilmu-ilmu agama. Tempat-tempat pengajian atau lebih dikenal dengan dayah dalam perkembangannya terus bertambah, baik untuk kaum perempun maupun laki-laki. Namun dalam perkembangannya antara dayah-dayah yang ada tersebut sering kali terjadinya perbedaan pandangan antara teungku dayah, dalam beberapa hal keagamaan khususnya di Kecamatan Montasik, Aceh Besar Besar. Perbedaan pandangan keagamaan yang terjadi di kalangan Teungku dayah di kecamatan Montasik Aceh Besar adalah dalam banyak permasalahan keagamaan, akan tatapi di antara yang kebanyakan permasalahan tersebut ada yang sangat kentara dan ada juga yang tidak memunculkan gejolak dalam masyarakat, maksudnya adalah ada perbedaan-perbedaan yang tensinya tinggi dan ada juga yang tensinya rendah, sehingga masyarakat terlihat biasa-biasa saja dalam kehidupan kesehariannya. Adapun faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya perbedaan pandangan keagamaan di kalangan teungku dayah di Kecamatan Montasik Aceh Besar, juga diketahui adanya beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhinya, diantaranya adalah faktor latar belakang pendidikan yang ditekuni oleh seorang teungku dayah, faktor ide, yaitu sebagian juga mempertahankan idealitasnya, kemudian juga faktor pengalaman yang dilalui oleh seseorang teungku dayah. Kata kunci : Pemikiran, Ulama dan Daya


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    Tulisan ini mengangakat topik “Peluang dan Tantangan Pelaksanaan Wisata di Kota Sabangâ€. Sebagaimana diketahui, Sabang merupaka suatu wilayah yang berpotensi dalam pengembangan dunia kepariwisataan. Wilayah Sabang yang masih dalam kawasan Provinsi Aceh, tentu masyarakatnya muslim (Islam) hamper seluruhnya, dan wilayah ini berlaku Syariat Islam sebagaimana Aceh pada keseluruhannya. Pada saat ini, kegiatan wisata adalah sebuah keniscayaan. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa peluang dan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh dinas terkait (Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Sabang dan Dinas Syariat Islam Kota Sabang), dalam pelaksanaan Kota Sabang sebagai kota wisata. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitis dan jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (Field Research). Objek penelitian ini adalah Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Sabang dan Dinas Syariat Islam Kota Sabang, serta beberapa warga Sabang yang dianggap dapat mewakili data dalam penelitian ini. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan observasi dan wawancara. Sumber datanya adalah berjumlah 10 orang, yaitu 2 orang dari Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Sabang, yang terdiri dari kepala Dinas dan satu orang Kabid, begitu juga dengan Dinas Syariat Islam Kota Sabang. Sedangkan 6 orang lagi dari masyarakat Sabang. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa, berdasarkan analisis data dan hasil observasi awal, maka dapat dinyatakan bahwa; peluang pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat, hampir semua data yang terkumpul bisa dipastikan jika sektor wisata dikembangkan dan dioptimalkan di Sabang, ekonomi masyarakat akan semakin meningkat/membaik, ini merupakan prospek tercerahkan bagi pemerintah Kota Sabang dan masyarakat Sabang. Adapun tantangan yang dihadapi adalah kurangnya pemahaman tentang Syariat Islam, karena dipandang kepariwisataan itu banyak yang tidak sesuai dengan Syariat, dan wisata ini seakan-akan berkonotasi negatif. Dari temuan data yang dikumpulkan bahwa hampir delapan puluh lima persen mengatakan bahwa antara kepariwisataan dengan berlakunya Syariat Islam tidak bertentangan, cuma sosialisasinya sangat kurang, sehingga masyarakat banyak yang keliru dalam kenyataan sehari-hari. Kata kunci; Peluang, Tantangan, Wisata dan Sabang

    Dakwah dan Kekuasaan (Perspektif Historis)

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    ABSTRACT Actualization amar nahi ma’ruf evil can only be accomplished perfectly when the Muslims have the power. The Prophet’s Da’wah in Medina period of time in 10 years, but the result was more successful than in the Mecca period that lasted 13 years. Therefore it can be to note that one factor was there were elements of strength and power during the mission period of Medina, that the missionary approach in the period was not limited. ABSTRAK aktualisasi amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar hanya dapat terlaksana dengan sempurna apabila kaum muslimin mempunyai kekuasaan. Dakwah Nabi saw pada periode Madinah yang masanya 10 tahun ternyata hasilnya lebih gemilang dari pada masa periode Makkah yang berlangsung 13 tahun. Oleh karena itu dapat kiranya dicatat bahwa ternyata salah satu faktornya adalah terdapat unsure kekuatan dan kekuasaan pada masa periode dakwah Madinah, sehingga pendekatan dakwah masa Madinah pun tidak terbatas. Kata kunci : dakwah, kekuasaan, amar ma’ruf nahy mungkar


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    One of social and religious problems the issue related to beggar (or well known as gepeng) whose presence is a realty in Montasik District, Aceh Besar. Therefore, this research tries to discuss about “Donation Giving after Paddy Harvest to Beggars in Montasik District Aceh Besarâ€. In general, the main profession of people in Montasik district is farmer. In terms of educational development, particularly in religious educational sector, it has been built the place to learn Islamic and Quranic Teaching for both male and female. The place is generally called Dayah.The aims of this research are to find out the factors causing the people in Montasik district gave donation to the beggars after paddy harvest. The method used was analytic descriptive approach and this research can be categorized as field research. The object of this research is Montasik District region which consists of 39 gampongs and the key informants were gampong leaders (Keuchik or its staff) and also the people considered could be representatives in data collection process. The techniques in collecting the data were through observation and interview. The sources of data were 15 keuchiks, 1 Camat, some people and villager’s staff considered could give data to the researcher. The findings of this research were the main factor causing people in Montasik district to give donation to the beggars especially after harvest process was they believed that it was part of Islamic teaching related to worship. According to Hadih Maja that they have believed from generation to generation, when giving donation to beggars it is not by seeing to the status of beggars whether they were prosperous than the givers or not. The content of Hadih Maja is: Bek Pesoh Jaro ( which means don’t let anyone who begs donation go without taking anything), Bek Peputoh Asa (which means don’t let them be hopeless because of not getting anything) because it is not suggested in the religious teaching and it can hurt the feeling of the beggars, Nyanke Ata Tanyo (which means according to Islam, what we have given to others, it is actually our reward in hereafter, while what we enjoy in the world will be useless, therefore in is important to save the supply for the sake of hereafter life). Then, many people considered that the upper hand (who gives the donation) is better than the lower hand (who accepts the donation) as what is taught in Islam so that they gave the beggars donation sincerely. After giving donation, they felt they have followed what Islam teaches and they felt happy to be able to help the others. However, if the beggars showed unhappy feeling when accepting a small number of donations from the people, they felt unhappy and intolerant to the beggars

    Synthesis and characterizations of hydrophilic pHEMA nanoparticles via inverse miniemulsion polymerization

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    This study highlights on the development of hydrophilic polymer nanoparticles prepared via inverse miniemulsion polymerization, a robust technique to prepare hydrophilic and aqueous-soluble polymeric nanoparticles. 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) is excellent candidate for homo-polymerization due to its biocompatibility and biodegradability characteristic with high hydrophilicity properties. The influence of synthesis parameters including the effects of sonication time ranging from 10 - 30 min and sonication amplitude up to 60% towards the particles size and morphology of pHEMA nanoparticles are investigated. The formation of pHEMA nanoparticles are confirmed by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR). The morphology of polymer nanoparticles has been determined using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Dynamic light scattering (DLS) indicates the mean diameters of pHEMA nanoparticles were in a range of 100 – 200 nm. The hydrophilic polymer nanoparticles obtained are expected to facilitate in the fabrication of inorganic-polymer composite nanoparticles especially in biological applications

    The Influence Factors of Firm Value (Study of Manufacturing Company Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange)

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    This study tries to empirically examine the effect of profitability, institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and dividend policy on company value in manufacturing companies listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange. The data used in this research is a financial statement of the companies with the total sample of 93 companies over the period of 2012-2016. The analytical method used in this study is multiple linear regression. This study resulted in that profitability, institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and dividend policy simultaneously influence the value of the company. While from the partial test it resulted that profitability affects the company value, institutional ownership has no influence on the company value. However, managerial ownership has no influence on the company value and dividend policy also does not affect the company value.   &nbsp
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