142 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Geografis Menemukan Lokasi Dokter Hewan Berbasis Android

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    Geographic information systems (GIS) have the ability to connect various data at certain points on earth, combine, analyze, and finally map the results. Data will be processed in GIS spatial data which is geographically and location oriented data that has a certain coordinate system, as a basic reference. So the GIS application can answer several questions such as; location, conditions, trends, patterns and modeling. This capability distinguishes GIS from other information systems. By building a geographical information system it is hoped that it can help the public to find out where the location of veterinarians in the city of Padang is based on Android. So that people can more easily find the location of veterinarians in the city of Padang quickly and accurately that can be accessed via cell phones (Smartphones). In this geographic information system making additional application programs used are MapInfo, Android Studio, and other supporting applications


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    Go green school program is to create good conditions for schools to be a place of learning and awareness of the school community, so that teachers and students can share responsibility in the effort to save the environment and sustainable development of the school is expected to create and maintain schools that have environmental and sanitary clean, healthy, comfortable and shady with trees. But in reality, the school community to create awareness of environmentally friendly behavior are still facing obstacles. Some problems in the school is the limited human resources to implement the program GGS (both teachers and students), there is no group of activists go green school of students, lack of awareness and knowledge of the school community in the management of organic and inorganic waste, lack of knowledge of process organic waste into organic fertilizers, the limited open space that can be planted with trees, a lack of knowledge of the choice of plants that suit the environment, the limitations of infrastructure and funding for the implementation of programs go green school.To overcome these problems do community service through IbM program with one or two partners namely SMA AnNizam  and SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Medan. Team Community Service Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UISU will do counseling, training, creation of organic fertilizer or compost, formed a task force to go green school students, planting potted plant species adapted to the conditions of the school environment.  With IbM go green school program, is expected to partner schools can overcome the obstacles encountered thus changing the behavior of people in schools that are environmentally friendly and can run a green school program

    The Decentralization Policy in the Local Autonomy of Conservation Forest in Malang City Through Partnership Pattern

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    The conservation forest is established to stabilize and rehabilitate the critical land, to eliminate pollutant, and to create the urban ecosystem balance, covering environmental, social and cultural substances. The objective of research is to analyze the decentralization policy in the local autonomy of conservation forest in Malang City through partnership pattern. Research type is qualitative descriptive. Analysis technique is policy paper which is allowing the participant to develop decentralization and to empower the people in the management of conservation forest, either at national, regional and local levels. It is also allowing the participant to realize the green space in the urban area in retaining micro climate, improving esthetic value, and supplying water absorption, and creating the urban physical environment balance. The existence of policy model with partnership pattern develops a genuine community participation, which is considering the relationship between government and community as the mutual partnership

    Sistem Informasi Geografis Web Untuk Menentukan Objek Wisata Kota Bukittinggi

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    The city of Bukittinggi is a city with cool air, because it is surrounded by the hills of Singgalang and Merapi, so that the city of Bukittinggi is in great demand by local and foreign tourists. This is because the city of Bukittinggi has interesting tourist attractions. However, for tourists who come to the city of Bukittinggi, several problems arise. And, of course, tourists don't know the area they are visiting. But finding the location of a tourist attraction is certainly a difficult thing to do without knowing the ins and outs of the place to be visited. Meanwhile, according to the latest data collected, there are 10 tourist attractions spread across the city of Bukittinggi. Why less? Considering that the City of Bukittinggi is a small city so that tourists only know the clock time, the Tourism Geographic Information System for the City of Bukittinggi based on a mobile website is expected to be able to overcome this problem. In this system, the user only needs to open a mobile website-based geographic information system online, and the system will display the nearest tourist location that can be reached by the user, so that the user can quickly find the tourist location. Based on the geographic location shown on the map


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    This study aims to determine the diversity and abundance of entomopatogenic fungi that exist around the Brastagi vegetable field and Sibolangit conservation forest. From the results of the study it was found that the Sibolangit Conservation Forest found 2 types of entomopatogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae. The level of abundance is quite low, namely the highest average larvae infected by B.bassiana 3 larvae per sample site and 2 larvae infected with Metarhizium per sample soil. While infection in larvae is higher in the Berastagi community vegetable garden. From the vegetable garden, the Berastagi community found 2 types of entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae. The level of abundance is higher than that of fungi originating from sibolangit conservation forests, namely the highest average larvae infected by B.bassiana 5 larvae per sample soil location and 3 larvae infected with Metarhizium per sample soil. Keywords: Entomopatogenic fungi, exploration, isolation, diversity, abundanc

    Digitalisasi Lokasi SMK Di Kota Padang Menggunakan Web Gis

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    The city of Padang is the capital of the province of West Sumatra and also the city of education in the province of West Sumatra. Karna is the capital of the province of West Sumatra, the city of Padang has a very good education. How many problems do people who continue their education in the city of Padang get? An educational website records that there are around 191,155 students scattered throughout the city of Padang. Why so many, because the city of Padang is the capital city of West Sumatra province, therefore, the city of Padang has become an educational destination for village children to study in the city.                Digitizing the location of the high school in Padang city is expected to be a solution for students who are looking for or Hakan who doesn't know the location of the SMA in Padang city. In this system, users only need to open the digitalization of the location of the vocational school on their smartphone when they come to the city of Padang, then the existing system will direct the user to take the path that is closest to the vocational school that students are looking for from outside or from within the city of Padang. This will make it very easy for users to find the location of the school they want to go to

    Penerapan Algoritma Rabin-karp dengan Pendekatan Synonym Recognition sebagai Antisipasi Plagiarisme pada Penulisan Skripsi

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    Plagiarisme dalam penulisan karangan ilmiah saat ini sangat mudah dilakukan. Untuk mengatasinya, setiap karya ilmiah tersebut perlu diperiksa apakah hasil plagiarisme atau bukan dengan memeriksa setiap jengkal teks yang ada. Sistem ini dibangun dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma Rabin-Karp. Untuk mendeteksi adanya kemiripan, dua teks dibandingkan dengan mentransformasikan ke dalam bentuk deretan angka yang mengacu pada tabel ASCII, disebut juga dengan proses hashing. Algoritma ini dikombinasikan dengan metode Synonym Recognition sehingga dapat menemukan kata-kata yang benar-benar sama atau kata yang sudah dirubah kebentuk kata yang bermakna sama


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    Dewasa ini banyak terjadi di kalangan para siswa yang bertindak tidak sesuai dengan norma-norma. Untuk itu lembaga-lembaga sekolah semakin bergerak cepat untuk mencari solusi memalui berbagai upaya salah satunya penanaman karakter religius, yang lebih menarik lagi yaitu salah satunya di SMK Muhammdiyah 1 Kota Metro yaitu menggunakan ekstrakurikuler memanah menjadi solusi dalam upaya penanaman karakter religius tersebut. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui penanaman karakter religius melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler memanah di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Metro dan mengetahui pelaksanaan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler memanah di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Metro. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis pendekatan fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tiga cara yaitu, wawancara observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknis analisis data menggunakan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa penanaman karakter religius melalui ekstrakurikuler memanah di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Metro dapat mencapai target dengan prosedur tujuan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi, ekstrakurikuler memanah juga dapat menanamkan nilai-nilai profetik sepeti sidiq amanah, tabliq, dan fathanah. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yaitu dengan membagi kelompok. Kelompok pertama yaitu pemula dan kelompok kedua yaitu kelompok lanjutan dengan tujuan agar lebih efektif dan efesien, kemudian di lanjutkan dengan pembinaan adab, etika dan aturan yang harus diketahui sebelum pelatihan memanah dimulai

    Digitalisasi Dalam Penentuan Objek Pariwisata Dan Homestay Berbasis Web Berdasarkan Geografis Sumatera Barat

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    Abstrac: Sumatera barat merupakan provinsi yang mempunyai potensi pariwisata yang basar, hampir di setiap daerahnya memiliki objek wisata yang bagus dan tentunya juga dengan keanekaragaman masakan tradisionalnya . Namun potensi pariwisata ini tidak banyak di ketahui oleh wisatawan, sebab kurangnya informasi tentang pariwisata khususnya buat kota-kota kecil di sumatera barat. disamping itu, informasi yang ada selama ini hanya pada objek wisata di kota-kota besar. mengacu pada permasalahan tersebut maka penelitian ini mengkaji Potensi Pariwisata provinsi sumatera barat khususnya untuk pariwisata di kota kecil memanfaatkan WebGis dengan menggunakan Google Maps API KEY, PHP, MYSQL dan MapScrip. Berdasarkan pemahaman diatas, maka temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Struktur tabel dalam arcview, perlu dibangun sampai tingkat desa untuk menberikan informasi posisi daerah wisata secara lebih detail;  2) Salah satu daya Tarik dalam WebGIS ini adalah fasilitas fitur pencarian homestay dalam WebGIS untuk membantu pengguna dalam mendapatkan informasi lokasi secara detail