55 research outputs found

    Stratigraphic and Geographic Bryozoan Abundance Gradients in the Calcareous Shales of the Wreford Megacyclothem (Lower Permian, Kansas)

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    17 p., 3 fig., 13 tables.http://paleo.ku.edu/contributions.htm

    In search of morphological modules: a systematic review

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    Morphological modularity arises in complex living beings due to a semi-independent inheritance, development, and function of body parts. Modularity helps us to understand the evolvability and plasticity of organismal form, and how morphological variation is structured during evolution and development. For this reason, delimiting morphological modules and establishing the factors involved in their origins is a lively field of inquiry in biology today. Although it is thought that modularity is pervasive in all living beings, actually we do not know how often modularity is present in different morphological systems. We also do not know whether some methodological approaches tend to reveal modular patterns more easily than others, or whether some factors are more related to the formation of modules or the integration of the whole phenotype. This systematic review seeks to answer these type of questions through an examination of research investigating morphological modularity from 1958 to present. More than 200 original research articles were gathered in order to reach a quantitative appraisal on what is studied, how it is studied, and how the results are explained. The results reveal an heterogeneous picture, where some taxa, systems, and approaches are over-studied, while others receive minor attention. Thus, this review points out various trends and gaps in the study of morphological modularity, offering a broad picture of current knowledge and where we can direct future research efforts


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    After joining the European Union, the development of the rural areas in Poland has increased significantly. Both local communities has been given the financial support, and the European Union countries started introducing projects concerning the improvement of the living conditions in the rural areas. The funds have been invested in a number of sectors, such us: infrastructure, environment protection, culture, professional development of people living in these areas. The researches had been conducted from June to November 2012. Two methods were used as a tool for the research: the analysis of the documents, facilitated by the local authorities of Nowa Wieś Wielka, and a survey completed by 283 people, the inhabitants of Nowa Wieś Wielka commune. The questionnaire concerned the influence of the European Union on development of the rural areas and the living conditions in these regions. From the documents analysis it can be concluded that Nowa Wieś Wielka has actively participated in the European projects. It is especially visible in the numerous projects that have been introduced in this area. Also the local inhabitants have a positive opinion about the influence of European Union on the development of the rural areas, and they are satisfied with the living conditions in their region

    Appendix 1

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    Means of morphometric measurements for each specimen. Missing measurement indicators (?) were retained for cladistic analysis whereas species’ means were substituted for missing measurements (bold) for phenetic analyses. BSLC and BSLZ were removed from analyses because missing values substantially outnumbered measurements

    Family benefits as a form of social policy for children and families - on the example of Słopnice

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    Rodzina jest pierwszym środowiskiem dającym człowiekowi możliwość wszechstronnego rozwoju, by prawidłowo funkcjonowała misi być jednak zaspokojonych wiele potrzeb jej członków. Gdy w realizacji tych potrzeb rodzina napotka problemy jej rola może być zachwiana a to może negatywnie wpłynąć na wartości i normy społeczne jej członków.Aby uchronić rodziny przed dysfunkcjami i patologiami niezbędna jest pomoc społeczna ze strony państwa. Pomoc społeczna udzielana jest rodzinom, które dotknęło ubóstwo, sieroctwo, bezrobocie i niepełnosprawność. Opiekuńcza rola państwa realizowana jest również wobec osób dotkniętych problemami przemocy w rodzinie a także bezradności w sprawach opiekuńczo-wychowawczych i prowadzenia gospodarstwa domowego, zwłaszcza w rodzinach niepełnych lub wielodzietnych.Niniejsza praca zawiera opis świadczeń rodzinnym, które są formą realizacji polityki społecznej państwa na rzecz dziecka i rodziny. Znaczenie polityki rodzinnej państwa wobec najbardziej potrzebujących przedstawiono na przykładzie gminy Słopnice. Badaniami objęto rodzaje i liczbę świadczeń rodzinnych realizowanych przez Gminny Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej w Słopnicach.The family is the first environment that gives all-round development of the person's possibility to function properly. However, in order to do it, a lot of needs of its members must be satisfied. When the family finds it difficult to fullfill these needs and encounters problems, its role may be undermined and this can adversely affect social values andstandards of its members. It is necessary to protect families against the dysfunctions and pathologies by a social assistance from the state. Social assistance is provided to families that suffer poverty, orphanhood, unemployment and disability. Caring role of the state is also performed for people suffering from domestic violence and helplessness in care and educational matters or while running the household, especially in single-parent family ornumerous families. This thesis contains a description of the family benefits, which are a form of state social policy for children and families. The importance of the family policy of the state towards the people in need are shown on the example of Słopnice community. The study included the types and number of family benefits realized by the Municipal Social Welfare Centre in Słopnice

    Data of the North Atlantic sediments obtained in the Ocean Drilling Program

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    Program głębokich wierceń ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) zrealizowany został w latach 1983-2003. Prace badawcze i wiertnicze prowadzone były w oparciu o statek JOIDES Resolution. Każda z ekspedycji miała wyznaczony szczegółowy cel badawczy, który w efekcie prowadził do lepszego rozpoznania budowy i osadów dna morskiego. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono najważniejsze wyniki badań osadów, z 14 wybranych ekspedycji badawczych ODP (Leg 101, 103, 104, 105, 108, 110, 150, 151, 152, 158, 162, 164, 165, 210), które prowadzono na obszarze Atlantyku Północnego. Szczegółowe raporty publikowane po zakończeniu każdej z wypraw stanowiły podstawowe źródło informacji, służące realizacji celu niniejszej pracy licencjackiej. Materiał osadowy, uzyskany w wyniku wykonanych wierceń, był szczegółowo zbadany i przeanalizowany. Był on zróżnicowany pod względem litologii, miąższości i wieku. Dostarczył wielu nowych informacji na temat historii i ewolucji Północnego Atlantyku od tytonu do holocenu. Została poszerzona wiedza dotycząca zmian klimatycznych, riftingu, sedymentacji i środowiska depozycji w obszarach objętych eksploracją, połączenia między Północnym Atlantykiem a Oceanem Arktycznym, paleocyrkulacji powierzchniowej i głębokowodnej, a także mineralizacji wypływów hydrotermalnych z aktywnych grzbietów. Szczególnie cenne były nowe dane na temat wydarzeń globalnych, których zapis odnaleziono w pobranych sekwencjach osadowych.The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) was implemented in 1983-2003. Research and drilling works were carried out on the basis of the JOIDES Resolution vessel. Each of the expeditions had a specific research goal, which ultimately led to a better recognition of the structure and sediments of the ocean floor. This paper presents the most important results of sediment investigations, from 14 selected ODP expeditions (Leg 101, 103, 104, 105, 108, 110, 150, 151, 152, 158, 162, 164, 165, 210), which were carried out in the area of the North Atlantic. Detailed reports published after each expedition were the basic source of information for the purpose of this thesis. The sedimentary material obtained as a result of drilling was thoroughly examined and analyzed. Recovered sediments varied in terms of lithology, thickness and age. They provided many new information on the history and evolution of the North Atlantic from Tithonian to Holocene. Knowledge about climate changes, rifting, sedimentation and environments of deposition in areas of exploration, connections between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean, surface and deep water paleocirculation as well as mineralization of hydrothermal outflows from active ridges was significantly expanded. New data on the global events, whose records were found in the collected sedimentary sequences, were particularly valuable

    Influence of integration with the European Union on the development of rural areas in Nowa Wies Wielka commune

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    Po wejściu Polski do Unii Europejskiej rozwój obszarów wiejskich znacznie przyśpieszył. Gminy otrzymały wsparcie finansowe z unijnych funduszy, a także budżetu państwa i zaczęły realizować projekty mające na celu poprawę warunków życia na wsi. Zaczęto inwestować w infrastrukturę, ochronę środowiska, kulturę oraz wspierać mieszkańców w podnoszeniu kwalifikacji zawodowych. Badania przeprowadzono od czerwca do listopada 2012 roku. Metodą, którą wykorzystano w badaniach, była analiza pozyskanych dokumentów z gminy Nowa Wieś Wielka oraz badanie metodą sondażową. Ankieta dotyczyła wpływu UE na rozwój obszarów wiejskich oraz poziomu życia w gminie Nowa Wieś Wielka. Dobór respondentów był przypadkowy spośród mieszkańców gminy Nowa Wieś Wielka. Odpowiedzi udzieliły 283 osoby. Z przeanalizowanych dokumentów można wywnioskować, iż gmina Nowa Wieś Wielka aktywnie bierze udział w programach UE, o czym świadczą liczne projekty i zadania przeprowadzane na terenie gminy. Mieszkańcy gminy dobrze oceniali wpływ UE na rozwój obszarów wiejskich oraz byli zadowoleni z poziomu życia na zamieszkiwanym terenie.After joining the European Union, the development of the rural areas in Poland has increased significantly. Both local communities has been given the financial support, and the European Union countries started introducing projects concerning the improvement of the living conditions in the rural areas. The funds have been invested in a number of sectors, such us: infrastructure, environment protection, culture, professional development of people living in these areas. The researches had been conducted from June to November 2012. Two methods were used as a tool for the research: the analysis of the documents, facilitated by the local authorities of Nowa Wieś Wielka, and a survey completed by 283 people, the inhabitants of Nowa Wieś Wielka commune. The questionnaire concerned the influence of the European Union on development of the rural areas and the living conditions in these regions. From the documents analysis it can be concluded that Nowa Wieś Wielka has actively participated in the European projects. It is especially visible in the numerous projects that have been introduced in this area. Also the local inhabitants have a positive opinion about the influence of European Union on the development of the rural areas, and they are satisfied with the living conditions in their region

    Social Status Insecurity and Future Emotional Difficulties in Adolescents: An Examination of Gender Moderation

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    The present study examined gender as the moderator of the associations between social status insecurity (SSI) dimensions and future emotional and behavioral difficulties in a sample of Chinese seventh to ninth graders. Longitudinal relationships between dimensions of social status insecurity and emotional difficulties were found in adolescent boys only, not in girls. Social status insecurity was not found to be longitudinally associated with behavioral difficulties in neither boys nor girls. SSI was positively related to emotional difficulties in boys, offering partial support for our hypotheses. The findings that SSI was not longitudinally related to emotional difficulties in girls suggest that emotional difficulties displayed in girls in the current sample may not be accounted for by the level of SSI they experienced previously. In fact, regardless of how much SSI they experienced, these girls had undergone relatively high emotional difficulties. Moreover, SSI dimensions were not related to future behavioral difficulties in neither group, suggesting that the longitudinal effect of SSI may be more salient in relation to emotional difficulties. Overall, the present findings demonstrate some important gender differences in the relations between SSI and adolescents’ emotional adjustment such that boys may be longitudinally more reactive to SSI.https://via.library.depaul.edu/psychologynight/1191/thumbnail.jp