8,689 research outputs found

    O uso de poleiros para a atração de aves frugívoras em áreas degradadas da Floresta Estacional Semidecidual.

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    Organizado por Patricia Póvoa de Mattos, Celso Garcia Auer, Rejane Stumpf Sberze, Katia Regina Pichelli e Paulo César Botosso

    Hurst Coefficient in long time series of population size: Model for two plant populations with different reproductive strategies

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    Can the fractal dimension of fluctuations in population size be used to estimate extinction risk? The problem with estimating this fractal dimension is that the lengths of the time series are usually too short for conclusive results. This study answered this question with long time series data obtained from an iterative competition model. This model produces competitive extinction at different perturbation intensities for two different germination strategies: germination of all seeds vs. dormancy in half the seeds. This provided long time series of 900 years and different extinction risks. The results support the hypothesis for the effectiveness of the Hurst coefficient for estimating extinction risk

    A mosca-das-frutas e a comercialização de uvas.

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    Na região Sul do Brasil a espécie de mosca-das-frutas que ataca mais frequentemente os parreirais de uvas é a mosca-das-frutas sul americana

    The Distance to the M31 Globular Cluster System

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    The distance to the centroid of the M31 globular cluster system is determined by fitting theoretical isochrones to the observed red-giant branches of fourteen globular clusters in M31. The mean true distance modulus of the M31 globular clusters is found to be 24.47 +/- 0.07 mag. This is consistent with distance modulii for M31 that have been obtained using other distance indicators.Comment: 11 pages, 2 postscript figures, uses aaspp4.sty, to be published in the May 1998 Astronomical Journa

    Influência da rotação de culturas no sistema radicular do milho e em algumas características químicas de um latossolo vermelho-escuro distrófico da região de Sete Lagoas.

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    Em experimento envolvendo rotacao de culturas e adubacao verde na cultura do milho, em um latossolo Vermelho-Escuro distrofico, observou-se um periodo de estiagem prolongada durante a fase de florescimento de milho, sintomas acentuados de murcha em areas de cultivo continuo com milho. Em areas onde se efetuava a rotacao de cultura soja-milho, mucuna-milho, milho + mucuna intercalar-milho, este sintoma nao se repetia. Procurando-se avaliar os beneficios de rotacao de culturas sobre o monocultivo, coletou-se amostras de solo de uma area com 0,20 m2, tendo-se como ponto central a linha de milho. O volume amostrado foi obtido atraves das seguintes profundidades: 0-2 cm, 2-4 cm, 4-6 cm, 6-10 cm, 10-14 cm, 14-18 cm, 18-26 cm, 26-34 cm e 34-42 cm. Apos a coleta do solo + raizes, estas foram separadas e quantificadas (peso) e o solo analisado quimicamente. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a rotacao soja-milho e mucuna-milho, promoveram maior aumento de peso de plantas de milho e maior quantidade de raizes abaixo de 30 cm de profundidade em relacao ao milho continuo e milho com mucuna intercalar. A rotacao soja-milho promoveu uma melhor distribuicao de bases nas camadas mais profundas do solo, aumentando a saturacao de calcio. Houve, nas areas com rotacao mucuna-milho, maiores teores de potassio, calcio e magnesio, em relacao aos demais manejos (soja-milho, milho continuo e milho apos milho + mucuna intercalar)

    Zoned near-zero refractive index fishnet lens antenna: Steering millimeter waves

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    The following article appeared in Pacheco-Pena, V., Orazbayev, B., Beaskoetxea, U., Beruete, M., & Navarro-Cia, M. (n.d). Zoned near-zero refractive index fishnet lens antenna: Steering millimeter waves. Journal Of Applied Physics, 115(12), and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4869436.A zoned fishnet metamaterial lens is designed, fabricated, and experimentally demonstrated at millimeter wavelengths to work as a negative near-zero refractive index lens suitable for compact lens antenna configurations. At the design frequency f=56.7GHz (wavelength = 5.29 mm), the zoned fishnet metamaterial lens, designed to have a focal length FL= 9 wavelengths, exhibits a refractive index n = 0.25. The focusing performance of the diffractive optical element is briefly compared with that of a non-zoned fishnet metamaterial lens and an isotropic homogeneous zoned lens made of a material with the same refractive index. Experimental and numerically-computed radiation diagrams of the fabricated zoned lens are presented and compared in detail with that of a simulated non-zoned lens. Simulation and experimental results are in good agreement, demonstrating an enhancement generated by the zoned lens of 10.7 dB, corresponding to a gain of 12.26 dB. Moreover, beam steering capability of the structure by shifting the feeder on the xz-plane is demonstrated.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Government under contract Consolider Engineering Metamaterials CSD2008-00066 and Contract No. TEC2011- 28664-C02-01. V.P.-P. is sponsored by Spanish Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte under Grant No. FPU AP- 2012-3796. B.O. is sponsored by Spanish Ministerio de Economıa y Competitividad under Grant No. FPI BES-2012- 054909. M.B. is sponsored by the Spanish Government via RYC-2011-08221. M. N.-C. is supported by the Imperial College Junior Research Fellowship