5,351 research outputs found

    Strategic Maneuvering in Treatment Decision-Making Discussions: Two Cases in Point

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    Over the past decade, the ideal model of shared decision-making has been increasingly promoted as the preferred standard of doctor-patient communication in medical consultation. The model advocates a treatment decision-making process in which the doctor and his patient are considered coequal partners that carefully negotiate the treatment options available in order to ultimately reach a treatment decision that is mutually shared. Thereby, the model notably leaves room for—and stimulates—argumentative discussions to arise in the context of medical consultation. A paradigm example of a discussion that often emerges between doctors and their patients concerns antibiotics as a method of treatment for what is presumed to be a viral infection. Whereas the doctor will generally not encourage treatment with antibiotics, patients oftentimes prefer the medicine to other methods of treatment. In this paper, two cases of such antibiotic-related discussions in consultation are studied using insights gained in the extended pragma-dialectical theory to argumentation. It is examined how patient and physician maneuver strategically in order to maintain a balance between dialectical reasonableness and rhetorical effectiveness, as well as an equilibrium between patient participation and evidence-based medication, while arguing a case for and against antibiotics respectivel

    Aster op substraat: Proef met teelt op goten met eb/vloed en met druppelaars

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    Referaat Door asters op substraat te telen is ruimtewinst te genereren waardoor een jaarrondteelt eerder rendabel kan worden. Er is een jaarrond kasproef uitgevoerd met vier Astercultivars op drie verschillende teeltsystemen met twee typen kokos. Er zijn vijf teeltrondes uitgevoerd door hetzelfde plantmateriaal te laten hergroeien. In aantal kilogram was op alle systemen jaarrond een goede groei te realiseren en er waren nauwelijks verschillen tussen de teeltsystemen en de kokos. Wel waren er grote verschillen tussen de cultivars in aantal goede takken. Voor een vegetatieve hergroei en ter voorkoming van uitval is een goede beheersing van vochtgehalte en EC bij start van de teelt belangrijk. Ook kan de pH aan het einde van de vegetatieve periode te hoog oplopen. Het bemestingsschema dient hierop aangepast te worden met meer NH4 en minder K in de vegetatieve fase dan in de generatieve fase. Er is een teeltplan opgesteld voor klimaat en nutriënten per teeltstadium. Dit project is gefinancierd door Productschap Tuinbouw, Greenport Campus en Kwekerij Zijdezicht

    White-Collar Crime: Diversity and Discrimination in Sentencing

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    White-collar crimes cause businesses and individuals to lose billions of dollars a year. This paper discusses the criminal justice system in regard to the white-collar crime and discrimination by the basis of gender and race within sentencing. First an analysis is given on who commits white-collar crimes, by looking at the rates and motives of those committing white-collar crimes on the basis of first gender and race. An analysis through literature review compares sentencing of females and people of color compared with the rates of white males who make up the majority of those committing white-collar crimes. The findings suggest that men are imprisoned more than women for white-collar crimes, due to societal views and rates of participation, but in the case of race, people of color commit less white-collar crimes and are imprisoned at higher rates due to fines, bias, and the systems in place

    Traverses et misères dans les contes et dans la vie : Essai de systématisation d’un réflexe de chercheure

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    Selon les conteurs rencontrés par l’auteure dans les années 1970, les contes merveilleux sont des « histoires de traverses » ou des « histoires de misères », que la plupart avaient appris en mémorisant les « go » et les « stops » des trajectoires des personnages. Ces conteurs vivaient ces contes comme la traversée, remplie de risques et de difficultés, d’un monde imaginaire à visualiser d’un point de départ à un point d’arrivée. Ces traversées résonnaient sans doute dans leur propre vie comme leur vie résonnait dans leurs contes. Ce faisant, ils se transmettaient des récits structurés pleins d’un sens que nous ne finissons jamais d’épuiser. En marge des travaux de typologie qui aident les chercheurs à relier entre eux « tous les contes qu’il y a au monde », l’auteure s’interroge sur ce que nous pouvons apprendre en abordant de façon topographique, voire topologique, les contes qui nous ont été ainsi transmis. Elle détaille dans cet article comment le réflexe topologique qu’elle a développé en étudiant les contes nourrit maintenant son rapport au monde, de même qu’elle tente une systématisation de ce réflexe de chercheure pour qui des constellations de sens figurés et de sens propres entrent parfois en coïncidence sur de riches séquences.According to the storytellers the author encountered in the 1970s, great tales are “stories involving crossings” or “stories involving misery” that many of them had learned by memorizing the “goings” and the “haltings” along the characters’ paths. These storytellers lived these tales like the crossing, filled with risks and difficulties, of an imaginary world to be visualized from the beginning to the end. These crossings undoubtedly resonated in their own lives just as their lives resonated in the tales. As such, they have transmitted structured accounts that are full of meaning that is inexhaustable. Along with the typology work that helps researchers link “all the tales that exist in the world”, the author wonders what we can learn from approaching tales that were transmitted to us from a topographic, or even topological, point of view. In this article, she describes how the topological reflex that she has developed by studying tales now nurtures her relationship with the world. She also attempts to systematize her “researcher’s reflex”, to sometimes catch constellations of figurative meanings and literal meanings coinciding in rich sequences
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