1,121 research outputs found

    Wood modification in Slovenia

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    Epidemiology of the Sexually Transmitted Infections

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    Značenje spolno prenosivih infekcija viÅ”eznačno je i golemo opterećenje za morbiditet i mortalitet, ne samo u zemljama s ograničenim ekonomskim resursima već i u razvijenim zemljama. Spolno prenosive infekcije su jedan od vodećih uzroka akutnih bolesti, kroničnog oÅ”tećenja zdravlja i smrtnosti, s mogućim teÅ”kim medicinskim i psiholoÅ”kim posljedicama za milijune žena, muÅ”karaca i dojenčadi. U radu su prikazani epidemioloÅ”ka situacija i kretanje spolno prenosivih infekcija u svijetu, Europskoj regiji i Hrvatskoj i opisana je procjena opterećenja boleŔću izražena u godinama izgubljenog života i godinama života sa smanjenom kvalitetom zbog sprječivih spolno prenosivih infekcija, kao i HIV/AIDS-a. Temeljem istraživanja u adolescentnoj populaciji opisuje se kompleksnost rizičnih ponaÅ”anja mladih te slijedom smjernica Globalne strategije za sprječavanje i kontrolu spolno prenosivih infekcija Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije upozorava se na mjere i aktivnosti koje mogu unaprijediti reproduktivno zdravlje populacije.Sexually transmitted infections have a complex impact and they are a great burden not only in countries with limited economic resources, but in developed countries as well. Sexually transmitted infections are one of the leading causes of acute diseases, chronic health impairment and mortality, and they may have severe medical and psychological consequences for millions of women, men and infants. This article presents the epidemiological situation and trends on the global level, and in Europe and Croatia. The burden of disease assessment is described using Years of Life Lost and Disability Adjusted Life Years due to preventable sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS. The complexity of risk behavior is described on the basis of research findings in adolescents. The measures and activities focusing on reproductive health improvement are given in accordance with the guidelines of the WHO Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Infections

    Mononuclear and dinuclear molybdenum(VI) complexes with 2-aminobenzhydrazide derivatives

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    U ovom diplomskom radu ispitani su uvjeti nastajanja kompleksa molibdena(VI) s derivatima 2-aminobenzhidrazida koji sadrže O i N donorne atome. Provedene su reakcije H2Sal-2- HBNH2 (2-amino-N'-[(2-hidroksifenil)metiliden]benzhidrazid), H2Van-2-HBNH2 (2-amino- N'-(2-hidroksi-3-metoksibenziliden)benzhidrazid) i H24OMeSal-2-HBNH2 (2-amino-N'-(2- hidroksi-4-metoksibenziliden)benzhidrazid) s bis(pentan-2,4-dionato)dioksomolibdenom(VI) pri različitim temperaturama u metanolu i acetontrilu te su priređeni kompleksi [MoO2(Sal-2- HBNH2)(MeOH)], [MoO2(Sal-2-HBNH2)]2 (forma I i forma II), [MoO2(Van-2-HBNH2)]2, [MoO2(4OMeSal-2-HBNH2)(MeOH)], [MoO2(4OMeSal-2-HBNH2)]2 i [MoO2(Sal-2- HBNH2)]2āˆ™2CH3CN. Svi produkti okarakterizirani su IR spektroskopijom, klasičnom kemijskom analizom, termičkom analizom te difrakcijom rentgenskog zračenja na polikristalnom uzorku. Molekulska i kristalna struktura određena je difrakcijom rentgenskog zračenja na monokristalnom uzorku za sve spojeve osim [MoO2(Van-2-HBNH2)]2.In this Diploma Thesis synthesis conditions to obtain molybdenum(VI) complexes with 2- aminobenzhydrazide derivatives containing O and N donor atoms were studied. The reactions of H2Sal-2-HBNH2 (2-amino-N'-[(2-hydroxyphenyl)methylidene]benzhydrazide), H2Van-2- HBNH2 (2-amino-N'-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene)benzhydrazide) and H24OMeSal-2- HBNH2 (2-amino-N'-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzylidene)benzhydrazide) with bis(pentan-2,4- dionato)dioxomolybdenum(VI) were carried out at various temperatures in methanol and acetonitrile, and following complexes were prepared: [MoO2(Sal-2-HBNH2)(MeOH)], [MoO2(Sal-2-HBNH2)]2 (form I i form II), [MoO2(Van-2-HBNH2)]2, [MoO2(4OMeSal-2- HBNH2)(MeOH)], [MoO2(4OMeSal-2-HBNH2)]2 i [MoO2(Sal-2-HBNH2)]2āˆ™2CH3CN. All products were characterized by IR spectroscopy, classic chemical analysis, thermal analysis and X-ray powder diffraction. Molecular and crystal structure was determined by the singlecrystal X-ray diffraction for all compounds except for [MoO2(Van-2-HBNH2)]2

    Posterior Regularization for Learning with Side Information and Weak Supervision

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    Supervised machine learning techniques have been very successful for a variety of tasks and domains including natural language processing, computer vision, and computational biology. Unfortunately, their use often requires creation of large problem-specific training corpora that can make these methods prohibitively expensive. At the same time, we often have access to external problem-specific information that we cannot alway easily incorporate. We might know how to solve the problem in another domain (e.g. for a different language); we might have access to cheap but noisy training data; or a domain expert might be available who would be able to guide a human learner much more efficiently than by simply creating an IID training corpus. A key challenge for weakly supervised learning is then how to incorporate such kinds of auxiliary information arising from indirect supervision. In this thesis, we present Posterior Regularization, a probabilistic framework for structured, weakly supervised learning. Posterior Regularization is applicable to probabilistic models with latent variables and exports a language for specifying constraints or preferences about posterior distributions of latent variables. We show that this language is powerful enough to specify realistic prior knowledge for a variety applications in natural language processing. Additionally, because Posterior Regularization separates model complexity from the complexity of structural constraints, it can be used for structured problems with relatively little computational overhead. We apply Posterior Regularization to several problems in natural language processing including word alignment for machine translation, transfer of linguistic resources across languages and grammar induction. Additionally, we find that we can apply Posterior Regularization to the problem of multi-view learning, achieving particularly good results for transfer learning. We also explore the theoretical relationship between Posterior Regularization and other proposed frameworks for encoding this kind of prior knowledge, and show a close relationship to Constraint Driven Learning as well as to Generalized Expectation Constraints

    The Law of Deliberative Democracy, by Ron Levy and Graeme Orr

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    The Law of Deliberative Democracy, written by Ron Levy, a senior lecturer at the Australian National University, and Graeme Orr, a professor of law at the University of Queensland, has broken critical new ground in the practical application and expansion of deliberative democratic theory. The core concept for deliberative democrats is that the exercise of political power is only legitimate when it is justified by conversation and consensus with a broad range of citizens. With this book, Levy and Orr examine the degree to which the laws of politics measure up with the ideals of deliberative democracy, as well as how and why they should. In doing so, the authors ask an important question: To what extent does election lawā€“ā€“the body of laws regulating parties, candidates, voters, and other actors involved in representative electionsā€“ā€“encourage or inhibit deliberation, by the citizenry, about the mechanics of their democracy
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