3,196 research outputs found

    Chiral Behaviour of the Rho Meson in Lattice QCD

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    In order to guide the extrapolation of the mass of the rho meson calculated in lattice QCD with dynamical fermions, we study the contributions to its self-energy which vary most rapidly as the quark mass approaches zero; from the processes ρωπ\rho \to \omega \pi and ρππ\rho \to \pi \pi. It turns out that in analysing the most recent data from CP-PACS it is crucial to estimate the self-energy from ρππ\rho \to \pi \pi using the same grid of discrete momenta as included implicitly in the lattice simulation. The correction associated with the continuum, infinite volume limit can then be found by calculating the corresponding integrals exactly. Our error analysis suggests that a factor of 10 improvement in statistics at the lowest quark mass for which data currently exists would allow one to determine the physical rho mass to within 5%. Finally, our analysis throws new light on a long-standing problem with the J-parameter.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Full analytic forms of the self-energies are included and a correction in the omega-pi self-energ

    Chiral Extrapolation of Lattice Data for Heavy Baryons

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    The masses of heavy baryons containing a b quark have been calculated numerically in lattice QCD with pion masses which are much larger than its physical value. In the present work we extrapolate these lattice data to the physical mass of the pion by applying the effective chiral Lagrangian for heavy baryons, which is invariant under chiral symmetry when the light quark masses go to zero and heavy quark symmetry when the heavy quark masses go to infinity. A phenomenological functional form with three parameters, which has the correct behavior in the chiral limit and appropriate behavior when the pion mass is large, is proposed to extrapolate the lattice data. It is found that the extrapolation deviates noticably from the naive linear extrapolation when the pion mass is smaller than about 500MeV. The mass differences between Sigma_b and Sigma_b^* and between Sigma_b^{(*)} and Lambda_b are also presented. Uncertainties arising from both lattice data and our model parameters are discussed in detail. We also give a comparision of the results in our model with those obtained in the naive linear extrapolations.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Enhanced Inflorescence Development in Bougainvillea

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    Sub-Nyquist Field Trial Using Time Frequency Packed DP-QPSK Super-Channel Within Fixed ITU-T Grid

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    Sub-Nyquist time frequency packing technique was demonstrated for the first time in a super channel field trial transmission over long-haul distances. The technique allows a limited spectral occupancy even with low order modulation formats. The transmission was successfully performed on a deployed Australian link between Sydney and Melbourne which included 995 km of uncompensated SMF with coexistent traffic. 40 and 100 Gb/s co-propagating channels were transmitted together with the super-channel in a 50 GHz ITU-T grid without additional penalty. The super-channel consisted of eight sub-channels with low-level modulation format, i.e. DP-QPSK, guaranteeing better OSNR robustness and reduced complexity with respect to higher order formats. At the receiver side, coherent detection was used together with iterative maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) detection and decoding. A 975 Gb/s DP-QPSK super-channel was successfully transmitted between Sydney and Melbourne within four 50GHz WSS channels (200 GHz). A maximum potential SE of 5.58 bit/s/Hz was achieved with an OSNR=15.8 dB, comparable to the OSNR of the installed 100 Gb/s channels. The system reliability was proven through long term measurements. In addition, by closing the link in a loop back configuration, a potential SE*d product of 9254 bit/s/Hz*km was achieved

    The AmiC/NlpD Pathway Dominates Peptidoglycan Breakdown in Neisseria meningitidis and Affects Cell Separation, NOD1 Agonist Production, and Infection

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    The human-restricted pathogen Neisseria meningitidis, which is best known for causing invasive meningococcal disease, has a nonpathogenic lifestyle as an asymptomatic colonizer of the human naso- and oropharyngeal space. N. meningitidis releases small peptidoglycan (PG) fragments during growth. It was demonstrated previously that N. meningitidis releases low levels of tripeptide PG monomer, which is an inflammatory molecule recognized by the human intracellular innate immune receptor NOD1. In this present study, we demonstrated that N. meningitidis released more PG-derived peptides compared to PG monomers. Using a reporter cell line overexpressing human NOD1, we showed that N. meningitidis activates NOD1 using PG-derived peptides. Generation of such peptides required the presence of the periplasmic N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase AmiC, and the outer membrane lipoprotein, NlpD. AmiC and NlpD were found to function in cell separation, and mutation of either amiC or nlpD resulted in large clumps of unseparated N. meningitidis cells instead of the characteristic diplococci. Using stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy, we demonstrated that FLAG epitope-tagged NlpD localized to the septum, while similarly-tagged AmiC was found at the septum in some diplococci but distributed around the cell in most cases. In a human whole blood infection assay, an nlpD mutant was severely attenuated and showed particular sensitivity to complement. Thus, in N. meningitidis the cell separation proteins AmiC and NlpD are necessary for NOD1 stimulation and for survival during infection of human blood

    Distribution of selenium in zebrafish larvae after exposure to organic and inorganic selenium forms

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    Selenium is an essential micronutrient for many organisms, and in vertebrates has a variety of roles associated with protection from reactive oxygen species. Over the past two decades there have been conflicting reports upon human health benefits and detriments arising from consumption of selenium dietary supplements. Thus, early studies report a decrease in the incidence of certain types of cancer, whereas subsequent studies did not observe any anti-cancer effect, and adverse effects such as increased risks for type 2 diabetes have been reported. A possible contributing factor may be that different chemical forms of selenium were used in different studies. Using larval stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model organism, we report a comparison of the toxicities and tissue selenium distributions of four different chemical forms of selenium. We find that the organic forms of selenium tested (Se-methyl-l-selenocysteine and l-selenomethionine) show considerably more toxicity than inorganic forms (selenite and selenate), and that this appears to be correlated with the level of bioaccumulation. Despite differences in concentrations, the tissue specific pattern of selenium accumulation was similar for the chemical forms tested; selenium was found to be highly concentrated in pigment (melanin) containing tissues especially for the organic selenium treatments, with lower concentrations in eye lens, yolk sac and heart. These results suggest that pigmented tissues might serve as a storage reservoir for selenium. © 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Chiral extrapolation of lattice data for the hyperfine splittings of heavy mesons

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    Hyperfine splittings between the heavy vector (D*, B*) and pseudoscalar (D, B) mesons have been calculated numerically in lattice QCD, where the pion mass (which is related to the light quark mass) is much larger than its physical value. Naive linear chiral extrapolations of the lattice data to the physical mass of the pion lead to hyperfine splittings which are smaller than experimental data. In order to extrapolate these lattice data to the physical mass of the pion more reasonably, we apply the effective chiral perturbation theory for heavy mesons, which is invariant under chiral symmetry when the light quark masses go to zero and heavy quark symmetry when the heavy quark masses go to infinity. This leads to a phenomenological functional form with three parameters to extrapolate the lattice data. It is found that the extrapolated hyperfine splittings are even smaller than those obtained using linear extrapolation. We conclude that the source of the discrepancy between lattice data for hyperfine splittings and experiment must lie in non-chiral physics.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    Investigating genome wide DNA methylation in bronchial and lung fibroblasts from healthy individuals and individuals with COPD

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    Rationale: Lung fibroblasts are implicated in respiratory disease pathology including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Phenotypic differences between fibroblasts isolated from the bronchi versus the lung parenchyma have been described but no studies have compared the cell types on a genome wide scale. DNA methylation is a reversible modification of the DNA structure with the ability to affect cell function via the alteration of gene expression. Here we compared genome wide DNA methylation profiles from bronchial and lung fibroblasts and assessed modification to these profiles in cells isolated from individuals with COPD. Methods: DNA was isolated from lung (LgF) and bronchial fibroblasts (BrF) at passage 4 and bisulphite treated. Site specific, quantitative genome wide methylation was determined using the Illumina 450K Infinium Methylation BeadChip array. Linear modelling and DMRcate functions identified differentially methylated sites and regions respectively between BrF and LgF and from cells isolated from healthy individuals versus those with COPD. Results: 3980 CpG (methylation) sites significantly differed, following Bonferroni correction, between BrF and LgF isolated from healthy individuals. These sites had a broad distribution of effect size, with 240 CpG sites displaying a difference in methylation of >50%. 78 of these sites were validated in a second cohort of matched BrF and LgF isolated from the same individuals. There was genomic proximity to these sites and DMRcate was used to refine the individual CpG sites to 5 regions of interest associated with 5 genes; HLX, TWIST1, CREB5, SKAP2 and PRDM16. Differences in methylation were less pronounced when comparing cells isolated from healthy individuals to those with COPD. In BrF 47 DMRcate regions were identified with a maximum difference in methylation of at least 20%. In LgF 3 DMRcate regions were identified with a maximum difference in methylation of at least 20%. Conclusions: DNA methylation profiles are significantly different between BrF and LgF but only small modifications are associated with COPD. Future work will focus on validating a methylation based marker of lung versus bronchial fibroblasts to differentiate cell types by validating our differential DNA methylation observations with gene/protein expression

    Beef production from feedstuffs conserved using new technologies to reduce negative environmental impacts

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    End of project reportMost (ca. 86%) Irish farms make some silage. Besides directly providing feed for livestock, the provision of grass silage within integrated grassland systems makes an important positive contribution to effective grazing management and improved forage utilisation by grazing animals, and to effective feed budgeting by farmers. It can also contribute to maintaining the content of desirable species in pastures, and to livestock not succumbing to parasites at sensitive times of the year. Furthermore, the optimal recycling of nutrients collected from housed livestock can often be best achieved by spreading the manures on the land used for producing the conserved feed. On most Irish farms, grass silage will remain the main conserved forage for feeding to livestock during winter for the foreseeable future. However, on some farms high yields of whole-crop (i.e. grain + straw) cereals such as wheat, barley and triticale, and of forage maize, will be an alternative option provided that losses during harvesting, storage and feedout are minimised and that input costs are restrained. These alternative forages have the potential to reliably support high levels of animal performance while avoiding the production of effluent. Their production and use however will need to advantageously integrate into ruminant production systems. A range of technologies can be employed for crop production and conservation, and for beef production, and the optimal options need to be identified. Beef cattle being finished indoors are offered concentrate feedstuffs at rates that range from modest inputs through to ad libitum access. Such concentrates frequently contain high levels of cereals such as barley or wheat. These cereals are generally between 14% to 18% moisture content and tend to be rolled shortly before being included in coarse rations or are more finely processed prior to pelleting. Farmers thinking of using ‘high-moisture grain’ techniques for preserving and processing cereal grains destined for feeding to beef cattle need to know how the yield, conservation efficiency and feeding value of such grains compares with grains conserved using more conventional techniques. European Union policy strongly encourages a sustainable and multifunctional agriculture. Therefore, in addition to providing European consumers with quality food produced within approved systems, agriculture must also contribute positively to the conservation of natural resources and the upkeep of the rural landscape. Plastics are widely used in agriculture and their post-use fate on farms must not harm the environment - they must be managed to support the enduring sustainability of farming systems. There is an absence of information on the efficacy of some new options for covering and sealing silage with plastic sheeting and tyres, and an absence of an inventory of the use, re-use and post-use fate of plastic film on farms. Irish cattle farmers operate a large number of beef production systems, half of which use dairy bred calves. In the current, continuously changing production and market conditions, new beef systems must be considered. A computer package is required that will allow the rapid, repeatable simulation and assessment of alternate beef production systems using appropriate, standardised procedures. There is thus a need to construct, evaluate and utilise computer models of components of beef production systems and to develop mathematical relationships to link system components into a network that would support their integration into an optimal system model. This will provide a framework to integrate physical and financial on-farm conditions with models for estimating feed supply and animal growth patterns. Cash flow and profit/loss results will be developed. This will help identify optimal systems, indicate the cause of failure of imperfect systems and identify areas where applied research data are currently lacking, or more basic research is required