184 research outputs found

    Releasing Authority Chairs: A Comparative Snapshot Across Three Decades

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    This report provides a comparative analysis of releasing authority chairs' views of the issues and challenges confronting them at two points in time: 1988 and 2015. Drawing from two surveys, oneĀ conductedĀ during the tenure of anĀ ACA Parole Task Force that functioned from 1986-1988, and the other a survey published in 2016 by the Robina Institute calledĀ The Continuing Leverage of Releasing Authorities: Findings from a National Survey,Ā thisĀ new publication highlights both change and constancy relative to a wide range of comparative markers including, but not limited to, structured decision tools, prison crowding and risk aversion, and the myriad factors considered in granting or denying parole

    The Reproductive Biology of Two Common Surfzone Associated Sciaenids, Yellowfin Croaker (Umbrina roncador) and Spotfin Croaker (Roncador stearnsii), from Southern California

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    Yellowfin croaker (Umbrina roncador) and spotfin croaker (Roncador stearnsii) were collected from San Clemente, California from May through September 2006. Both species were analyzed to determine batch fecundity. Yellowfin croaker ovaries were also histologically examined to describe their summer spawning activity. Batch fecundity in spotfin croaker (n 5 13) females ranged from 35,169 to 640,703 described by the equations BF 5 1.59E-07SL5.01 for length and BF 5 13.51W1.60 for total body weight. Yellowfin croaker (n 5 16) females batch fecundity ranged from 99,259 to 405,967 and was described by the equations BF 5 2.4E- 04SL2.02 for length or BF 5 0.33W0.68 for total body weight. Yellowfin croaker spawning was determined to begin by June and end by September

    Advanced power sources for space missions

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    Approaches to satisfying the power requirements of space-based Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) missions are studied. The power requirements for non-SDI military space missions and for civil space missions of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are also considered. The more demanding SDI power requirements appear to encompass many, if not all, of the power requirements for those missions. Study results indicate that practical fulfillment of SDI requirements will necessitate substantial advances in the state of the art of power technology. SDI goals include the capability to operate space-based beam weapons, sometimes referred to as directed-energy weapons. Such weapons pose unprecedented power requirements, both during preparation for battle and during battle conditions. The power regimes for these two sets of applications are referred to as alert mode and burst mode, respectively. Alert-mode power requirements are presently stated to range from about 100 kW to a few megawatts for cumulative durations of about a year or more. Burst-mode power requirements are roughly estimated to range from tens to hundreds of megawatts for durations of a few hundred to a few thousand seconds. There are two likely energy sources, chemical and nuclear, for powering SDI directed-energy weapons during the alert and burst modes. The choice between chemical and nuclear space power systems depends in large part on the total duration during which power must be provided. Complete study findings, conclusions, and eight recommendations are reported

    Characterization of U-Mo Foils for AFIP-7

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    Twelve AFIP in-process foil samples, fabricated by either Y-12 or LANL, were shipped from LANL to PNNL for potential characterization using optical and scanning electron microscopy techniques. Of these twelve, nine different conditions were examined to one degree or another using both techniques. For this report a complete description of the results are provided for one archive foil from each source of material, and one unirradiated piece of a foil of each source that was irradiated in the Advanced Test Reactor. Additional data from two other LANL conditions are summarized in very brief form in an appendix. The characterization revealed that all four characterized conditions contained a cold worked microstructure to different degrees. The Y-12 foils exhibited a higher degree of cold working compared to the LANL foils, as evidenced by the highly elongated and obscure U-Mo grain structure present in each foil. The longitudinal orientations for both of the Y-12 foils possesses a highly laminar appearance with such a distorted grain structure that it was very difficult to even offer a range of grain sizes. The U-Mo grain structure of the LANL foils, by comparison, consisted of a more easily discernible grain structure with a mix of equiaxed and elongated grains. Both materials have an inhomogenous grain structure in that all of the characterized foils possess abnormally coarse grains

    Update on Mechanical Analysis of Monolithic Fuel Plates

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    Results on the relative bond strength of the fuel-clad interface in monolithic fuel plates have been presented at previous RRFM conferences. An understanding of mechanical properties of the fuel, cladding, and fuel / cladding interface has been identified as an important area of investigation and quantification for qualification of monolithic fuel forms. Significant progress has been made in the area of mechanical analysis of the monolithic fuel plates, including mechanical property determination of fuel foils, cladding processed by both hot isostatic pressing and friction bonding, and the fuel-clad composite. In addition, mechanical analysis of fabrication induced residual stress has been initiated, along with a study to address how such stress can be relieved prior to irradiation. Results of destructive examinations and mechanical tests are presented along with analysis and supporting conclusions. A brief discussion of alternative non-destructive evaluation techniques to quantify not only bond quality, but also bond integrity and strength, will also be provided. These are all necessary steps to link out-of-pile observations as a function of fabrication with in-pile behaviours
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