456,805 research outputs found

    The Redemptive Act of Reading: Richard Crashaw & the Teresean Liturgy

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    The essay entitled “The Redemptive Act of Reading: Richard Crashaw and the Teresean liturgy” written by Alexandra Finn-Atkins is centered on Richard Crashaw’s trilogy of poems dedicated to the sixteenth century Saint Teresa of Ávila. The trilogy consists of “The Hymne,” “An Apologie” and “The Flaming Heart” and makes a subtle comparison between the act of reading Saint Teresa of Ávila and the Christian liturgy. The essay innovatively analyzes the ‘Teresean liturgy’ established by Crashaw through the external and internal liturgical elements of the Christian liturgy that are used to describe Crashaw’s personal experience reading the religious writings of Saint Teresa. The presence of liturgical elements unites the personal aspect of devotional reading with the public aspect of the liturgy. The external liturgical elements include the tabernacle, the use of incense, the Eucharist and the Litany of the Book of Common Prayer, while the internal ones exemplify the glorification of God and the mystery of Redemption in Christ. In general, the subtle comparison between reading and the Christian liturgy allows Crashaw to exalt the trans formative power found in reading Saint Teresa and advocate for an unconventional type of reading – one that turns away from the mind and towards the heart

    Phonon softening and dispersion in the 1D Holstein model of spinless fermions

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    We investigate the effect of electron-phonon interaction on the phononic properties in the one-dimensional half-filled Holstein model of spinless fermions. By means of determinantal Quantum Monte Carlo simulation we show that the behavior of the phonon dynamics gives a clear signal of the transition to a charge-ordered phase, and the phase diagram obtained in this way is in excellent agreement with previous DMRG results. By analyzing the phonon propagator we extract the renormalized phonon frequency, and study how it first softens as the transition is approached and then subsequently hardens in the charge-ordered phase. We then show how anharmonic features develop in the phonon propagator, and how the interaction induces a sizable dispersion of the dressed phonon in the non-adiabatic regime.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    The Beauty of the Ethical: An Everyday Ethics that Brings Grace to Life

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    Excerpt: Malcolm Muggeridge entitled his reflection on Mother Teresa Something Beautiful for God. Perhaps the force of that expression does not immediately strike us, but consider how curious a statement it is: that here was something—an act, a project, a life—beautiful for God. By far the most curious aspect, and the hardest to see afresh and not as mere formula, is that it was for God; but I leave that to a subsequent essay, with only the saints, here Teresa and Irenaeus, to point toward my sequel. For now note instead that it was something beautiful

    Death or Deliverance: Canadian Courts Martial in the Great War (Book Review) by Teresa Iacobelli

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    Review of Death or Deliverance: Canadian Courts Martial in the Great War. Teresa Iacobelli. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2013. Pp. 175

    Forum in Musicology, May 10, 1995

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    This is the concert program of the Forum in Musicology performance on Wednesday, May 10, 1995 at 7:00 p.m., at the Marshall Room, 855 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Lecturers were Teresa Neff, Eftychia Papanikolaou, David Polan, and Jane Snyder. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund


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    Teresa Moure. Ecolingüística: entre a ciencia e a ética.

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    Review: Teresa Moure: Ecolingüística: entre a ciencia e a ética. A Coruña: Universidade, Servizo de Publicacións, 2011, 132 páxinas.Reseña: Teresa Moure: Ecolingüística: entre a ciencia e a ética. A Coruña: Universidade, Servizo de Publicacións, 2011, 132 páxinas.Recensión: Teresa Moure: Ecolingüística: entre a ciencia e a ética. A Coruña: Universidade, Servizo de Publicacións, 2011, 132 páxinas.Resenha: Teresa Moure: Ecolingüística: entre a ciencia e a ética. A Coruña: Universidade, Servizo de Publicacións, 2011, 132 páxinas

    Joint Attention, Union with God, and the Dark Night of the Soul

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    Eleonore Stump has argued that the fulfilment of union between God and human beings requires a mode of relatedness that can be compared to joint attention, a phenomenon studied in contemporary experimental psychology. Stump’s account of union, however, is challenged by the fact that mother Teresa, despite her apparent manifestation of the love of God to others, herself experienced an interior ”dark night of the soul’ during which God seemed to be absent and to have rejected her completely. The dark night of the soul poses a problem for Stump’s account, since, if anyone had a union of divine love with God, it would seem that mother Teresa did. Nevertheless, I argue that the isolation and abandonment of mother Teresa’s dark night are contrary to the conditions assumed to be required for joint attention with God. As an alternative to Stump’s account, I suggest that the dark night of the soul might be better understood by reference to a combination of joint attention and blindsight, according to which interpersonal closeness might be realized through a consistent pattern of external actions without, however, a direct awareness of one person by the other

    Santa Teresa de Jesús en el cuarto centenario de su nacimiento

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2013Contiene : Santa Teresa de Jesús, la mujer y la española / Miguel S. Oliver ; Santa Teresa de Jesús y su apostolado de amor / Blanca de los Ríos de Lampérez ; Santa Teresa, maestra de mística / Francisco Frutos

    Fue levado mi entendimiento: Teresa de Cartagena y la escritura mística en femenino

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    Resumen: En torno a los años 1470-1475, la religiosa Teresa de Cartagena (sobrina del prestigioso humanista Alonso de Cartagena) deseó y necesitó escribir sobre su personal experiencia en femenino del amor divino, y nos legó dos valiosos tratados que abren la senda de los diversos textos compuestos por religiosas castellanas del siglo XVI. La escritora burgalesa destaca meritoriamente en la historia de la literatura bajomedieval y puede considerarse una digna precedente de la gran escritora Teresa de Jesús. Ambas comparten ciertas similitudes biográficas y espirituales que merecen tenerse en cuenta a la hora de diseñar una genealogía de autoras de literatura espiritual en lengua castellana.   Palabras clave: Literatura espiritual, primeras escritoras, mística española, Teresa de CartagenaAbstract: Around the years 1470-1475, the nun Teresa de Cartagena (niece of the renowned humanist Alfonso de Cartagena) wanted and needed to write about her personal female experience of God’s love, and left us two valuable treatises that open the path to the writings composed by 16th-century Castilian nuns. Teresa stands out meritoriously in the history of late medieval literature and she can be considered a worthy precursor of the great Teresa de Jesús. Both women writers share certain biographical and spiritual similarities that deserve to be taken into account when designing a genealogy of female authors of spiritual literature in Spanish.   Keywords: Spiritual literature, early women writers, Spanish mysticism, Teresa de Cartagena