74,149 research outputs found

    Gabriele von Bülow

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    GABRIELE VON BÜLOW Gabriele von Bülow / Sydow, Anna von (Public Domain) ( - ) Cover front ( - ) Abbildung: Adelheid und Gabriele v. Humboldt / Schick, Gottlieb ( - ) Title page ( - ) Dedication ( - ) Preface ( - ) Contents ([VII]) I. Das Elternhaus 1791-1802. Heirath Wilhelm v. Humboldts. Reisen in Spanien und Frankreich. Rückkehr in die Heimath ([1]) II. Gabriele. Kindheit in Rom 1802-1810 ([26]) III. Gabriele. Aufenthalt in Wien 1810 bis 1814. Reise durch die Schweiz nach Berlin 1814. Adelheids Heirath 1815. Einsegnung. Reise nach Frankfurt a. M. 1816 ([73]) IV. Heinrich v. Bülow. Leben in Frankfurt a. M. Verlobung 30. Oktober 1816 ([102]) V. Brautstand 1816-1821 ([120]) Abbildung: Gabriele v. Humboldt als Braut 1817 in Rom / von Schadow, Wilhelm ( - ) VI. Die ersten Jahre der Ehe 1821-1828 ([177]) VII. Bülows in London 1828-1833 ([198]) VIII. Gabrielens Besuch in Deutschland 1833-1835 ([315]) IX. Noch ein Jahr in London 1835-1836 ([355]) X. Trennungszeit 1836-1841 ([362]) XI. Bülows letzte Jahre im Staatsdienst 1841-1845, Krankheit und Tod 1846 ([489]) XII. Wittwenzeit 1846-1887 ([508]) Fotografie: Gabriele von Büwlo, geb. von Humboldt ( - ) Namen- und Sachregister ([563]) Stammbaum ( - ) Cover back ( - ) ColorChart ( -

    Maximum mass and universal relations of rotating relativistic hybrid hadron-quark stars

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    We construct equilibrium models of uniformly and differentially rotating hybrid hadron-quark stars using equations of state (EOSs) with a first-order phase transition that gives rise to a third family of compact objects. We find that the ratio of the maximum possible mass of uniformly rotating configurations - the supramassive limit - to the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) limit mass is not EOS-independent, and is between 1.15 and 1.31,in contrast with the value of 1.20 previously found for hadronic EOSs. Therefore, some of the constraints placed on the EOS from the observation of the gravitational wave event GW170817 do not apply to hadron-quark EOSs. However, the supramassive limit mass for the family of EOSs we treat is consistent with limits set by GW170817, strengthening the possibility of interpreting GW170817 with a hybrid hadron-quark EOSs. We also find that along constant angular momentum sequences of uniformly rotating stars, the third family maximum and minimum mass models satisfy approximate EOS-independent relations, and the supramassive limit of the third family is approximately 16.5 % larger than the third family TOV limit. For differentially rotating spheroidal stars, we find that a lower-limit on the maximum supportable rest mass is 123 % more than the TOV limit rest mass. Finally, we verify that the recently discovered universal relations relating angular momentum, rest mass and gravitational mass for turning-point models hold for hybrid hadron-quark EOSs when uniform rotation is considered, but have a clear dependence on the degree of differential rotation.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, submitted to EPJA Topical Issue "First joint gravitational wave and electromagnetic observations: Implications for nuclear and particle physics

    Podarcis siculus latastei (Bedriaga, 1879) of the western pontine islands (italy) raised to the species rank, and a brief taxonomic overview of podarcis lizards

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    In recent years, great attention has been paid to many Podarcis species for which the observed intra-specific variability often revealed species complexes still characterized by an unresolved relationship. When compared to other species, P. siculus underwent fewer revisions and the number of species hidden within this taxon may have been, therefore, underestimated. However, recent studies based on genetic and morphological data highlighted a marked differentiation of the populations inhabiting the Western Pontine Archipelago. In the present work we used published genetic data (three mitochondrial and three nuclear gene fragments) from 25 Podarcis species to provide a multilocus phylogeny of the genus in order to understand the degree of differentiation of the Western Pontine populations. In addition, we analyzed new morphometric traits (scale counts) of 151 specimens from the main islands of the Pontine Archipelago. The phylogenetic analysis revealed five principal Podarcis groups with biogeographic consistency. The genetic distinctiveness of the Podarcis populations of the Western Pontine Islands is similar or even more ancient than those observed in numerous other pairs of Podarcis sister species. In the light of these evidences we raise the Western Pontine lizards to specific rank; thus they should be referred to as Podarcis latastei

    Magnetic field measurements at milliarcsecond resolution around massive young stellar objects

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    Magnetic fields have only recently been included in theoretical simulations of high-mass star formation. The simulations show that magnetic fields can play a crucial role not only in the formation and dynamics of molecular outflows, but also in the evolution of circumstellar disks. Therefore, new measurements of magnetic fields at milliarcsecond resolution close to massive young stellar objects (YSOs) are fundamental for providing new input for numerical simulations and for understanding the formation process of massive stars. The polarized emission of 6.7 GHz CH3OH masers allows us to investigate the magnetic field close to the massive YSO where the outflows and disks are formed. Recently, we have detected with the EVN CH3OH maser polarized emission towards 10 massive YSOs. From a first statistical analysis we have found evidence that magnetic fields are primarily oriented along the molecular outflows. To improve our statistics we are carrying on a large observational EVN campaign for a total of 19 sources, the preliminary results of the first seven sources are presented in this contribution. Furthermore, we also describe our efforts to estimate the Lande' g-factors of the CH3OH maser transition to determine the magnetic field strength from our Zeeman-splitting measurements.Comment: Accepted for publication in the proceeding of the "12th European VLBI Network Symposium and Users Meeting", eds Tarchi et al. PoS(EVN 2014)04

    The Orlicz version of the LpL_p Minkowski problem on Sn1S^{n-1} for n<p<0-n<p<0

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    An Orlicz version of the LpL_p-Minkowski problem on Sn1S^{n-1} is discussed corresponding to the case n<p<0-n<p<0

    Pregnancy after liver transplantation: a case series and review of the literature

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    Objective: To evaluate maternal and perinatal outcomes in pregnant women after liver transplantation with a case series and literature systematic review. Methods: This was a single-center case-series study performed at University of Naples Federico II. All consecutive women with liver transplantation who reported pregnancy at our institution were included in a dedicated database. In addition, a systematic literature review was performed, including case series, population-based studies, and national registries, including maternal and perinatal outcomes of pregnant women with liver transplant. Studies with fewer than 10 cases and surveys were excluded. The primary outcome was perinatal death, defined as either stillbirth (defined as intrauterine fetal death after 20 weeks of gestation) or neonatal death (death of a live-born infant within the first 28 d of life). Results: During the study period, two women who underwent liver transplantation had a pregnancy in our Institution. Both of them underwent liver transplantation for biliary atresia at 1 year of age. One of them received cyclosporin as immunosuppressive regime during pregnancy, while the other one received tacrolimus. Both of them had a pregnancy with no major complications and delivered by cesarean section at term a baby with normal weight. One of them developed thrombocytopenia. Seventeen articles were included in this systematic review. Preterm birth at less than 37 weeks of gestations occurred in 279 women (33.6%). One-hundred women (14.9%) experienced preeclampsia, and 206 women (49.2%) delivered by cesarean delivery. Graft rejection related to pregnancy occurred in 73 women (8.3%). 117 women (12.9%) experienced miscarriage, and 22 (2.3%) IUFD. Fifty-two women (9.52%) underwent elective I-TOP. 195 fetuses (33.4%) were LBW. Eight neonatal deaths were recorded (1.3%). Conclusion: The maternal and perinatal outcome is usually favorable, but with an increased risk of preeclampsia, preterm birth, and perinatal morbidity and mortality. However, appropriate counseling about risks and complications is essential but women shouldn't be advised against pregnancy

    Multi-frequency study of DEM L299 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We have studied the HII region DEM L299 in the Large Magellanic Cloud to understand its physical characteristics and morphology in different wavelengths. We performed a spectral analysis of archived XMM-Newton EPIC data and studied the morphology of DEM L299 in X-ray, optical, and radio wavelengths. We used H alpha, [SII], and [OIII] data from the Magellanic Cloud Emission Line Survey and radio 21 cm line data from the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Parkes telescope, and radio continuum data from ATCA and the Molonglo Synthesis Telescope. Our morphological studies imply that, in addition to the supernova remnant SNR B0543-68.9 reported in previous studies, a superbubble also overlaps the SNR in projection. The position of the SNR is clearly defined through the [SII]/H alpha flux ratio image. Moreover, the optical images show a shell-like structure that is located farther to the north and is filled with diffuse X-ray emission, which again indicates the superbubble. Radio 21 cm line data show a shell around both objects. Radio continuum data show diffuse emission at the position of DEM L299, which appears clearly distinguished from the HII region N 164 that lies south-west of it. We determined the spectral index of SNR B0543-68.9 to be alpha=-0.34, which indicates the dominance of thermal emission and therefore a rather mature SNR. We determined the basic properties of the diffuse X-ray emission for the SNR, the superbubble, and a possible blowout region of the bubble, as suggested by the optical and X-ray data. We obtained an age of 8.9 (3.5-18.1) kyr for the SNR and a temperature of 0.64 (0.44-1.37) keV for the hot gas inside the SNR, and a temperature of the hot gas inside the superbubble of 0.74 (0.44-1.1) keV. We conclude that DEM L299 consists of a superposition of SNR B0543-68.9 and a superbubble, which we identified based on optical data.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 17 pages, 16 figure