15,812 research outputs found

    Microfluidics for effective concentration and sorting of waterborne protozoan pathogens

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    We report on an inertial focussing based microfluidics technology for concentrating waterborne protozoa, achieving a 96% recovery rate of Cryptosporidium parvum and 86% for Giardia lamblia at a throughput (mL/min) capable of replacing centrifugation. The approach can easily be extended to other parasites and also bacteria

    The emergence of cold-induced brown adipocytes in mouse white fat depots is determined predominantly by white to brown adipocyte transdifferentiation.

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    none9sìThe origin of brown adipocytes arising in white adipose tissue (WAT) after cold acclimatization is unclear. Here, we demonstrate that several UCP1-immunoreactive brown adipocytes occurring in WAT after cold acclimatization have a mixed morphology (paucilocular adipocytes). These cells also had a mixed mitochondrioma with classic “brown” and “white” mitochondria, suggesting intermediate steps in the process of direct transformation of white into brown adipocytes (transdifferentiation). Quantitative electron microscopy disclosed that cold exposure (6°C for 10 days) did not induce an increase in WAT preadipocytes. 3-adrenoceptor-knockout mice had a blunted brown adipocyte occurrence upon cold acclimatization. Administration of the 3-adrenoceptor agonist CL316,243 induced the occurrence of brown adipocytes, with the typical morphological features found after cold acclimatization. In contrast, administration of the 1-adrenoceptor agonist xamoterol increased only the number of preadipocytes. These findings indicate that transdifferentiation depends on 3-adrenoceptor activation, whereas preadipocyte recruitment is mediated by 1-adrenoceptor. RT-qPCR experiments disclosed that cold exposure induced enhanced expression of the thermogenic genes and of genes expressed selectively in brown adipose tissue (iBAT) and in both interscapular BAT and WAT. 3-adrenoceptor suppression blunted their expression only in WAT. Furthermore, cold acclimatization induced an increased WAT expression of the gene coding for C/EBP (an antimitotic protein), whereas Ccna1 expression (related to cell proliferation) was unchanged. Overall, our data strongly suggest that the cold-induced emergence of brown adipocytes in WAT predominantly reflects 3-adrenoceptor-mediated transdifferentiation.openBarbatelli G; Murano I; Madsen L; Hao Q; Jimenez M; Kristiansen K; Giacobino JP; De Matteis R; Cinti S.Barbatelli, G; Murano, I; Madsen, L; Hao, Q; Jimenez, M; Kristiansen, K; Giacobino, Jp; DE MATTEIS, Rita; Cinti, S

    X.509 certificate error testing

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    X.509 Certificates are used by a wide range of technologies to verify identities, while the SSL protocol is used to provide a secure encrypted tunnel through which data can be sent over a public network. Combined both of these technologies provides the basis of the public key infrastructure (PKI). While the concept of PKI is a good idea, the different implementation of the technologies in different operating system and clients often lead to weaknesses. This paper proposes a methodology to automate the testing of SSL clients by generating both bogus and malformed certificates in order to evaluate the client’s response and identify potential threats to network infrastructures

    Pyramidal Fisher Motion for Multiview Gait Recognition

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    The goal of this paper is to identify individuals by analyzing their gait. Instead of using binary silhouettes as input data (as done in many previous works) we propose and evaluate the use of motion descriptors based on densely sampled short-term trajectories. We take advantage of state-of-the-art people detectors to define custom spatial configurations of the descriptors around the target person. Thus, obtaining a pyramidal representation of the gait motion. The local motion features (described by the Divergence-Curl-Shear descriptor) extracted on the different spatial areas of the person are combined into a single high-level gait descriptor by using the Fisher Vector encoding. The proposed approach, coined Pyramidal Fisher Motion, is experimentally validated on the recent `AVA Multiview Gait' dataset. The results show that this new approach achieves promising results in the problem of gait recognition.Comment: Submitted to International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, 201

    News & Announcements

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    JOTMI’s Editorial Team is delighted to announce that one of its members, Mrs Bernardita Araya-Kleinsteuber, has successfully finished her Doctorate in Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge. In her PhD, she investigated the acoustic spectra of polyols and other molecules using a Magnetic Acoustic Resonator Sensor, a state-of-the-art system developed in her Laboratory at the Institute of Biotechnology of the renowned University. Dr. Araya-Kleinsteuber, has now been appointed Chief Investigator at Paramata, a Nanotechnology Company that spun out of her Laboratory. She is also Regional Director for the United Kingdom of Bionexa (http://www.bionexa.org) , the first user-led online Network of Scientific Collaboration in Latin America. Bionexa provides a virtual space where Businessmen, Scientists and Students interested in biological sciences can share their skills, meet new colleagues and become part of a community that contributes to the development of Spanish-speaking bio-entrepreneurs. The Editorial Team of the Journal of Technology Management and Innovation and in particular it’s Editor in Chief, whish her the best for her career and look forward to keep working with her at the Journal.JOTMI’s Editorial Team is delighted to announce that one of its members, Mrs Bernardita Araya-Kleinsteuber, has successfully finished her Doctorate in Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge. In her PhD, she investigated the acoustic spectra of polyols and other molecules using a Magnetic Acoustic Resonator Sensor, a state-of-the-art system developed in her Laboratory at the Institute of Biotechnology of the renowned University. Dr. Araya-Kleinsteuber, has now been appointed Chief Investigator at Paramata, a Nanotechnology Company that spun out of her Laboratory. She is also Regional Director for the United Kingdom of Bionexa (http://www.bionexa.org) , the first user-led online Network of Scientific Collaboration in Latin America. Bionexa provides a virtual space where Businessmen, Scientists and Students interested in biological sciences can share their skills, meet new colleagues and become part of a community that contributes to the development of Spanish-speaking bio-entrepreneurs. The Editorial Team of the Journal of Technology Management and Innovation and in particular it’s Editor in Chief, whish her the best for her career and look forward to keep working with her at the Journal.JOTMI’s Editorial Team is delighted to announce that one of its members, Mrs Bernardita Araya-Kleinsteuber, has successfully finished her Doctorate in Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge. In her PhD, she investigated the acoustic spectra of polyols and other molecules using a Magnetic Acoustic Resonator Sensor, a state-of-the-art system developed in her Laboratory at the Institute of Biotechnology of the renowned University. Dr. Araya-Kleinsteuber, has now been appointed Chief Investigator at Paramata, a Nanotechnology Company that spun out of her Laboratory. She is also Regional Director for the United Kingdom of Bionexa (http://www.bionexa.org) , the first user-led online Network of Scientific Collaboration in Latin America. Bionexa provides a virtual space where Businessmen, Scientists and Students interested in biological sciences can share their skills, meet new colleagues and become part of a community that contributes to the development of Spanish-speaking bio-entrepreneurs. The Editorial Team of the Journal of Technology Management and Innovation and in particular it’s Editor in Chief, whish her the best for her career and look forward to keep working with her at the Journal

    La Insoportable Levedad de la Innovación

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    Hace casi un año y medio aproximadamente publicamos en Internet un proyecto tendiente a difundir en tres idiomas literatura asociada a la gestión de la tecnología y la innovación. Al principio invitamos a publicar a nuestros amigos, colegas y profesores. Luego este proyecto comenzó a tener forma, surgieron las primeras propuestas, se implementaron mejoras, se crearon secciones y poco a poco se fueron sumando editores comprometidos a trabajar y difundir una disciplina considerada clave y emergente en todos los sistemas nacionales de innovación: La Gestión Tecnológica.Hace casi un año y medio aproximadamente publicamos en Internet un proyecto tendiente a difundir en tres idiomas literatura asociada a la gestión de la tecnología y la innovación. Al principio invitamos a publicar a nuestros amigos, colegas y profesores. Luego este proyecto comenzó a tener forma, surgieron las primeras propuestas, se implementaron mejoras, se crearon secciones y poco a poco se fueron sumando editores comprometidos a trabajar y difundir una disciplina considerada clave y emergente en todos los sistemas nacionales de innovación: La Gestión Tecnológica.Hace casi un año y medio aproximadamente publicamos en Internet un proyecto tendiente a difundir en tres idiomas literatura asociada a la gestión de la tecnología y la innovación. Al principio invitamos a publicar a nuestros amigos, colegas y profesores. Luego este proyecto comenzó a tener forma, surgieron las primeras propuestas, se implementaron mejoras, se crearon secciones y poco a poco se fueron sumando editores comprometidos a trabajar y difundir una disciplina considerada clave y emergente en todos los sistemas nacionales de innovación: La Gestión Tecnológica