44 research outputs found

    テープ ツウシン オ モチイタ ニホンゴ コース ノ ココロミ : ホンコン デノ ビジネス ジャパニーズ ノ バアイ

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    香港城市理工學院(現、香港城市大學)、商業及管理學系の日本語コースでは国際貿易専攻の学生が副専攻として日本語を学び、香港社会の要求にあった日本語が使えるビジネス・パーソンの養成をめざしている。このコースでは、海外で日本語を学ぶ場合問題となる言語教育環境を「質的」「量 的」に補強するために教師と学習者との「テープ通信」を用いて改善を試みたが、その結果、両者のインターアクションの機会が高まり、言語運用能力の向上にも効果 が現れた。「テープ通信」は以下の方法で行なう。 1. 学習者が発話できる環境を整えるために、テープ録音の課題を与える。(3分間) 2. 教師は個別にテーマやタスクを与える。 3. 教師はこの場合の重要なコミュニケーションの参加者である。したがって、返信では自然な発話を心がけ、学習者との対話を行なう。 4. 課題は通信テープの中に録音する。 「テープ通信」の結果、とくに学習者の談話の型で発展がみられ、ほとんどの学習者が「段落レベル」の談話を構成できるようになった。本稿では、「テープ通 信」の実践を報告し、今後の可能性を考えたい。The "Audio-Tape Correspondence" is an approach aiming at improving the oral proficiency of students of Japanese in learning through the means of an interactive audio record of exchanges between them and the teacher. This paper will report on the results observed through the use of "Audio-Tape Correspondence" in a "Japanese for Business" course in Hong Kong.Methodology In order to provide interactive stimuli, the teacher gives each student various tasks through the use of audio-tape recordings. Recording topics are then given according to each student\u27s individual language level and interests. The teacher then responds to students on the tape as if in audio correspondence. The student next continues to record on the tape following the teacher\u27s instructions. Following the audio-tape correspondence, the student next gives classroom oral presentations, not only on everyday topics, but on academic issues. Through observation, the author has found that "Audio-Tape Correspondence" has been effective in enhancing students\u27 speech levels, especially in developing their oral skills for rendering extensive texts. These results may be attributed to more qualitatively-based learning activities provided through this approach. This paper will also examine the importance of the active student\u27s role as a sender of information to an audience

    Brass Art, R<connecting Senses, Artists-in-Labs, Hong Kong

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    Within the gallery, Connecting Space Hong Kong, a special form of cooperation will emerge between the artists-in-labs program of the Zurich University of the Arts, which promotes collaborations between artists and scientists of all disciplines, and ISEA. The collaboration between three artists from Switzerland chosen by Irène Hediger and three artworks juried by ISEA will function as a laboratory for the exchange of practices, strategies and situated knowledge to be found among the artists of the exhibition and visitors to ISEA. Connecting Spaces will host these intercultural and transdisciplinary encounters focusing around creative production and methodologies that cross borders to connect art and science. “Oscillating between kinetic mechanics, material collages and poetic acoustics, the selected group of artists shared an interest in experimental concepts and transdisciplinary encounters. The exhibition of installed works is a laboratory enriched by discussions and performances, with Brass Art, Pe Lang, Takuma Takahashi + Shugo Hirao, Ip Yuk-Yiu, Marianthi Papalexandri-Alexandri and Nicole Ottiger.” http://www.artistsinlabs.ch/en/exhibition

    Interviews for workaround coordination

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    We investigate how employees react when confronted with an enterprise system that does not fit with work processes dictated by local realities. We draw on interview data from a multinational company to reveal how employees devised and coordinated workarounds that were not compliant with corporate IT policy, but enabled the completion of essential activities, thereby creating value for the firm and its customers

    The genetic network underlying the evolution of pathogenicity in avian Escherichia coli

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    Colibacillosis is a worldwide prevalent disease in poultry production linked to Escherichia coli strains that belong to the avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) pathotype. While many virulence factors have been linked to APEC isolates, no single gene or set of genes has been found to be exclusively associated with the pathotype. Moreover, a comprehensive description of the biological processes linked to APEC pathogenicity is currently lacking.In this study, we compiled a dataset of 2015 high-quality avian E. coli genomes from pathogenic and commensal isolates, based on publications from 2000 to 2021. We then conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) and integrated candidate gene identification with available protein-protein interaction data to decipher the genetic network underlying the biological processes connected to APEC pathogenicity.Our GWAS identified variations in gene content for 13 genes and SNPs in 3 different genes associated with APEC isolates, suggesting both gene-level and SNP-level variations contribute to APEC pathogenicity. Integrating protein-protein interaction data, we found that 15 of these genes clustered in the same genetic network, suggesting the pathogenicity of APEC might be due to the interplay of different regulated pathways. We also found novel candidate genes including an uncharacterized multi-pass membrane protein (yciC) and the outer membrane porin (ompD) as linked to APEC isolates.Our findings suggest that convergent pathways related to nutrient uptake from host cells and defense from host immune system play a major role in APEC pathogenicity. In addition, the dataset curated in this study represents a comprehensive historical genomic collection of avian E. coli isolates and constitutes a valuable resource for their comparative genomics investigations

    A systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of vaccination against colibacillosis in broiler production

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    Colibacillosis, a disease caused by Escherichia coli in broiler chickens has serious implications on food safety, security, and economic sustainability. Antibiotics are required for treating the disease, while vaccination and biosecurity are used for its prevention. This systematic review and meta-analysis, conducted under the COST Action CA18217-European Network for Optimization of Veterinary Antimicrobial Treatment (ENOVAT), aimed to assess the efficacy of E. coli vaccination in broiler production and provide evidence-based recommendations. A comprehensive search of bibliographic databases, including, PubMed, CAB Abstracts, Web of Science and Agricola, yielded 2,722 articles. Following a defined protocol, 39 studies were selected for data extraction. Most of the studies were experimental infection trials, with only three field studies identified, underscoring the need for more field-based research. The selected studies reported various types of vaccines, including killed (n = 5), subunit (n = 8), outer membrane vesicles/protein-based (n = 4), live/live-attenuated (n = 16), and CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) (n = 6) vaccines. The risk of bias assessment revealed that a significant proportion of studies reporting mortality (92.3%) or feed conversion ratio (94.8%) as outcomes, had "unclear" regarding bias. The meta-analysis, focused on live-attenuated and CpG ODN vaccines, demonstrated a significant trend favoring both vaccination types in reducing mortality. However, the review also highlighted the challenges in reproducing colibacillosis in experimental setups, due to considerable variation in challenge models involving different routes of infection, predisposing factors, and challenge doses. This highlights the need for standardizing the challenge model to facilitate comparisons between studies and ensure consistent evaluation of vaccine candidates. While progress has been made in the development of E. coli vaccines for broilers, further research is needed to address concerns such as limited heterologous protection, practicability for application, evaluation of efficacy in field conditions and adoption of novel approaches

    Information Asymmetry in Management Research: Past Accomplishments and Future Opportunities

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    Information asymmetry is a condition wherein one party in a relationship has more or better information than another. The information asymmetry concept is widely diffused throughout management research, and its existence is a core assumption within leading theories on organizations. Despite information asymmetry’s central role, however, there have been no systematic reviews of the management literature using the concept. As a result, there is no established level of knowledge of information asymmetry as a management concept, nor is there a unified basis for directing future research leveraging the concept. In response, we review 223 relevant articles from leading management journals and develop a framework for organizing and assessing information asymmetry research. We consolidate understanding of information asymmetry’s meaning, conceptual applications, roles in different theoretical models, antecedents, and how focal actors’ self-interests influence the selection of mechanisms for managing it. Further, we highlight opportunities for extensions to core management theories and specify research prospects within several management subfields. Overall, the framework can help guide researchers as they work to advance understanding of one of the management field’s most ubiquitous concepts

    A comprehensive study of colisepticaemia progression in layer chickens applying novel tools elucidates pathogenesis and transmission of Escherichia coli into eggs

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    Colisepticaemia caused by avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) is a challenging disease due to its high economic importance in poultry, dubious pathogenesis and potential link with zoonosis and food safety. The existing in vitro studies can\u27t define hallmark traits of APEC isolates, suggesting a paradigm shift towards host response to understand pathogenesis. This study investigated the comprehensive pathological and microbial progression of colisepticaemia, and transmission of E. coli into eggs using novel tools. In total 48 hens were allocated into three groups and were inoculated intratracheally with ilux2-E. coli PA14/17480/5-/ovary (bioluminescent strain), E. coli PA14/17480/5-/ovary or phosphate buffered saline. Infection with both strains led to typical clinical signs and lesions of colibacillosis as in field outbreaks. Based on lung histopathology, colisepticaemia progression was divided into four disease stages as: stage I (1-3 days post infection (dpi)), stage II (6 dpi), stage III (9 dpi) and stage IV (16 dpi) that were histologically characterized by predominance of heterophils, mixed cells, pyogranuloma, and convalescence, respectively. As disease progressed, bacterial colonization in host organs also decreased, revealed by the quantification of bacterial bioluminescence, bacteriology, and quantitative immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, and bacteria re-isolation showed that E. coli colonized the reproductive tract of infected hens and reached to egg yolk and albumen. In conclusion, the study provides novel insights into the pathogenesis of colisepticemia by characterizing microbial and pathological changes at different disease stages, and of the bacteria transmission to table eggs, which have serious consequences on poultry health and food safety