5,009 research outputs found

    IT and telecom companies in Kista Science City, Northern Stockholm

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    The Kista area north of Stockholm is a symbol of Sweden’s IT and telecom sector, which has great importance for the economy and working life. The report gives a current, empirically founded description of the IT sector in Kista (including the districts Akalla and Husby), which to a high extent previously has not been available. What do the establishments in Kista look like and what are the relations between them? The management of one hundred IT and telecom establishments in Kista with up to 200 employees have answered a substantial number of survey questions about their activities, their staff and about Kista. The report is descriptive and includes a short description of Kista’s history from the ideas of a city with an integration of work, housing and services until today’s Kista Science City, the year of establishment, number and size of the IT establishments in Kista and their activities. Some results in brief are: ‱ Most of the companies have developed during the last five to ten years. ‱ They are to a very high degree focused on IT and telecom. The most common activity is consulting followed by production of software, R&D and commerce. ‱ More than half of the establishments have an exchange of experiences with other companies in Kista, and almost half of them are involved in strategic cooperation within e.g. development, production and marketing. ‱ Quite a few outsource IT activities to other companies and work as subcontractors to them, but only a limited part of the contracts are with companies in Kista. The networks are regional and international rather than local. ‱ About a quarter cooperate with interactive media companies in Stockholm. ‱ The managements are throughout satisfied with Kista. On all the five factors they see as most important for their operations, Kista comes out well: communications, telecom, premises, competent staff and customers. Kista also comes out well on the criterion proximity to university; although few regard this as important, which is discussed in the report. ‱ One fifth of the employees are women and the top manager is a woman in less then ten per cent of the establishments. ‱ The average age of employees is 38 years. ‱ The staff is well educated, almost 70 percent have three years university education or more. Still, managements view learning on the establishment as the most important source of skills. Perhaps university education is taken for granted.

    Improving the school-to-work transition for vocational students - What can we learn from research?

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    Many countries have had to tackle escalating youth unemployment in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008, but compared with other countries in the European Union, youth unemployment has increased particularly sharply in Sweden. Currently, Swedish 20-24 year olds are more than three times as likely to be unemployed than are adult workers, which is the greatest such ratio within the EU-15. The bulk of youth unemployment spells starts directly after upper secondary school ends, which in turn suggests special attention should be directed to the interaction of vocational education and labor markets. This paper discusses in the light of international research findings how to ease the transition from school into the labor market for vocational students. The evidence discussed in the paper centers on which educational structures lead to good labor market outcomes for vocational students and especially what we know about the relative merits of workplace- and school-based education and the role of employer contacts.-

    Industrial action in Sweden - a new pattern?

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    The paper studies the modern conflict patterns and conflict dimensions in Sweden 1993-2005. The aim is to trace and interpret the new patterns and dimensions of labour market conflict by collecting and compiling strike data from the National Conciliation Office, (1993-99) and the National Mediation Office (2000-2005). On the whole, strike activity has decreased steadily from the 1980s and onwards and in large parts of the Swedish labour market conflicts are very rare. A few small un-ions organising primarily non-manufacturing working class in the domestic sector, account for the majority of the sanctioned conflicts. The new pattern is that the re-maining conflicts in broad terms can be divided in two parts: conflicts over wages and other working conditions and conflicts about the collective bargaining itself. Each with its own logic.Labour market; conflict; strike; secondary strike; blockade; Sweden; collective bargaining; strike patterns

    DĂ€rför orkar vi – Sjuksköterskors arbetssituation och hĂ€lsa före, under och efter Covid-19 pandemin, samt förutsĂ€ttningar för att arbeta personcentrerat

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    Arbetslivets utformning Ă€r avgörande för samhĂ€llets utveckling och det Ă€r viktigt att ta till varakunskap frĂ„n den pĂ„gĂ„ende pandemin och dess effekter pĂ„ arbetslivet, organisationer och medarbetareför att kunna nyttja detta vid organisationsförĂ€ndringar och framtida scenarier. HĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rdenhar brist pĂ„ anstĂ€llda och pĂ„ utbildad personal, och personalen stĂ„r ocksĂ„ för en stor del av antaletsjukfall i Sverige. Parallellt med detta pĂ„gĂ„r demografiska förĂ€ndringar i samhĂ€llet vilket innebĂ€r attfler behöver rekryteras och arbeta till en högre Ă„lder. I forskning fokuseras det ofta pĂ„ problem, mendet finns ett kunskapsgap angĂ„ende vad som medverkar till personalens vĂ€lbefinnande i extremaarbetssituationer som exempelvis under en pandemi nĂ€r allt stĂ€lls pĂ„ sin spets. Som utgĂ„ngspunkt förnedanstĂ„ende studier kommer swAge-modellen (figur 1) med nio bestĂ€mningsomrĂ„den för friskt ochhĂ„llbart arbetsliv och anstĂ€llningsbarhet att anvĂ€ndas.SyfteSyftena med studierna Ă€r att: öka kunskapen om de salutogena faktorer och effekter som medverkar till varför en del kanoch vill arbeta kvar före, under och efter Covid-19 pandemin vad som medverkar till att en del sjuksköterskor inte kan eller vill arbeta kvar i yrket se vilka faktorer som medverkar till arbetsskador och sjukdom orsakade av yrket utifrĂ„n resultaten utveckla Ă„tgĂ€rdsförslag och strategier som medverkar till hĂ„llbaranstĂ€llningsbarhet ett helt yrkesliv.MetodDelstudie 1: Systematisk litteraturstudie med deduktiv innehĂ„llsanalys utifrĂ„n de nio omrĂ„dena iswAge modellen.Delstudie 2: Kvantitativ studie: Hur Ă€r sjuksköterskornas arbetsrelaterade diagnoser associerade tillolika faktorer i deras arbetssituation? EnkĂ€tstudier 2017 och 2020, jĂ€mförelser över tid. Logistiskregressionsanalys utifrĂ„n variabeln ”diagnoser orsakade av arbetet” och dess association till de nioolika bestĂ€mningsomrĂ„dena för friskt och hĂ„llbart arbetsliv och anstĂ€llningsbarhet i swAge-modellen.Delstudie 3: Kvantitativ studie: Hur Ă€r sjuksköterskornas sjĂ€lvskattade hĂ€lsa associerade till olikafaktorer i deras arbetssituation? EnkĂ€tstudier 2017 och 2020, jĂ€mförelser över tid. Logistiskregressionsanalys utifrĂ„n variabeln ”sjĂ€lvskattad hĂ€lsa” och dess association till de nio olikabestĂ€mningsomrĂ„dena för friskt och hĂ„llbart arbetsliv och anstĂ€llningsbarhet i swAge-modellen.Delstudie 4: Kvalitativ studie: DĂ€rför orkar vi! Sjuksköterskors arbetssituation och hĂ€lsa före, underoch efter Covid-19 pandemin utifrĂ„n ett salutogent och personcentrerat perspektiv. Semistruktureradeintervjuer dĂ€r textmassan organiseras i NVivo och analyseras genom deduktiv innehĂ„llsanalys utifrĂ„nteorier om hĂ„llbart arbetsliv för alla Ă„ldrar.Delstudie 5: Kvalitativ studie – forskningscirklar: Hur kan sjuksköterskornas arbetssituation bli merpersoncentrerad i en personcentrerad hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rd? Utveckling av Ă„tgĂ€rdsförslag för hursjuksköterskornas arbetssituation kan bli mer hĂ„llbar sĂ„ att fler kan och vill arbeta ett helt yrkesli

    Det effektiva samhÀllet eller det goda livet? Svenska framtidsstudier om arbetsliv och fritid frÄn 1970- till 1990-tal.

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    The study analyzes three generations of future studies on work life and leisure, performed at the Secretariat and later the Swedish Institute for Future Studies. The ideal types of Tore FrĂ€ngsmyr, “The efficient society” and “The good life”, are used as analytical tools. The primary information consists of program declarations and reports from projects in the 1970- 1980- and 1990s. In the 1970s the original plan to produce a final report failed, and the analyses here show that differences in terms of the ideal types here used could explain the failure. While in one of the reports studied, the focus is on how Sweden is to maintain a high export ratio and a prominent position in international competition, the two other reports are written from an explicit Marxist perspective and discuss how the sharp split between work and leisure in modern capitalist societies could be remedied. That is, while the first report is focused on “The efficient society”, the two latter deal exclusively with a version of “The good life”. The final report from the project of the 1980s is characterized by a reserved, but still in some sense accepting, attitude towards the high-technological society. Utopian thoughts of a completely different society are non-existing, but the discussion mainly focuses on ways to make high-technological society as tolerable as possible to humans. In terms of the here used terminology the report can be said to deal with “The good life” within the realms of “The efficient society”. In the final report from the 1990s the point of departure is that industrial society is being replaced by a new post-industrial one. Unlike in earlier projects here studied, the entire discussion of driving forces behind societal development is on the structural level. The possibilities of individuals to shape their future seem small or non-existing. Neither are consequences at the individual level of structural development in focus. It’s is difficult to label the report according to the ideal types “The efficient society” and “The good life” respectively, mainly since it aims at pure description of the development at structural level, rather than it offers a value-based discussion on how to shape future society. Finally in the study the general lack of continuity and cumulativity within future studies is discussed, and a call is made for increased documentation and research of the history of the field.futures studies; work life; leisure; 1970-1990

    Mental well-being at work : Support and protective factors of work engagement and work-life balance in contemporary working life

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    Background: The promotion of mental well-being at work, including work engagement and work-life balance, is a top priority for organizations worldwide. Organizations are likely to benefit from prioritizing mental well-being at work in several ways. Besides contributing to a health-promoting society, it can enhance organizational productivity. In addition, contemporary worldwide trends, including globalization, the rapid technological advancement, and an increasingly diverse workforce change not only the nature of work tasks but also the terms and conditions of working life, which inevitably put pressure on workers and raise concerns about their mental wellbeing at work. As the previously tributed Nordic welfare model is increasingly contested, this applies to the Finnish working life as well, warranting research on the support and protective factors of mental well-being at work. Aim: To examine psychosocial factors that are associated with mental well-being at work, particularly with work engagement and work-life balance, to examine whether these two aspects of mental well-being are associated, and to gather the evidence base for the effectiveness of interventions focused on promoting work engagement by developing workplace resources from bottom-up. Methods: This thesis constitutes four separate studies. Studies 1–3 were based on data from two different population-based, cross-sectional interview survey studies. Studies 1 and 2 were based on sub-data from the Statistics Finland’s 2018 Quality of Work Life Survey (QWLS; OSF, 2018). Specific inclusion criteria were applied in both studies to meet the study aim, resulting in a sample constituting N=1431 respondents in Study 1 and N=3790 respondents in Study 2. Logistic regression (Odds Ratios, 95 % confidence intervals) was used to analyze the data in these two studies. Study 3 (N=35401), in turn, utilized sub-data from the European Working Conditions Survey 2015 (EWCS, 2015), and data were analyzed using multilevel regression modelling. Study 4 was a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic searches were conducted in multiple online databases. Publication year range was 2000–2020. Eligibility criteria were defined, for example specifying that the interventions had to aim at promoting work engagement by developing workplace resources from bottom-up. A meta-analysis was conducted on a sub-set of the included studies. Results: Key findings from Studies 1–3 in this thesis highlight that support and protective factors of mental well-being at work go beyond individual factors, as they also include psychosocial factors in the family and work settings, as well as socio-economic factors in the country and welfare regime settings. An important contribution of Study 3 was the demonstrated positive association between work engagement and work-life balance at the European level. Further, levels of work engagement and work-life balance were generally high among the studied workers in the Finnish (Studies 1 and 2) and in broader terms – Nordic and European (Study 3) – welfare contexts. While this supports the continued use of a universal working life model in the Nordic welfare states, part of the findings in Studies 1 and 2 demonstrated that the model fails to deliver on its promises, particularly promises of an equal working life for men and women. At the same time, a key finding of Study 4 was that a standardized, universal approach is to prefer over a tailored approach in bottom-up interventions specifically aimed at promoting work engagement. The meta-analysis in Study 4 was based on 24 studies and showed a small but promising intervention effect on work engagement. Conclusion: Taken together, the findings of this thesis make clear that a system-oriented thinking is needed, in which factors at multiple levels are considered in the promotion of mental well-being at work. This means that not only background, psychological, and psychosocial factors in the work setting should be considered in research on mental well-being at work, but also psychosocial factors in the family setting as well as overarching, contextual factors in the socio-economic setting. The findings also stress the need for research to go beyond the traditional focus on negative aspects of mental well-being at work, to also include positive aspects. Further, the results demonstrated in this thesis advocate the use of an integrative perspective, as this can further our understanding of mental well-being at work and how it is best supported and protected in contemporary working life.Bakgrund: FrĂ€mjandet av psykiskt vĂ€lbefinnande pĂ„ arbetsplatsen, inklusive arbetsengagemang och balansen mellan arbetsliv och övrigt liv, prioriteras av organisationer vĂ€rlden över. Organisationer kan vinna pĂ„ att prioritera psykiskt vĂ€lbefinnande pĂ„ arbetsplatsen pĂ„ mĂ„nga sĂ€tt. Förutom att det kan bidra till ett hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande samhĂ€lle, kan det ocksĂ„ leda till ökad produktivitet. PĂ„gĂ„ende globala trender, inklusive globalisering, snabb teknologisk utveckling och en alltmer mĂ„ngfaldig arbetskraft hĂ„ller dessutom pĂ„ att förĂ€ndra arbetsuppgifters natur, arbetsvillkor och -förhĂ„llanden, som oundvikligen sĂ€tter press pĂ„ arbetstagare och skapar oro kring deras psykiska vĂ€lbefinnande pĂ„ arbetsplatsen. Eftersom den tidigare prisade nordiska vĂ€lfĂ€rdsmodellen alltmer ifrĂ„gasĂ€tts, gĂ€ller detta Ă€ven det finlĂ€ndska arbetslivet, vilket skapar ett behov av forskning om stöd- och skyddsfaktorer för psykiskt vĂ€lbefinnande pĂ„ arbetsplatsen. Syfte: Att undersöka sambandet mellan psykosociala faktorer och psykiskt vĂ€lbefinnande pĂ„ arbetsplatsen, sĂ€rskilt arbetsengagemang och balansen mellan arbetsliv och övrigt liv, att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan dessa tvĂ„ aspekter av psykiskt vĂ€lbefinnande, och att samla evidens för effektiviteten i interventioner fokuserade pĂ„ att frĂ€mja arbetsengagemang genom att utveckla arbetsplatsresurser nerifrĂ„n och upp. Metod: Avhandlingen bestĂ„r av fyra separata studier. I Studierna 1–3 anvĂ€ndes intervjuenkĂ€tdata frĂ„n tvĂ„ olika populationsbaserade, tvĂ€rsnittsstudier. Studierna 1 och 2 baserades pĂ„ data frĂ„n den upprepade Arbetsmiljöundersökningen i Finland (QWLS) insamlat Ă„r 2018. I bĂ€gge studier anvĂ€ndes specifika inkluderingskriterier som gick i linje med syftet, vilket resulterade i ett sampel bestĂ„ende av N=1431 respondenter i Studie 1 och N=3790 respondenter i Studie 2. Logistisk regressionsanalys (Oddskvoter, 95 % konfidensintervall) anvĂ€ndes för att analysera data i dessa tvĂ„ studier. I Studie 3 anvĂ€ndes data frĂ„n den upprepade enkĂ€ten om arbetsförhĂ„llanden i Europa (EWCS) insamlat Ă„r 2015. Även hĂ€r anvĂ€ndes specifika inkluderingskriterier, vilket resulterade i ett sampel bestĂ„ende av N=35401 respondenter. Data analyserades med hjĂ€lp av multinivĂ„ regressionsmodellering i denna studie. Studie 4 var en systematisk översikt och meta-analys. Systematiska sökningar genomfördes i flera olika digitala databaser. Publikationerna behövde vara frĂ„n Ă„ren 2000–2020 för att inkluderas. Det fanns Ă€ven en rad inkluderingskriterier, till exempel specificerades det att interventionerna behövde vara Ă€mnade att frĂ€mja arbetsengagemang genom att utveckla arbetsplatsresurser nerifrĂ„n och upp. En meta-analys genomfördes pĂ„ basis av en del av de inkluderade studierna. Resultat: Nyckelresultaten frĂ„n Studierna 1–3 i den hĂ€r avhandlingen belyser att stöd- och skyddsfaktorer för psykiskt vĂ€lbefinnande pĂ„ arbetsplatsen inkluderar andra faktorer Ă€n enbart individuella faktorer, sĂ„som psykosociala faktorer i familje- och arbetsmiljön, socio-ekonomiska faktorer i den nationella kontexten och vĂ€lfĂ€rdsregimskontexten. Ett viktigt bidrag i Studie 3 var att ett positivt samband mellan arbetsengagemang och balansen mellan arbetsliv och övrigt liv kunde konstateras pĂ„ europeisk nivĂ„. Vidare var nivĂ„er av arbetsengagemang och balansen mellan arbetsliv och övrigt liv generellt sĂ€tt höga hos de studerade arbetstagarna i den finlĂ€ndska (Studierna 1 och 2) och i bredare termer – nordiska och europeiska (Studie 3) – vĂ€lfĂ€rdskontexten. Medan detta stöder det fortsatta anvĂ€ndandet av en universell arbetslivsmodell i de nordiska vĂ€lfĂ€rdsstaterna, pekar en del av resultaten i Studierna 1 och 2 pĂ„ att modellen misslyckas med att leverera vad den lovat, sĂ€rskilt gĂ€llande lovorden om ett jĂ€mstĂ€llt arbetsliv för mĂ€n och kvinnor. Samtidigt Ă€r ett av nyckelresultaten i Studie 4 att ett standardiserat, universellt angreppssĂ€tt Ă€r att föredra framom skrĂ€ddarsydda angreppssĂ€tt i interventioner vars fokus Ă€r att frĂ€mja arbetsengagemang nerifrĂ„n och upp. Meta-analysen i Studie 4 baserade sig pĂ„ 24 studier och visade en liten men lovande interventionseffekt i termerna av ökat arbetsengagemang. Konklusion: Sammantaget visar resultaten av denna avhandling att ett system-orienterat tĂ€nkande behövs, dĂ€r faktorer pĂ„ flera nivĂ„er beaktas i frĂ€mjandet av psykiskt vĂ€lbefinnande pĂ„ arbetsplatsen. Det hĂ€r betyder att inte bara bakgrundsfaktorer, psykologiska faktorer och psykosociala faktorer i arbetskontexten bör beaktas, utan Ă€ven psykosociala faktorer i familjemiljön och övergripande, kontextuella faktorer i den socio-ekonomiska miljön. Resultaten betonar ocksĂ„ behovet av forskning som strĂ€cker sig lĂ€ngre Ă€n till det traditionella fokuset pĂ„ negativa aspekter av psykiskt vĂ€lbefinnande pĂ„ arbetsplatsen, det vill sĂ€ga framtida forskning bör ocksĂ„ inkludera positiva aspekter. Vidare föresprĂ„kas ett integrativt perspektiv pĂ„ basis av resultaten av den hĂ€r avhandlingen, eftersom detta kan utveckla vĂ„r förstĂ„else för psykiskt vĂ€lbefinnande pĂ„ arbetsplatsen och hur det bĂ€st kan stödas och skyddas i det samtida arbetslivet.Tausta: Organisaatiot ympĂ€ri maailmaa pitĂ€vĂ€t tĂ€rkeĂ€nĂ€ työhyvinvoinnin edistĂ€mistĂ€, mukaan lukien työn imua ja työn ja muun elĂ€mĂ€n yhteensovittamista. Organisaatioiden investoinnit työhyvinvoinnin edistĂ€miseen voivat olla kannattavavia monin eri tavoin. TĂ€mĂ€ ei pelkĂ€stÀÀn ole tapa organisaatiolle osallistua hyvinvoivan yhteiskunnan rakentamiseen vaan myös tapa lisĂ€tĂ€ tehokkuutta omassa toiminnassaan. TĂ€mĂ€n lisĂ€ksi maailman – ja työn – murros, mukaan lukien globalisaatio, teknologinen myllerrys ja yhĂ€ monipuolisempi työvoima, muuttaa työtehtĂ€vien tekoa, työehtoja ja työolosuhteita. Työn murros tuo vĂ€istĂ€mĂ€ttĂ€ lisĂ€paineita työntekijöille ja se, miten nĂ€mĂ€ vaikuttavat heidĂ€n työhyvinvointiinsa, herĂ€ttÀÀ huolta. Pohjoismainen hyvinvointimalli on aikaisemmin ollut hyvin kehuttu, mutta sen toimivuus on yhĂ€ enemmĂ€n kyseenalaistettu työn murroksessa. TĂ€stĂ€ syntyy tarve tutkia työn voimavaroja, jotka vĂ€hentĂ€vĂ€t työn vaatimuksia ja tukevat psyykkistĂ€ työhyvinvointia. Tavoitteet: Tutkia yhteys psykososiaalisten tekijöiden ja psyykkisen työhyvinvoinnin vĂ€lillĂ€. Tutkimus keskittyi erityisesti kahteen työhyvinvoinnin tekijÀÀn: työn imuun ja työn ja muun elĂ€mĂ€n yhteensovittamiseen. TĂ€mĂ€n lisĂ€ksi tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia, mikĂ€li nĂ€iden tekijöiden vĂ€lillĂ€ on yhteys. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli myös koota tutkimuksesta syntyneitĂ€ todisteita tehokkuudesta interventioissa, joissa työn imua edistetÀÀn voimavarojen avulla ja joissa voimavarat rakennetaan alhaalta ylös. MenetelmĂ€t: VĂ€itöskirja sisĂ€ltÀÀ neljĂ€ yksittĂ€istĂ€ tutkimusta. Kolmessa ensimmĂ€isessĂ€ tutkimuksessa kĂ€ytettiin kahden eri haastattelukyselyn tietoja, joissa eri vĂ€estöpohja; poikkileikkaustutkimuksena. Kaksi ensimmĂ€istĂ€ perustuivat vuonna 2018 tehtyyn suomalaiseen työolotutkimukseen (QWLS). Molemmissa tutkimuksissa kĂ€ytettiin tavoitteiden mukaisia soveltuvuuskriteerejĂ€, joiden tuloksena oli 1431 osallistujasta koostuva otos ensimmĂ€isessĂ€ tutkimuksessa, ja 3790 osallistujasta koostuva otos toisessa tutkimuksessa. Logistista regressioanalyysia (todennĂ€köisyyksien suhde, 95 % luottamusvĂ€li) kĂ€ytettiin analysoimaan dataa molemmissa tutkimuksissa. Kolmas tutkimus perustui vuonna 2015 tehtyyn eurooppalaiseen työolotutkimukseen (EWCS). Tavoitteiden mukaisia soveltuvuuskriteerejĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin myös tĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa, jonka tuloksena oli 35401 osallistujasta koostuva otos. Data analysoitiin monitasoisten regressiomallien avulla. NeljĂ€s tutkimus oli systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus ja meta-analyysi. Systemaattinen tiedonhaku suoritettiin moni eri digitaalisissa tietokannoissa. Julkaisut vuosista 2000–2020 otetiin mukaan katsaukseen. Erilaiset soveltuvuuskriteerit olivat mÀÀriteltyjĂ€, joiden mukaan esimerkiksi interventioiden tavoitteet tĂ€yttyivĂ€t olla työn imun edistĂ€mistĂ€ alhaalta ylös rakennettujen voimavarojen avulla. Osa mukana olleista tutkimuksista sisĂ€ltyivĂ€t meta-analyysiin. Tulokset: Avaintulokset vĂ€itöskirjan kolmessa ensimmĂ€isessĂ€ tutkimuksessa havainnollistavat, ettĂ€ työhyvinvoinnin voimavaroja sisĂ€llyttĂ€vĂ€t myös muut tekijĂ€t kuin tekijĂ€t yksilön tasolla, esimerkiksi psykososiaaliset tekijĂ€t perheja työympĂ€ristössĂ€, sosioekonomiset tekijĂ€t kansallis- ja hyvinvointivaltiomallin tasolla. Kolmannessa tutkimuksessa ilmeni tĂ€rkeĂ€ löytö: työn imu ja työn ja muu elĂ€mĂ€n yhteensovittamisen vĂ€lillĂ€ on yhteys Eurooppa tasolla. LisĂ€ksi tutkimus osoitti, ettĂ€ tutkittujen suomalaisten (tutkimus 1 ja 2) ja laajemmin ottaen – pohjoismaiden ja eurooppalaisten (tutkimus 3) – työntekijöiden työn imu ja työn ja muun elĂ€mĂ€n yhteensovittaminen olivat korkeatasoisia. NĂ€mĂ€ tulokset tukevat yleismaailmallisen työelĂ€mĂ€mallin jatkuvaa kĂ€yttöÀ Pohjoisissa hyvinvointivaltioissa. Samaan aikaan osa tuloksia ensimmĂ€isessĂ€ ja toisessa tutkimuksessa osoittavat, ettĂ€ malli ei ole tuottanut lupauksiensa mukaisesti, erityisesti lupaukset koskien tasa-arvoista työelĂ€mÀÀ. NeljĂ€nnen tutkimuksen avaintulos on myös, ettĂ€ standardoitu, yleismaailmallinen lĂ€hestymistapa on suositeltava rÀÀtĂ€löityjen ratkaisujen sijaan interventioissa, joissa työn imua edistetÀÀn alhaalta ylös. Meta-analyysi neljĂ€nnessĂ€ tutkimuksessa perustui 24 tutkimukseen ja osoitti pientĂ€ mutta lupaavaa interventiotehokkuutta työn imun merkeissĂ€. JohtopÀÀtökset: Yleisesti ottaen vĂ€itöskirjan tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ on tarve systeemiorientoidusta ajattelutavasta, jossa monitasoiset tekijĂ€t otetaan huomioon psyykkisen työhyvinvoinnin edistĂ€misessĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ tarkoittaa, ettĂ€ ei pelkĂ€stÀÀn taustatekijöitĂ€, psykologisia tekijöitĂ€ ja psykososiaalisia tekijöitĂ€ työympĂ€ristössĂ€ oteta huomioon, vaan myös psykososiaalisia tekijöitĂ€ perheympĂ€ristössĂ€ sekĂ€ laajoja, sosioekonomisia tekijöitĂ€. LisĂ€ksi tutkimuksessa nousi esiin, ettĂ€ tutkimustarve on perinteisen keskittymisen työhyvinvoinnin negatiivisiin osa-alueihin laajempi, tulevaisuudessa tutkimuksen tĂ€ytyy myös sisĂ€llyttÀÀ myönteisiĂ€ osa-alueita. TĂ€mĂ€n vĂ€itöskirjan tuloksen pohjalta voidaan kannattaa integratiivista nĂ€kökulmaa, sen avulla meidĂ€n ymmĂ€rryksemme nykyisen työelĂ€mĂ€n työhyvinvoinnista, sen edistĂ€misestĂ€ ja turvaamisesta voi kehittyĂ€

    A content analysis about youth experiences of choice of education

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    Bakgrunden till denna studie Àr att det behövs mer kunskap om hur olika kulturmönster relateras till unga vuxnas livsvillkor och hÀlsa. Syftet med analysen Àr att ur ett genus- och sociokulturellt perspektiv skapa förstÄelse och synliggöra effekterna av utbildningsval pÄ unga vuxnas psykiska hÀlsa. Studien bygger pÄ fokusgruppsintervjuer med unga som befinner sig i utbildningsnivÄ med gymnasiet och Àr i Äldrarna 17-29 Är. Intervjuerna Àr gjorda genom öppna frÄgor och materialet Àr analyserat genom innehÄllsanalys. Som resultat frÄn analysen framkom tre teman Att vÀlja, Normering och Stress. och deras respektive subkategorier, möjlighet/tvÄng, inkluderande/exkluderande, genererande/förlamande. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga slutsatser Àr att a) utbildningsvalet kan pÄverka unga vuxnas psykiska hÀlsa genom att identitet och normer hos vissa elever upplevs avvikande för gymnasieskolans struktur och kan i sin tur upplevas som ett utanförskap av eleven, b)genus- och kulturmönster som eleven identifierar sig med kan pÄverka utbildningsvalet och elevens upplevelse av sitt val, c)framtida folkhÀlsovetenskapliga studier bör uppmÀrksamma de elever som inte gÄr den direkta vÀgen utan gör utbildningsval genom omvÀgar eller genom andra Àn de föregivna.FolkhÀlsovetenskapligt progra

    To work or not to work in an extended working life?

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    In most of the industrialised world, the proportion of older and retired people in the population is continuously increasing. This will have budgetary implications for maintaining the welfare state, because the active working section of the population must fund the non-active and old population. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to obtain knowledge about older workers’ work and life situation in association with their planning and decision to retire from working life. Method: The thesis includes one qualitative and three quantitative studies conducted in Sweden. Result: Self-rated health was found to be a better measure than diagnosed disease of whether older workers believed they could work until 65 years or beyond. Health seems not to be a general impediment to working in old age if older workers are satisfied with their work situation and have enough time and opportunities to recover from fatigue. In one of Sweden’s most hazardous work environments, older workers were not injured significantly more often than younger workers. Good mental and physical work environment, moderate working pace and working time, and the right competence and possibility for skills development were factors determining whether older workers believed they can extend their working life. Attitude to older workers in the organisation, motivation and work satisfaction were factors determining whether older workers want to extend working life. Health, personal economic incentives, family/leisure pursuits and attitude to pension in society affected both whether people believed they can and wanted to extend their working life. In their final retirement decision, older workers considered: i) their possibility to balance and adapt functional ageing and health to a sustainable work situation; ii) their economic situation; iii) possibilities for social inclusion and coherence; iv) and possibilities for meaningful activities. Whether these requirements were best fulfilled in or outside working life determined the decision to continue working or to retire. Conclusion: If it is desirable for society that people will to extend their working life, both the “can work” and the “want to work” factors need to be met. It is important to provide a good fit inside working life. This requires a focus not only on older workers, but also on organisations and managers in order to provide incentives that keep older workers in the work force

    Distributional Effects of Wage Leadership: Evidence from Sweden

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    This paper represents the first analysis of the consequences of a formal wage leadership, the Swedish Industry Agreement. We show that leadership in general has implied a lowered wage level for occupational groups having signed the agreement compared to groups that have not signed it. This is as expected as wage leadership should stabilize wage increases. However, the effects differ widely across occupations and skilled groups that signed the agreement have raised their wage level compared to otherwise similar workers outside the agreement. The agreement seems to have had a less binding effect on skilled workers. A possible explanation is that local wage formation is more common among the skilled groups. The agreement has increased the wage level among high educated compared to low educated and thus raised the education premium. Difference-in-differences models are applied using register data 1990-2005.Wage leadership; Differences-in-differences.

    The Design and Effects of Collectively Agreed Minimum Wages: Evidence from Sweden

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    Minimum wages in Sweden are collectively agreed and differ by industry. Within agreements, the rates are also highly differentiated. Minimum wages are higher in Sweden than in any of the countries with statutory rates considered in this study. This is line with the view that minimum wages are higher than otherwise when unions are involved in minimum wage setting. The reported results for Sweden do no support the suggestion that adverse employment effects are modest in systems with collectively agreed rates. This runs counter to the hypothesis that unions and employers have a good sense of what constitutes a relevant market wage for unskilled workers and use this information to set minimum wages at appropriate levels.Minimum Wages; Collective Bargaining
