1,516 research outputs found

    Side effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids abuse – empirical research based on anonymous surveys among people who regularly attend the gym

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    Introduction: The use of anabolic androgenic steroids is particularly common in regular gyms and fitness centres participants. AAS are usually synthetic derivatives of testosterone with anabolic and androgenic effect. However, many people, including AAS users, do not realize how many side effects they can cause.The aim of the study: The aim of the study was to assess if people who regularly attend to the gym are aware of the side effects of using anabolic steroids by empirical research based on anonymous surveys.Materials and methods: The research material was collected using an anonymous online survey in April 2023. The obtained results were analyzed and verified on the basis of scientific literature and statistically processed using Microsoft Office Excel.Results: Of the 112 gym participants, 20,5% reported using anabolic-androgenic steroids in the past. Most of the people filling the questionnaire are aware of the negative health effects of AAS use. However, most of them can't name more than 4 side effects, which shows that knowledge about AAS is still unexplored by this social group.Conclusion: The use of anabolic androgenic steroids to increase muscle size and strength is widespread. Various side effects are very common when using AAS, some of them can seriously affect the health of the users. By raising awareness of side-effects that AAS can cause, it is possible to discourage many people from using these performance-enhancing substances.Keywords: Anabolic-androgenic steroids, testosterone, gym, doping, bodybuildin

    Anabolic-androgenic steroids. Mechanism of action and clinical effects

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    Introduction and aim. Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are used for the rapid enhancement of muscular mass and optimization of athletic performance. Their administration is frequently linked with a plethora of adverse health implications. The primary objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of multifaceted impacts of anabolic-androgenic steroids on the human body. Material and methods. A review of literature was performed by searching PubMed and GoogleScholar databases using the following key words: anabolic-androgenic steroids, muscular hypertrophy, female masculinization. Analysis of the literature. Anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetically manufactured derivatives of testosterone. Given the widespread distribution of the androgen receptor, the effects of these steroids are broad, influencing almost all bodily functions. Their impacts include, promoting muscular hypertrophy including that of the cardiac muscle, premature epiphyseal closure, liver diseases, masculinization in females, feminization in males, and degradation in sperm quality. Conclusion. AAS consumption is a significant public health problem. While they may appeal to users by enhancing their physical attractiveness they carry multiple health consequences. Patients should be educated about the adverse effects of taking AAS so they can make informed decision about starting or stopping their use

    Commentary- Increasing abuse of anabolic steroids and chemsex drugs as performance and image-enhancing agents

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    Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are a family of synthetic “Appearance and Performance Enhancing Drugs” (APED) derived from natural sex hormones, such as testosterone and its derivatives or precursors (e.g., dihydrotestosterone)1 . Whereas testosterone is the androgen responsible for the development of male secondary sex characteristics and elicits both anabolic and androgenic effects, AAS mostly simulate the anabolic effect of endogenous testosterone, and induce only partial androgenic effects2 . In the 1930s, anabolic steroids were shown to facilitate muscular growthhand consequently became rapidly popular among bodybuilders and other athletes, and were already widespread in the 1960s. AAS have been and still are among the doping agents most frequently misused by athletes, regardless of the type of sport, both in preparations containing natural anabolic drugs [e.g., testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)] and in those with synthetic substances (e.g., dianazole, nandrolone, stanozolol and tetrahydrogestrinone

    Efek Pemberian Anabolik Androgenik Steroid Injeksi Dosis Rendah Dan Tinggi Terhadap Gambaran Morfologi Testis Wistar (Rattus Novergicus)

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    Background: Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are synthetic derivatives of endogenous male sex hormone testosterone, which stimulate protein synthesis and masculinization process. The use of AAS without indication can cause negative side effects on the reproductive system, especially in men. Androgenic anabolic steroids may interfere with the regulation of testosterone and gonadotropin hormone that may lead to sexual dysfunction, infertility (disruption of spermatogenesis) and testicular atrophy.Objective: To determine the morphology of wistar testes, treated with anabolic androgenic steroids injection at a low and high doses.Methods: Research subjects were 21 wistar rats divided into 7 groups. Group A were treated with standard pellets for 56 days (negative control), termination on day 29, 43, 57. Group B treated with low dose of AAS anabolic treatment and standard pellets for 28 days, termination on the 29th day. Group C treated with low dose of AAS anabolic treatment and standard pellets for 42 days, termination on the 43rd day . Group D treated with AAS injection on low dose and standard pellets for 56 days, termination on the 57th day. Group E treated with AAS injection on a high dose and standard pellets for 28 days, termination on the 29th day. Group F treated with AAS injection on a high dose and standard pellets for 42 days, termination on the 43rd day. Group G was given high-dose injection AAS treatment and standard pellets for 56 days, termination on the 57th day.Results: Group A showed normal testicular morphology and spermatogenesis. Group B showed disruption of spermatogenesis but testicular atrophy did not occur. Groups C and D showed disruption of spermatogenesis and testicular atrophy. Group E showed disruption of spermatogenesis but testicular atrophy did not occur. Group F and G showed an improvement on spermatogenesis and testicular atrophy did not occur.Conclusions: Administration of low doses of anabolic androgenic steroids injection caused morphological change in rat's testes manifested as atrophy in 4 weeks, while after administration of high doses anabolic androgenic steroids injection also caused morphological change in rat's testesin the form of fewer interstitial cell compared to negative control. However administration for longer than 6 weeks does not cause athropy. The effects of AAS on various other organs were not tested in this study

    Zastosowanie testosteronu i steroidĂłw androgenno-anabolicznych w sporcie

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    Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) and testosterone are the most frequently detected prohibited doping agents in sport. Professional competitors have been taking them since the fifties of the 20th century, they are used at present mainly by sport amateurs. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids are very often used in combination with other doping agents (erythropoietin, growth hormone, thyroxin). Apart from desirable for athletes anabolic and anticatabolic properties AAS have many side effects. In extreme cases doping with AAS can be life-threatening.Steroidy androgenno-anaboliczne (AAS, anabolic androgenic steroids) i testosteron są najczęƛciej wykrywanymi niedozwolonymi ƛrodkami dopingującymi w sporcie. Profesjonalni zawodnicy wykorzystują je od lat 50. XX wieku, jednak aktualnie większoƛć konsumentĂłw AAS to osoby uprawiające sport rekreacyjnie. Steroidy androgenno-anaboliczne są bardzo często stosowane Ƃącznie z innymi ƛrodkami dopingującymi (erytropoetyna, hormon wzrostu, tyroksyna). Obok poĆŒÄ…danych przez sportowcĂłw wƂaƛciwoƛci anabolicznych i antykatabolicznych AAS wywoƂują takĆŒe wiele dziaƂaƄ niepoĆŒÄ…danych. W skrajnych przypadkach doping AAS moĆŒe stanowić zagroĆŒenie dla ĆŒycia

    Bigger, faster, stronger! An overview of anabolic androgenic steroids and their use and impact on the sport industry

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    The use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) in sport is no longer confined to the power disciplines and has become a wide-spread issue throughout the general population. AAS are synthetic versions of the male hormone testosterone and display both anabolic and androgenic properties. It is the anabolic properties that are responsible for the muscle binding characteristics and are the main attraction for users. The primary purpose of this review was to provide an overview of the use of AAS in the sports industry by outlining the history of AAS use, the role of AAS in the Olympic success of Soviet athletes and the German Democratic Republic. Furthermore, case studies of the high profile cases of Ben Johnson, Marion Jones and Lance Armstrong were also examined along with the consequences of their drug use. Also outlined are the reasons for AAS use, the variety of ways in which they are used and short and long-term adverse side effects associated with their use. This research has highlighted problems with previous AAS literature as there is a lack of research into the long-term side effects of AAS use

    Everyday memory deficits associated with anabolic-androgenic steroid use in regular gymnasium users

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    Background: This study compared a group of 47 regular gym users who take androgenic-anabolic steroids (the AAS group) as part of their recreational sport, with a group of 48 regular gym users who do not use AAS (the Non-AAS group) on self-reports of Retrospective memory (RM), executive function (EF) and prospective memory (PM), which are all critical to everyday remembering. Methods: All participants were tested using an on-line Survey Monkey method. The Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ) assessed everyday RM and PM deficits and the Executive Function Questionnaire (EFQ) assessed self-reported problems in EF. A drug-use questionnaire and a mood questionnaire were also administered Results: After observing no between-group differences on alcohol or mood, omitting anyone who drank excessively or had drank recently, smoked or reported using any illegal drug, three one-way ANCOVAs (controlling for age) revealed that the ASS group reported significantly more RM deficits, EF deficits, and PM deficits, when compared with the NonASS group. Conclusion: It was concluded that AAS use in a recreational sports context is associated with RM, EF and PM deficits, indicating that AAS use may damage everyday remembering

    Ventricular androgenic-anabolic steroid-related remodeling: an immunohistochemical study

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    Background: Several fatal cases of bodybuilders, following a myocardial infarction after long exposure to androgenicanabolic steroids (AAS), are reported. In recent years, evidence has emerged of cases of heart failure related to AAS consumption, with no signs of coronary or aorta atherosclerosis. This study aims to further investigate the pathogenesis of the ventricular AAS-related remodeling performing immunohistochemistry (IHC). Method: In order to examine innate immunity activity and myocytes and endothelial cell apoptosis, IHC analyses were performed on heart tissue of two cases of bodybuilders who died after years of supratherapeutic use of metelonone and nandrolone and where no atherosclerosis or thrombosis were found, using the following antibodies: anti-CD68, anti-iNOS, anti-CD163, anti-CD 15, anti-CD8, anti-CD4, anti-HIF1 α, and in situ TUNEL staining. Results: Results confirm the experimental findings of recent research that, in the absence of other pathological factors, if intensive training is combined with AAS abuse, myocytes and endothelial cells undergo apoptotic alterations. The absence of inflammatory reactions and the presence of an increased number of M2 macrophages in the areas of fibrotic remodeling confirm that the fibrotic changes in the heart are apoptosisrelated and not necrosis-related. Conclusions In conclusion, the study indicates that, in very young subjects with chronic hypoxia-related alterations of the heart, signs of a heart failure in the other organs and a history of AAS abuse, death can be ascribed to progressive heart failure due to the direct apoptotic cardiac and endothelial changes produced by AAS

    Potentially harmful advantage to athletes: a putative connection between UGT2B17 gene deletion polymorphism and renal disorders with prolonged use of anabolic androgenic steroids

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: With prolonged use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), occasional incidents of renal disorders have been observed. Independently, it has also been established that there are considerable inter-individual and inter-ethnic differences, in particular with reference to the uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17 (UGT2B17) gene, in metabolising these compounds. This report postulates the association of deletion polymorphism in the UGT2B17 gene with the occurrence of renal disorders on chronic exposure to AAS. PRESENTATION OF THE HYPOTHESIS: The major deactivation and elimination pathway of AASs is through glucuronide conjugation, chiefly catalyzed by the UGT2B17 enzyme, followed by excretion in urine. Excretion of steroids is affected in individuals with a deletion mutation in the UGT2B17 gene. We hypothesize that UGT2B17 deficient individuals are more vulnerable to developing renal disorders with prolonged use of AAS owing to increases in body mass index and possible direct toxic effects of steroids on the kidneys. Elevated serum levels of biologically active steroids due to inadequate elimination can lead to prolonged muscle build up. An increase in body mass index may cause renal injuries due to sustained elevated glomerular pressure and flow rate. TESTING THE HYPOTHESIS: In the absence of controlled clinical trials in humans, observational studies can be carried out. Real time PCR with allelic discrimination should be employed to examine the prevalence of different UGT2B17 genotypes in patients with impaired renal function and AAS abuse. In individuals with the UGT2B17 deletion polymorphism, blood tests, biofluid analyses, urinalysis, and hair analyses following the administration of an anabolic steroid can be used to determine the fate of the substance once in the body. IMPLICATIONS OF THE HYPOTHESIS: If the hypothesis is upheld, anabolic steroid users with a deletion mutation in the UGT2B17 gene may be exposed to an increased risk of developing renal disorders. In the current detecting - sanctioning anti-doping system, athletes motivated by the potential to evade detection owing to their unique genetic make-up could subject themselves to a serious health consequence. More research on AAS metabolism in the presence of UGT2B17 gene deletion is required. Benefit - harm evaluations in therapeutic use of anabolic steroids should also consider this potential link between UGT2B17 gene deletion polymorphism and renal disorders

    “May the Best Athlete Win—The Use of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids in Athletic Sports”

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    Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are derivatives of testosterone, which has physiological effects on sex drive and boosts muscle mass, enhancing athletic performance in men and women. Illegally, these drugs are regularly self-administered by athletes, bodybuilders, and powerlifters to improve their sportive performance. As a result, most competitive sports have banned AAS. Although, the use of synthetic derivatives has been challenging to establish allowable limits for testosterone in competition as the use of AAS has dynamically increased in both exercise and winning in competition. Testosterone may promote athletic performance, not only through its long-term anabolic actions but also through rapid behavioral effects. Studies have shown that testosterone has potent anabolic effects on the musculoskeletal system, including increased lean body mass, dose-related hypertrophy of muscle fibers, and increased muscle strength for athletes requiring speed and strength. Thus, making illegal steroids a powerful lure, despite the risk of negative side effects. However, severe side effects appear following prolonged use of AAS at a high dose, but their occurrence is limited. In the world of sports and competition, the use of anabolic androgenic steroids is frowned upon in the anti-doping community
