2,405 research outputs found

    Electrical conductivity of the hippocampal CA1 layers and application to current-source-density analysis

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    The microstructure of the layers in the hippocampal CA1 area suggests that differences may exist between the electrical conductivities of these layers. In order to quantify these differences a sinusoidal current was applied to hippocampal slices in a bathing medium and potential differences were measured between pairs of neighbouring electrodes from an array. The maximum relative conductivity (100%) was found in the middle part of str. radiatum, with a gradual decrease towards the fissure (84%). There was also a gradual decrease towards the alveus (70%), but in str. pyramidale the relative conductivity was only 42%. No differences were observed between the laminar conductivities of normal hippocampal slices and slices generating spontaneous interictal bursts. These results were used to carry out a one-dimensional CSD analysis of field potentials evoked by Schaffer collateral stimulation. Despite the differences in conductivity, the homogeneous and the inhomogeneous CSD approximations did not lead to differences in the spatial distribution of sources and sinks and only gave some differences in the current density, especially at the pyramidal layer and its close environment

    Human neuronal stargazin-like proteins, γ_2, γ_3 and γ_4; an investigation of their specific localization in human brain and their influence on Ca_V2.1 voltage-dependent calcium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes

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    Background: Stargazin (γ2) and the closely related γ3, and γ4 transmembrane proteins are part of a family of proteins that may act as both neuronal voltage-dependent calcium channel (VDCC) γ subunits and transmembrane α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazoleproponinc (AMPA) receptor regulatory proteins (TARPs). In this investigation, we examined the distribution patterns of the stargazin-like proteins γ2, γ3, and γ4 in the human central nervous system (CNS). In addition, we investigated whether human γ2 or γ4 could modulate the electrophysiological properties of a neuronal VDCC complex transiently expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Results: The mRNA encoding human γ2 is highly expressed in cerebellum, cerebral cortex, hippocampus and thalamus, whereas γ3 is abundant in cerebral cortex and amygdala and γ4 in the basal ganglia. Immunohistochemical analysis of the cerebellum determined that both γ2 and γ4 are present in the molecular layer, particularly in Purkinje cell bodies and dendrites, but have an inverse expression pattern to one another in the dentate cerebellar nucleus. They are also detected in the interneurons of the granule cell layer though only γ2 is clearly detected in granule cells. The hippocampus stains for γ2 and γ4 throughout the layers of the every CA region and the dentate gyrus, whilst γ3 appears to be localized particularly to the pyramidal and granule cell bodies. When co-expressed in Xenopus oocytes with a CaV2.1/β4 VDCC complex, either in the absence or presence of an α2δ2 subunit, neither γ2 nor γ4 significantly modulated the VDCC peak current amplitude, voltage-dependence of activation or voltage-dependence of steady-state inactivation. Conclusion: The human γ2, γ3 and γ4 stargazin-like proteins are detected only in the CNS and display differential distributions among brain regions and several cell types in found in the cerebellum and hippocampus. These distribution patterns closely resemble those reported by other laboratories for the rodent orthologues of each protein. Whilst the fact that neither γ2 nor γ4 modulated the properties of a VDCC complex with which they could associate in vivo in Purkinje cells adds weight to the hypothesis that the principal role of these proteins is not as auxiliary subunits of VDCCs, it does not exclude the possibility that they play another role in VDCC function

    Human neuronal stargazin-like proteins, gamma(2), gamma(3) and gamma(4); an investigation of their specific localization in human brain and their influence on Ca(V)2.1 voltage-dependent calcium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes

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    Background: Stargazin (gamma(2)) and the closely related gamma(3), and gamma(4) transmembrane proteins are part of a family of proteins that may act as both neuronal voltage-dependent calcium channel (VDCC) gamma subunits and transmembrane alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazoleproponinc (AMPA) receptor regulatory proteins (TARPs). In this investigation, we examined the distribution patterns of the stargazin-like proteins gamma(2), gamma(3), and gamma(4) in the human central nervous system (CNS). In addition, we investigated whether human gamma(2) or gamma(4) could modulate the electrophysiological properties of a neuronal VDCC complex transiently expressed in Xenopus oocytes.Results: The mRNA encoding human gamma(2) is highly expressed in cerebellum, cerebral cortex, hippocampus and thalamus, whereas gamma(3) is abundant in cerebral cortex and amygdala and gamma(4) in the basal ganglia. Immunohistochemical analysis of the cerebellum determined that both gamma(2) and gamma(4) are present in the molecular layer, particularly in Purkinje cell bodies and dendrites, but have an inverse expression pattern to one another in the dentate cerebellar nucleus. They are also detected in the interneurons of the granule cell layer though only gamma(2) is clearly detected in granule cells. The hippocampus stains for gamma(2) and gamma(4) throughout the layers of the every CA region and the dentate gyrus, whilst gamma(3) appears to be localized particularly to the pyramidal and granule cell bodies. When co-expressed in Xenopus oocytes with a Ca(V)2.1/beta(4) VDCC complex, either in the absence or presence of an alpha(2)delta(2) subunit, neither gamma(2) nor gamma(4) significantly modulated the VDCC peak current amplitude, voltage-dependence of activation or voltage-dependence of steady-state inactivation.Conclusion: The human gamma(2), gamma(3) and gamma(4) stargazin-like proteins are detected only in the CNS and display differential distributions among brain regions and several cell types in found in the cerebellum and hippocampus. These distribution patterns closely resemble those reported by other laboratories for the rodent orthologues of each protein. Whilst the fact that neither gamma(2) nor gamma(4) modulated the properties of a VDCC complex with which they could associate in vivo in Purkinje cells adds weight to the hypothesis that the principal role of these proteins is not as auxiliary subunits of VDCCs, it does not exclude the possibility that they play another role in VDCC function

    Propagation velocity of epileptiform activity in the hippocampus

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    The propagation of epileptiform burst activity was investigated in the CA1 area of the in-vitro hippocampal slice preparation of the guinea pig. This activity was provoked by 0.1 mM 4-aminopyridine in the bathing medium and was recorded in the pyramidal layer with an array of eight electrodes. The delay between the first population spike of a burst recorded with different electrodes was calculated using the cross-correlation function. The propagation velocity was estimated from the delays and the electrode intervals. It was found that the velocity of spontaneous and evoked epileptiform bursts varies between 0.15 and 5 m/s and is not confined to the range of conduction velocities of the fibre systems in CA1 (0.3–0.55 and 1.0–1.8 m/s). Different velocities can be present in different parts of the CA1 area and the initiation of spontaneous bursts is not confined to the CA2–3 areas, but can also occur in CA1. Burst activity also propagated in a low calcium-high magnesium medium. Different mechanisms of propagation are discussed and it is argued that the propagation velocity due to ephaptic interaction may vary largely. It is concluded that epileptiform activity can be propagated not only by synaptic connections at or near the pyramidal layer, but also by way of electrical field effects of population spikes

    Generation and propagation of epileptiform activity in the hippocampal slice preparation

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    For the investigation of epileptiform events in the hippo-campal CA1 field, in-vitro slices of the guinea-pig were used. After adding 0.1 mmol 4-aminopyridine to the bathing medium, field potentials were recorded with an electrode array, consisting of 8 semi-microelectrodes at spacings of 0.1 ram. A comparison was made between the spontaneously occurring field potentials (SFP) in CA I and those evoked by different inputs to the CA1 pyramidal cells, namely alveus, str. oriens and Schaffer collaterals. For this purpose the electrode array was placed in CA l, parallel to the axes for the pyramidal cells. The regularly occurring SEP's presented a similar distribution as the potentials evoked by stimulation of str. oriens or alveus of CAI, but differed from those evoked by stimulation of the chaffer colaterals. This indicates that in CA1 SFP's are generated in a similar way as field potentials evoked by alveus or str. oriens stimulation. It was also found that SFP's are propagated from CA3 and CAI at a velocity of 0.16-0.30 m/sec. Therefore pathways in alveus and str. oriens, connecting CA3 and CA1, may be important in propagating epileptiform activity. This was supported by experiments in which different pathways were sectioned

    Structure-stiffness relation of live mouse brain tissue determined by depth-controlled indentation mapping

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    The mechanical properties of brain tissue play a pivotal role in neurodevelopment and neurological disorders. Yet, at present, there is no consensus on how the different structural parts of the tissue contribute to its stiffness variations. Here, we have gathered depth-controlled indentation viscoelasticity maps of the hippocampus of isolated horizontal live mouse brain sections. Our results confirm the highly viscoelestic nature of the material and clearly show that the mechanical properties correlate with the different morphological layers of the samples investigated. Interestingly, the relative cell nuclei area seems to negatively correlate with the stiffness observed

    GABA-enhanced collective behavior in neuronal axons underlies persistent gamma-frequency oscillations

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    Gamma (30–80 Hz) oscillations occur in mammalian electroencephalogram in a manner that indicates cognitive relevance. In vitro models of gamma oscillations demonstrate two forms of oscillation: one occurring transiently and driven by discrete afferent input and the second occurring persistently in response to activation of excitatory metabotropic receptors. The mechanism underlying persistent gamma oscillations has been suggested to involve gap-junctional communication between axons of principal neurons, but the precise relationship between this neuronal activity and the gamma oscillation has remained elusive. Here we demonstrate that gamma oscillations coexist with high-frequency oscillations (>90 Hz). High-frequency oscillations can be generated in the axonal plexus even when it is physically isolated from pyramidal cell bodies. They were enhanced in networks by nonsomatic -aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor activation, were modulated by perisomatic GABAA receptor-mediated synaptic input to principal cells, and provided the phasic input to interneurons required to generate persistent gamma-frequency oscillations. The data suggest that high-frequency oscillations occurred as a consequence of random activity within the axonal plexus. Interneurons provide a mechanism by which this random activity is both amplified and organized into a coherent network rhythm

    Myelin dysfunction drives amyloid-β deposition in models of Alzheimer's disease

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    The incidence of Alzheimer's disease (AD), the leading cause of dementia, increases rapidly with age, but why age constitutes the main risk factor is still poorly understood. Brain ageing affects oligodendrocytes and the structural integrity of myelin sheaths(1), the latter of which is associated with secondary neuroinflammation(2,3). As oligodendrocytes support axonal energy metabolism and neuronal health(4-7), we hypothesized that loss of myelin integrity could be an upstream risk factor for neuronal amyloid-beta (A beta) deposition, the central neuropathological hallmark of AD. Here we identify genetic pathways of myelin dysfunction and demyelinating injuries as potent drivers of amyloid deposition in mouse models of AD. Mechanistically, myelin dysfunction causes the accumulation of the A beta-producing machinery within axonal swellings and increases the cleavage of cortical amyloid precursor protein. Suprisingly, AD mice with dysfunctional myelin lack plaque-corralling microglia despite an overall increase in their numbers. Bulk and single-cell transcriptomics of AD mouse models with myelin defects show that there is a concomitant induction of highly similar but distinct disease-associated microglia signatures specific to myelin damage and amyloid plaques, respectively. Despite successful induction, amyloid disease-associated microglia (DAM) that usually clear amyloid plaques are apparently distracted to nearby myelin damage. Our data suggest a working model whereby age-dependent structural defects of myelin promote A beta plaque formation directly and indirectly and are therefore an upstream AD risk factor. Improving oligodendrocyte health and myelin integrity could be a promising target to delay development and slow progression of AD