361 research outputs found

    BostadsrÀtterna, allmÀnnyttan och lagarna

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    Uppsatsen behandlar Ă€ganderĂ€ttsbegreppets förĂ€ndring i den svenska hyreshussektorn. SĂ€rskild uppmĂ€rksamhet Ă€gnas Ă„t bostadsrĂ€ttsinstitutets stĂ€llning och utveckling. Den tĂ€ckta tidsperioden Ă€r 1900-talet, men ett sĂ€rskilt utrymme Ă€gnas Ă„t 1970-talets utveckling. FrĂ„n och med 1942 kom Ă€ganderĂ€ttsbegreppet att spĂ€das ut i sektorn, nĂ€r hyres- och kapitalmarknadsregleringar i vĂ€xande utstrĂ€ckning tömde det pĂ„ konkret innehĂ„ll. Viktiga institutionella förĂ€ndringar genomfördes frĂ„n och med 1969, vilka innebar att bĂ„de bostadsrĂ€tts- och fastighetsmarknaden kom att fungera pĂ„ ett effektivare sĂ€tt. Ett dynamiskt 1970-tal följde, nĂ€r en omfattande legislativ aktivitet Ă€gnades Ă„t att begrĂ€nsa vissa aktörers tilltrĂ€de till de framvĂ€xande nya marknaderna. Effekten av lagstiftningen blev efterhand att bostadsrĂ€ttsföreningars stĂ€llning jĂ€mförelsevis stĂ€rktes. Även bostadsrĂ€ttsinstitutet har Ă€gnats stor legislativ uppmĂ€rksamhet, men det har visat sig mycket svĂ„rt att hindra boendeformens fortsatta tillvĂ€xt. Slutligen diskuteras det möjliga sambandet mellan bostadsrĂ€ttsformens utbredning och den Ă„terhĂ€mtning som skett i svenska innerstĂ€der efter 1975. Slutsatsen Ă€r att ett starkt samband mellan Ă€ganderĂ€tt och stĂ€ders attraktivitet förefaller finnas.bostadsmarknaden; hyresreglering; Ă€ganderĂ€tt; bostadsrĂ€tt; regleringar

    Social housing in Europe

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    Social housing has been an important part in Europe’s housing provision for many decades both in terms of investment in new build and regeneration but also in providing adequate affordable housing for a wide range of European citizens. This role has been seen to be under threat especially since the 1980s as public expenditure pressures have grown, liberalisation and privatisation have become more important and alternative tenures have become more readily available.1 This paper draws out some of the most important trends in the scale of social housing in countries across Europe; clarifies who lives in the sector and under what terms and conditions, and then discusses some of the drivers behind these trends and implications for the future provision of social housing.2 In particular it addresses the extent to which social housing contributes to ensuring that households can access adequate standard accommodation at a price they can afford in different contexts within the European Union. It also looks to the challenges faced by the sector and its role in the future

    TillfÀlliga bostÀder pÄ tillfÀllig vistelseort?

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    Den 1 mars 2016 infördes en ny lag om gemensamt ansvar för mottagande av nyanlÀnda. Lagen reglerar hur mÄnga nyanlÀnda invandrare varje lÀn och kommun ska ta emot. Denna fallstudie undersöker hur utvalda kommuner i SkÄne förhÄller sig till lagen om gemensamt mottagande av nyanlÀnda invandrare och vilka strategier de arbetar efter för att tillgodose bostÀder Ät mÄlgruppen, samt hur tolkningen och arbetet pÄverkar segregationen inom och mellan kommuner. Invandrare och inkomstfattiga hushÄll Àr koncentrerade till hyresrÀttsbestÄndet och till allmÀnnyttan i synnerhet. De senaste tvÄ decennierna har sambandet mellan upplÄtelseform och inkomstnivÄ stÀrkts. Kommuner som under tidigare Är har haft ett obefintligt mottagande av nyanlÀnda har mÄnga gÄnger förklarat det med bristen pÄ hyresrÀtter. Dagens lagstiftning preciserar inte vilken form av bostÀder den mottagande kommunen ska erbjuda mÄlgruppen, vilket Àr ett försök att ge alla chansen att snabbt skapa boendealternativ. I studien intervjuas sju skÄnska kommuner, som bÄde har och saknar ett allmÀnnyttigt bostadsbolag. De utvalda kommunerna tolkar lagen pÄ olika sÀtt och graden ansvar kommunerna upplever i frÄgan varierar. Kommuner vars verksamhet vilar pÄ moraliskt grundad legitimitet upplever socialt ansvar som drivkraften bakom att följa lagen och kommuner prÀglade av en pragmatisk legitimitet hÀnvisar till ekonomiska faktorer i större utstrÀckning. Kommunerna arbetar i varierande grad för att skapa permanenta boendealternativ Ät nyanlÀnda invandrare. De kommuner som Àr negativt instÀllda till mottagande hÀnvisar mÄlgruppen till tillfÀlliga boendealternativ som omfattas av en tidsfrist.The 1th of March 2016, a new law on joint responsibility for the reception of new immigrants was introduced. The law regulates how many new immigrants each county and municipality are suposed to receive and the decision is not appealable. This case study examines how selected municipalities in Scania relates to the law on joint reception of new immigrants and the strategies they are working on to meet the housing supply at a target audience, and how the interpretation and work affects segregation within and between municipalities. Immigrants and households with a poor income are concentrated in the tenancy stock and to public housing in particular. During the past two decades the relationship between the tenancy stock and income level has strengthened. Municipalities, in previous years being non existent recipients, have explained that those facts depends on a shortage of rental unites. Current legislation does not specify what form of housing the receiving municipality will provide the immigrants, which is an attempt to give everyone the chance to quickly create accommodation. In the study seven municipalities in Scania are interviewed, having and not having public housing. The selected municipalities interpret the law differently, and the degree of responsibility of the municipalities are experiencing the issue varies. Municipalities whose business rests on the moral legitimacy experiencing social responsibility as the driving force behind the law and municipalities characterized by a pragmatic legitimacy refers to economic factors to a greater extent. The public housing is reported to be an important tool to meet the target with housing. Municipalities work in varying degrees to create permanent accommodation for newly arrived immigrants. The municipalities negative towards the target host refer to temporary accommodation subject to a time limit

    AllmÀnnyttiga bostadsbolag - en komparativ studie av Sverige och Danmark

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    De svenska allmÀnnyttiga bostadsbolagen i Sverige inrÀttades frÄn början som kategoribostÀder för mindre bemedlade, barnrika familjer pÄ 1930-talet. PÄ liknande sÀtt riktade Àven de danska allmÀnnyttiga bostadsbolagen ursprungligen sin verksamhet till mindre bemedlade. PÄ 1940-talet kom dock den svenska allmÀnnyttans syfte att utvidgas till att förse alla med bra billiga bostÀder, en utveckling som kom att dröja till 1990-talet i Danmark. BÄde den svenska och den danska allmÀnnyttan har frÄn första början definierats utifrÄn lÄnevillkoren för statliga bostadssubventioner men regleras numera i egna lagar, lagen om kommunala bostadsaktiebolag samt loven om almene boliger. Den svenska sÄvÀl som den danska allmÀnnyttan tillÀmpade sjÀlvkostnadsprincipen sedan sitt grundande vilket innebar att hyrorna sattes utifrÄn driftskostnaderna. Detta har varit en bidragande orsak till de problem med prissplittring, de nyare bostÀder har högre hyra Àn de Àldre, som funnits i Sverige och Danmark. Fram till nyligen gÀllde vinstförbud för de allmÀnnyttiga bostadsbolagen i Sverige sÄvÀl som Danmark men detta har numera ersatts av affÀrsmÀssiga principer i Sverige. Efter bÄde första och andra vÀrldskriget uppstod omfattande problem med materialbrist, bostadsbrist, risk för stegrande hyror m.m. Som svar pÄ dessa införde Sverige och Danmark hyresregleringslagar samt beviljade omfattande statssubventioner för bostadsbyggande. AllmÀnnyttan kom att ha en bostadspolitikiskt viktig roll under 1900-talets andra hÀlft och blev en del av den allmÀnna vÀlfÀrdspolitiken. Alla skulle ha möjlighet till en bra bostad till skÀlig hyra, oavsett ekonomisk och social bakgrund. I Sverige tog allmÀnnyttan en hyresnormerande roll efter att efterkrigstidens krisreglering avskaffades. Genom sin tillÀmpning av sjÀlvkostnadsprincipen hoppades man att de svenska allmÀnnyttiga bostadsbolagen skulle ha en dÀmpande effekt pÄ det övriga hyresbestÄndets hyror. I Danmark kom boendeinflytandet att utvecklas redan pÄ 1950-talet fram till dagens regler dÀr de boende har omfattande inflyttande över sin lokala avdelnings dagliga drift. Bostadsbolagets högsta organ ska dessutom vara demokratiskt valt. Genom arbetet med att hÄlla hyrorna i bostadsbestÄndet nere men ocksÄ genom statlig subventionering av bostadsbyggande och de allmÀnnyttiga bostadsbolagens strÀvan att förse behövande med bra bostÀder till ett rimligt pris har bostadsbristen, Ätminstone tills nyligen, ÄtgÀrdats, trÄngboddheten försvunnit och bostadsbestÄndets standard genomgÄtt en oerhörd förbÀttring. De senare Ären har Äterigen problem sÄsom bostadsbrist i Sverige och dyra bostÀder i Danmark blivit allt mer framtrÀdande. Vilket syfte de allmÀnnyttiga bostadsbolagen kommer att tjÀna i framtiden ÄterstÄr dock att se.The Swedish public housing (allmÀnnyttigt bostadsbolag) in Sweden was initially set up as category housing for large, low-income families in the 1930s. Similarly, the Danish public housing were created for people with limited means. In the 1940s, however, the goal of the Swedish public housing was extended to provide everyone with good affordable housing, a development that was not reached until the 1990s in Denmark. Both the Swedish and Danish public housing has from the start been defined based on the loan terms for government housing subsidy but are now regulated in the following laws, lagen om kommunala bostadsaktiebolag and loven om almene boliger. The Swedish and Danish public housing has applied a prime cost principle since its origin that meant that rents were based on operating costs. This has been a contributing factor to the problem of price division, (the newer apartments have higher rent than the older ones) which has existed in Sweden and Denmark. Until recently a prohibition of profit was applied on the public housing in Sweden and Denmark, but this has now been replaced by commercial principles in Sweden. After both the First and Second World Wars arose extensive problems such as material shortages, housing shortages and the risk of increasing rents. In response to these problems Sweden and Denmark imposed rent control laws and granted extensive government subsidies for housing construction. Public housing came to play an important role in housing policy during the second half of the 1900s and became part of the general welfare state. Everyone should have the opportunity to a good home for a reasonable rent, regardless of economic and social background. In Sweden, the public housing took up a position as a prescriptive role model for deciding the appropriate rent level after the postwar crisis regulation was abolished. By applying the prime cost principle it was hoped that the Swedish public housing would have a dampening effect on the rest of the rental portfolio rents. In Denmark tenant influence over their living situation were introduced in the 1950 's and have since then developed into today's rules were residents have extensive influence over their local department's daily operations and the public housing company's highest body shall be democratically elected. Through the work of keeping rents in the public housing down but also through state subsidization of housing and municipal housing companies' efforts to provide people with limited means with good housing at a reasonable price, the housing crisis, at least until recently, were corrected, overcrowding disappeared and the housing stock have undergone a tremendous improvement. Recent years however, problems such as lack of housing in Sweden and expensive housing in Denmark has become increasingly prominent. What purpose the public housing will earn in the future solving of theses problems remains to be seen

    Fri kontra reglerad hyressĂ€ttning – En studie av Stockholms hyresbostadsmarknad

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    Several Swedish municipalities, in particular Stockholm inner city, suffer from excessive housing shortage – demand exceeds supply by far. The result of this is for example a market with a long housing queue, illegal trade with lease agreements and rental houses being transformed into building societies. These problems are due to the fact that the rental housing market in Sweden is controlled and Stockholm is the region in Europe with the most strictly controlled rental housing market in Europe. Most people agree that abolish of the regulation would lead to an increasing production of rental houses. This thesis concentrates on supply and construction of rental houses in Stockholm. The overall purpose of the study is to investigate how rent control in Sweden in terms of the user value system works and what impact it has on supply and demand. The aim of the study is to increase the knowledge about different stakeholders’ views on rent control and the opportunities and obstacles associated with a possible abrogation. A qualitative study was carried out in the form of ten interviews with representatives of six large rental housing companies in Stockholm, a representative of the Swedish Property Federation, a representative of the Swedish Union of Tenants, a representative of the Swedish organization for adolescents looking for a place to live (Jagvillhabostad.nu) along with a political adviser from the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. The system of today is a long way from market adjustment, according to the interviewed representatives of the rental housing companies. Location, condition and standard of the flat must be given greater significance in the rent-setting. The union of tenants’ does not agree – it is not necessary to change the system of today and the organization has nothing against it. According to the property federation there will not be any private rental houses left in the inner city of Stockholm if the current trend continues. It has to be more profitable to own and manage rental houses. It is not the user value system that leads to insufficient production of new houses according to Jagvillhabostad.nu and the Swedish Union of Tenants’. Both parties agree that the user value system itself is all right and that a system with a totally free market would lead to excessive rent increases. There has to be a part of the market that is controlled. The disagreement between the property federation and the union of tenants’ is about the application of the user value system. According to the new legislation the municipal housing companies have to act businesslike and there are different opinions about what this means in practice. The future development of the market depends largely on which party finds support for their interpretation of the new law. The reason that the parties could not settle on a new model for rent-setting (Stockholmsmodellen) was that the union of tenants’ demanded an agreement that higher rents in the inner city would have to be compensated with lower rents in the suburban areas, i.e. a zero-sum arrangement. The property federation could not approve that. A crucial condition to be able to implement the new model is that the question is raised from the district to the regional level – Stockholm must be managed as one region and not several different municipalities. All interviewees agree that social housing is not a desirable system in Sweden. It is stigmatizing, leads to lock-in effects and creates segregation. The Swedish model with general investments in housing for all citizens is a better way to handle the problem. Subsidizing construction is the wrong instrument for solving the housing shortage, the interviewees agree. It is expensive for the state and leads to political construction instead of construction on market conditions. Subsidies tend to be engulfed by increased construction costs. Since 1990, construction prices in Sweden have increased by four times the retailer price index. In addition, subsidies are associated with political risk and the property owners are seeking to minimize their risks. The union of tenants’ suggests lower VAT for construction. This requires an alteration in an EU directive and while waiting for this to change it would be suitable with investment grants to stimulate the launch of construction. This investment grant must be linked to a certain rent level to keep the rents low. Jagvillhabostad does not consider subsidies as right or wrong, but argues that it is up to the construction firms to prove that they do not need subsidies – they have not showed that yet. In order to create incentives to increase housing construction simplifications are necessary. On a municipal level it is about finding properties to exploit and about ensure that the planning process does not become a limiting field. Furthermore, some municipalities have to take greater responsibility to make sure that houses are built. Maybe the law about housing must be tightened up to increase the pressure on those municipalities who neglect housing. Lessons can be learned from Helsinki where municipalities in the region collaborate in order to increase building sites and create houses for people in need. The public sector needs to simplify the planning and building act and equalize the rules for rental housing with other tenures. Rental housing is disadvantaged in respect of taxes compare to house and building-society flat, primarily due to certain deductions applying to house and flat owners. For the individual consumer it costs approximately 2000 SEK more per month to live in a recently built rental instead of a building-society flat. This must be reviewed. It is too easy to appeal against construction. It takes time, costs money, and people become frustrated. Those who complain do not risk anything themselves. It is about moving the scale in this balance of interests. The public interest must be weighed against the private

    Equality as a driver of inequality? Universalistic welfare, generalised creditworthiness and financialised housing markets

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    Scandinavian countries are known for their universalistic welfare states, corporatist coordination, strong economic performances and egalitarian outcomes, an institutional combination often referred to as the “The Nordic Model”. However, these countries also possess volatile and increasingly vulnerable housing markets characterized by periods of sharp increases in prices and rents and some of the highest debt to income ratios in the world. The combination of a universalistic welfare state and housing market dynamics sets off a self-reinforcing process of increased stratification and re-familialisation. How did these orderly, egalitarian and welfare-oriented societies end up with housing markets that expose their citizens to increasing risk while driving inequality? The key lies in the effect the Nordic welfare state has on financialized housing markets. Successful decommodification of human lives leads to generalized creditworthiness which stimulates asset price inflation and new wealth and risk inequalities.acceptedVersio

    Prisutvecklingen pÄ bostÀder i Malmö - En statistisk jÀmförelse med Stockholm och Göteborg

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    BostĂ€der bestĂ„r antingen av hela fastigheter eller av delar av fastigheter. Fastigheter och deras priser Ă€r intressanta i förhĂ„llande till andra varor dĂ„ de Ă€r knutna till en precis lokalisering. Priset pĂ„ en fastighet sĂ€ger mycket om vĂ€rdet av den lokalisering som fastigheten har. För en stad Ă€r prisutvecklingen en slags temperaturmĂ€tare och speglar en förĂ€ndring i attraktivitet för ett visst lĂ€ge. Syftet med examensarbetet Ă€r att förklara avvikelsen i prisutveckling pĂ„ bostĂ€der i Malmö. Fokus ligger primĂ€rt pĂ„ att undersöka syftet utifrĂ„n den grundlĂ€ggande nationalekonomi som speglar de mest sjĂ€lvklara teoretiska förklaringarna i form av en utbudseffekt eller efterfrĂ„geeffekt i Malmö jĂ€mfört med Stockholm och Göteborg. UtgĂ„ngspunkten Ă€r att marknaderna i Malmö, Göteborg och Stockholm fungerar pĂ„ samma sĂ€tt. I andra hand undersöks avvikelsen i prisutveckling utifrĂ„n perspektivet att marknaderna i Malmö, Stockholm och Göteborg fungerar pĂ„ principiellt olika sĂ€tt. Fokus ligger i det hĂ€r steget pĂ„ att undersöka om det finns en effekt frĂ„n Öresundsregionen, alternativt om bostadsmarknadens struktur i Malmö har en effekt pĂ„ prisutvecklingen i förhĂ„llande till Stockholm och Göteborg. Valda metoder för att utföra undersökningen har formats med hĂ€nsyn till det statistiska materialet som funnits tillgĂ€nglig med utgĂ„ngspunkt i den utvalda litteraturen. En allmĂ€n litteraturstudie har gjorts för att fĂ„ bakgrund till vad som pĂ„verkar ett pris. HĂ€r görs djupdykning i relevanta ekonomiska teorier om utbud och efterfrĂ„gan samt tillĂ€mpningar pĂ„ fastighets- och bostadsmarknaden. För att styrka eller förkasta de teoretiska och praktiska antagandena undersöks den insamlade statistiken kvantitativt. Det insamlade datamaterialet testas sedan genom en regressionsanalys. Analysen genomförs genom tvĂ„ modeller, en modell som jĂ€mför Malmö med Stockholm samt en modell som jĂ€mför Malmö med Göteborg. Slutligen genomförs en samlad analys och slutsatser dras. Det kan konstateras att Malmö jĂ€mfört med Stockholm och Göteborg har en avvikande befolkningstillvĂ€xt som samvarierar med prisutvecklingen pĂ„ bostĂ€der. Övriga variabler som tagits fram samvarierar varken med prisutvecklingen eller befolkningstillvĂ€xten. Den avvikande prisutvecklingen pĂ„ bostĂ€der i Malmö beror inte pĂ„ varken en utbudseffekt eller efterfrĂ„geeffekt. Det leder till ett förkastande av antagandet om att marknaderna i Malmö, Stockholm och Göteborg skulle fungera pĂ„ fundamentalt lika sĂ€tt. Det kan ocksĂ„ konstateras att den avvikande prisutvecklingen pĂ„ bostĂ€der i Malmö inte beror pĂ„ en effekt frĂ„n regionen. Det finns dock förklaringskraft i en vĂ€lfungerande och stabil hyresmarknad i Malmö, möjligtvis med grund i det systematiska hyressĂ€ttningssystemet med lĂ€gesbaserade parametrar. Det leder till ett styrkande av antagandet om att bostadsmarknaden i Malmö jĂ€mfört med bostadsmarknaderna i Stockholm och Göteborg fungera pĂ„ principiellt olika sĂ€tt.Real estate and its prices are interesting in relation to other goods due to the strong linkage to a precise location. The price of a property says a lot about the value of its location. For a city, price development is a strong indicator and reflects a change in attractiveness for a particular location. The purpose of this Master Thesis is to explain the deviation in price development on dwellings in Malmö. The focus is primarily to investigate the purpose based on basic national economy to study the most obvious theoretical explanations in terms of effects due to supply or demand in Malmö compared to Stockholm and Gothenburg. The assumption that the housing markets in Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm operate in the same way is in this perspective fundamental. Secondly, the deviation in price development is studied from the perspective that the housing markets in Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm operate in fundamentally different ways. Focus is to investigate whether there is an effect from the Öresund region, or whether the structure of the housing market in Malmö has an effect on price developments in relation to Stockholm and Gothenburg. The selected methods chosen for carrying out the study are colored by the available statistical material and on the selected literature. Relevant economic theories about supply and demand are investigated as well as applications on the property and housing market. In order to strengthen or reject the theoretical and practical assumptions, the collected statistic material examines quantitatively. The collected data is tested by a regression analysis. To perform the analysis two models are constructed; a model that compares Malmö and Stockholm as well as a model that compares Malmö and Gothenburg. The comprehensive analysis leads to the results and conclusions are finally drawn. The thesis distinguishes that Malmö compared to Stockholm and Gothenburg has a deviating population growth that coincides with deviation in price development on dwellings. Other variables created do not coincide with either the price development or population growth. The divergent price development on dwellings in Malmö cannot be explained by either an effect due to supply or demand. This fact leads to a rejection of the assumption that the housing markets in Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm would fundamentally operate in the same way. The thesis also distinguishes that the divergent price development on dwellings in Malmö cannot be explained by an effect from the Öresund region. However, the thesis finds an explanation in the well-functioning and stable rental market in Malmö, possibly due to the systematic rental system with location-based parameters. This leads to a strengthening of the assumption that the housing market in Malmö compared to the markets in Stockholm and Gothenburg operates in fundamentally different ways

    Den svenska slummen - en undersökning av dess förekomst och orsaker

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    To suggest that slums exist in Sweden is still rather controversial. However, several cases of highly unacceptable housing conditions have been revealed lately. The aim of this study is to examine whether there is slum in Sweden today, and further and more importantly, to identify the mechanisms that enables slum to arise. The fundamental theoretical perspective for the essay lies in “the right to the city”. Thence theories considered useful for explaining slum in Sweden and its mechanisms have been selected. Among others the works of David Harvey, Eric Clark and Iris Marion Young. Except for analysing a wide range of literature, documents and statistics, interviews with professionals working with poor housing conditions have been conducted. I argue that slum is a relational concept, and that it certainly exists in Sweden. It is created by many factors, both political and economical as well as social and cultural. The last decades there has been a shift towards neoliberal ideals that have changed housing policy to a more market oriented approach with less regulation. Due to this, the inherent goal of capitalism (profit) can be achieved through more dubious methods. The same ideals have caused a significant socio-economic polarization within the population, and a growing market for poor housing

    Social blandning och svensk bostadspolitik - En kvalitativ studie av tvÄ stadsdelsprojekt och de bostadspolitiska förutsÀttningarna för att skapa social blandning

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    This essay aims to investigate which tools Swedish planners can use to create social mixing in newly built urban districts and how the current housing policy in Sweden affects the possibilities to do so. Two examples of urban district projects, Frihamnen in Gothenburg and Vallastaden in Linköping, are used to present different ways of planning for social mixing. The research questions are: - Which methods, within the building- and planning process, does the urban district projects Vallastaden and Frihamnen use to create social mixing? - How does Swedish housing policy obstruct or facilitate the creation of social mixing? Theories on social mixing, segmentation, housing subsidies, municipal land allocations, housing norms, municipal housing and rent regulation were used. The main methods were document analysis of planning documents, literature studies and an interview. The results show that Vallastaden used a mixture of rental buildings, owner-occupied buildings and homeowners and aimed to create meeting points. The Frihamnen project is going to use a diversification in rental levels to create social mixing. The current housing policy in Sweden does not create a natural social mixing within the municipalities but, with innovative ideas, it is possible to plan for social mixing within the current system
