11 research outputs found

    Zig-Zag Numberlink is NP-Complete

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    When can tt terminal pairs in an mĂ—nm \times n grid be connected by tt vertex-disjoint paths that cover all vertices of the grid? We prove that this problem is NP-complete. Our hardness result can be compared to two previous NP-hardness proofs: Lynch's 1975 proof without the ``cover all vertices'' constraint, and Kotsuma and Takenaga's 2010 proof when the paths are restricted to have the fewest possible corners within their homotopy class. The latter restriction is a common form of the famous Nikoli puzzle \emph{Numberlink}; our problem is another common form of Numberlink, sometimes called \emph{Zig-Zag Numberlink} and popularized by the smartphone app \emph{Flow Free}

    Physical Zero-Knowledge Proof for Numberlink

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    Numberlink is a logic puzzle for which the player has to connect all pairs of cells with the same numbers by non-crossing paths in a rectangular grid. In this paper, we propose a physical protocol of zero-knowledge proof for Numberlink using a deck of cards, which allows a player to physically show that he/she knows a solution without revealing it. In particular, we develop a physical protocol to count the number of elements in a list that are equal to a given secret value without revealing that value, the positions of elements in the list that are equal to it, or the value of any other element in the list. Our protocol can also be applied to verify the existence of vertex-disjoint paths connecting all given pairs of endpoints in any undirected graph

    Nondango is NP-Complete

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    Nondango is a pencil puzzle consisting of a rectangular grid partitioned into regions, with some cells containing a white circle. The player has to color some circles black such that every region contains exactly one black circle, and there are no three consecutive circles (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) having the same color. In this paper, we prove that deciding solvability of a given Nondango puzzle is NP-complete

    On the Complexity of Two Dots for Narrow Boards and Few Colors

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    Two Dots is a popular single-player puzzle video game for iOS and Android. A level of this game consists of a grid of colored dots. The player connects two or more adjacent dots, removing them from the grid and causing the remaining dots to fall, as if influenced by gravity. One special move, which is frequently a game-changer, consists of connecting a cycle of dots: this removes all the dots of the given color from the grid. The goal is to remove a certain number of dots of each color using a limited number of moves. The computational complexity of Two Dots has already been addressed in [Misra, FUN 2016], where it has been shown that the general version of the problem is NP-complete. Unfortunately, the known reductions produce Two Dots levels having both a large number of colors and many columns. This does not completely match the spirit of the game, where, on the one hand, only few colors are allowed, and on the other hand, the grid of the game has only a constant number of columns. In this paper, we partially fill this gap by assessing the computational complexity of Two Dots instances having a small number of colors or columns. More precisely, we show that Two Dots is hard even for instances involving only 3 colors or 2 columns. As a contrast, we also prove that the problem can be solved in polynomial-time on single-column instances with a constant number of goals

    Triangle Packing on Tripartite Graphs Is Hard

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    The problem of finding a maximum matching on a bipartite graph is well-understood and can be solved using the augmenting path algorithm. However, the similar problem of finding a large set of vertex-disjoint triangles on tripartite graphs has not received much attention. In this paper, we define a set of vertex-disjoint triangles as a “tratching.” The problem of finding a tratching that covers all vertices of a tripartite graph can be shown to be NP-complete using a reduction from the three-dimensional matching problem. In this paper, however, we introduce a new construction that allows us to emulate Boolean circuits using tripartite graphs in order to prove that covering a given vertex subset of a tripartite graph with a tratching is NP-hard, thereby attacking the tratching problem from a new angle

    Herugolf and Makaro are NP-complete

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    Herugolf and Makaro are Nikoli\u27s pencil puzzles. We study the computational complexity of Herugolf and Makaro puzzles. It is shown that deciding whether a given instance of each puzzle has a solution is NP-complete

    Tatamibari Is NP-Complete

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    In the Nikoli pencil-and-paper game Tatamibari, a puzzle consists of an m x n grid of cells, where each cell possibly contains a clue among ?, ?, ?. The goal is to partition the grid into disjoint rectangles, where every rectangle contains exactly one clue, rectangles containing ? are square, rectangles containing ? are strictly longer horizontally than vertically, rectangles containing ? are strictly longer vertically than horizontally, and no four rectangles share a corner. We prove this puzzle NP-complete, establishing a Nikoli gap of 16 years. Along the way, we introduce a gadget framework for proving hardness of similar puzzles involving area coverage, and show that it applies to an existing NP-hardness proof for Spiral Galaxies. We also present a mathematical puzzle font for Tatamibari

    Tracks from hell - when finding a proof may be easier than checking it

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    We consider the popular smartphone game Trainyard: a puzzle game that requires the player to lay down tracks in order to route colored trains from departure stations to suitable arrival stations. While it is already known [Almanza et al., FUN 2016] that the problem of finding a solution to a given Trainyard instance (i.e., game level) is NP-hard, determining the computational complexity of checking whether a candidate solution (i.e., a track layout) solves the level was left as an open problem. In this paper we prove that this verification problem is PSPACE-complete, thus implying that Trainyard players might not only have a hard time finding solutions to a given level, but they might even be unable to efficiently recognize them