2 research outputs found

    A holistic multi-purpose life logging framework

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    Die Paradigm des Life-Loggings verspricht durch den Vorschlag eines elektronisches Gedächtnisses dem menschlichem Gedächtnis eine komplementäre Assistenz. Life-Logs sind Werkzeuge oder Systeme, die automatisch Ereignisse des Lebens des Benutzers aufnehmen. Im technischem Sinne sind es Systeme, die den Alltag durchdringen und kontinuierlich konzeptuelle Informationen aus der Umgebung des Benutzers erfassen. Teile eines so gesammelten Datensatzes könnten aufbewahrt und für die nächsten Generationen zugänglich gemacht werden. Einige Teile sind es wert zusätzlich auch noch mit der Gesellschaft geteilt zu werden, z.B. in sozialen Netzwerken. Vom Teilen solcher Informationen profitiert sowohl der Benutzer als auch die Gesellschaft, beispielsweise durch die Verbesserung der sozialen Interaktion des Users, das ermöglichen neuer Gruppenverhaltensstudien usw. Anderseits, im Sinne der individuellen Privatsphäre, sind Life-log Informationen sehr sensibel und entsprechender Datenschutz sollte schon beim Design solcher Systeme in Betracht gezogen werden. Momentan sind Life-Logs hauptsächlich für den spezifischen Gebrauch als Gedächtnisstützen vorgesehen. Sie sind konfiguriert um nur mit einem vordefinierten Sensorset zu arbeiten. Das bedeutet sie sind nicht flexibel genug um neue Sensoren zu akzeptieren. Sensoren sind Kernkomponenten von Life-Logs und mit steigender Sensoranzahl wächst auch die Menge der Daten die für die Erfassung verfügbar sind. Zusätzlich bietet die Anordnung von mehreren Sensordaten bessere qualitative und quantitative Informationen über den Status und die Umgebung (Kontext) des Benutzers. Offenheit für Sensoren wirkt sich also sowohl für den User als auch für die Gemeinschaft positiv aus, indem es Potential für multidisziplinnäre Studien bietet. Zum Beispiel können Benutzer Sensoren konfigurieren um ihren Gesundheitszustand in einem gewissen Zeitraum zu überwachen und das System danach ändern um es wieder als Gedächtnisstütze zu verwenden. In dieser Dissertation stelle ich ein Life-Log Framework vor, das offen für die Erweiterung und Konfiguration von Sensoren ist. Die Offenheit und Erweiterbarkeit des Frameworks wird durch eine Sensorklassiffzierung und ein flexibles Model für die Speicherung der Life-Log Informationen unterstützt. Das Framework ermöglicht es den Benützern ihre Life-logs mit anderen zu teilen und unterstützt die notwendigen Merkmale vom Life Logging. Diese beinhalten Informationssuche (durch Annotation), langfristige digitale Erhaltung, digitales Vergessen, Sicherheit und Datenschutz.The paradigm of life-logging promises a complimentary assistance to the human memory by proposing an electronic memory. Life-logs are tools or systems, which automatically record users' life events in digital format. In a technical sense, they are pervasive tools or systems which continuously sense and capture contextual information from the user's environment. A dataset will be created from the collected information and some records of this dataset are worth preserving in the long-term and enable others, in future generations, to access them. Additionally, some parts are worth sharing with society e.g. through social networks. Sharing this information with society benefits both users and society in many ways, such as augmenting users' social interaction, group behavior studies, etc. However, in terms of individual privacy, life-log information is very sensitive and during the design of such a system privacy and security should be taken into account. Currently life-logs are designed for specific purposes such as memory augmentation, but they are not flexible enough to accept new sensors. This means that they have been configured to work only with a predefined set of sensors. Sensors are the core component of life-logs and increasing the number of sensors causes more data to be available for acquisition. Moreover a composition of multiple sensor data provides better qualitative and quantitative information about users' status and their environment (context). On the other hand, sensor openness benefits both users and communities by providing appropriate capabilities for multidisciplinary studies. For instance, users can configure sensors to monitor their health status for a specific period, after which they can change the system to use it for memory augmentation. In this dissertation I propose a life-log framework which is open to extension and configuration of its sensors. Openness and extendibility, which makes the framework holistic and multi-purpose, is supported by a sensor classification and a flexible model for storing life-log information. The framework enables users to share their life-log information and supports required features for life logging. These features include digital forgetting, facilitating information retrieval (through annotation), long-term digital preservation, security and privacy

    Dismiss : uma abordagem para análise sociotécnica da desinformação digital

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    Orientador: Dr. Roberto PereiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 28/08/2023Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Essa tese aborda o desafio de entender e lidar com a desinformação digital como um fenômeno sociotécnico, ou seja, que envolve tanto aspectos das tecnologias utilizadas para comunicação quanto do contexto humano/social em que a desinformação ocorre. Os resultados de nosso mapeamento sistemático da literatura mostraram que projetistas de intervenções para mitigação da desinformação têm dificuldades em lidar com a natureza sociotécnica do fenômeno, tendem a utilizar abordagens disciplinares focadas nos aspectos técnicos da desinformação e abordam o fenômeno de forma segmentada. Essas dificuldades podem levar os projetistas à ignorarem aspectos relevantes para o entendimento do fenômeno e à soluções com potenciais prejudiciais, como a censura ou avisos invasivos. Nesse sentido, essa tese investiga meios para apoiar projetistas a compreenderem o fenômeno pela perspectiva sociotécnica, ajudando a caracterizar casos de desinformação digital e auxiliando no entendimento abrangente de problemas. Como solução, essa tese apresenta a Dismiss - uma aborDagem para análIse Sociotécnica de Deinformações DigItaiS. A Dismiss é fundamentada na Semiótica Organizacional, composta pelo Modelo Conceitual do Ciclo de Vida da Desinformação Digital, artefatos e materiais de apoio que amparam a análise sociotécnica da desinformação. A abordagem representa uma ferramenta epistêmica projetada para proporcionar a reflexão de seus utilizadores sobre as circunstâncias em que a desinformação ocorre, auxiliando na compreensão da origem e consequências da desinformação digital. A Dismiss foi avaliada de forma construtiva ao longo de seu desenvolvimento, usando métodos de grupo focal (11 encontros), estudos em pequena escala (7 casos), e oficinas de análise sociotécnica de casos de desinformação digital com representantes do público-alvo (3 oficinas). Os resultados dos grupos focais e estudos em pequena escala informaram o refinamento da abordagem, sua estrutura, componentes e métodos de aplicação. Os resultados das oficinas indicam a utilidade percebida da abordagem em apoiar a compreensão da desinformação como um fenômeno sociotécnico. Os resultados também indicaram aspectos que podem ser aprimorados na Dismiss, como a quantidade de passos, a explicação de artefatos, e a densidade dos materiais de apoio, informando melhoriasAbstract: This thesis addresses the challenge of understanding and dealing with digital misinformation as a sociotechnical phenomenon, meaning that it involves both aspects of the technologies used for communication and the human/social context in which misinformation occurs. The results of our systematic literature review showed that designers of interventions for mitigating misinformation face difficulties in dealing with the sociotechnical nature of the phenomenon. They tend to employ disciplinary approaches focused on the technical aspects of misinformation and often address the phenomenon in a fragmented manner. These difficulties can lead designers to overlook relevant aspects for understanding the phenomenon and result in potentially harmful solutions, such as censorship or invasive warnings. In this regard, this thesis investigates means to support designers in comprehending the phenomenon from a sociotechnical perspective, helping to characterize cases of digital misinformation and aiding in a comprehensive understanding of the issues. As a solution, this thesis presents Dismiss - an Approach for Sociotechnical Analysis of Digital Misinformation. Dismiss is grounded in Organizational Semiotics, comprised of the Conceptual Model of the Digital Misinformation Lifecycle, artifacts, and supporting materials that underpin the sociotechnical analysis of misinformation. The approach serves as an epistemic tool designed to facilitate users’ reflection on the circumstances in which misinformation occurs, assisting in understanding the origins and consequences of digital misinformation. Dismiss was constructively evaluated throughout its development, utilizing focus group methods (11 meetings), small-scale studies (7 cases), and workshops for the sociotechnical analysis of digital misinformation cases with representatives of the target audience (3 workshops). The results from the focus groups and small-scale studies informed the refinement of the approach, its structure, components, and application methods. The workshop results indicate the perceived utility of the approach in supporting the understanding of misinformation as a sociotechnical phenomenon. The results also highlighted aspects that can be improved in Dismiss, such as the number of steps, artifact explanations, and the density of supporting materials, providing insights for enhancement