246 research outputs found

    Oregon Trails: You Are What You Read

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    ‘You Are What You Read:’ Is selective exposure a way people tell us who they are?

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156182/2/bjop12414_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156182/1/bjop12414.pd

    The Diamond with The Zircon [Spoof Issue], April 23, 2004

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    Front Page: Big \u27Moove\u27 Takes Place at ASC; Blades Take on a New Image; Diamond Creates New Forum Features: You Are What You Read; When Death Is Sweet; KSP Presents Scholars Contract; Plans for Kuhl Property Come Under Discussion Entertainment: Reflections on Jonathan Edwards; Purple Martin Writing Contest Zirconhttps://digitalcollections.dordt.edu/dordt_diamond/1125/thumbnail.jp

    Fortalecimiento de las competencias de lectura y la escritura en los estudiantes del colegio Antonio Nariño I.E.D. de los ciclos II, III, IV, V y VI: eres lo que lees proyecto institucional

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    El proyecto de lectura y escritura “Eres lo que lees” inició a partir de las conclusiones y resultados del proyecto de lecto-escritura “LEAN”, en el segundo periodo del 2009. Durante año y medio, el grupo “Eres lo que lees” diseñó la metodología de la investigación, iniciando con la formulación de la propuesta de investigación, la aplicación de las guías y planeación de nuevas cartillas basadas en las “Teorías de los Seis Niveles de Lectura” y “Estándares de Lengua Castellana”.The reading and writing project "You are what you read" started from the conclusions and results of the project literacy "LEAN" in the second quarter of 2009. For a year and a half, the group "You are what you read" designed the research methodology, starting with the formulation of the research proposal, the application of the guidelines and planning new primers based on the "Theory of Six Levels reading "and" Standards Spanish Language "

    Preacher\u27s Magazine Volume 45 Number 06

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    Publication renamed, “The Nazarene Preacher” In Demand After 50? General Superintendent Coulter Justifying Our Denominational Separateness, Editorial To the Ordination Class, Milo L. Arnold “You Got It off Your Chest” (Practical Points) The Psychological Argument Against Promiscuity, James H. Jauncey C. W. Ruth — as I Knew Him, C. T. Corbett The Minister at Work and Play, E. E. Wordsworth Is Your Greek Getting Rusty? Charles D. Isbell The Mechanics of the Ministry (V), Contact Dynamics, Raymond Kratzer A Missionary’s Prayer You Are What You Read, Mrs. B. Edgar Johnson A Threefold Exhortation, Vernon L. Wilcox Croskery’s Homily on the Transition from the Old Man to the New Man, Ross E. Price Gleanings from the Greek, Ralph Earle “Healing in His Wings,” T. Crichton Mitchell “The Church That Needs No Money,” Michael Hutchens DEPARTMENTS Administration Pastor’s Supplement Queen of the Parsonage In the Study Doctrinal Studies Timely Outlines Ideas That Work Hymn of the Month Bulletin Barrel Here and There Among Books Pastor’s Exchange Calendar Digest Among Ourselveshttps://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_pm/1515/thumbnail.jp

    Preacher\u27s Magazine Volume 45 Number 06

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    Publication renamed, “The Nazarene Preacher” In Demand After 50? General Superintendent Coulter Justifying Our Denominational Separateness, Editorial To the Ordination Class, Milo L. Arnold “You Got It off Your Chest” (Practical Points) The Psychological Argument Against Promiscuity, James H. Jauncey C. W. Ruth — as I Knew Him, C. T. Corbett The Minister at Work and Play, E. E. Wordsworth Is Your Greek Getting Rusty? Charles D. Isbell The Mechanics of the Ministry (V), Contact Dynamics, Raymond Kratzer A Missionary’s Prayer You Are What You Read, Mrs. B. Edgar Johnson A Threefold Exhortation, Vernon L. Wilcox Croskery’s Homily on the Transition from the Old Man to the New Man, Ross E. Price Gleanings from the Greek, Ralph Earle “Healing in His Wings,” T. Crichton Mitchell “The Church That Needs No Money,” Michael Hutchens DEPARTMENTS Administration Pastor’s Supplement Queen of the Parsonage In the Study Doctrinal Studies Timely Outlines Ideas That Work Hymn of the Month Bulletin Barrel Here and There Among Books Pastor’s Exchange Calendar Digest Among Ourselveshttps://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_pm/1515/thumbnail.jp

    Anais do I. Fórum das Literaturas Estrangeiras Modernas : UFRGS 23.09.2008 - 25.09.2008

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    Thiago Benites dos Santos: Inovação técnica e os media óticos em Kafka. ; Vítor Jochims Schneider: O olhar fotográfico e textual em Prosa do Observatório de Julio Cortázar. ; Márcia Lappe Alves: The question of point of view. ; Ana Lúcia Silva Paranhos: Le Désert Mauve de Nicole Brossard: Un Parcours dans l’univers de la traduccion littéraire. ; Daniel Iturvides Dutra: A literatura de ficção – científica e os problemas de tradução para a mídia fílmica. ; Larissa Rohde: Notes on Narayan’s Prose. ; Claudio Vescia Zanin: Abjection and Evil in ‘Haunted’. ; Fernanda Fernandes / Robert Ponge: Um breve estudo da intriga e de dois personagens de Roberto Zucco, peça de Bernard-Marie Koltès. ; Jaqueline Bohn Donada: ‘Romola’, by George Eliot, and its Conflicts. ; Maria Izabel V. Domingues: Literatura Escocesa e Literatura Brasileira: nacionalismo, regionalismo e algumas sutilezas. ; Vanessa Costa e Silva Schmitt/Robert Ponge: A medicina em ‘A Obra Em Negro’ de Marguerite Yourcenar: as diversas profissões da arte de curar no século XVI. ; Kelley B. Duarte: A escrita autoficcional e os percursos de memória em Régine Robin. ; Ivonne Mogendorff: ‘Andamios’ de Mario Benedetti – Memoria en las huellas del desexilio. ; Carlos Eduardo Meneghetti Scholles: Storytelling Coyotes: the Coyote Trickster Figure in Thomas King. ; Valter Henrique Fritsch: Apropriação do Discurso Mítico: Cassandra Profetisa a Pós-Modernidade. ; Érika Azevedo/Robert Ponge: André Breton e os primórdios do surrealismo. ; Monica Stefani: ‘You are what you read’: intertextual relations between Patrick White’s ‘The Solid Mandala’ and F. Dostoyevsky’s ‘The Brothers Karamazov’. ; Adriane Veras: A Reading of Sandra Cisneros’s ‘The House on Mango Street’. ; Lisanea Weber: Uma leitura sobre a escravidão no romance epistolar de Ina von Binzer

    Acercamiento a la lectura y la compresión de textos en los estudiantes del área de español de todos los ciclos de la IED Antonio Nariño.

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    El desarrollo de este proyecto busca mejorar las competencias lecto escritoras de los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Antonio Nariño Jornada Nocturna. El cuál es realizado por cinco estudiantes de (10°) décimo semestre de la Licenciatura en Humanidades e Idiomas de la Universidad Libre. Se observaron en los estudiantes grandes problemáticas, como son: el bajo nivel de lectura, compresión de textos, interpretación, argumentación y proposición de ideas, descubiertas gracias a las jornadas de observación, durante las prácticas y talleres en clase. Un desafío relevante será promover los buenos hábitos de lectura, compromiso que se llevará a cabo, teniendo en cuenta el déficit en comprensión y redacción de textos; por ende se buscará mejorar dichas competencias entre los estudiantes del colegio. La metodología usada para realizar este proyecto será por medio de la utilización de las cartillas “Eres lo que lees” acompañadas de actividades complementarias que favorecen y mejoran las competencias lecto-escritoras de los estudiantes, acercándolos a la lectura, por medio la implementación de estrategias metacognitivas.The development of this project seeks to improve the reading and writting skills of students of School Antonio Nariño. Which is performed by five students (10 °) tenth semester of the Bachelor of Humanities and Languages at the Universidad Libre.There were major problems in students, such as: the low level of reading, understanding of texts, interpretation, argument and proposing ideas, discovered thanks to the days of observation, during practice and classroom workshops. An important challenge will be to promote good reading habits, commitment to be carried out, no forgeting the deficit in comprehension and writing; therefore will seek to improve these skills among college students. The methodology used for this project will be through the use of primers "You are what you read" accompanied by complementary activities that promote and enhance reading-writing skills of students, bringing them closer to reading through the implementation of strategies metacognitiv