43,539 research outputs found

    Tuning and Switching a Plasmonic Quantum Dot Sandwich in a Nematic Line Defect

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    We study the quantum-mechanical effects arising in a single semiconductor core/shell quantum dot controllably sandwiched between two plasmonic nanorods. Control over the position and the sandwich confinement structure is achieved by the use of a linear-trap, liquid-crystal line defect and laser tweezers that push the sandwich together. This arrangement allows for the study of exciton plasmon interactions in a single structure, unaltered by ensemble effects or the complexity of dielectric interfaces. We demonstrate the effect of plasmonic confinement on the photon-antibunching behavior of the quantum dot and its luminescence lifetime. The quantum dot behaves as a single emitter when nanorods are far away from the quantum dot but shows possible multiexciton emission and a significantly decreased lifetime when tightly confined in a plasmonic sandwich. These findings demonstrate that liquid crystal defects, combined with laser tweezers, enable a versatile platform to study plasmonic coupling phenomena in a nanoscale laboratory, where all elements can be arranged almost at will.Comment: Supporting information at the en

    3D Simulation of the Effects of Surface Defects on Field Emitted Electrons

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    The ev­er-grow­ing de­mand for high­er beam en­er­gies has dra­mat­i­cal­ly in­creased the risk of RF break­down, lim­it­ing the max­i­mum achiev­able ac­cel­er­at­ing gra­di­ent. Field emis­sion is the most fre­quent­ly en­coun­tered RF break­down where it oc­curs at re­gions of lo­cal­ly en­hanced elec­tric field. Elec­trons ac­cel­er­at­ed across the cav­i­ty as they tun­nel through the sur­face in the pres­ence of mi­cro­scop­ic de­fects. Upon Im­pact, most of the ki­net­ic en­er­gy is con­vert­ed into heat and stress. This can in­flict ir­re­versible dam­age to the sur­face, cre­at­ing ad­di­tion­al field emis­sion sites. This work aims to in­ves­ti­gate, through sim­u­la­tion, the physics in­volved dur­ing both emis­sion and im­pact of elec­trons. A newly de­vel­oped 3D field model of an 805 MHz cav­i­ty is gen­er­at­ed by COM­SOL Mul­ti­physics. Elec­tron track­ing is per­formed using a Mat­lab based code, cal­cu­lat­ing the rel­e­vant pa­ram­e­ters need­ed by em­ploy­ing fourth Order Runge Kutta in­te­gra­tion. By study­ing such be­haviours in 3D, it is pos­si­ble to iden­ti­fy how the cav­i­ty sur­face can alter the local RF field and lead to break­down and sub­se­quent dam­ages. The ul­ti­mate aim is to in­tro­duce new sur­face stan­dards to en­sure bet­ter cav­i­ty per­for­mance

    Effect of annealing on the depth profile of hole concentration in (Ga,Mn)As

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    The effect of annealing at 250 C on the carrier depth profile, Mn distribution, electrical conductivity, and Curie temperature of (Ga,Mn)As layers with thicknesses > 200 nm, grown by molecular-beam epitaxy at low temperatures, is studied by a variety of analytical methods. The vertical gradient in hole concentration, revealed by electrochemical capacitance-voltage profiling, is shown to play a key role in the understanding of conductivity and magnetization data. The gradient, basically already present in as-grown samples, is strongly influenced by post-growth annealing. From secondary ion mass spectroscopy it can be concluded that, at least in thick layers, the change in carrier depth profile and thus in conductivity is not primarily due to out-diffusion of Mn interstitials during annealing. Two alternative possible models are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Enhanced Optical 13C Hyperpolarization in Diamond Treated by High-Temperature Rapid Thermal Annealing

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    Methods of optical dynamic nuclear polarization open the door to the replenishable hyperpolarization of nuclear spins, boosting their nuclear magnetic resonance/imaging signatures by orders of magnitude. Nanodiamond powder rich in negatively charged nitrogen vacancy defect centers has recently emerged as one such promising platform, wherein 13C nuclei can be hyperpolarized through the optically pumped defects completely at room temperature. Given the compelling possibility of relaying this 13C polarization to nuclei in external liquids, there is an urgent need for the engineered production of highly “hyperpolarizable” diamond particles. Here, a systematic study of various material dimensions affecting optical 13C hyperpolarization in diamond particles is reported on. It is discovered surprisingly that diamond annealing at elevated temperatures ∼1720 °C has remarkable effects on the hyperpolarization levels enhancing them by above an order of magnitude over materials annealed through conventional means. It is demonstrated these gains arise from a simultaneous improvement in NV− electron relaxation/coherence times, as well as the reduction of paramagnetic content, and an increase in 13C relaxation lifetimes. This work suggests methods for the guided materials production of fluorescent, 13C hyperpolarized, nanodiamonds and pathways for their use as multimodal (optical and magnetic resonance) imaging and hyperpolarization agents

    Preparation and biological investigation of luminescent water soluble CdTe nanoparticles

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    In this study CdTe quantum dots have been successfully prepared in aqueous medium using several different thiol stabilizers. The resulting nanocrystals were purified and the photoluminescence efficiency was subsequently enhanced through post preparative procedures such as photochemical etching and ageing. An optical study was carried out on the resulting CdTe nanocrystals as proof as their improvement. Preliminary tests of the thiol stabilised QDs as potential biolabels have been performed. It has been shown that L-cysteine stabilised QDs localising to the outer cell membrane in living cells. TGA stabilised CdTe QDs can potentially serve as live cell imaging tools as they exhibit strong luminescence and excellent photostability. In addition, the ability of TGA stabilised CdTe QDs to traverse the cell membrane of macrophages is a formidable quality that may potentially be harnessed for imaging and therapeutics. Modulating the delivery of QDs to subcellular locations in living cells opens a myriad of potential applications ranging from drug delivery to examination of intracellular processes