27 research outputs found

    The histone methyltransferase Setd7 promotes pancreatic progenitor identity

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    Cell fate specification depends on transcriptional activation driven by lineage-specific transcription factors as well as changes in chromatin organization. To date, the interplay between transcription factors and chromatin modifiers during development is not well understood. We focus here on the initiation of the pancreatic program from multipotent endodermal progenitors. Transcription factors that play key roles in regulating pancreatic progenitor state have been identified, but the chromatin regulators that help establishing and maintaining pancreatic fate are less well known. Using a comparative approach, we identify a critical role for the histone methyltransferase Setd7 in establishing pancreatic cell identity. We show that Setd7 is expressed in the prospective pancreatic endoderm of Xenopus and mouse embryos prior to Pdx1 induction. Importantly, we demonstrate that setd7 is sufficient and required for pancreatic cell fate specification in Xenopus Functional and biochemical approaches in Xenopus and mouse endoderm support that Setd7 modulates methylation marks at pancreatic regulatory regions, possibly through interaction with the transcription factor Foxa2. Together, these results demonstrate that Setd7 acts as a central component of the transcription complex initiating the pancreatic program

    Xenopus as a model for GI/pancreas disease

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Current Pathobiology Reports 3 (2015): 137-145, doi:10.1007/s40139-015-0076-0.Diseases affecting endodermal organs like the pancreas, lung and gastrointestinal (GI) tract have a substantial impact on human welfare. Since many of these are congenital defects that arise as a result of defects during development broad efforts are focused on understanding the development of these organs so as to better identify risk factors, disease mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Studies implementing model systems, like the amphibian Xenopus, have contributed immensely to our understanding of signaling (e.g. Wnt, FGF, BMP, RA) pathways and gene regulation (e.g. hhex, ptf1a, ngn3) that underlie normal development as well as disease progression. Recent advances in genome engineering further enhance the capabilities of the Xenopus model system for pursuing biomedical research, and will undoubtedly result in a boom of new information underlying disease mechanisms ultimately leading to advancements in diagnosis and therapy.2016-04-0

    Towards the bridging of molecular genetics data across Xenopus species

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    Indexación: ScopusBackground: The clawed African frog Xenopus laevis has been one of the main vertebrate models for studies in developmental biology. However, for genetic studies, Xenopus tropicalis has been the experimental model of choice because it shorter life cycle and due to a more tractable genome that does not result from genome duplication as in the case of X. laevis. Today, although still organized in a large number of scaffolds, nearly 85 % of X. tropicalis and 89 % of X. laevis genomes have been sequenced. There is expectation for a comparative physical map that can be used as a Rosetta Stone between X. laevis genetic studies and X. tropicalis genomic research. Results: In this work, we have mapped using coarse-grained alignment the 18 chromosomes of X. laevis, release 9.1, on the 10 reference scaffolds representing the haploid genome of X. tropicalis, release 9.0. After validating the mapping with theoretical data, and estimating reference averages of genome sequence identity, 37 to 44 % between the two species, we have carried out a synteny analysis for 2,112 orthologous genes. We found that 99.6 % of genes are in the same organization. Conclusions: Taken together, our results make possible to establish the correspondence between 62 and 65.5 % of both genomes, percentage of identity, synteny and automatic annotation of transcripts of both species, providing a new and more comprehensive tool for comparative analysis of these two species, by allowing to bridge molecular genetics data among them.https://bmcgenomics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12864-016-2440-

    Genome-wide transcriptomics analysis identifies sox7 and sox18 as specifically regulated by gata4 in cardiomyogenesis

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    This work was supported by British Heart Foundation (BHF Project Grant no PG/13/23/30080 to B.A.A and S.H.), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/M001695/1 to S.H.) and the University of Aberdeen (for A.T.L). Acknowledgements We’re grateful to Ms Yvonne Turnbull and Ms Kate Watt for technical assistance and lab management. We would like to thank Professor Cedric Blanpain and Dr Xionghui Li from Université Libre de Bruxelles for providing training of ES cell manipulation and Mesp1/Gata4 cell lines. We are grateful to Professor Todd Evans from Weill Cornell Medical College for generously providing iGata ES cell lines. We also would like to thank Professor Aaron Zorn and Scott Rankin for providing Xsox18 plasmid.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    RARγ is required for mesodermal gene expression prior to gastrulation in Xenopus

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    The developing vertebrate embryo is exquisitely sensitive to retinoic acid (RA) concentration, particularly during anteroposterior patterning. In contrast to Nodal and Wnt signaling, RA was not previously considered to be an instructive signal in mesoderm formation during gastrulation. Here, we show in Xenopus that RARγ is indispensable for the expression of early mesoderm markers and is, therefore, an obligatory factor in mesodermal competence and/or maintenance. We identified several novel targets upregulated by RA receptor signaling in the early gastrula that are expressed in the circumblastoporal ring and linked to mesodermal development. Despite overlapping expression patterns of the genes encoding the RA-synthesizing enzyme Aldh1a2 and the RA-degrading enzyme Cyp26a1, RARγ1 functions as a transcriptional activator in early mesoderm development, suggesting that RA ligand is available to the embryo earlier than previously appreciated. RARγ1 is required for cellular adhesion, as revealed by spontaneous dissociation and depletion of ncam1 mRNA in animal caps harvested from RARγ1 knockdown embryos. RARγ1 knockdown obliterates somite boundaries, and causes loss of Myod protein in the presomitic mesoderm, but ectopic, persistent expression of Myod protein in the trunk. Thus, RARγ1 is required for stabilizing the mesodermal fate, myogenic commitment, somite boundary formation, and terminal skeletal muscle differentiation

    The Cell Ontology 2016: enhanced content, modularization, and ontology interoperability

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    BACKGROUND: The Cell Ontology (CL) is an OBO Foundry candidate ontology covering the domain of canonical, natural biological cell types. Since its inception in 2005, the CL has undergone multiple rounds of revision and expansion, most notably in its representation of hematopoietic cells. For in vivo cells, the CL focuses on vertebrates but provides general classes that can be used for other metazoans, which can be subtyped in species-specific ontologies. CONSTRUCTION AND CONTENT: Recent work on the CL has focused on extending the representation of various cell types, and developing new modules in the CL itself, and in related ontologies in coordination with the CL. For example, the Kidney and Urinary Pathway Ontology was used as a template to populate the CL with additional cell types. In addition, subtypes of the class ‘cell in vitro’ have received improved definitions and labels to provide for modularity with the representation of cells in the Cell Line Ontology and Reagent Ontology. Recent changes in the ontology development methodology for CL include a switch from OBO to OWL for the primary encoding of the ontology, and an increasing reliance on logical definitions for improved reasoning. UTILITY AND DISCUSSION: The CL is now mandated as a metadata standard for large functional genomics and transcriptomics projects, and is used extensively for annotation, querying, and analyses of cell type specific data in sequencing consortia such as FANTOM5 and ENCODE, as well as for the NIAID ImmPort database and the Cell Image Library. The CL is also a vital component used in the modular construction of other biomedical ontologies—for example, the Gene Ontology and the cross-species anatomy ontology, Uberon, use CL to support the consistent representation of cell types across different levels of anatomical granularity, such as tissues and organs. CONCLUSIONS: The ongoing improvements to the CL make it a valuable resource to both the OBO Foundry community and the wider scientific community, and we continue to experience increased interest in the CL both among developers and within the user community