5,799 research outputs found

    Alternate syntax for XSLT

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    XSLT is a transform language for XML that is defined over XML. In other words, XSLT is a language that performs transforms on XML documents, and XSLT programs are themselves XML documents. While XSLT is by nature a functional language, its definition as an XML application obfuscates this fact [15]. Previous research projects have taken the XML-Infoset and provided an alternate syntax in the form of S-expressions, along with providing languages to perform transformations of the new representation in manners similar to that of XSLT. For example, SXML / SXSLT performs this function by embedding said languages in Scheme [9]. XLove applies modern principles of object-oriented design, namely design patterns, to this problem. Xl is an alternate syntax for the XML-Infoset. It maintains a clear distinction between attributes and elements (while having a concise notation for namespaces). The syntax is built into a representation over the Document Object Model by observers responding to parsing events. Xlt is an alternate syntax for XSLT designed to emphasize the functional nature of the language. A set of visitors transforms the input Document Object Model tree into an output tree by mapping the Xlt abstract syntax tree to XSLT. The resultant document is a valid XSLT program over the Document Object Model which can than be directly executed or output as an XML file

    Greenbug: a hybrid web-inspector, debugger and design editor for greenstone

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    In this paper we present Greenbug: a hybrid web inspector, debugger and design editor developed for use with the open source digital library software Greenstone 3. Inspired by the web development tool Firebug, Greenbug is more tightly coupled with the underlying (digital library) server than that provided by Firebug; for example, Greenbug has a fine-grained knowledge of the connection between the underlying file system and the rendered web content, and also provides the ability to commit any changes made through the web interface back to the underlying file system. Moreover, because web page production in Greenstone 3 is the result of an XSLT processing pipeline, the necessarily well-formed hierarchical XML content can be manipulated into a graphical representation, which can then be manipulated directly through a visual interface supplied by Greenbug. We showcase the interface in use, provide a brief overview of implementation details, and conclude with a discussion on how the approach can be adapted to other XSLT transformation-based content management systems, such as DSpace

    On an evaluation of transformation languages in a fully XML-driven framework for video content adaptation

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    Bitstream Structure Descriptions (BSDs) allow taking the complexity of transforming scalable bitstreams from the compressed domain to the semantic domain. These descriptions are an essential part of an XUL-driven video adaptation framework. The performance of a BSD transformation engine is very important in such an architecture. This paper evaluates the efficiency of XML-based transformation languages in our video adaptation framework. XSLT, STX, and a hybrid solution are compared to each other in terms of execution times, memory consumption, and user-friendliness. Our experiments show that STX is the preferred solution when speed and low-memory are important. The hybrid solution is competitive in terms of memory consumption and is more user-friendly than STX. Although XSLT is relative fast, its memory consumption is very high

    Software Usability:A Comparison Between Two Tree-Structured Data Transformation Languages

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    This paper presents the results of a software usability study, involving both subjective and objective evaluation. It compares a popular XML data transformation language (XSLT) and a general purpose rule-based tree manipulation language which addresses some of the XML and XSLT limitations. The benefits of the evaluation study are discussed

    Using XML and XSLT for flexible elicitation of mental-health risk knowledge

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    Current tools for assessing risks associated with mental-health problems require assessors to make high-level judgements based on clinical experience. This paper describes how new technologies can enhance qualitative research methods to identify lower-level cues underlying these judgements, which can be collected by people without a specialist mental-health background. Methods and evolving results: Content analysis of interviews with 46 multidisciplinary mental-health experts exposed the cues and their interrelationships, which were represented by a mind map using software that stores maps as XML. All 46 mind maps were integrated into a single XML knowledge structure and analysed by a Lisp program to generate quantitative information about the numbers of experts associated with each part of it. The knowledge was refined by the experts, using software developed in Flash to record their collective views within the XML itself. These views specified how the XML should be transformed by XSLT, a technology for rendering XML, which resulted in a validated hierarchical knowledge structure associating patient cues with risks. Conclusions: Changing knowledge elicitation requirements were accommodated by flexible transformations of XML data using XSLT, which also facilitated generation of multiple data-gathering tools suiting different assessment circumstances and levels of mental-health knowledge

    Solving the TTC 2011 Compiler Optimization Case with QVTR-XSLT

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    In this short paper we present our solution for the Compiler Optimization case study of the Transformation Tool Contest (TTC) 2011 using the QVTR-XSLT tool. The tool supports editing and execution of the graphical notation of QVT Relations languageComment: In Proceedings TTC 2011, arXiv:1111.440