17 research outputs found

    XTree and XTreeQuery for declarative XML querying

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    A specification of a spatial query language over GML

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    A Specification of a Spatial Query Language over GML

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    ABSTRACT OGC (OpenGlS Consortium) is contributing with a XML specification to the representation of geographic information (called GML 2.0 -Geographical Markup Language) [13]. GML allows the exchange of geographic information in the Web. The models based on XML benefit the interoperability, and thus GML allows the exchange of geographic information on the Web. However, there is another important advantage to the models based on XML (GML, ARCHEOGIS [4]): it may be queried. In this paper, a query language GML is shown. The data model and the algebra underlying the query language are an extension of [2] to support spatial features. The query language has a familiar sele&from-where syntax and is based on SQL (Structured Query Language). It includes a set of spatial operators (disjoint, touches, etc.), and includes traditional operators (=,>, <,...) for non-spatial information

    Querying the web

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    PresentationExpose attendees to key concepts and technologies for finding, querying and integrating information on the Web Identify technical challenges in designing systems that support Web queries Survey recent literature, and discuss interesting research directions

    Data mining framework

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    The purpose of this document is building a framework for working with clinical data. Vast amounts of clinical records, stored in health repositories, contain information that can be used to improve the quality of health care. However, the information generated from these records depends vastly on the manner, in which the data is arranged. A number of factors need to be considered, before information can be extracted from the patient records. This document deals with the preparation of a framework for the data, before it can be mined.;One of the issues to deal with is information about the patient contained in the clinical records that can be used for identification purposes. A means to create anonymous records is discussed in this document. Once the records have been de-identified, they can be used for data mining. In addition to storing patient records, the document also discusses the possibility of \u27abstracting\u27 information from these documents and storing them in the repository. Information generated from the combination of patient records and abstracted information, could be used to improve the quality of health care.;This document also discusses the possibility of creating a means to query information from the data repository. A prototype application, which provides all these facilities in a form that can be accessed from any remote location, is discussed. In addition, the prospect of using Clinical Document Architecture format to store the clinical records is explored

    XPDec: an XML plagiarism detection system for procedural programming languages

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    Plagiarisms are frequently occurring in the Computer Science courses, especially in computer programming. In this thesis, XML plagiarism detection model is introduced and XML is used as an intermediate data exchange mechanism in the suggested model. Since a procedural programming language is defined by its specific rules and it is well-structured form, we can generate an XML document from a program source based on the XML schema. As long as we can generate XML documents from given program sources, XML queries to extract information how they are similar to each other can be queried over the documents. This idea makes us encourage to moving our attention to plagiarism detection models. As the result of this study, XML Plagiarism Detection System (XPDec) has been developed. The plagiarism detection systems for programming can be classified into two main groups: attribute-counting based systems and structural metrics based systems. XPDec system uses the combined detection mechanism. In addition to the mechanism, XPDec system is adopting the XML query language suggested in XML plagiarism detection model to extract control sequences from XML documents. This mechanism increases the accuracy of the results. At the end of this thesis we shows that the XPDec system gives high accuracy results to finding similarities among the given source programs

    New IR & Ranking Algorithm for Top-K Keyword Search on Relational Databases ‘Smart Search’

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    Database management systems are as old as computers, and the continuous research and development in databases is huge and an interest of many database venders and researchers, as many researchers work in solving and developing new modules and frameworks for more efficient and effective information retrieval based on free form search by users with no knowledge of the structure of the database. Our work as an extension to previous works, introduces new algorithms and components to existing databases to enable the user to search for keywords with high performance and effective top-k results. Work intervention aims at introducing new table structure for indexing of keywords, which would help algorithms to understand the semantics of keywords and generate only the correct CN‟s (Candidate Networks) for fast retrieval of information with ranking of results according to user‟s history, semantics of keywords, distance between keywords and match of keywords. In which a three modules where developed for this purpose. We implemented our three proposed modules and created the necessary tables, with the development of a web search interface called „Smart Search‟ to test our work with different users. The interface records all user interaction with our „Smart Search‟ for analyses, as the analyses of results shows improvements in performance and effective results returned to the user. We conducted hundreds of randomly generated search terms with different sizes and multiple users; all results recorded and analyzed by the system were based on different factors and parameters. We also compared our results with previous work done by other researchers on the DBLP database which we used in our research. Our final result analysis shows the importance of introducing new components to the database for top-k keywords search and the performance of our proposed system with high effective results.نظم إدارة قواعد البيانات قديمة مثل أجيزة الكمبيوتر، و البحث والتطوير المستمر في قواعد بيانات ضخم و ىنالك اىتمام من العديد من مطوري قواعد البيانات والباحثين، كما يعمل العديد من الباحثين في حل وتطوير وحدات جديدة و أطر السترجاع المعمومات بطرق أكثر كفاءة وفعالية عمى أساس نموذج البحث الغير مقيد من قبل المستخدمين الذين ليس لدييم معرفة في بنية قاعدة البيانات. ويأتي عممنا امتدادا لألعمال السابقة، ويدخل الخوارزميات و مكونات جديدة لقواعد البيانات الموجودة لتمكين المستخدم من البحث عن الكممات المفتاحية )search Keyword )مع األداء العالي و نتائج فعالة في الحصول عمى أعمى ترتيب لمبيانات .)Top-K( وييدف ىذا العمل إلى تقديم بنية جديدة لفيرسة الكممات المفتاحية )Table Keywords Index ،)والتي من شأنيا أن تساعد الخوارزميات المقدمة في ىذا البحث لفيم معاني الكممات المفتاحية المدخمة من قبل المستخدم وتوليد فقط الشبكات المرشحة (s’CN (الصحيحة السترجاع سريع لممعمومات مع ترتيب النتائج وفقا ألوزان مختمفة مثل تاريخ البحث لممستخدم، ترتيب الكمات المفتاحية في النتائج والبعد بين الكممات المفتاحية في النتائج بالنسبة لما قام المستخدم بأدخالو. قمنا بأقتراح ثالث مكونات جديدة )Modules )وتنفيذىا من خالل ىذه االطروحة، مع تطوير واجية البحث عمى شبكة اإلنترنت تسمى "البحث الذكي" الختبار عممنا مع المستخدمين. وتتضمن واجية البحث مكونات تسجل تفاعل المستخدمين وتجميع تمك التفاعالت لمتحميل والمقارنة، وتحميالت النتائج تظير تحسينات في أداء استرجاع البينات و النتائج ذات صمة ودقة أعمى. أجرينا مئات عمميات البحث بأستخدام جمل بحث تم أنشائيا بشكل عشوائي من مختمف األحجام، باالضافة الى االستعانة بعدد من المستخدمين ليذه الغاية. واستندت جميع النتائج المسجمة وتحميميا بواسطة واجية البحث عمى عوامل و معايير مختمفة .وقمنا بالنياية بعمل مقارنة لنتائجنا مع االعمال السابقة التي قام بيا باحثون آخرون عمى نفس قاعدة البيانات (DBLP (الشييرة التي استخدمناىا في أطروحتنا. وتظير نتائجنا النيائية مدى أىمية أدخال بنية جديدة لفيرسة الكممات المفتاحية الى قواعد البيانات العالئقية، وبناء خوارزميات استنادا الى تمك الفيرسة لمبحث بأستخدام كممات مفتاحية فقط والحصول عمى نتائج أفضل ودقة أعمى، أضافة الى التحسن في وقت البحث

    WAQS : a web-based approximate query system

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    The Web is often viewed as a gigantic database holding vast stores of information and provides ubiquitous accessibility to end-users. Since its inception, the Internet has experienced explosive growth both in the number of users and the amount of content available on it. However, searching for information on the Web has become increasingly difficult. Although query languages have long been part of database management systems, the standard query language being the Structural Query Language is not suitable for the Web content retrieval. In this dissertation, a new technique for document retrieval on the Web is presented. This technique is designed to allow a detailed retrieval and hence reduce the amount of matches returned by typical search engines. The main objective of this technique is to allow the query to be based on not just keywords but also the location of the keywords within the logical structure of a document. In addition, the technique also provides approximate search capabilities based on the notion of Distance and Variable Length Don\u27t Cares. The proposed techniques have been implemented in a system, called Web-Based Approximate Query System, which contains an SQL-like query language called Web-Based Approximate Query Language. Web-Based Approximate Query Language has also been integrated with EnviroDaemon, an environmental domain specific search engine. It provides EnviroDaemon with more detailed searching capabilities than just keyword-based search. Implementation details, technical results and future work are presented in this dissertation

    The XFM view adaptation mechanism: An essential component for XML data warehouses

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    In the past few years, with many organisations providing web services for business and communication purposes, large volumes of XML transactions take place on a daily basis. In many cases, organisations maintain these transactions in their native XML format due to its flexibility for xchanging data between heterogeneous systems. This XML data provides an important resource for decision support systems. As a consequence, XML technology has slowly been included within decision support systems of data warehouse systems. The problem encountered is that existing native XML database systems suffer from poor performance in terms of managing data volume and response time for complex analytical queries. Although materialised XML views can be used to improve the performance for XML data warehouses, update problems then become the bottleneck of using materialised views. Specifically, synchronising materialised views in the face of changing view definitions, remains a significant issue. In this dissertation, we provide a method for XML-based data warehouses to manage updates caused by the change of view definitions (view redefinitions), which is referred to as the view adaptation problem. In our approach, views are defined using XPath and then modelled using a set of novel algebraic operators and fragments. XPath views are integrated into a single view graph called the XML Fragment Materialisation (XFM) View Graph, where common parts between different views are shared and appear only once in the graph. Fragments within the view graph can be selected for materialisation to facilitate the view adaptation process. While changes are applied, our view adaptation algorithms can quickly determine what part of the XFM view graph is affected. The adaptation algorithms then perform a structural adaptation to update the view graph, followed by data adaptation to update materialised fragments