18 research outputs found

    XHaskell - Adding regular expression types to haskell

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    Examining Religion and Spirituality as Diversity Training: A Multidimensional Look at Training in the American Psychological Association

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    What sort of psychotherapeutic approaches might work well with a client who identifies as Muslim, and would they be different from what might work well with a client who identifies as Christian, a client who identifies as atheistic, or client who identifies as Buddhist? Despite ethical commitments to religiosity and spirituality training, it seems that most training programs in professional psychology have neglected to incorporate content from these areas of diversity into their curricula. The current study evaluated religious and spiritual diversity training in both APA-accredited doctoral programs and predoctoral internships, garnering the perspectives of 292 students, interns, faculty, and training directors (54.9% response rate). Results revealed a clear hierarchy of preparatory efforts with regard to diversity training, with least attention given to the dimensions of diversity pertaining to disabilities, age, religion, and spirituality. Participants also perceived several areas of advanced competency to be neglected, including preparation efforts related to consultation with religious and spiritual leaders and understanding the major world religions and spiritual systems. The findings also revealed that doctoral programs and predoctoral internships rely on informal and unsystematic sources of learning to provide training in religious and spiritual dimensions of diversity, including clinical experiences and peer interaction. Coursework, research, and didactics are rarely used to enhance religious and spiritual diversity training. Implications regarding current perceptions of training in religious and spiritual diversity are included

    An unusual pulse shape change event in PSR J1713+0747 observed with the Green Bank Telescope and CHIME

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    The millisecond pulsar J1713+0747 underwent a sudden and significant pulse shape change between April 16 and 17, 2021 (MJDs 59320 and 59321). Subsequently, the pulse shape gradually recovered over the course of several months. We report the results of continued multi-frequency radio observations of the pulsar made using the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) and the 100-meter Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in a three-year period encompassing the shape change event, between February 2020 and February 2023. As of February 2023, the pulse shape had returned to a state similar to that seen before the event, but with measurable changes remaining. The amplitude of the shape change and the accompanying TOA residuals display a strong non-monotonic dependence on radio frequency, demonstrating that the event is neither a glitch (the effects of which should be independent of radio frequency, ν\nu) nor a change in dispersion measure (DM) alone (which would produce a delay proportional to ν2\nu^{-2}). However, it does bear some resemblance to the two previous "chromatic timing events" observed in J1713+0747 (Demorest et al. 2013; Lam et al. 2016), as well as to a similar event observed in PSR J1643-1224 in 2015 (Shannon et al. 2016).Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to ApJ. Data available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.723645

    Habitat urbanization and its effects on birds

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    By transforming landscapes, human activity creates new types of habitats with altered environmental characteristics that never existed before. As the process of habitat urbanization bears impact on more and more natural habitats, it is essential for us to understand the changes we bring forth in the ecological forces shaping urban animal communities. Birds are perhaps the most frequently studied model organisms by urban ecologists. It is a well known general pattern that urban avian communities have typically reduced species richness, while the density of a few successful species is often higher in cities than in adjacent more natural habitats. But it is less understood which mechanisms generate and uphold these community-level changes. In this review we discuss the most important components of the urban environment influencing birds’ physiology, behaviour or morphology, and compile several recent studies to illustrate their effects. To understand urban food webs we also review the results of bottom-up and top-down approach which suggest that altered food availability and predation may play key roles in forming recent urban bird communities. We encourage future research to focus more on experimental, manipulative studies, that would help us not just to realize general patterns but shed more light on the mechanisms, the underlying processes prompting changes in urban bird communities

    Entwurf eines Objektmodells für semistrukturierte Daten im Kontext von XML Content Management Systemen

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    Seit einigen Jahren werden zur Erstellung und Pflege umfangreicher Websites vornehmlich Content Management Systeme (CMS) eingesetzt. Die überwiegende Entwicklungsarbeit wurde bei diesen Systemen in immer mächtigere Templatesprachen und aufwändigere Benutzeroberflächen investiert. Aspekte, die das zugrunde liegende Datenmodell betreffen, wurden dabei allerdings vernachlässigt: zumeist wird mehr oder weniger direkt auf eine Datenbank zugegriffen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist der Entwurf einer auf die CMS-Aufgabenstellung ausgerichteten Architektur, deren Datenmodell zusammen mit einer darauf abgestimmten Templatesprache die Entwicklung neuer Webangebote effizienter und einfacher machen kann. Zunächst werden die Anforderungen an ein Datenmodell für CMS erarbeitet. Darauf basierend wird ein objektorientiertes Modell entwickelt und mittels einer formalen Semantikbeschreibung definiert. Das Modell unterstützt inhärent die typischen hierarchischen Strukturen von Websites. Vererbung ist durch Verwendung einer speziellen Form der Familienpolymorphie sowohl zwischen einzelnen Klassen als auch zwischen kompletten Webanwendungen möglich. Ein Entwickler kann große Teile von vorhandenem Code auf dem Wege der Vererbung wiederverwenden. Eine Zerlegung von Objekten in feingranulare Bestandteile ermöglicht eine weitere Reduzierung von Redundanzen bei der Modellierung. Als Bindeglied zwischen Daten und publizierten Dokumenten haben sich Templates bewährt. Eine Analyse der Anforderungen und vorhandenen Ansätze führt zu der Entscheidung für eine funktionale Templatesprache. Diese Templatesprache und die Beschreibung des objektorientierten Datenmodells werden zu einer einheitlichen Sprache integriert, die zudem durch die die Einbindung von XML die Ausgabe in unterschiedlichen Dokumentenformaten unterstützt.Design of an object model for semistructured data in context of XML content management systems For several years, mostly Content Management Systems (CMS) are used for the creation and maintenance of large web sites. Most of the development effort of these systems has been put in more sophisticated template languages und complex user interfaces. Aspects regarding the underlying data model have been neglected though: the database is accessed more or less directly in most cases. The goal of the present thesis is the design of an architecture which is attuned to the tasks of CMS, the data model of which together with a template language can make the development of new web sites more efficient and easier. At first, the requirements on a data model for CMS are compiled. Thereupon an object-oriented model is developed and defined by means of a formal semantic description. This model inherently supports the typical hierarchical structures of websites. Inheritance is possible between single classes as well as between entire web applications by utilizing a special kind of family polymorphism. A developer can re-use large parts of existing code through inheritance. Moreover, a decomposition of objects into fine-grained parts allows the reduction of redundancies in modelling. Templates have proved as the crucial link between data and published pages. An analysis of requirements and existing approaches leads to the decision for a functional template language. This template language and the description of the objekt-oriented data model are integrated into a uniform language which furthermore supports the output in different document formats by integrating XML

    Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic and Sexual Minority Boys and Men

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    Racial/ethnic and sexual minority males are two of the most persistently unhealthy groups in the United States. In fact, health disadvantages are even more pronounced among groups of boys and men who have not fully enjoyed the socioeconomic power and privilege typically conferred to males in this country. These are boys and men at the intersections of social identities, communities, or groups that have historically been oppressed, marginalized, and stigmatized. Moreover, they are boys and men with lived experiences, occupations, or material circumstances that disconnect them from day-to-day society. Often, these males have some of the most negative health-related outcomes, including shorter lifespans, more threats to their safety and well-being, and less access to health care and social supports

    A functional specification of effects

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    This dissertation is about effects and type theory. Functional programming languages such as Haskell illustrate how to encapsulate side effects using monads. Haskell compilers provide a handful of primitive effectful functions. Programmers can construct larger computations using the monadic return and bind operations. These primitive effectful functions, however, have no associated definition. At best, their semantics are specified separately on paper. This can make it difficult to test, debug, verify, or even predict the behaviour of effectful computations. This dissertation provides pure, functional specifications in Haskell of several different effects. Using these specifications, programmers can test and debug effectful programs. This is particularly useful in tandem with automatic testing tools such as QuickCheck. The specifications in Haskell are not total. This makes them unsuitable for the formal verification of effectful functions. This dissertation overcomes this limitation, by presenting total functional specifications in Agda, a programming language with dependent types. There have been alternative approaches to incorporating effects in a dependently typed programming language. Most notably, recent work on Hoare Type Theory proposes to extend type theory with axioms that postulate the existence of primitive effectful functions. This dissertation shows how the functional specifications implement these axioms, unifying the two approaches. The results presented in this dissertation may be used to write and verify effectful programs in the framework of type theory

    Courier Gazette : Thursday, April 7, 1960

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