604,665 research outputs found

    A study of the application of electronic data interchange in the Hong Kong trading community.

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    by Alfred Cheng Hung Chi, Chan Sik Kuk.Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1990.Bibliography: leaves 82-84.ABSTRACT --- p.iiTABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.vACKNOWLEDGMENT --- p.viiChapterChapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1Chapter II. --- PROBLEMS AND METHODOLOGY --- p.6Chapter III. --- THE PAPER-BASED TRADING SYSTEM & THE EDI TRADING SYSTEM --- p.10Chapter IV. --- EXISTING EDI NETWORKS --- p.19Chapter ´Ø --- SWIFT --- p.19Chapter ´Ø --- TradeNet --- p.22Chapter ´Ø --- Intertrade --- p.25Chapter V. --- CONSIDERATIONS FOR A COMMUNITY-WIDE EDI NETWORK IN HONG KONG --- p.28Chapter ´Ø --- Legal Issues --- p.29Chapter ´Ø --- Regulatory Issues --- p.34Chapter ´Ø --- Security --- p.38Chapter ´Ø --- Standards --- p.40Chapter ´Ø --- Linkage with Global Networks --- p.42Chapter ´Ø --- Chinese EDI Capabilities --- p.42Chapter ´Ø --- Franchise --- p.45Chapter VI. --- DEVELOPMENT PLAN --- p.47Chapter ´Ø --- The Role of the Hong Kong Government --- p.47Chapter ´Ø --- Development Plan --- p.50Chapter VII. --- CONCLUSIONS --- p.52APPENDIX --- p.53Chapter 1. --- Case Study On EDI Network - TradeNet --- p.53Chapter 2. --- Message Standards --- p.64Chapter ´Ø --- Available EDI Message Standards --- p.65Chapter ´Ø --- UN/EDI FACT --- p.67Chapter 3. --- Message Handling Standard - X.400 --- p.70Chapter ´Ø --- What is X.400 ? --- p.70Chapter ´Ø --- Why X.400 ? --- p.72Chapter ´Ø --- Security and Audit --- p.73Chapter ´Ø --- Acknowledgement --- p.74Chapter ´Ø --- Performance --- p.74Chapter ´Ø --- Commitments and X.500 --- p.75Chapter 4. --- Trading Documents --- p.77BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.8

    Pemodelan Wajah 3D Melalui Pendeteksian Fitur Wajah 2D Menggunakan Teknik Morphing<br>3D MODELS OF FACIAL FEATURES WITH THE DETECTION OF 2D FACES USING MORPHING TECHNIQUES

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    ABSTRAKSI: Face recognition atau pengenalan wajah adalah salah satu teknologi biometrik yang telah banyak diaplikasikan dalam sistem security selain pengenalan retina mata, pengenalan sidik jari dan iris mata. Dalam aplikasinya sendiri pengenalan wajah menggunakan sebuah kamera untuk menangkap wajah seseorang kemudian dibandingkan dengan wajah yang sebelumnya telah disimpan di dalam database tertentu. Pada saat ini penggunaan grafika komputer memiliki peranan yang besar terutama pada grafik 3D. Yang dimaksud obyek 3D adalah setiap titik yang membentuk obyek akan diproses memiliki 3 sumbu koordinat. Pada tugas akhir ini telah dibuat model wajah 3D melalui pembacaan model yang dihasilkan oleh software stlread, kemudian dilakukan pemilihan vertex dan face untuk membentuk model baru (wajah). Setelah itu pendeteksian lokasi fitur wajah dilakukan dengan menyesuaikan letak titik – titik fitur wajah terhadap wajah input, kemudian melakukan proses sampling warna dan pembacaan hasil sampling warna sehingga diperoleh model 3D yang sesuai input. Dalam tugas akhir ini, telah dilakukan survey MOS terhadap 30 responden dengan dua kategori yaitu pergeseran dan penskalaan terhadap dua sumbu koordinat yaitu x dan y serta ukuran dimensi yang berbeda -beda dari lima jenis citra input. Citra input pria dan wanita yang masing – masing mewakili dua citra untuk pria dan tiga citra untuk wanita. Hasil MOS menunjukkan nilai rata – rata kualitas pemodelan yang dihasilkan untuk ukuran dimensi 400 x 400 pixel adalah baik dan 233 x 368 pixel bernilai cukup dengan tingkat akurasi berdasarkan hasil MOS dari 30 responden adalah 82.1% untuk 400 x 400 pixel dan 63.5% untuk 233 x 368 pixel.Kata Kunci : objek 2D, objek 3D, sampling warna, vertex, faceABSTRACT: Face recognition is a biometric technology which have a lot of application in system security besides of retina, fingerprint recognition and slice eye. In the application of face recognition use a camera to catch a face and then compared to face previously have been kept in certain database. Today, a grafika computer using a big role especially 3D graph. 3D object is a dot forming obyek will be processed to own 3 axis of coordinates. this final project have been made a face 3D models by software stlread,and then election vertex and face to forming a new models. Afterwards the location fitur face detection accomodatedly is arrest point - dot fitur face to input face, then do a read and colour sampling process that obtained of 3D models. In this final project have been done by MOS to 30 responder with two category that is scale and friction to two axis of coordinates that is x and y and also the size measure different dimension to type the different input. woman and man Input image which deputize two image for the man and three image for the woman. With result of dimension 400 x 400 pixel is good and 233 x 368 pixel is enough. . Result MOS from 30 responder is 82.1% to 400 x 400 pixel and 63.5% to 233 x 368 pixel.Keyword: 2D Object, 3D Object, color sampling, vertex, fac

    Preparation and Characterization of Chitosan/Reduced Graphene Oxide Film as a Sensing Material

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    Sensing materials are crucial in a wide range of fields, including environmental monitoring, healthcare, security, and industrial applications. By leveraging their specific properties, sensing materials enable the development of innovative sensing devices and systems for improved detection, monitoring, and control of various parameters in our environment. This study aimed to prepare the chitosan/reduced graphene oxide film as sensing materials using a simple casting method. The reduced graphene oxide (rGO) was mixed with chitosan (CS), consisting of a concentration ratio of 200, 250, 300, 350, and 400 ppm. Three characterizations were used to describe the formed CS/rGO films, namely, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and cyclic voltammetry (CV). FTIR and XRD analysis results were successfully performed, which showed that the process of loading of rGO and the film fabrication occurred in the physical interaction. The CV test also showed that the CS/rGO modified electrode has high sensitivity in PBH pH 7 and can be applied as a sensing material

    Perencanaan Gedung Parkir 4 Lantai Dengan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Biasa (SRPMB)Di Wilayah Surakarta

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    The city of surakarta especially in urban areas is now growing, thecity aslo got a nick name Spirit of Java whose population is increasing and the level of needs aslo increase. Therefore it will be planned 4 storey parking building with regular moment frame system bearer in the area. The planned structure of the building should consider the security, architectural and economic aspects. Planning parking building refers to the regulation of indonesia national standard. That is SNI 1726.2012, SNI 2847.2013,SNI 1727.2013 and Guidance for planning and operating parking facilities (Ministry of Transportation Republic Indonesia). Planning parking building inculdes columns, beam, plate, stairs,ramps,sloof and foundation. The location of the building is located at Brigjen.Slamet Riyadi road, Laweyan, with clasification of hard soil sites (SC), modification factor respons (R) = 5, building security factor (Ie) = 1. Using concrete quality (f’c) = 25 Mpa, longitudinal reinforcement quality (fy) = 350 Mpa,and shear rainforcemet (fyt) = 300 Mpa. Planning result obtained 150 mm floor plate, 120 mm stair plate, 400/600 mm beam second floor, 350/600 mm thrid floor, 300/550 mm fourth floor, 300/500 mm rooftop, As for the first floor columns 500/550 mm, 450/500 mm second floor, 400/450 mm third floor, 350/400 mm fourth floor. The bottom structure uses pile of 12 m use dimension 200/200 mm, with dimnension pile cap (2000 x 2000 x 800) mm. The planning tool used is SAP 2000,AutoCad and Microsoft offic

    Postharvest Quality of Kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis) after X-ray Irradiation Quarantine Treatment

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    The quality of two kiwifruit varieties [Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa, ‘Hayward’ (green-fleshed), and Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis, ‘Zesy002’ (gold-fleshed)] was determined after X-ray irradiation at doses suitable for disinfestation of quarantine pests. Fruit were treated with irradiation doses of 0, 200, 400, 600, or 800 Gy and stored for 14 days at 2 °C. Irradiation did not affect soluble solids content, respiration rate, or taste. Minimal softening occurred to ‘Zesy002’ treated with irradiation doses of 400 or 800 Gy. No visible radiation injury, scald, or discoloration was observed. Irradiation treatment of kiwifruit at doses ≤800 Gy would ensure visual, compositional, and sensory quality while providing quarantine security

    Breaking a chaos-based secure communication scheme designed by an improved modulation method

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    Recently Bu and Wang [Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 19 (2004) 919] proposed a simple modulation method aiming to improve the security of chaos-based secure communications against return-map-based attacks. Soon this modulation method was independently cryptanalyzed by Chee et al. [Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 21 (2004) 1129], Wu et al. [Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 22 (2004) 367], and \'{A}lvarez et al. [Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, accepted (2004), arXiv:nlin.CD/0406065] via different attacks. As an enhancement to the Bu-Wang method, an improving scheme was suggested by Wu et al. by removing the relationship between the modulating function and the zero-points. The present paper points out that the improved scheme proposed by Wu et al. is still insecure against a new attack. Compared with the existing attacks, the proposed attack is more powerful and can also break the original Bu-Wang scheme. Furthermore, it is pointed out that the security of the modulation-based schemes is not so satisfactory from a pure cryptographical point of view. The synchronization performance of this class of modulation-based schemes is also discussed.Comment: elsart.cls, 18 pages, 9 figure

    Perencanaan Gedung Parkir 4 Lantai dengan Sistem Pemikul Rangka Momen Menengah (SPRMM) di Wilayah Surakarta

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    The city of Surakarta is geographocally being on the path of strategic traffic economic trade and turism in between Joogjakarta – Surakarta – Semarang – Surabaya, with an administrative area 4.404,06 ha, divided into 5 sub-districts and 51 villages in overall urban areas and has a population 510.077 citizen. Therefore it will be planned 4 storey parking building with medium moment frame system bearer in the area. The planned structure of the building should consider the security, architectural and economic aspects. Planning parking building refers to the regulation of indonesia national standard. That is SNI 1726.2012, SNI 2847.2013,SNI 1727.2013 and Guidance for planning and operating parking facilities (Ministry of Transportation Republic Indonesia). Planning parking building inculdes columns, beam, plate, stairs,ramps,sloof and foundation. The location of the building is located at Brigjen.Slamet Riyadi road, Laweyan, with clasification of hard soil sites (SC), modification factor respons (R) = 5, building security factor (Ie) = 1. Using concrete quality (f’c) = 25 Mpa, longitudinal reinforcement quality (fy) = 350 Mpa,and shear rainforcemet (fyt) = 300 Mpa. Planning result obtained 150 mm floor plate, 120 mm stair plate, 400/600 mm beam second floor, 350/600 mm thrid floor, 300/550 mm fourth floor, 300/500 mm rooftop, As for the first floor columns 500/550 mm, 450/500 mm second floor, 400/450 mm third floor, 350/400 mm fourth floor. The bottom structure uses pile of 12 m use dimension 200/200 mm, with dimnension pile cap (2000 x 2000 x 800) mm. The planning tool used is SAP 2000,AutoCad and Microsoft offic