10 research outputs found

    Worst case attacks against binary probabilistic traitor tracing codes

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    An insightful view into the design of traitor tracing codes should necessarily consider the worst case attacks that the colluders can lead. This paper takes an information-theoretic point of view where the worst case attack is defined as the collusion strategy minimizing the achievable rate of the traitor tracing code. Two different decoders are envisaged, the joint decoder and the simple decoder, as recently defined by P. Moulin \cite{Moulin08universal}. Several classes of colluders are defined with increasing power. The worst case attack is derived for each class and each decoder when applied to Tardos' codes and a probabilistic version of the Boneh-Shaw construction. This contextual study gives the real rates achievable by the binary probabilistic traitor tracing codes. Attacks usually considered in literature, such as majority or minority votes, are indeed largely suboptimal. This article also shows the utmost importance of the time-sharing concept in a probabilistic codes.Comment: submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Securit

    Enhanced blind decoding of Tardos codes with new map-based functions

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    This paper presents a new decoder for probabilistic binary traitor tracing codes under the marking assumption. It is based on a binary hypothesis testing rule which integrates a collusion channel relaxation so as to obtain numerical and simple accusation functions. This decoder is blind as no estimation of the collusion channel prior to the accusation is required. Experimentations show that using the proposed decoder gives better performance than the well-known symmetric version of the Tardos decoder for common attack channels

    Saddle-point Solution of the Fingerprinting Capacity Game Under the Marking Assumption

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    We study a fingerprinting game in which the collusion channel is unknown. The encoder embeds fingerprints into a host sequence and provides the decoder with the capability to trace back pirated copies to the colluders. Fingerprinting capacity has recently been derived as the limit value of a sequence of maxmin games with mutual information as the payoff function. However, these games generally do not admit saddle-point solutions and are very hard to solve numerically. Here under the so-called Boneh-Shaw marking assumption, we reformulate the capacity as the value of a single two-person zero-sum game, and show that it is achieved by a saddle-point solution. If the maximal coalition size is kk and the fingerprint alphabet is binary, we derive equations that can numerically solve the capacity game for arbitrary kk. We also provide tight upper and lower bounds on the capacity. Finally, we discuss the asymptotic behavior of the fingerprinting game for large kk and practical implementation issues.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2009), Seoul, Korea, June 200


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    This paper presents a new decoder for probabilistic binary traitor tracing codes which is based on classical hypothesis testing and estimation theory. This new decoder is blind, in the sense of ignoring a priori the collusion attack it is facing. It basically performs a joint estimation of the collusion channel and the probability that each user takes part in the collusion. The experimental results shown in the paper have been obtained with the classical Tardos code, although the proposed decoder works with arbitrary probabilistic binary codes. Another remarkable advantage of this blind decoder is its ability to successfully cope with collusion channels far more general than the classical Marking Assumption, including channels that produce erasures and random decoding errors. Index Terms — Traitor tracing, Tardos code, collusion channel estimation, likelihood ratio, optimal decoding

    Optimal sequential fingerprinting: Wald vs. Tardos

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    We study sequential collusion-resistant fingerprinting, where the fingerprinting code is generated in advance but accusations may be made between rounds, and show that in this setting both the dynamic Tardos scheme and schemes building upon Wald's sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) are asymptotically optimal. We further compare these two approaches to sequential fingerprinting, highlighting differences between the two schemes. Based on these differences, we argue that Wald's scheme should in general be preferred over the dynamic Tardos scheme, even though both schemes have their merits. As a side result, we derive an optimal sequential group testing method for the classical model, which can easily be generalized to different group testing models.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Security and robustness constraints for spread-spectrum Tardos fingerprinting

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    International audienceThis paper presents a practical analysis of the impact of robustness and security on Tardos' collusion-secure fingerprinting codes using spread-spectrum watermarking modulations. In this framework, we assume that the coalition has to face an embedding scheme of given security level and consequently has to suffer a probability of wrongly estimating their embedded symbols. We recall the Worst Case Attack associated to this probability, e.g. the optimal attack which minimises the mutual information between the sequence of a colluder and the pirated one. For a given achievable rate of the Tardos' fingerprinting model, we compare the Improved Spread-Spectrum embedding versus a new secure embedding (called rho-Circular Watermarking) considering the AWGN channel. We show that secure embeddings are more immune to decoding errors than non-secure ones while keeping the same fingerprinting capacity

    Towards joint decoding of binary Tardos fingerprinting codes

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    The class of joint decoder of probabilistic fingerprinting codes is of utmost importance in theoretical papers to establish the concept of fingerprint capacity. However, no implementation supporting a large user base is known to date. This article presents an iterative decoder which is, as far as we are aware of, the first practical attempt towards joint decoding. The discriminative feature of the scores benefits on one hand from the side-information of previously accused users, and on the other hand, from recently introduced universal linear decoders for compound channels. Neither the code construction nor the decoder make precise assumptions about the collusion (size or strategy). The extension to incorporate soft outputs from the watermarking layer is straightforward. An extensive experimental work benchmarks the very good performance and offers a clear comparison with previous state-of-the-art decoders.Comment: submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security. - typos corrected, one new plot, references added about ECC based fingerprinting code

    On the Saddle-point Solution and the Large-Coalition Asymptotics of Fingerprinting Games

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    We study a fingerprinting game in which the number of colluders and the collusion channel are unknown. The encoder embeds fingerprints into a host sequence and provides the decoder with the capability to trace back pirated copies to the colluders. Fingerprinting capacity has recently been derived as the limit value of a sequence of maximin games with mutual information as their payoff functions. However, these games generally do not admit saddle-point solutions and are very hard to solve numerically. Here under the so-called Boneh-Shaw marking assumption, we reformulate the capacity as the value of a single two-person zero-sum game, and show that it is achieved by a saddle-point solution. If the maximal coalition size is k and the fingerprinting alphabet is binary, we show that capacity decays quadratically with k. Furthermore, we prove rigorously that the asymptotic capacity is 1/(k^2 2ln2) and we confirm our earlier conjecture that Tardos' choice of the arcsine distribution asymptotically maximizes the mutual information payoff function while the interleaving attack minimizes it. Along with the asymptotic behavior, numerical solutions to the game for small k are also presented.Comment: submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Securit