8 research outputs found

    Efecto de tratamientos insecticidas, antes de la siembra, a la semilla de dos híbridos de maíz: Insecticide treatment effects prior to sowing the two corn hybrid seeds.

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    El objetivo principal de la presente investigación fue evaluar el efecto sobre el vigor de las plantas y sobre los insectos plaga del maíz, de los insecticidas Cruicer (tiametoxam),Gaucho (imidacloprid, Semevin (thiodicarb) y Crucial (thiodicarb + imidacloprid) + (Zn, B, Mo) aplicados antes de la siembra a la semilla de los híbridos INIAP H 601 e INIAP H 602. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos hasta los 40 días después de la siembra el mayor índice de vigor (O.34) se alcanzó en el híbrido INIAP H 601 tratado con Crucial al igual que la menor incidencia de insectos del suelo y defoliadores, y en el mismo híbrido pero tratado con Cruiser se lograron las  poblaciones más bajas de Dalbulus maidi. El menor índice de vigor (0.24) y la mayor incidencia de insectos plaga se manifestó en el Testigo (sin tratar) del híbrido INIAP H 602. La mayor rentabilidad (25.23%) se obtuvo con el híbrido INIAP H 601 + Cruiser. Palabras claves: Maíz, Híbrido, Vigor, Insecticidas, Plaga

    Understanding Arguments to Protect Farmland in Idaho: Innovative Solutions and Community Insights to Drive Policy Change

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    Between Spring 2022 and Spring 2023, a team of researchers at Boise State University conducted interviews with people involved in farmland protection efforts. Our goal was to understand how interviewees frame the issue of farmland loss. Frames can draw attention to an issue, contextualize decision-making, and influence the policy solutions considered. Through a frame analysis, we gained a clearer understanding of potential approaches for farmland protection in Idaho. We conducted 10 semi-structured interviews with individuals representing government agencies, academic institutions, land trusts, non-profit organizations, and farmers. After conducting the interviews, we analyzed the transcripts in a systematic manner to identify recurring message frames pertaining to farmland loss. The analysis process enabled us to map these frames onto potential policy solutions applicable to Idaho. Our report outlines the advantages and disadvantages of each frame and pinpoints which ones are likely to resonate with specific groups. Our research revealed a diverse range of frames used to address farmland protection, with many interviewees citing multiple frames. The domestic food security, regional economy, and national/global trade frames are expected to have broad appeal, while the national security and environmental benefits frames may appeal to more specific audiences. The threatened resource and cultural importance frames are likely to resonate with those valuing tradition. We identified a variety of solutions, such as agricultural protection areas, support for rural economies, promotion of regenerative agriculture, and expansion of Idaho\u27s Right to Farm Act protections. Our findings underscore the importance of diverse, flexible, and responsive solutions to improve the feasibility of farmland protection in Idaho. We hope that our work will provide a solid basis for future efforts aimed at preserving Idaho\u27s farmland

    Navigation Among Humans

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    Defying Nature: The Ethical Implications of Genetically Modified Plants

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    Genetic engineering is changing the semantics, the meaning of life itself. We\u27re trying to usurp the plant\u27s choice. To force alien words into the plant\u27s poem, but we [have] a problem. We barely know the root language. Genetic grammar\u27s a mystery.... We\u27ve learned a lot about the letters-maybe our ability to read and spell words now sits halfway between accident and design - but our syntax is still haphazard. Scrambled. It\u27s a semiotic nightmare

    Meadowing in common : towards a poetics of overgrowth

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    Building on Daniel Eltringham's notion of the "kinetic commons", I offer "meadowing" as an experiment in putting to creative-critical work the multi-sensory dreamscape of abundance, desire, exposure and biodiversity signified by meadow. I explore how meadowing works as a poethic practice through close readings of contemporary texts by Stephen Collis, Verity Spott, Tom Raworth and Myung Mi Kim, drawing on Sedgwick's "reparative reading" and Lyn Hejinian's "language of inquiry". I argue that meadowing proffers a lyric architecture whose fieldwork of study and dream is ongoing, whose bounds are messily incomplete, and whose orientations are improvisatory and immersive

    Environmental Urgency: Apocalyptic Undercurrents In Appalachian Literature, Including All Places Thou: An Experimental Novella

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    Apocalyptic imagery and rhetoric appears across a variety of Appalachian literature and literature with Appalachian settings; however, comparatively little scholarly attention has been dedicated to exploring this trend, despite its provocative ecological implications. Using an ecocritical lens, I will first examine the apocalyptic undercurrent in Appalachian literature by analyzing its thematic significance to Ann Pancake's Strange as this Weather Has Been (2007) and Louise McNeill's Paradox Hill: From Appalachia to Lunar Shore (1972). I will then apply original narrative, verse, and selected artwork to a creative examination of these same thematic and symbolic trends. Ultimately, both critical and creative methodologies will indicate that apocalypticism - particularly in its contextualization of crisis in past, present, and future - provides a way for Appalachian literature to negotiate the ecological destruction and exploitation so prevalent in many parts of the region

    Caso de estudio Don Mario: una empresa argentina que gana el mercado global de semilla de soja

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    El grupo Don Mario (GDM) es una empresa que desarrolla semillas de Argentina que se ha convertido en un jugador importante en el mercado global proveyendo el 20% de las variedades de soja que se utilizan en el mundo. La empresa exporta actualmente a más de 11 países. El crecimiento e internacionalización del grupo Don Mario es un fenómeno de enorme interés ya que se produjo en un período en el que el mercado global de semillas se concentró masivamente en unas pocas empresas internacionales a través de un proceso de fusiones y adquisiciones sin precedentes, que involucró la desaparición de cientos de empresas semilleras independientes. En este reporte discutimos los principales cambios en la demanda mundial, tecnológicos, regulatorios y de estructura de mercado que han operado y operan como oportunidades y desafíos para la expansión de Don Mario; presentaremos una serie de indicadores que describen el contexto global y local en el cual opera la empresa Don Mario; analizamos en detalle el alcance y modelo de la inserción internacional de la empresa Don Mario; explicaremos los elementos claves que explican el éxito de la firma; el uso e impacto de las políticas públicas; y los desafíos pendientes que tiene la empresa para continuar su proceso de crecimiento internacional.Fil: Marín, Anabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Centro de Investigaciones para la Transformación (CENIT); Argentina.Fil: Stubrin, Lilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Centro de Investigaciones para la Transformación (CENIT); Argentina.Fil: Carrera, Enrique. Centro de Investigaciones para la Transformación (CENIT); Argentina.Fil: Palacín, Rocío. Centro de Investigaciones para la Transformación (CENIT); Argentina.Fil: Mauro, Lucía Mercedes. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina

    Mobile Robots in Human Environments:towards safe, comfortable and natural navigation

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