19 research outputs found

    Navigating Across Non-Navigable Ecore References via OCL

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    The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and its meta-meta model Ecore support uni-directional and bi-directional references. It is quite common that references are defined uni-directionally only because of saving storage space or separating meta models, which is problematic when implementing Object Constraint Language (OCL) constraints that require navigation against the direction of uni-directional references. This is essential for certain approaches, e.g., incremental evaluation of OCL constraints on models shown by Altenhofen et al. that is used in SAP's Modeling Infrastructure (MOIN). In this paper, we present an approach that overcomes the aforementioned issue by providing navigation across non-navigable Ecore references via OCL. We further discuss different alternative solutions and briefly describe the realization that was outcome of a project in cooperation with the SAP AG

    A coalgebraic semantic framework for reasoning about UML: sequence diagrams

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    If, as a well-known aphorism states, modelling is for reasoning , this paper is an attempt to define and apply a formal semantics to UML sequence diagrams in order to enable rigourous reasoning about them. Actually, model transfor- mation plays a fundamental role in the process of software development, in general, and in model driven engineering in particular. Being a de facto standard in this area, UML is no exception, even if the number and diversity of diagrams expressing UML models makes it difficult to base its semantics on a single framework. This paper builds on previous attempts to base UML semantics in a coalgebraic setting and illustrates the application of the proposed framework to reason about composition and refactoring of sequence diagrams.(undefined

    Business process models and entity life cycles

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    Tasks and business entities are the major constituents of business processes but they are not always considered equally important. The activity-centric approach and the artifact-oriented one have radically different visions. The former focuses on the control flow, i.e., on the representation of the precedence constraints between tasks, and considers the dataflow an add-on. The latter emphasizes the states of the business entities and defines the transitions between states in a declarative way that makes it difficult to figure out what the control flow is. This paper presents the ELBA notation whose purpose is to integrate those different visions by leveraging the dataflow. The dataflow defines the input and output entities of the tasks in process models. Entities flowing through tasks change their states and then a process model results from the combination of the life cycles of the entities managed by the process. Process models are complemented by information models that show the attributes and relationships of the entity types handled by the processes. Life cycles are intertwined in process models but they can be separated by means of an extraction technique that is illustrated in this paper with the help of two examples

    Business process models and entity life cycles

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    Tasks and business entities are the major constituents of business processes but they are not always considered equally important. The activity-centric approach and the artifact-oriented one have radically different visions. The former focuses on the control flow, i.e., on the representation of the precedence constraints between tasks, and considers the dataflow an add-on. The latter emphasizes the states of the business entities and defines the transitions between states in a declarative way that makes it difficult to figure out what the control flow is. This paper presents the ELBA notation whose purpose is to integrate those different visions by leveraging the dataflow. The dataflow defines the input and output entities of the tasks in process models. Entities flowing through tasks change their states and then a process model results from the combination of the life cycles of the entities managed by the process. Process models are complemented by information models that show the attributes and relationships of the entity types handled by the processes. Life cycles are intertwined in process models but they can be separated by means of an extraction technique that is illustrated in this paper with the help of two examples

    PaTaS - Quality Assurance in Model-Driven Software Engineering for Spacecraft

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    Within PATAS (Product Assurance with TASTE Study), a product quality model with software and model metrics is developed and implemented in an end-to-end model-driven software engineering (MDSE) lifecycle demonstrator, based on TASTE. The goal of this study is to find applicable concepts to maintain quality and dependability levels, when MDSE is applied. This requires the definition of connected model and software quality indicators. These indicators are identified and integrated with ESA's reference software product quality model (ECSS-Q-HB-80-04A). The resulting quality model is integrated in a model-based software development lifecycle demonstrator, based on TASTE. To evaluate this demonstrator and the integrated quality indicators, mission-critical parts of the command and data handling subsystem of a satellite mission are modelled and subsequently coded, simulating a realistic development scenario as use case. The aim of the activity is to demonstrate the effect of the end-to-end lifecycle in combination with the developed quality model on the final onboard software product. The final results will set the baseline for recommendations to improve Quality Assurance in MDSE at ESA. In this talk, we present the on-going study and its latest results

    PaTaS: Quality Assurance for Model-driven Software Development

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    The quality of software products in safety critical applications, extensively found within the space domain, is a key success factor but also a major cost driver. To ensure high quality of the software product, quality assurance processes with quality models and metrics are applied. With these tools and processes, product assurance managers and software developers are able to quantify the quality of the software under development. Within the ESA-funded study PaTaS (Product Assurance with TASTE Study), a product quality model with software and model metrics was developed and implemented in an end-to-end model-driven software development (MDSD) life cycle demonstrator. The goal of this study was to identify applicable concepts to maintain quality and dependability levels when MDSD is applied. This requires the definition of connected model and software quality indicators. These indicators were integrated into ESA’s reference software product quality model (ECSS-Q-HB-80-04A). The resulting adapted quality model got incorporated in a model-driven software development life cycle demonstrator. To evaluate this demonstrator and the integrated quality indicators in a realistic development scenario, mission-critical parts of the command and data handling subsystem of a satellite mission were modelled and subsequently coded. The aim of the activity was to demonstrate the effect of the end-to-end life cycle in combination with the developed quality model on the final onboard software product. In this paper we present the result of the study. The focus is on the quality model for MDSD and new quality metrics for models, which can be embedded in an end-to-end model-driven product development life cycle

    A logic-based approach for the verification of UML timed models

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    This article presents a novel technique to formally verify models of real-time systems captured through a set of heterogeneous UML diagrams. The technique is based on the following key elements: (i) a subset of Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams, called Coretto UML (C-UML), which allows designers to describe the components of the system and their behavior through several kinds of diagrams (e.g., state machine diagrams, sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, interaction overview diagrams), and stereotypes taken from the UML Profile for Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems; (ii) a formal semantics of C-UML diagrams, defined through formulae of the metric temporal logic Tempo Reale ImplicitO (TRIO); and (iii) a tool, called Corretto, which implements the aforementioned semantics and allows users to carry out formal verification tasks on modeled systems. We validate the feasibility of our approach through a set of different case studies, taken from both the academic and the industrial domain