49,410 research outputs found

    Early aspects: aspect-oriented requirements engineering and architecture design

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    This paper reports on the third Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design Workshop, which has been held in Lancaster, UK, on March 21, 2004. The workshop included a presentation session and working sessions in which the particular topics on early aspects were discussed. The primary goal of the workshop was to focus on challenges to defining methodical software development processes for aspects from early on in the software life cycle and explore the potential of proposed methods and techniques to scale up to industrial applications

    An Analysis of Composability and Composition Anomalies

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    The separation of concerns principle aims at decomposing a given design problem into concerns that are mapped to multiple independent software modules. The application of this principle eases the composition of the concerns and as such supports composability. Unfortunately, a clean separation (and composition of concerns) at the design level does not always imply the composability of the concerns at the implementation level. The composability might be reduced due to limitations of the implementation abstractions and composition mechanisms. The paper introduces the notion of composition anomaly to describe a general set of unexpected composition problems that arise when mapping design concerns to implementation concerns. To distinguish composition anomalies from other composition problems the requirements for composability at the design level is provided. The ideas are illustrated for a distributed newsgroup system

    Towards a Taxonomy of Aspect-Oriented Programming.

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    As programs continue to increase in size, it has become increasingly difficult to separate concerns into well localized modules, which leads to code tangling- crosscutting code spread throughout several modules. Thus, Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) offers a solution to creating modules with little or no crosscutting concerns. AOP presents the notion of aspects, and demonstrates how crosscutting concerns can be taken out of modules and placed into a centralized location. In this paper, a taxonomy of aspect-oriented programming, as well as a basic overview and introduction of AOP, will be presented in order to assist future researchers in getting started on additional research on the topic. To form the taxonomy, over four-hundred research articles were organized into fifteen different primary categories coupled with sub-categories, which shows where some of the past research has been focused. In addition, trends of the research were evaluated and paths for future exploration are suggested

    Aspect-oriented interaction in multi-organisational web-based systems

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    Separation of concerns has been presented as a promising tool to tackle the design of complex systems in which cross-cutting properties that do not fit into the scope of a class must be satisfied. Unfortunately, current proposals assume that objects interact by means of object-oriented method calls, which implies that they embed interactions with others into their functional code. This makes them dependent on this interaction model, and makes it difficult to reuse them in a context in which another interaction model is more suited, e.g., tuple spaces, multiparty meetings, ports, and so forth. In this paper, we show that functionality can be described separately from the interaction model used, which helps enhance reusability of functional code and coordination patterns. Our proposal is innovative in that it is the first that achieves a clear separation between functionality and interaction in an aspect-oriented manner. In order to show that it is feasible, we adapted the multiparty interaction model to the context of multiorganisational web-based systems and developed a class framework to build business objects whose performance rates comparably to handmade implementations; the development time, however, decreases significantly.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2000-1106-C02-0

    A taxonomy of asymmetric requirements aspects

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    The early aspects community has received increasing attention among researchers and practitioners, and has grown a set of meaningful terminology and concepts in recent years, including the notion of requirements aspects. Aspects at the requirements level present stakeholder concerns that crosscut the problem domain, with the potential for a broad impact on questions of scoping, prioritization, and architectural design. Although many existing requirements engineering approaches advocate and advertise an integral support of early aspects analysis, one challenge is that the notion of a requirements aspect is not yet well established to efficaciously serve the community. Instead of defining the term once and for all in a normally arduous and unproductive conceptual unification stage, we present a preliminary taxonomy based on the literature survey to show the different features of an asymmetric requirements aspect. Existing approaches that handle requirements aspects are compared and classified according to the proposed taxonomy. In addition,we study crosscutting security requirements to exemplify the taxonomy's use, substantiate its value, and explore its future directions

    Aspect-Oriented Programming

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    Aspect-oriented programming is a promising idea that can improve the quality of software by reduce the problem of code tangling and improving the separation of concerns. At ECOOP'97, the first AOP workshop brought together a number of researchers interested in aspect-orientation. At ECOOP'98, during the second AOP workshop the participants reported on progress in some research topics and raised more issues that were further discussed. \ud \ud This year, the ideas and concepts of AOP have been spread and adopted more widely, and, accordingly, the workshop received many submissions covering areas from design and application of aspects to design and implementation of aspect languages

    Aspect-oriented design model.

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    Designing crosscutting concerns (aspects) is a challenging task. Since crosscutting concerns were not addressed while developing contemporary software design techniques, so they lack support for accommodating representation of such concerns along with base program. Some design languages like UML have been extended to express aspects and their elements but they do not fully represent aspects. Some lack adequate representation of aspect elements and some lack an efficient and reusable composition technique. In this paper, some of the aspect-oriented design techniques have been critically discussed. A proposed aspect model has been discussed which helps in overcoming the deficiencies in the contemporary aspect-oriented design techniques. This model represents aspects and their elements throughout the software development life cycle

    On Composing Separated Concerns, Composability and Composition Anomalies

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    It is generally acknowledged that separation of concerns is a key requirement for effective software engineering: it helps in managing the complexity of software and supports the maintainability of a software system. Separation of concerns makes only sense if the realizations in software of these concerns can be composed together effectively into a working program. The ability to compose systems from independently developed components that can be adapted and extended easily is a long-standing goal in the software engineering discipline. However, both research and practice have shown that composability of software is far from trivial and fails repeatedly. Typically this occurs when components exhibit complex behavior, in particular when multiple concerns are involved in a single component. We believe that, to address the composability problems, we need a better understanding of the requirements involved in successful composition, and in addition define the situations where composition fails. To this aim, in this paper we introduce a number of requirements for designlevel composability and define a category of composition problems that are inherent for given composition models, which we term as composition anomalies

    Devito: Towards a generic Finite Difference DSL using Symbolic Python

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    Domain specific languages (DSL) have been used in a variety of fields to express complex scientific problems in a concise manner and provide automated performance optimization for a range of computational architectures. As such DSLs provide a powerful mechanism to speed up scientific Python computation that goes beyond traditional vectorization and pre-compilation approaches, while allowing domain scientists to build applications within the comforts of the Python software ecosystem. In this paper we present Devito, a new finite difference DSL that provides optimized stencil computation from high-level problem specifications based on symbolic Python expressions. We demonstrate Devito's symbolic API and performance advantages over traditional Python acceleration methods before highlighting its use in the scientific context of seismic inversion problems.Comment: pyHPC 2016 conference submissio