6,592 research outputs found

    Workflow simulation for operational decision support using YAWL and ProM

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    Simulation is widely used as a tool for analyzing business processes but is mostly focused on examining rather abstract steady-state situations. Such analyses are helpful for the initial design of a business process but are less suitable for operational decision making and continuous improvement. Here we describe a simulation system for operational decision support in the context of work ow management. To do this we exploit not only the work ow's design, but also logged data describing the system's observed historic behavior, and information extracted about the current state of the work ow. Making use of actual data capturing the current state and historic information allows our simulations to accurately predict potential near-future behaviors for dierent scenarios. The approach is supported by a practical toolset which combines and extends the work ow management system YAWL and the process mining framework ProM. This technical report contains a detailed description of how a simulation model including operational decision support can be generated by our software based on the running example

    Resource-aware business process management : analysis and support

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    Digital twins-enabled heritage buildings management through social dynamics

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    Purpose - Heritage building management serves as a potent catalyst for sustainability, yet it poses a distinctive set of challenges. Achieving a harmonious balance between conserving the building's historical and cultural value and ensuring modern functionality and safety remains a primary concern. The present work proposes a socio-technical approach to the development and use of a digital twin (DT) that will integrate social data related to the use of heritage buildings with building and environmental data. Design/methodology/approach - The paper presents a logical and systematic joined-up management framework to the targeted heritage buildings, according to a "Whole Building" approach. Our approach is informed by the underpinning assumption that a heritage building and even more a heritage neighborhood is a socio-technical, complex and dynamic system, the change of which depends on the dynamic interconnections of materials, competences, resources, values, space/environment, senses and time. Findings - A heritage dynamics approach is adopted to unfold the dynamic nature of heritage and to better inform decisions that can be made in the present and future, achieving people-centered and place-based heritage management. This proposition underlines the heritage transformation as a complex systemic process that consists of nonlinear interconnections of multiple heterogeneous factors (values, senses, attitudes, spaces and resources). Originality/value - This paper presents a multi-level framework of DTs that interact hierarchically to comprehensively understand, assimilate and seamlessly integrate intricate contexts, even when faced with conflicting conditions from diverse cultural heritage entities. This paper outlines the importance of the iterative system dynamics (SD) approach, which enables adaptive management and ensures the resilience of cultural heritage over time


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    Europe has numerous historic buildings that need to become more energy-efficient, which need permanent maintenance and refurbishment to fulfill sustainability and use requirements. Asset owners and asset managers need to adopt new strategies to protect listed buildings while optimizing costs and benefits during their life cycle. In this sense, the digital transition proves to be a moment to seize for opening new scenarios. The Digital Twin paradigm promises to be valuable for enabling the sustainable knowledge, conservation, restoration, and management of built assets and solving the dilemma about protecting the architectural identity of these buildings while adapting them to the functional and performance requirements dictated by the regulatory framework. This study proposes a workflow that integrates Heritage Building Information Modeling (HBIM) and Building Performance Simulation (BPS) tools for data-driving the energy improvement of Italian listed modern buildings built between the 1920s and 1960s. After acquiring information about the building, the HBIM model and the Building Energy Model (BEM) are realized based on the International Foundation Classes (IFC) standard. Energy intervention measures are defined, construction costs are computed, and benefits during the intervention life cycle are predicted in thermal demand. Finally, an expeditious multi-criteria analysis allows for comparing different intervention combinations and indicating the optimal solution for the energy improvement of the building concerning energy, economic, and financial issues. These outcomes represent the first step towards realizing a dynamic, accessible, and sharable Digital Twin

    Business Process Simulation Using Coloured Petri Nets

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    Äriprotsesside juhtimine on tänapäeva maailmas muutunud järjest olulisemaks tänu suurenevatele nõudmistele protsesside tõhusamaks muutmisel. Protsesside juhtimisega üritatakse leida võimalikke kitsaskohti, tõsta tootlikust ja vähendada vajadust ressursside järjele. Paljud protsesside modelleerimise vahendid toetavad lisaks protsesside modelleerimisele mudelite juurutamist ning simulatsioone. Simulatsioonid on üks parimaid tehnikaid protsesside efektiivsemaks muutmisel. Enamus äriprotsesside modelleerimise standardeid ei toeta simulatsioone (k.a. de facto standard BPMN). Mitmed protsesside modelleerimise vahendid võimaldavad simulatsioone, kuid simulatsioonimootor on peidetud nende vahendite sisse. See piirab simulatsioonimootorite laiendatavust ning protsesside simulatsioonides tuleb läbi ajada tarkvara vahenditega. Kuid modelleerimistarkvara võimalused on võrreldes reaalse maailma situatsioonidega väga piiratud. Antud töö eesmärgiks on välja pakkuda eelpool mainitud probleemile üks võimalik lahendus – BPMN meta-mudeli laiendus simulatsiooni atribuutidega. Töös kasutatakse simulatsioonimootorit CPN Tools, mis baseerub Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) modelleerimis-keelel. CPN on loodud spetsiaalselt diskreetsete süsteemide simulatsiooni keeleks. Esmalt tehakse ülevaade BPMN standardist ning kahest levinumast BPMN modelleerimise vahendist – IBM WebSphere Modeller ja IPT Commerce. Järgnevalt antakse lühiülevaade Petri Nets ja CPN mudelitest ning CPN Tools modelleerimisvahendist. Kasutades olemasolevate vahendite analüüsist saadud kogemusi, laiendatakse BPMN standardi meta-mudelit simulatsioonide meta-mudeliga. Seejärel kirjeldatakse kuidas saada simulatsiooni andmetega täiendatud BPMN mudelist CPN mudel ning demonstreeritakse erinevaid võimalusi CPN mudelite simuleerimiseks kasutades CPN Tools vahendeid. Töös kirjeldatud simulatsiooni meta-mudel ja BPMN mudeli elementide teisendamine CPN mudeli konstruktsioonideks on esitatud üldiselt, sest eesmärgiks oli testida välja pakutava lahenduse võimalikkust. CPN Tools sai valitud simulatsioonimootoriks sellepärast, et tema mudelid on kirjeldatud kasutades XML-i. Töö edasiarendusena pakub autor välja BPMN mudelitest CPN mudelite automaatse konverteri loomist.Business process management plays an increasingly important role in the business world as it promotes effectiveness and efficiency in business operations. The simulation of business processes is one of the most versatile techniques for analyzing business processes quantitatively in order to identify and remove performance bottlenecks. The graphical representation of business process models has proven to be a very effective tool for presenting information to business stakeholders, including business analysts and system developers. Unfortunately most of the graphical business process modeling standards (including de facto standard BPMN) do not support attaching simulation information to the models. Major business process modelling tools and suites still provide ability to add simulation data and execute those models. However, only models designed with the tools themselves can be simulated and no extensibility mechanism is provided to add new features or change the pre-built simulation and reporting options. This paper proposes a meta-model for specifying simulation scenarios on the top of the BPMN meta-model. Also, the paper advocates using CPN Tools as an open and extensible business process model simulator. The paper provides an initial design of a transformation from BPMN process models to CPN models. The proposed design has been validated through one fully-worked case study

    Digital twin and its implementations in the civil engineering sector

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    Digital Twin (DT) concept has recently emerged in civil engineering; however, some problems still need to be addressed. First, DT can be easily confused with Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Second, the constituents of DT applications in this sector are not well-defined. Also, what the DT can bring to the civil engineering industry is still ambiguous. To address these problems, we reviewed 468 articles related to DT, BIM and CPS, proposed a DT definition and its constituents in civil engineering and compared DT with BIM and CPS. Then we reviewed 134 papers related to DT in the civil engineering sector out of 468 papers in detail. We extracted DT research clusters based on the co-occurrence analysis of paper keywords' and the relevant DT constituents. This research helps establish the state-of-the-art of DT in the civil engineering sector and suggests future DT development

    Developing a Workflow to Integrate Tree Inventory Data into Urban Energy Models

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    Building energy simulation is of considerable interest and benefit for architects, engineers, and urban planners. Only recently has it become possible to develop integrated energy models for clusters of buildings in urban areas. Simulating energy consumption of the built environment on a relatively large scale (e.g., such as a neighborhood) will be necessary to obtain more reliable results, since building energy parameters are influenced by characteristics of the nearby environment. Therefore, the construction of a 3-D model of urban built areas with detail of the near-building environment should enhance simulation approaches and provide more accurate results. This paper describes the process of integrating urban forest inventory data into a 3-D energy model for a US Midwest neighborhood, including building footprint, parcel and tree data. This model was prepared for use in the Urban Modeling Interface (umi) tool to analyze the effect of tree shading on building energy performance. We used Grasshopper 3-D, the Meerkat plug-in, and GIS to integrate these datasets for model generation

    Facilitating Operational Control of Business Services: A Method for Analysing and Structuring Customer Integration

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    The efficient delivery of services is a major task for service companies to survive in competition. But, services are characterised by the integration of customers in the process of service delivery. In this context, operational control of business services is an important issue as business service performance often suffers from operational problems caused by customers involved. In order to react, a service company has to identify the possible options for operational control clearly. This is not easy as the impact of customer integration is ambiguous. To facilitate this, a method for analysing and structuring customer integration in business services is proposed. The aim is to cluster, quantify and qualify customer integration in business services from a production point of view. Applying this method (as demonstrated using a real business service) operational control will be facilitated due to a better transparency of customer integration