12 research outputs found

    Multiprocessor real-time scheduling considering concurrency and urgency

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    Analysis and simulation of scheduling techniques for real-time embedded multi-core architectures

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    In this modern era of technological progress, multi-core processors have brought significant and consequential improvements in the available processing potential to the world of real-time embedded systems. These improvements impose a rapid increment of software complexity as well as processing demand placed on the underlying hardware. As a consequence, the need for efficient yet predictable multi-core scheduling techniques is on the rise. As part of this thesis, in-depth research of currently available multi-core scheduling techniques, belonging to both partitioned and global approaches, is done in the context of real-time embedded systems. The emphasis is on the degree of their usability on hard real-time systems, focusing on the scheduling techniques offering better processor affinity and the lower number of context switching. Also, an extensive research of currently available real-time test-beds as well as real-time operating systems is performed. Finally, a subset of the analyzed multi-core scheduling techniques comprising PSN-EDF, GSN-EDF, PD2^{2} and PD2∗^{2*} is simulated on the real-time test-bed LITMUSRT^{RT}

    Energy-Efficient Transaction Scheduling in Data Systems

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    Natural short term fluctuations in the load of transactional data systems present an opportunity for power savings. For example, a system handling 1000 requests per second on average can expect more than 1000 requests in some seconds, fewer in others. By quickly adjusting processing capacity to match such fluctuations, power consumption can be reduced. Many systems do this already, using dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) to reduce processor performance and power consumption when the load is low. DVFS is typically controlled by frequency governors in the operating system or by the processor itself. The work presented in this dissertation shows that transactional data systems can manage DVFS more effectively than the underlying operating system. This is because data systems have more information about the workload, and more control over that workload, than is available to the operating system. Our goal is to minimize power consumption while ensuring that transaction requests meet specified latency targets. We present energy-efficient scheduling algorithms and systems that manage CPU power consumption and performance within data systems. These algorithms are workload-aware and can accommodate concurrent workloads with different characteristics and latency budgets. The first technique we present is called POLARIS. It directly manages processor DVFS and controls database transaction scheduling. We show that POLARIS can simultaneously reduce power consumption and reduce missed latency targets, relative to operating-system-based DVFS governors. Second, we present PLASM, an energy-efficient scheduler that generalizes POLARIS to support multi-core, multi-processor systems. PLASM controls the distribution of requests to the processors, and it employs POLARIS to manage power consumption locally at each core. We show that PLASM can save power and reduce missed latency targets compared to generic routing techniques such as round-robin

    High Performance Real-Time Scheduling Framework for Multiprocessor Systems

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    Embedded systems, performing specific functions in modern devices, have become pervasive in today's technology landscape. As many of these systems are real-time systems, they necessitate operations with stringent time constraints. This is especially evident in sectors like automotive and aerospace. This thesis introduces a High Performance Real-time Scheduling (HPRTS) framework, which is designed to navigate the multifaceted challenges faced by multiprocessor real-time systems. To begin with, the research attempts to bridge the gap between system reliability and resource sharing in Mixed-Criticality Systems (MCS). In addressing this, a novel fault-tolerance solution is presented. Its main goal is to enhance fault management and reduce blocking time during fault tolerance. Following this, the thesis delves into task allocation in systems with shared resources. In this context, we introduce a distinct Resource Contention Model (RCM). Using this model as a foundation, our allocation strategy is formulated with the aim to reduce resource contention. Moreover, in light of the escalating system complexity where tasks are represented using Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) models, the research unveils a new Response Time Analysis (RTA) for multi-DAG systems. This particular analysis has been tailored to provide a safe and more refined bound. Reflecting on the contributions made, the achievements of the thesis highlight the potency of the HPRTS framework in steering real-time embedded systems toward high performance

    Placement, ordonnancement et mécanismes de migration de tâches temps-réel pour des architectures distribuées multicoeurs

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    Les systèmes temps-réel embarqués critiques intègrent un nombre croissant de fonctionnalités comme le montrent les domaines de l'automobile ou de l'aéronautique. Ces systèmes doivent offrir un niveau maximal de sûreté de fonctionnement en disposant des mécanismes pour traiter les défaillances éventuelles et doivent être également performants, avec le respect de contraintes temps-réel strictes. Ces systèmes sont en outre contraints par leur nature embarquée : les ressources sont limitées, tels que par exemple leur espace mémoire et leur capacité de calcul. Dans cette thèse, nous traitons deux problématiques principales de ce type de systèmes. La première porte sur la manière d'apporter une meilleure tolérance aux fautes dans les systèmes temps-réel distribués subissant des défaillances matérielles multiples et permanentes. Ces systèmes sont souvent conçus avec une allocation statique des tâches. Une approche plus exible effectuant des recon gurations est utile si elle permet d'optimiser l'allocation à chaque défaillance rencontrée, pour les ressources restantes. Nous proposons une telle approche hors-ligne assurant un dimensionnement adapté pour prendre en compte les ressources nécessaires à l'exécution de ces actions. Ces recon gurations peuvent demander une réallocation des tâches ou répliques si l'espace mémoire local est limité. Dans un contexte temps-réel strict, nous dé nissons notamment des mécanismes et des techniques de migration garantissant l'ordonnançabilité globale du système. La deuxième problématique se focalise sur l'optimisation de l'exécution des tâches au niveau local dans un contexte multicoeurs préemptif. Nous proposons une méthode d'ordonnancement optimal disposant d'une meilleure extensibilité que les approches existantes en minimisant les surcoûts : le nombre de changements de contexte préemptions et migrations locales) et la complexité de l'ordonnanceurCritical real-time embedded systems are integrating an increasing number of functionalities, as shown in automotive domain or aeronautics. These systems require high dependability including mechanisms to handle possible failures and have to be effective, meeting hard real-time constraints. These systems are also constrained by their embedded nature : resources are limited, such as their memory and their computing capacities. In this thesis, we focus on two main problems for this type of systems. The rst one is about a way to bring a better fault-tolerance in distributed real-time systems when multiple and permanent hardware failures can occur. In classical systems, the design is limited to a static task assignment. A more exible approach exploiting recon gurations is useful if it allows to optimize assignment at each failure for the remaining resources. We propose an off-line approach to obtain an adapted sizing taking into account necessary resources to execute these actions. These recon gurations may require to reallocate tasks or replicas if memory capacities are limited. In a hard real-time context, we de ne mechanisms and migration techniques to guarantee global schedulability of the system. The second problem focus on optimizing performance to run tasks at a local level in a multicore preemptive context. We propose an optimal scheduling method allowing a better scalability than existing approaches by minimizing overheads : the number of context switches (local preemptions and migrations) and the scheduler complexityTOULOUSE-INP (315552154) / SudocSudocFranceF