10,496 research outputs found

    Word sense disambiguation and information retrieval

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    It has often been thought that word sense ambiguity is a cause of poor performance in Information Retrieval (IR) systems. The belief is that if ambiguous words can be correctly disambiguated, IR performance will increase. However, recent research into the application of a word sense disambiguator to an IR system failed to show any performance increase. From these results it has become clear that more basic research is needed to investigate the relationship between sense ambiguity, disambiguation, and IR. Using a technique that introduces additional sense ambiguity into a collection, this paper presents research that goes beyond previous work in this field to reveal the influence that ambiguity and disambiguation have on a probabilistic IR system. We conclude that word sense ambiguity is only problematic to an IR system when it is retrieving from very short queries. In addition we argue that if a word sense disambiguator is to be of any use to an IR system, the disambiguator must be able to resolve word senses to a high degree of accuracy

    Word sense disambiguation and information retrieval

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    It has often been thought that word sense ambiguity is a cause of poor performance in Information Retrieval (IR) systems. The belief is that if ambiguous words can be correctly disambiguated, IR performance will increase. However, recent research into the application of a word sense disambiguator to an IR system failed to show any performance increase. From these results it has become clear that more basic research is needed to investigate the relationship between sense ambiguity, disambiguation, and IR. Using a technique that introduces additional sense ambiguity into a collection, this paper presents research that goes beyond previous work in this field to reveal the influence that ambiguity and disambiguation have on a probabilistic IR system. We conclude that word sense ambiguity is only problematic to an IR system when it is retrieving from very short queries. In addition we argue that if a word sense disambiguator is to be of any use to an IR system, the disambiguator must be able to resolve word senses to a high degree of accuracy

    Retrieving with good sense

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    Although always present in text, word sense ambiguity only recently became regarded as a problem to information retrieval which was potentially solvable. The growth of interest in word senses resulted from new directions taken in disambiguation research. This paper first outlines this research and surveys the resulting efforts in information retrieval. Although the majority of attempts to improve retrieval effectiveness were unsuccessful, much was learnt from the research. Most notably a notion of under what circumstance disambiguation may prove of use to retrieval

    An Application of Word Sense Disambiguation to Information Retrieval

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    The problems of word sense disambiguation and document indexing for information retrieval have been extensively studied. It has been observed that indexing using disambiguated meanings, rather than word stems, should improve information retrieval results. We present a new corpus-based algorithm for performing word sense disambiguation. The algorithm does not need to train on many senses of each word; it uses instead the probability that certain concepts will occur together. That algorithm is then used to index several corpa of documents. Our indexing algorithm does not generally outperform the traditional stem-based tf.idf model

    Word sense disambiguation and information retrieval

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    Starting with a review of previous research that attempted to improve the representation of documents in IR systems, this research is reassessed in the light of word sense ambiguity. It will be shown that a number of the attempts' successes or failures were due to the noticing or ignoring of ambiguity. In the review of disambiguation research, many varied techniques for performing automatic disambiguities are introduced. Research on the disambiguating abilities of people is presented also. It has been found that people are inconsistent when asked to disambiguate words and this causes problems when testing the output of an automatic disambiguator. The first of two sets of experiments to investigate the relationship between ambiguity, disambiguation, and IR, involves a technique where ambiguity and disambiguation can be simulated in a document collection. The results of these experiments lead to the conclusions that query size plays an important role in the relationship between ambiguity and IR. Retrievals based on very small queries suffer particularly from ambiguity and benefit most from disambiguation. Other queries, however, contain a sufficient number of words to provide a form of context that implicitly resolves the query word's ambiguities. In general, ambiguity is found to be not as great a problem to IR systems as might have been thought and the errors made by a disambiguator can be more of a problem than the ambiguity it is trying to resolve. In the complementary second set of experiments, a disambiguator is built and tested, it is applied to a document test collection, and an IR system is adjusted to accommodate the sense information in the collection. The conclusions of these experiments are found to broadly confirm those of the previous set

    A Word Sense-Oriented User Interface for Interactive Multilingual Text Retrieval

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    In this paper we present an interface for supporting a user in an interactive cross-language search process using semantic classes. In order to enable users to access multilingual information, different problems have to be solved: disambiguating and translating the query words, as well as categorizing and presenting the results appropriately. Therefore, we first give a brief introduction to word sense disambiguation, cross-language text retrieval and document categorization and finally describe recent achievements of our research towards an interactive multilingual retrieval system. We focus especially on the problem of browsing and navigation of the different word senses in one source and possibly several target languages. In the last part of the paper, we discuss the developed user interface and its functionalities in more detail

    An Information Retrieval Approach to Sense Ranking

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    In word sense disambiguation, choosing the most frequent sense for an ambiguous word is a powerful heuristic. However, its usefulness is restricted by the availability of sense-annotated data. In this paper, we propose an information retrieval-based method for sense ranking that does not require annotated data. The method queries an information retrieval engine to estimate the degree of association between a word and its sense descriptions. Experiments on the Senseval test materials yield state-ofthe-art performance. We also show that the estimated sense frequencies correlate reliably with native speakers ’ intuitions.

    Incorporating Knowledge Base in Unsupervised Approach of Word Sense Disambiguation of Malay Documents

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    The problem of ambiguity in a text document or query is among the issues found in information retrieval. This problem occurs when a word has more than one meaning. The presence of ambiguity in a text or query will have a negative impact to the information retrieval process and the query expansion process. Addition of supplementary keywords in the query expansion process would be inaccurate without identifying the exact sense of the word. Ambiguous terms need to be disambiguated to avoid this problem. The process of identifying the proper sense is known as word sense disambiguation (WSD). The study of word sense disambiguation in text documents have been carried out by researchers worldwide. However, a study on this issue in the Malay language context is still insufficient. The proposed method is an adaptation of a famous unsupervised and knowledge-based method
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