8 research outputs found

    A study on text-score disagreement in online reviews

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    In this paper, we focus on online reviews and employ artificial intelligence tools, taken from the cognitive computing field, to help understanding the relationships between the textual part of the review and the assigned numerical score. We move from the intuitions that 1) a set of textual reviews expressing different sentiments may feature the same score (and vice-versa); and 2) detecting and analyzing the mismatches between the review content and the actual score may benefit both service providers and consumers, by highlighting specific factors of satisfaction (and dissatisfaction) in texts. To prove the intuitions, we adopt sentiment analysis techniques and we concentrate on hotel reviews, to find polarity mismatches therein. In particular, we first train a text classifier with a set of annotated hotel reviews, taken from the Booking website. Then, we analyze a large dataset, with around 160k hotel reviews collected from Tripadvisor, with the aim of detecting a polarity mismatch, indicating if the textual content of the review is in line, or not, with the associated score. Using well established artificial intelligence techniques and analyzing in depth the reviews featuring a mismatch between the text polarity and the score, we find that -on a scale of five stars- those reviews ranked with middle scores include a mixture of positive and negative aspects. The approach proposed here, beside acting as a polarity detector, provides an effective selection of reviews -on an initial very large dataset- that may allow both consumers and providers to focus directly on the review subset featuring a text/score disagreement, which conveniently convey to the user a summary of positive and negative features of the review target.Comment: This is the accepted version of the paper. The final version will be published in the Journal of Cognitive Computation, available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12559-017-9496-

    Multimodal Affect Recognition: Current Approaches and Challenges

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    Many factors render multimodal affect recognition approaches appealing. First, humans employ a multimodal approach in emotion recognition. It is only fitting that machines, which attempt to reproduce elements of the human emotional intelligence, employ the same approach. Second, the combination of multiple-affective signals not only provides a richer collection of data but also helps alleviate the effects of uncertainty in the raw signals. Lastly, they potentially afford us the flexibility to classify emotions even when one or more source signals are not possible to retrieve. However, the multimodal approach presents challenges pertaining to the fusion of individual signals, dimensionality of the feature space, and incompatibility of collected signals in terms of time resolution and format. In this chapter, we explore the aforementioned challenges while presenting the latest scholarship on the topic. Hence, we first discuss the various modalities used in affect classification. Second, we explore the fusion of modalities. Third, we present publicly accessible multimodal datasets designed to expedite work on the topic by eliminating the laborious task of dataset collection. Fourth, we analyze representative works on the topic. Finally, we summarize the current challenges in the field and provide ideas for future research directions

    Semi-supervised learning for big social data analysis

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    In an era of social media and connectivity, web users are becoming increasingly enthusiastic about interacting, sharing, and working together through online collaborative media. More recently, this collective intelligence has spread to many different areas, with a growing impact on everyday life, such as in education, health, commerce and tourism, leading to an exponential growth in the size of the social Web. However, the distillation of knowledge from such unstructured Big data is, an extremely challenging task. Consequently, the semantic and multimodal contents of the Web in this present day are, whilst being well suited for human use, still barely accessible to machines. In this work, we explore the potential of a novel semi-supervised learning model based on the combined use of random projection scaling as part of a vector space model, and support vector machines to perform reasoning on a knowledge base. The latter is developed by merging a graph representation of commonsense with a linguistic resource for the lexical representation of affect. Comparative simulation results show a significant improvement in tasks such as emotion recognition and polarity detection, and pave the way for development of future semi-supervised learning approaches to big social data analytics

    A review of sentiment analysis research in Arabic language

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    Sentiment analysis is a task of natural language processing which has recently attracted increasing attention. However, sentiment analysis research has mainly been carried out for the English language. Although Arabic is ramping up as one of the most used languages on the Internet, only a few studies have focused on Arabic sentiment analysis so far. In this paper, we carry out an in-depth qualitative study of the most important research works in this context by presenting limits and strengths of existing approaches. In particular, we survey both approaches that leverage machine translation or transfer learning to adapt English resources to Arabic and approaches that stem directly from the Arabic language

    Word Polarity Disambiguation Using Bayesian Model and Opinion-Level Features

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    Contextual polarity ambiguity is an important problem in sentiment analysis. Many opinion keywords carry varying polarities in different contexts, posing huge challenges for sentiment analysis research. Previous work on contextual polarity disambiguation makes use of term-level context, such as words and patterns, and resolves the polarity with a range of rule-based, statistics-based or machine learning methods. The major shortcoming of these methods lies in that the term-level features sometimes are ineffective in resolving the polarity. In this work, opinion-level context is explored, in which intra-opinion features and inter-opinion features are finely defined. To enable effective use of opinion-level features, the Bayesian model is adopted to resolve the polarity in a probabilistic manner. Experiments with the Opinmine corpus demonstrate that opinion-level features can make a significant contribution in word polarity disambiguation in four domains

    Semantics-Driven Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

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    People using the Web are constantly invited to share their opinions and preferences with the rest of the world, which has led to an explosion of opinionated blogs, reviews of products and services, and comments on virtually everything. This type of web-based content is increasingly recognized as a source of data that has added value for multiple application domains. While the large number of available reviews almost ensures that all relevant parts of the entity under review are properly covered, manually reading each and every review is not feasible. Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to solve this issue, as it is concerned with the development of algorithms that can automatically extract fine-grained sentiment information from a set of reviews, computing a separate sentiment value for the various aspects of the product or service being reviewed. This dissertation focuses on which discriminants are useful when performing aspect-based sentiment analysis. What signals for sentiment can be extracted from the text itself and what is the effect of using extra-textual discriminants? We find that using semantic lexicons or ontologies, can greatly improve the quality of aspect-based sentiment analysis, especially with limited training data. Additionally, due to semantics driving the analysis, the algorithm is less of a black box and results are easier to explain