7 research outputs found


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    The potential and usefulness of wood to meet the needs of human life are not in doubt. Demands us to continue to maintain the quality. Wood quality is closely related to wood defects. Manual defect checks in the wood industry are unreliable because they are prone to human error, For example, due to acute symptoms of headaches and tired eyes, technology in the form of image processing can help identify wood defects Swietenia Mahagoni. In this case, the method used is Euclidean distance with a ratio of k-means segmentation and thresholding on 42 images of wood defects consisting of 3 types of defects, namely growing skin defects, rotting knots, and healthy knots, every 14 images with data sharing. training for 30 images and testing for 12 images. The results of the k-means segmentation are then extracted on 6 features including metric, eccentricity, contrast, correlation, energy, and homogeneity using the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) extractor and classified by calculating the closest distance using the euclidean distance between the results of data feature extraction. testing of the value of feature extraction in the training data which is used as a previous database. It is the smallest value that indicates the type of defect. The success calculation is presented in the confusion matrix calculation and gets a success or accuracy value of 91.67%

    Classification of wood defect images using local binary pattern variants

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    This paper presents an analysis of the statistical texture representation of the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) variants in the classification of wood defect images. The basic and variants of the LBP feature set that was constructed from a stage of feature extraction processes with the Basic LBP, Rotation Invariant LBP, Uniform LBP, and Rotation Invariant Uniform LBP. For significantly discriminating, the wood defect classes were further evaluated with the use of different classifiers. By comparing the results of the classification performances that had been conducted across the multiple wood species, the Uniform LBP was found to have demonstrated the highest accuracy level in the classification of the wood defects

    Local texture representation for timber defect recognition based on variation of LBP

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    This paper evaluates timber defect classification performance across four various Local Binary Patterns (LBP). The light and heavy timber used in the study are Rubberwood, KSK, Merbau, and Meranti, and eight natural timber defects involved; bark pocket, blue stain, borer holes, brown stain, knot, rot, split, and wane. A series of LBP feature sets were created by employing the Basic LBP, Rotation Invariant LBP, Uniform LBP, and Rotation Invariant Uniform LBP in a phase of feature extraction procedures. Several common classifiers were used to further separate the timber defect classes, which are Artificial Neural Network (ANN), J48 Decision Tree (J48), and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). Uniform LBP with ANN classifier provides the best performance at 63.4%, superior to all other LBP types. Features from Merbau provide the greatest F-measure when comparing the performance of the ANN classifier with Uniform LBP across timber fault classes and clean wood, surpassing other feature sets

    Evaluation of texture feature based on basic local binary pattern for wood defect classification

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    Wood defects detection has been studied a lot recently to detect the defects on the wood surface and assist the manufacturers in having a clear wood to be used to produce a high-quality product. Therefore, the defects on the wood affect and reduce the quality of wood. This research proposes an effective feature extraction technique called the local binary pattern (LBP) with a common classifier called Support Vector Machine (SVM). Our goal is to classify the natural defects on the wood surface. First, preprocessing was applied to convert the RGB images into grayscale images. Then, the research applied the LBP feature extraction technique with eight neighbors (P=8) and several radius (R) values. After that, we apply the SVM classifier for the classification and measure the proposed technique's performance. The experimental result shows that the average accuracy achieved is 65% on the balanced dataset with P=8 and R=1. It indicates that the proposed technique works moderately well to classify wood defects. This study will consequently contribute to the overall wood defect detection framework, which generally benefits the automated inspection of the wood defects

    Analysis Of Texture Features For Wood Defect Classification

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    Selecting important features in classifying wood defects remains a challenging issue to the automated visual inspection domain. This study aims to address the extraction and analysis of features based on statistical texture on images of wood defects. A series of procedures including feature extraction using the Grey Level Dependence Matrix (GLDM) and feature analysis were executed in order to investigate the appropriate displacement and quantisation parameters that could significantly classify wood defects. Samples were taken from the Kembang Semangkuk (KSK), Meranti and Merbau wood species. Findings from visual analysis and classification accuracy measures suggest that the feature set with the displacement parameter, d=2, and quantisation level, q=128, shows the highest classification accuracy. However, to achieve less computational cost, the feature set with quantisation level, q=32, shows acceptable performance in terms of classification accurac

    Identification and Classification of Oil Palm Maturity Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Oil palm is the main plantation crop in Indonesia, oil palm is the most efficient producer of vegetable oil. Oil palm fruit is one of the fruits that has a certain level of maturity in a relatively fast time. The distribution of oil palm fruit in various regions makes it important to identify and classify the maturity of oil palm fruit based on its maturity level. The degree of ripeness of the bunches at harvest is closely related to the oil content contained in the fruit. Accuracy problems are often encountered in research related to image classification. One challenge that arises is finding an appropriate representation of the data so that important structures of the data can be seen easily. One of the processes carried out to get better accuracy is the segmentation process. Through the use of proper segmentation techniques, the desired accuracy will be obtained. One of the techniques used in the segmentation method is to use the swarm optimization technique and its derivatives. In this study, identification and classification will be implemented using particle swarm optimization (PSO) at thresholding image segmentation in order to obtain better segmentation results when compared to the previous method. The classification is based on existing machine learning techniques, namely support vector machine (SVM). the accuracy rate for the classification of palm fruit maturity based on texture using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method is obtained, which reaches 92.5%. From the accuracy obtained, it can be concluded that the method used to identify and classify in this study is good