4 research outputs found

    With eloquence and humanity? Human factors/ ergonomics in sustainable human development

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    This article is based on a keynote presentation given at the 18th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association in Recife, Brazil, February 2012. It considers new, and not so new, approaches and practical roles for the emerging field of human factors/ergonomics (HFE) in sustainable development (SD). The material for this article was largely drawn from the literature in the fields of human development, sustainability, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and social/environmental impact assessment. Identifying the role of HFE in SD is not a simple one and from the outset is complicated by the widely differing ideas in the sustainability literature about what exactly it is we are hoping to sustain. Is it individual companies, business models, cultures, or the carrying capacity of our planet? Or combinations of these? For the purposes of this article, certain assumptions are made, and various emerging opportunities and responsibilities associated with our changing world of work are introduced. First, there are new versions of traditional tasks for us, such as working with the people and companies in the renewable energy sectors. Beyond this, however, it is suggested that there are emerging roles for HFE professionals in transdisciplinary work where we might play our part, for example, in tackling the twinned issues of climate change and human development in areas of significant poverty. In particular we have the tools and capabilities to help define and measure what groups have reason to value, and wish to sustain. It is suggested, that to do this effectively, however, will require a philosophical shift, or perhaps just a philosophical restatement at a collective level, regarding who and what we ultimately serve

    State of Science: ergonomics and global issues

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    In his 1993 IEA keynote address, Neville Moray urged the ergonomics discipline to face up to the global problems facing humanity and consider how ergonomics might help find some of the solutions. In this State of Science article we critically evaluate what the ergonomics discipline has achieved in the last two and a half decades to help create a secure future for humanity. Moray’s challenges for ergonomics included deriving a value structure that moves us beyond a Westernised view of worker-organisation-technology fit, taking a multidisciplinary approach which engages with other social and biological sciences, considering the gross cross-cultural factors that determine how different societies function, paying more attention to mindful consumption, and embracing the complexity of our interconnected world. This article takes a socio-historical approach by considering the factors that influence what has been achieved since Moray’s keynote address. We conclude with our own set of predictions for the future and priorities for addressing the challenges that we are likely to face. Practitioner Summary: We critically reflect on what has been achieved by the ergonomics profession in addressing the global challenges raised by Moray's 1993 keynote address to the International Ergonomics Association. Apart from healthcare, the response has largely been weak and disorganised. We make suggestions for priority research and practice that is required to facilitate a sustainable future for humanity

    Promotion of sustainability in higher education institutions: ISCTE-IUL

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    This project aims to empower ISCTE-IUL's promotion of sustainability through a social marketing approach where an integrated marketing communication strategy is used to reach internal and external audiences. At this point, digital marketing represents a considerable part of the communication action plan along with direct marketing and public relations. Seeking to develop and integrate marketing concepts with other approaches, social marketing aims to influence behaviours that benefit individuals and communities for a greater social good - which in this study is sustainable development. However the change of behaviours and attitudes demands an emotional link where individuals recognize a benefit with that adjustment. The involvement of people in sustainable-related activities as well as in discussion is proved to be a key factor to successful engagement with the subject.Este projecto pretende fortalecer a promoção da sustentabilidade no ISCTEIUL através do marketing social, onde uma estratégia de comunicação de marketing integrada é usada para atingir o público interno e externo. O marketing digital representa uma parte considerável do plano de ação de comunicação, juntamente com marketing direto e relações públicas. Procurando desenvolver e integrar conceitos de marketing com outras abordagens, o marketing social tem como objetivo influenciar comportamentos que beneficiem os indivíduos e comunidades para um bem social maior - neste caso, o desenvolvimento sustentável. No entanto, a mudança de comportamentos e atitudes exige um vínculo emocional para que os indivíduos reconheçam benefícios na sua alteração. O envolvimento das pessoas em atividades relacionadas com a sustentabilidade, bem como o envolvimento na sua discussão, comprovam-se fatores chave para um compromisso de sucesso

    Capacidades centrales de la etnia Wayuu : una perspectiva desde el enfoque de las capacidades de Sen y Nussbaum

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    Impulsados a reflexionar sobre las posibilidades de desarrollo que tienen los indígenas de La Guajira, se ha optado por construir un instrumento, que permita conocer cuáles son las capacidades centrales de los miembros de la comunidad Wayuu, que a su vez sirvan de base para la construcción de un modelo teórico, que posibilite el análisis y evaluación de estas a un nivel macro. La investigación es un proyecto piloto, estructurado en dos fases. La muestra del estudio fue intencional. Los resultados de las entrevistas destacan rasgos muy parecidos a los descritos por Nussbaum en su versión del enfoque de las capacidades.Impulsats a reflexionar sobre les possibilitats de desenvolupament que tenen els indígenes de la Guajira, s'ha optat per construir un instrument, que permeti conèixer quines són les capacitats centrals dels membres de la comunitat Wayuu, que al seu torn serveixin de base per a la construcció d'un model teòric, que possibiliti l'anàlisi i avaluació d'aquestes a un nivell macro. La investigació és un projecte pilot, estructurat en dues fases. La mostra de l'estudi va ser intencional. Els resultats de les entrevistes destaquen trets molt semblants als descrits per Nussbaum en la seva versió de l'enfocament de les capacitats