655 research outputs found

    Field report on experimental comparison of a WiFi mesh network against commercial 5G in an underground disaster environment.

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    Mobile robots in disaster scenarios such as tunnels, mines, or collapsed structures face communication challenges for reliable video streaming to remote control centers. Commercial fifth-generation (5G) networks provide low latency and high bandwidth, especially in urban areas, but ad hoc WiFi networks with static and robotic nodes can provide a solution to attenuation in occluded areas. This paper offers a field experiment report from a search and rescue (SAR) exercise where we tested a WiFi mesh network against commercial 5G in tunnels 184 m long, 6 m wide, and 4 m high. Two operator streamed video to the Internet through a mesh that consisted of two static nodes and two mobile nodes on unmanned ground vehicles (UGV). Latency was measured for both operators for different video resolutions, as well as for a 5G customer-premises equipment (CPE) on-board a scout-UGV. The paper discusses experimental results and lessons learned.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Gobierno de España, project PID2021-122944OB-I00, and by the Maori project (grant agreement number TSI-063000-2021-53) funded by the European Union-NextGenerationEU

    Design and Development of an Inspection Robotic System for Indoor Applications

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    The inspection and monitoring of industrial sites, structures, and infrastructure are important issues for their sustainability and further maintenance. Although these tasks are repetitive and time consuming, and some of these environments may be characterized by dust, humidity, or absence of natural light, classical approach relies on large human activities. Automatic or robotic solutions can be considered useful tools for inspection because they can be effective in exploring dangerous or inaccessible sites, at relatively low-cost and reducing the time required for the relief. The development of a paradigmatic system called Inspection Robotic System (IRS) is the main objective of this paper to demonstrate the feasibility of mechatronic solutions for inspection of industrial sites. The development of such systems will be exploited in the form of a tool kit to be flexible and installed on a mobile system, in order to be used for inspection and monitoring, possibly introducing high efficiency, quality and repetitiveness in the related sector. The interoperability of sensors with wireless communication may form a smart sensors tool kit and a smart sensor network with powerful functions to be effectively used for inspection purposes. Moreover, it may constitute a solution for a broad range of scenarios spacing from industrial sites, brownfields, historical sites or sites dangerous or difficult to access by operators. First experimental tests are reported to show the engineering feasibility of the system and interoperability of the mobile hybrid robot equipped with sensors that allow real-time multiple acquisition and storage

    Ground robotics in tunnels: Keys and lessons learned after 10 years of research and experiments

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    The work reported in this article describes the research advances and the lessons learned by the Robotics, Perception and Real-Time group over a decade of research in the field of ground robotics in confined environments. This study has primarily focused on localization, navigation, and communications in tunnel-like environments. As will be discussed, this type of environment presents several special characteristics that often make well-established techniques fail. The aim is to share, in an open way, the experience, errors, and successes of this group with the robotics community so that those that work in such environments can avoid (some of) the errors made. At the very least, these findings can be readily taken into account when designing a solution, without needing to sift through the technical details found in the papers cited within this text

    Analysis, evaluation and improvement of RT-WMP for real-time and QoS wireless communication: Applications in confined environments

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    En los ultimos años, la innovación tecnológica, la característica de flexibilidad y el rápido despligue de las redes inalámbricas, han favorecido la difusión de la redes móviles ad-hoc (MANETs), capaces de ofrecer servicios para tareas específicas entre nodos móviles. Los aspectos relacionados al dinamismo de la topología móvil y el acceso a un medio compartido por naturaleza hacen que sea preciso enfrentarse a clases de problemas distintos de los relacionados con la redes cableadas, atrayendo de este modo el interés de la comunidad científica. Las redes ad-hoc suelen soportar tráfico con garantía de servicio mínimo y la mayor parte de las propuestas presentes en literatura tratan de dar garantías de ancho de banda o minimizar el retardo de los mensajes. Sin embargo hay situaciones en las que estas garantías no son suficientes. Este es el caso de los sistemas que requieren garantías mas fuertes en la entrega de los mensajes, como es el caso de los sistemas de tiempo real donde la pérdida o el retraso de un sólo mensaje puede provocar problemas graves. Otras aplicaciones como la videoconferencia, cada vez más extendidas, implican un tráfico de datos con requisitos diferentes, como la calidad de servicio (QoS). Los requisitos de tiempo real y de QoS añaden nuevos retos al ya exigente servicio de comunicación inalámbrica entre estaciones móviles de una MANET. Además, hay aplicaciones en las que hay que tener en cuenta algo más que el simple encaminamiento de los mensajes. Este es el caso de aplicaciones en entornos subterráneos, donde el conocimiento de la evolución de propagación de la señal entre los diferentes nodos puede ser útil para mejorar la calidad de servicio y mantener la conectividad en cada momento. A pesar de ésto, dentro del amplio abanicos de propuestas presente en la literatura, existen un conjunto de limitaciones que van de el mero uso de protocolos simulados a propuestas que no tienen en cuenta entornos no convencionales o que resultan aisladas desde el punto de vista de la integración en sistemas complejos. En esta tesis doctoral, se propone un estudio completo sobre un plataforma inalámbrica de tiempo real, utilizando el protocolo RT-WMP capaz de gestionar trafíco multimedia al mismo tiempo y adaptado al entorno de trabajo. Se propone una extensión para el soporte a los datos con calidad de servicio sin limitar las caractaristícas temporales del protocolo básico. Y con el fin de tener en cuenta el efecto de la propagación de la señal, se caracteriza el entorno por medio de un conjunto de restricciones de conectividad. La solución ha sido desarrollada y su validez ha sido demostrada extensamente en aplicaciones reales en entornos subterráneos, en redes malladas y aplicaciones robóticas

    Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in Challenging Environments: Underwater, Underground, Industrial and Disaster

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    Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) have been introduced to improve the signal propagation characteristics by focusing the signal power in the preferred direction, thus making the communication environment "smart". The typical use cases and applications for the "smart" environment include beyond 5G communication networks, smart cities, etc. The main advantage of employing RISs in such networks is a more efficient exploitation of spatial degrees of freedom. This advantage manifests in better interference mitigation as well as increased spectral and energy efficiency due to passive beam steering. Challenging environments comprise a range of scenarios, which share the fact that it is extremely difficult to establish a communication link using conventional technology due to many impairments typically associated with the propagation medium and increased signal scattering. Although the challenges for the design of communication networks, and specifically the Internet of Things (IoT), in such environments are known, there is no common enabler or solution for all these applications. Interestingly, the use of RISs in such scenarios can become such an enabler and a game changer technology. Surprisingly, the benefits of RIS for wireless networking in underwater and underground medium as well as in industrial and disaster environments have not been addressed yet. In this paper, we aim at filling this gap by discussing potential use cases, deployment strategies and design aspects for RIS devices in underwater IoT, underground IoT as well as Industry 4.0 and emergency networks. In addition, novel research challenges to be addressed in this context are described.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, submitted for publication in IEEE journa