7 research outputs found


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    Mobile Multi patient monitoring device has become increasingly important in Hospital wards to record real-time data during normal activity for better treatment. However, the current quality and reliability have not been satisfactory due to the size, weight, distance of coverage and also high power consumption. This paper provides a solution for enhancing the reliability, flexibility by improving the performance and power management of the real-time multi-patient monitoring system (MPMS). In the current proposed system the patient health is continuously monitored by the MPMS and the acquired data is transmitted to a centralized ARM server using Wireless Sensor Networks. A ZigBee node is connected to every patient monitor system which will send the patient\u27s vital information .Upon system boot up, the mobile patient monitor system will continuously monitor the patients vital parameters like Heart Beat, body temperature etc and will periodically send those parameters to a centralized server using ZigBee node configured as co-coordinator. If a particular patient’s health parameter falls below the threshold value, a buzzer alert is triggered by the ARM server. Along with a buzzer an automated SMS is posted to the pre-configured Doctors mobile number using a standard GSM module interfaced to the ARM server. The Doctor is continuously connected to the ARM server using GSM Module and he/she can get a record of a particular patient’s information by just posting a SMS message to the centralized ARM server. This will reduce treatment time, cost and power consumption to a greater extent. At the same time, the efficiency of examining ward will be improved by making the system more real-time and robust

    Intrusion Detection In Wireless Sensor Networks

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    There are several applications that use sensor motes and researchers continue to explore additional applications. For this particular application of detecting the movement of humans through the sensor field, a set of Berkley mica2 motes on TinyOS operating system is used. Different sensors such as pressure, light, and so on can be used to identify the presence of an intruder in the field. In our case, the light sensor is chosen for the detection. When an intruder crosses the monitored environment, the system detects the changes of the light values, and any significant change meaning that a change greater than a pre-defined threshold. This indicates the presence of an intruder. An integrated web cam is used to take snapshot of the intruder and transmit the picture through the network to a remote station. The basic motivation of this thesis is that a sensor web system can be used to monitor and detect any intruder in a specific area from a remote location

    The design and evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks for applications in industrial locations

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    In manufacturing industries, there exist many applications where Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN\u27s) are integrated to provide wireless solution for the automated manufacturing processes. It is well known that industrial environments characterized by extreme conditions such as high temperature, pressure, and electromagnetic (EM) interference that can affect the performance of the WSN\u27s. The key solution to overcome this performance issue is by monitoring the received Signal Strength Index (RSSI) at the received sensor of the WSN device and track frame error rate of wireless packets. ZigBee is a wireless sensor network (WSN) standard designed for specific needs of the remote monitoring sensor system. Zigbee networks can be established by three different topologies: start, hybrid, and mesh. In this research project, the interest in analyzing the characteristics of the Zigbee performance was completed using a star topology network. Three performance parameters were obtained: the RSSI signal to monitor the received wireless packets from the sending node, path-lost exponent to determine the effect of industrial environment on wireless signals, and the frame error rate to know the discontinue time. The study was in three phases and took place in two settings: The first was at the manufacturing laboratory at the University of Northern Iowa, the second and the third were at the facility of a Midwestern manufacturing company. The study aimed to provide an analytical tool to evaluate the performances of Zigbee networks in industrial environments and compare the results to show that harsh environments do affect its performance. The study also involved testing the performance of WSN. This was done by simulating input/output Line passing with digital and analog data. Packets were sent from one node and counted at the receiving side to measure the packet error rate of WSN in industrial environment. In conclusion, investigating the WSN\u27s systems performance in industrial environment provides is crucial to identify the effects of the harsh conditions. It is necessary to run similar investigation to prevent the malfunction of the manufacturing applications. Testing a simple WSN in industrial environment can be capable of predicting the performance of the network. It is also recommended to have an embedded approach to WSN applications that can self-monitor its performance

    Um Exemplo de Computação Ubíqua em Serviços de Saúde Orientados ao Utente

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    O Sistema de Saúde está a enfrentar uma mudança necessária, cuja renovação estimula o desenvolvimento de capacidades para conseguir a agilidade, interoperabilidade e eficiência imprescindíveis para melhorar a qualidade e a produtividade, reduzindo os custos associados. O modelo de atendimento centrado no individuo é para onde o sistema de saúde actual converge, conduzindo assim para um processo de atendimento distribuído à saúde . Actualmente a humanidade enfrenta várias dificuldades inerentes a uma sociedade cada vez mais envelhecida, com uma maior predominância de doenças crónicas e dificuldades associadas como a mobilidade. Por exemplo uma das grandes epidemias que afectou e continua a afectar este planeta é a Diabete. De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde, em 2006, havia cerca de 171 milhões de pessoas doentes da diabetes, e esse índice aumenta rapidamente. É estimado que em 2030 esse número dobre. A Diabetes Mellitus ocorre em todo o mundo, mas é mais comum (especialmente a tipo II) nos países mais desenvolvidos. O maior aumento actualmente é esperado na Ásia e na África, onde a maioria dos diabéticos será encontrada em 2030. O aumento do índice de diabetes em países em desenvolvimento segue a tendência de urbanização e mudança de estilos de vida. Neste contexto, o avanço acelerado da tecnologia trouxe novos paradigmas para a área de computação e com eles vários benefícios para a sociedade. O paradigma da computação ubíqua traz inovações para aplicar a computação no dia-a-dia das pessoas sem que possa ser percebida. Para isso, utiliza-se da junção de diversas tecnologias já existentes como, por exemplo, a tecnologia móvel e sensores. Vários benefícios atingem a área médica, trazendo métodos novos e é nesta perspectiva que foi desenvolvido um protótipo de um sistema de monitorização de pacientes de uma forma discreta, com o objectivo de melhorar, rentabilizar e controlar os dados biométricos dos pacientes que sofrem de doenças como a diabetes e tem essa necessidade. O sistema é composto por duas aplicações, uma móvel e outra Web, em que a móvel integra tecnologias como sistema operativo Android que é uma ferramenta importante para desenvolvimento de sistemas dessa natureza. A aplicação Web é fundamental para os profissionais de saúde pois é nela que acompanharão os dados biométricos enviados pelos pacientes. Os pacientes utilizam as duas aplicações para enviar os dados biométricos para serem guardados na base de dados e serem visualizados pelos profissionais de saúde e pelo próprio paciente

    A heterogeneous network management approach to wireless sensor networks in personal healthcare environments

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Science.Many countries are facing problems caused by a rapid surge in numbers of people over sixty-five. This aging population cohort will place a strain on the existing health systems because the elderly are prone to falls, chronic illnesses, dementia and general frailty. At the same time governments are struggling to attract more people into the health systems and there are already shortages of qualified nurses and care givers. This thesis represents a multi disciplinary approach to trying to solve some of the above issues. In the first instance the researcher has established the validity of the health crisis and then examined ways in which Information Technology could help to alleviate some of the issues. The nascent technology called Wireless Sensor Networks was examined as a way of providing remote health monitoring for the elderly, the infirm and the ill. The researcher postulated that Network Management models and tools that are used to monitor huge networks of computers could be adapted to monitor the health of persons in their own homes, in aged care facilities and hospitals. Wireless Sensor Network (WNS) Personal Healthcare can monitor such vital signs as a patient’s temperature, heart rate and blood oxygen level. WSNs (often referred to as Motes) use wireless transceivers that can do remote sensing. The researcher aimed to assist all stakeholders in the personal healthcare arena to use WSNs to improve monitoring. The researcher provided a solution architecture and framework for healthcare sensor monitoring systems, based on network management techniques. This architecture generalises to heterogeneous and autonomous data acquisition systems. Future directions from this research point towards new areas of knowledge from the development or creation of new technologies to support the exponential growth of ubiquitous, just-in-time WSN health informational services and applications such as the preventive and proactive personal care health management and services around it. The affordable and ubiquitous distributed access to remote personal health care technologies in the future could have an important impact in the society, by allowing the individuals to take immediate preventive actions over their overall health condition. These systems could potentially prevent death as well as improve national health budgets by limiting costly medical interventions that could have been avoided by individual, easy-action early prevention

    Wireless remote healthcare monitoring with Motes

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    © 2005 IEEE. As the world's aged population grows many governments are looking to remote healthcare monitoring solutions. It is certainly cheaper to keep the elderly and infirm in their own homes rather than in aged-care facilities. However will these remote and wireless monitoring devices deliver what they promise? The medical profession needs strong evidence before they embrace such techniques. In this paper the authors describe the building of a remote monitoring prototype which uses motes, a PDA and a network management application to show that commodity-based hardware may provide one answer to the problem of remotely monitoring people in their own homes. Privacy and security issues associated with such monitoring are also discussed