17 research outputs found

    Low-noise Amplifier for Neural Recording

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    With a combination of engineering approaches and neurophysiological knowledge of the central nervous system, a new generation of medical devices is being developed to link groups of neurons with microelectronic systems. By doing this, researchers are acquiring fundamental knowledge of the mechanisms of disease and innovating treatments for disabilities in patients who have a failure of communication along neural pathways. A low-noise and low-power analog front-end circuit is one of the primary requirements for neural recording. The main function for the front-end amplifier is to provide gain over the bandwidth of neural signals and to reject undesired frequency components. The chip developed in this thesis is a field-programmable analog front-end amplifier consisting of 16 programmable channels with tunable frequency response. A capacitively coupled two-stage amplifier is used. The first-stage amplifier is a Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA), as it directly interfaces with the neural recording micro-electrodes; the second stage is a high gain and high swing amplifier. A MOS resistor in the feedback path is used to get tunable low-cut-off frequency and reject the dc offset voltage. Our design builds upon previous recording chips designed by two former graduate stu- dents in our lab. In our design, the circuits are optimized for low noise. Our simulations show the recording channel has a gain of 77.9 dB and input-referred noise of 6.95 µV rms(Root-Mean-Square voltage) over 750 Hz to 6.9 kHz. The chip is fabricated in AMS 0.35 µm CMOS technology for a total die area of 3 x 3 mm 2 and Total Power Dissipation (TPD) of 2.9 mW. To verify the functionality and adherence to the design specifications it will be tested on Printed-Circuit-Board

    Wireless Neurosensor for Full-Spectrum Electrophysiology Recordings during Free Behavior

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    SummaryBrain recordings in large animal models and humans typically rely on a tethered connection, which has restricted the spectrum of accessible experimental and clinical applications. To overcome this limitation, we have engineered a compact, lightweight, high data rate wireless neurosensor capable of recording the full spectrum of electrophysiological signals from the cortex of mobile subjects. The wireless communication system exploits a spatially distributed network of synchronized receivers that is scalable to hundreds of channels and vast environments. To demonstrate the versatility of our wireless neurosensor, we monitored cortical neuron populations in freely behaving nonhuman primates during natural locomotion and sleep-wake transitions in ecologically equivalent settings. The interface is electrically safe and compatible with the majority of existing neural probes, which may support previously inaccessible experimental and clinical research

    Foraging as an evidence accumulation process

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    A canonical foraging task is the patch-leaving problem, in which a forager must decide to leave a current resource in search for another. Theoretical work has derived optimal strategies for when to leave a patch, and experiments have tested for conditions where animals do or do not follow an optimal strategy. Nevertheless, models of patch-leaving decisions do not consider the imperfect and noisy sampling process through which an animal gathers information, and how this process is constrained by neurobiological mechanisms. In this theoretical study, we formulate an evidence accumulation model of patch-leaving decisions where the animal averages over noisy measurements to estimate the state of the current patch and the overall environment. Evidence accumulation models belong to the class of drift diffusion processes and have been used to model decision making in different contexts. We solve the model for conditions where foraging decisions are optimal and equivalent to the marginal value theorem, and perform simulations to analyze deviations from optimal when these conditions are not met. By adjusting the drift rate and decision threshold, the model can represent different strategies, for example an increment-decrement or counting strategy. These strategies yield identical decisions in the limiting case but differ in how patch residence times adapt when the foraging environment is uncertain. To account for sub-optimal decisions, we introduce an energy-dependent utility function that predicts longer than optimal patch residence times when food is plentiful. Our model provides a quantitative connection between ecological models of foraging behavior and evidence accumulation models of decision making. Moreover, it provides a theoretical framework for potential experiments which seek to identify neural circuits underlying patch leaving decisions

    Wireless neural/emg telemetry systems for small freely moving animals

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    Abstract—We have developed a miniature telemetry system that captures neural, EMG, and acceleration signals from a freely moving insect and transmits the data wirelessly to a remote digital receiver. The system is based on a custom low-power integrated circuit that amplifies and digitizes four biopotential signals as well as three acceleration signals from an off-chip MEMS accelerometer, and transmits this information over a wireless 920-MHz telemetry link. The unit weighs 0.79 g and runs for two hours on two small batteries. We have used this system to monitor neural and EMG signals in jumping and flying locusts. I

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis thesis presents the design, fabrication and characterization of a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) based complete wireless microsystem for brain interfacing, with very high quality factor and low power consumption. Components of the neuron sensing system include TiW fixed-fixed bridge resonator, MEMS oscillator based action-potential-to-RF module, and high-efficiency RF coil link for power and data transmissions. First, TiW fixed-fixed bridge resonator on glass substrate was fabricated and characterized, with resonance frequency of 100 - 500 kHz, and a quality factor up to 2,000 inside 10 mT vacuum. The effect of surface conditions on resonator's quality factor was studied with 10s of nm Al2O3 layer deposition with ALD (atomic layer deposition). It was found that MEMS resonator's quality factor decreased with increasing surface roughness. Second, action-potential-to-RF module was realized with MEMS oscillator based on TiW bridge resonator. Oscillation signal with frequency of 442 kHz and phase noise of -84.75 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset was obtained. DC biasing of the MEMS oscillator was modulated with neural signal so that the output RF waveform carries the neural signal information. Third, high-efficiency RF coil link for power and data communications was designed and realized. Based on the coupled mode theory (CMT), intermediate resonance coil was introduced and increased voltage transfer efficiency by up to 5 times. Finally, a complete neural interfacing system was demonstrated with board-level integration. The system consists of both internal and external systems, with wireless powering, wireless data transfer, artificial neuron signal generation, neural signal modulation and demodulation, and computer interface displaying restored neuron signal

    Wireless Simultaneous Stimulation-and-Recording Device (SRD) to Train Cortical Circuits in Rat Somatosensory Cortex

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    The primary goal of this project is to develop a wireless system for simultaneous recording-and-stimulation (SRD) to deliver low amplitude current pulses to the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) of rats to activate and enhance an interhemispheric cortical pathway. Despite the existence of an interhemispheric connection between similar forelimb representations of SI cortices, forelimb cortical neurons respond only to input from the contralateral (opposite side) forelimb and not to input from the ipsilateral (same side) forelimb. Given the existence of this interhemispheric pathway we have been able to strengthen/enhance the pathway through chronic intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) in previous acute experiments of anesthetized rats. In these acute experiments strengthening the interhemispheric pathway also brings about functional reorganization whereby cortical neurons in forelimb cortex respond to new input from the ipsilateral forelimb. Having the ability to modify cortical circuitry will have important applications in stroke patients and could serve to rescue and/or enhance responsiveness in surviving cells around the stroke region. Also, the ability to induce functional reorganization within the deafferented cortical map, which follows limb amputation, will also provide a vehicle for modulating maladaptive cortical reorganization often associated with phantom limb pain leading to reduced pain. In order to increase our understanding of the observed functional reorganization and enhanced pathway, we need to be able to test these observations in awake and behaving animals and eventually study how these changes persist over a prolonged period of time. To accomplish this a system was needed to allow simultaneous recording and stimulation in awake rats. However, no such commercial or research system exists that meets all requirements for such an experiment. In this project we describe the (1) system design, (2) system testing, (3) system evaluation, and (4) system implementation of a wireless simultaneous stimulation-and-recording device (SRD) to be used to modulate cortical circuits in an awake rodent animal model

    Amplificador de ganho variável controlado por razão cíclica

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, Florianópolis, 2012Um amplificador de ganho variável (VGA) ajustado digitalmente pela razão cíclica do sinal de controle é apresentado neste trabalho. O circuito baseia-se no principio superregenerativo criado por Armstrong na década de 1920. Através desta técnica, consegue-se obter um ajuste fino do ganho sem necessidade de utilizar um DAC como interface entre o controle digital e o amplificador, como visto nos VGAs convencionais. O projeto foi contextualizado dentro de um sistema de aquisição de sinais biopotenciais e foi realizado em um processo de fabricação de 0,18 µ m CMOS padrão. Os resultados, a partir de simulações, mostraram que o projeto cumpre com as especificações, atingindo, entre outras características, uma faixa de ganho de 45 dB com uma banda de 1,25 kHz, um consumo de 6,4 µ W e uma faixa linear de 900 mV para uma THD de 0,5 %. Algumas medições preliminares foram feitas as quais comprovaram o funcionamento do circuito. Em complemento ao VGA integrado, uma versão com componentes discretos foi implementada com o intuito de verificar a sua funcionalidade numa aplicação real. O circuito final precisou de um AFE completo, o qual foi voltado para a medição de sinais cardíacos utilizando apenas dois eletrodos. Os resultados do protótipo discreto validaram o principio de amplificação proposto no VGA para este tipo de aplicação.Abstract : In this work, a variable-gain amplifier (VGA) adjusted by the duty-cycle of a control signal is presented. This circuit is based on the superregenerative concept created by Armstrong back in the 1920's. The chosen technique allows to perform a fine control of the gain without any DAC at the interface between the digital control and the amplifier, as usually seen in other VGAs. A 0.18mm standard CMOS process was used for the design. Specifications were satisfied by simulation results, in which, among other results, it was obtained a gain range of 45dB within a 1.25kHz bandwidth, a power consumption of 6.4mW and 900mV of linear range for a 0.5% THD. Some preliminary measurements of the chip proved also the correct functioning of the circuit. As a complement of the integrated VGA, a discrete-component version was also implemented in order to verify its functionality in a real application. The final circuit included a complete analog front-end which was optimize for cardiac signals measurement using only two electrodes. The results of the discrete-component prototype validated the amplification principle proposed in the VGA for this type of aplication

    Low-Power High Data-Rate Wireless Transmitter For Medical Implantable Devices

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    RÉSUMÉ Les émetteurs-récepteurs radiofréquences (RF) sont les circuits de communication les plus communs pour établir des interfaces home-machine dédiées aux dispositifs médicaux implantables. Par exemple, la surveillance continue de paramètres de santé des patients souffrant d'épilepsie nécessite un étage de communication sans-fil capable de garantir un transfert de données rapide, en temps réel, à faible puissance tout en étant implémenté dans un faible volume. La consommation de puissance des dispositifs implantables implique une durée de vie limitée de la batterie qui nécessite alors une chirurgie pour son remplacement, a moins qu’une technique de transfert de puissance sans-fil soit utilisée pour recharger la batterie ou alimenter l’implant a travers les tissus humains. Dans ce projet, nous avons conçu, implémenté et testé un émetteur RF à faible puissance et haut-débit de données opérant à 902-928 MHz de la bande fréquentielle industrielle-scientifique-médicale (ISM) d’Amérique du Nord. Cet émetteur fait partie d'un système de communication bidirectionnel dédié à l’interface sans-fil des dispositifs électroniques implantables et mettables et bénéficie d’une nouvelle approche de modulation par déplacement de fréquence (FSK). Les différentes étapes de conception et d’implémentation de l'architecture proposée pour l'émetteur sont discutées et analysées dans cette thèse. Les blocs de circuits sont réalisés suivant les équations dérivées de la modulation FSK proposée et qui mènera à l'amélioration du débit de données et de la consommation d'énergie. Chaque bloc est implémenté de manière à ce que la consommation d'énergie et la surface de silicium nécessaires soient réduites. L’étage de modulation et le circuit mélangeur ne nécessitent aucun courant continu grâce à leur structure passive.Parmi les circuits originaux, un oscillateur en quadrature contrôlé-en-tension (QVCO) de faible puissance est réalisé pour générer des signaux différentiels en quadrature, rail-à-rail avec deux gammes de fréquences principales de 0.3 à 11.5 MHz et de 3 à 40 MHz. L'étage de sortie énergivore est également amélioré et optimisé pour atteindre une efficacité de puissance de ~ 37%. L'émetteur proposé a été implémenté et fabriqué à la suite de simulations post-layout approfondies.----------ABSTRACT Wireless radio frequency (RF) transceivers are the most common communication front-ends used to realize the human-machine interfaces of medical devices. Continuous monitoring of body behaviour of patients suffering from Epilepsy, for example, requires a wireless communication front-end capable of maintaining a fast, real-time and low-power data communication while implemented in small size. Power budget limitation of the implantable and wearable medical devices obliges engineers to replace or recharge the battery cell through frequent medial surgeries or other power transfer techniques. In this project, a low-power and high data-rate RF transmitter (Tx) operating at North-American Industrial-Scientific-Medical (ISM) frequency band (902-928 MHz) is designed, implemented and tested. This transmitter is a part of a bi-directional transceiver dedicated to the wireless interface of implantable and wearable medical devices and benefits from a new efficient Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK) modulation scheme. Different design and implementation stages of the proposed transmitter architecture are discussed and analyzed in this thesis. The building blocks are realized according to the equations derived from the proposed FSK modulation, which results in improvement in data-rate and power consumption. Each block is implemented such that the power consumption and needed chip area are lowered while the modulation block and the mixer circuit require no DC current due to their passive structure. Among the original blocks, a low-power quadrature voltage-controlled oscillator (QVCO) is achieved to provide differential quadrature rail-to-rail signals with two main frequency ranges of 0.3-11.5 MHz and 3-40 MHz. The power-hungry output stage is also improved and optimized to achieve power efficiency of ~37%. The proposed transmitter was implemented and fabricated following deep characterisation by post-layout simulation. Both simulation and measurement results are discussed and compared with state-of-the-art transmitters showing the contribution of this work in this very popular research field. The Figure-Of-Merit (FOM) was improved, meaning mainly increasing the data-rate and lowering the power consumption of the circuit. The transmitter is implemented using 130 nm CMOS technology with 1.2 V supply voltage. A data-rate of 8 Mb/s was measured while consuming 1.4 mA and resulting in energy consumption of 0.21 nJ/b. The fabricated transmitter has small active silicon area of less than 0.25 mm2