11 research outputs found

    Trunked Radio Solutions for Special Applications

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    In the paper modern concepts of radio communication trunking-dispatch systems for special applications are presented. Basic standards of TETRA, DMR, and cdma2000 are mentioned. The aim of the paper is to present innovative trunking solutions based on the LTE system working both in FDD and TDD mode. The architecture of LTE trunked radio is shown as well as new services possible to implementation are described. The way of TETRA and LTE integration is characterized

    Optimization of the methodology of configuration of mobile communication networks

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    The mobile communication network has been growing quickly, and the mobile network maintenance is becoming more complex, in performance, network coverage, energy, time consuming and expensive. The telecommunication service provider and mobile network telecommunication operator worries to what is the better methodology to optimizing a mobile network configuration and to improve the most efficient operation and functionality, to increase a superior performance in technical aspect (Create, and integrate new network planning in hardware and software level), economic aspect (cost reduction in maintenance) and environmental aspect (use of renewable energy through solar panels or wind power system). The work developed in this dissertation aims to propose an optimization of methodology of configuration of mobile communication network and build an automated configuration system in different technology (GSM, UMTS and LTE) to provide a good quality and improvement in its architecture to meet the requirement for a large number of services or application through distinct means transmission and using technology appropriate with a new generation of hardware to reach certain area in a Base Station Transmition (BTS) and a Radio Network Controller (RNC) that permit configure and integrated hardware and software issues in distinct networks technology (GSM, UMTS and LTE).A rede de comunicação móvel tem crescido rapidamente e ficando cada vez mais complexa, sendo cada vez mais complicado melhorar o desempenho, a cobertura, a eficiência energética e ao mesmo tempo aumentar o numero de utilizadores e serviços. O provedor de serviços de telecomunicações e a operadora de rede móvel têm de se preocupar em optimizar de forma a garantir a melhor configuração de rede móvel tendo em vista melhorar a operação e funcionalidade, a fim de esta ser mais eficiente, no seu desempenho. Relativamente aos aspectos técnicos (Criar novo planeamento e integrar a uma rede ao nível hardware e de software), aspecto econômico (redução de custo na manutenção) e aspecto ambiental (uso de energia renovável, quer através de painéis solares como de sistemas eólicos). O trabalho desenvolvido nesta dissertação visa propor uma otimização da metodologia de configuração das redes de comunicação móveis e construir um sistema de configuração automatizado em diferentes tecnologias (GSM, UMTS e LTE), para garantir os mais altos padrões de qualidade e atender a exigência de um grande número de serviços ou aplicações através de diferentes meios de transmissão e uso de tecnologia apropriada com uma nova geração de hardware para atingir determinada área em uma Estação de Transmissão de Base (BTS) e numa Rede de Controlador de Rádio (RNC) que permitem configurar e integrar diversos tipos de hardware e software em tecnologia de diferentes redes (GSM, UMTS e LTE)

    The Pull Paradigm : foundations of user-centric advanced driver assistant systems based on bidirectional car2X communication

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    This thesis develops applications for vehicular ad-hoc networks that go far beyond the currently established areas of driving safety and traffic efficiency. The ad-hoc network is regarded as a dynamic information resource which is available to any vehicle at any time. In contrast to current state-of-the-art research, the proposed Pull Paradigm starts at the user\u27s vehicle rather than at an information source somewhere in the network, e.g. a braking car. To access information from highly dynamic ad-hoc networks, bidirectional communication and information discovery and retrieval play a vital role. Therefore, in the course of the work, the applicability of the Pull Paradigm to established vehicular ad-hoc networks is thoroughly examined and missing aspects are identified. It turns out that a number of enhancements to almost all layers of the network stack are necessary in order to apply the Pull Paradigm using existing technology. The central elements here are two novel algorithms for managing information flow and dissemination in ad-hoc networks, which are at first formulated from the abstract perspective of graph theory. Using the knowledge gained leads to the development of PADE, a platform that supports development of vehicular ad-hoc network applications. The designed algorithms are then implemented as a routing scheme, integrated and evaluated in large, simulated city scenarios. Furthermore, PADE combines real\u27\u27 and simulated communication technologies and abstracts from them, so that applications can be transferred from the lab into a test vehicle with minimal effort. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, PADE builds on a number of existing simulation and communication technologies. The practical applicability of the Pull approach is shown in two demonstrators that are integrated into a BMW 5 series test vehicle. The presentation module of the PADE platform was tested in the currently largest field operational test for vehicular ad-hoc communication. Over 400 drivers in 120 vehicles experienced the system on a daily basis.In dieser Doktorarbeit werden Anwendungen für Fahrzeug Ad-hoc Netzwerke erarbeitet, die weit über die derzeit etablierten Bereiche der Fahrsicherheit und Verkehrseffizienz hinausgehen. Das Ad-hoc Netzwerk wird dabei als dynamische Informationsressource angesehen, die jedem Fahrzeug zu jedem Zeitpunkt zur Verfügung steht. Im Gegensatz zum derzeitigen Stand der Forschung geht das vorgestellte Pull Paradigma vom Fahrzeug des Benutzers und nicht von der Informationsquelle aus, z.B. einem bremsenden Fahrzeug. Für den Zugriff auf Informationen aus hochdynamischen Ad-hoc Netzen, spielen bidirektionale Kommunikation, Informationssuche und -rücktransport eine entscheidende Rolle. Im Verlauf der Arbeit wird deshalb die Anwendbarkeit des Pull Paradigmas auf etablierte Fahrzeug Ad-hoc Netze untersucht und fehlende Aspekte identifiziert. Es zeigt sich, dass eine Reihe an Erweiterungen auf fast allen Ebenen des Netzwerkstapels nötig sind damit die bestehende Technologie um das Pull Paradigma erweitert werden kann. Zentraler Punkt hierbei sind zwei neuartige Algorithmen zur Informationsverwaltung und -verbreitung in Ad-hoc Netzwerken die zunächst abstrakt aus Sicht der Graphentheorie formuliert werden. Mit Hilfe der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wird PADE, eine Plattform zur Entwicklung von Anwendungen für Fahrzeug Ad-hoc Netze, entwickelt. Die entworfenen Algorithmen werden dann als Routingverfahren im Netzwerkstapel realisiert, in diesen integriert und auf großflächigen Stadtszenarien im Simulator evaluiert. Des Weiteren vereint PADE echte\u27\u27 und simulierte Kommunikationstechnologien und abstrahiert von diesen, sodass Anwendungen mit minimalem Aufwand vom Labor in ein Testfahrzeug überführt werden können. Um dieses ambitionierte Ziel zu erreichen, wird auf einer Reihe bereits bestehender Simulations- und Kommunikationstechnologien aufgebaut. Die praktische Anwendbarkeit des Pull Paradigmas wird anschließend in zwei Demonstratoren implementiert und in ein BMW 5er Testfahrzeug integriert. Das Präsentationsmodul der PADE Plattform wurde im derzeit weltgrößten Feldversuch für Fahrzeug Ad-hoc Kommunikation von über 400 Fahrern in 120 Fahrzeugen im Alltag getestet

    Automotive user interfaces for the support of non-driving-related activities

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    Driving a car has changed a lot since the first car was invented. Today, drivers do not only maneuver the car to their destination but also perform a multitude of additional activities in the car. This includes for instance activities related to assistive functions that are meant to increase driving safety and reduce the driver’s workload. However, since drivers spend a considerable amount of time in the car, they often want to perform non-driving-related activities as well. In particular, these activities are related to entertainment, communication, and productivity. The driver’s need for such activities has vastly increased, particularly due to the success of smart phones and other mobile devices. As long as the driver is in charge of performing the actual driving task, such activities can distract the driver and may result in severe accidents. Due to these special requirements of the driving environment, the driver ideally performs such activities by using appropriately designed in-vehicle systems. The challenge for such systems is to enable flexible and easily usable non-driving-related activities while maintaining and increasing driving safety at the same time. The main contribution of this thesis is a set of guidelines and exemplary concepts for automotive user interfaces that offer safe, diverse, and easy-to-use means to perform non-driving-related activities besides the regular driving tasks. Using empirical methods that are commonly used in human-computer interaction, we investigate various aspects of automotive user interfaces with the goal to support the design and development of future interfaces that facilitate non-driving-related activities. The first aspect is related to using physiological data in order to infer information about the driver’s workload. As a second aspect, we propose a multimodal interaction style to facilitate the interaction with multiple activities in the car. In addition, we introduce two concepts for the support of commonly used and demanded non-driving-related activities: For communication with the outside world, we investigate the driver’s needs with regard to sharing ride details with remote persons in order to increase driving safety. Finally, we present a concept of time-adjusted activities (e.g., entertainment and productivity) which enable the driver to make use of times where only little attention is required. Starting with manual, non-automated driving, we also consider the rise of automated driving modes.When cars were invented, they allowed the driver and potential passengers to get to a distant location. The only activities the driver was able and supposed to perform were related to maneuvering the vehicle, i.e., accelerate, decelerate, and steer the car. Today drivers perform many activities that go beyond these driving tasks. This includes for example activities related to driving assistance, location-based information and navigation, entertainment, communication, and productivity. To perform these activities, drivers use functions that are provided by in-vehicle information systems in the car. Many of these functions are meant to increase driving safety or to make the ride more enjoyable. The latter is important since people spend a considerable amount of time in their cars and want to perform similar activities like those to which they are accustomed to from using mobile devices. However, as long as the driver is responsible for driving, these activities can be distracting and pose driver, passengers, and the environment at risk. One goal for the development of automotive user interfaces is therefore to enable an easy and appropriate operation of in-vehicle systems such that driving tasks and non-driving-related activities can be performed easily and safely. The main contribution of this thesis is a set of guidelines and exemplary concepts for automotive user interfaces that offer safe, diverse, and easy-to-use means to perform also non-driving-related activities while driving. Using empirical methods that are commonly used in human-computer interaction, we approach various aspects of automotive user interfaces in order to support the design and development of future interfaces that also enable non-driving-related activities. Starting with manual, non-automated driving, we also consider the transition towards automated driving modes. As a first part, we look at the prerequisites that enable non-driving-related activities in the car. We propose guidelines for the design and development of automotive user interfaces that also support non-driving-related activities. This includes for instance rules on how to adapt or interrupt activities when the level of automation changes. To enable activities in the car, we propose a novel interaction concept that facilitates multimodal interaction in the car by combining speech interaction and touch gestures. Moreover, we reveal aspects on how to infer information about the driver's state (especially mental workload) by using physiological data. We conducted a real-world driving study to extract a data set with physiological and context data. This can help to better understand the driver state, to adapt interfaces to the driver and driving situations, and to adapt the route selection process. Second, we propose two concepts for supporting non-driving-related activities that are frequently used and demanded in the car. For telecommunication, we propose a concept to increase driving safety when communicating with the outside world. This concept enables the driver to share different types of information with remote parties. Thereby, the driver can choose between different levels of details ranging from abstract information such as ``Alice is driving right now'' up to sharing a video of the driving scene. We investigated the drivers' needs on the go and derived guidelines for the design of communication-related functions in the car through an online survey and in-depth interviews. As a second aspect, we present an approach to offer time-adjusted entertainment and productivity tasks to the driver. The idea is to allow time-adjusted tasks during periods where the demand for the driver's attention is low, for instance at traffic lights or during a highly automated ride. Findings from a web survey and a case study demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. With the findings of this thesis we envision to provide a basis for future research and development in the domain of automotive user interfaces and non-driving-related activities in the transition from manual driving to highly and fully automated driving.Als das Auto erfunden wurde, ermöglichte es den Insassen hauptsächlich, entfernte Orte zu erreichen. Die einzigen Tätigkeiten, die Fahrerinnen und Fahrer während der Fahrt erledigen konnten und sollten, bezogen sich auf die Steuerung des Fahrzeugs. Heute erledigen die Fahrerinnen und Fahrer diverse Tätigkeiten, die über die ursprünglichen Aufgaben hinausgehen und sich nicht unbedingt auf die eigentliche Fahraufgabe beziehen. Dies umfasst unter anderem die Bereiche Fahrerassistenz, standortbezogene Informationen und Navigation, Unterhaltung, Kommunikation und Produktivität. Informationssysteme im Fahrzeug stellen den Fahrerinnen und Fahrern Funktionen bereit, um diese Aufgaben auch während der Fahrt zu erledigen. Viele dieser Funktionen verbessern die Fahrsicherheit oder dienen dazu, die Fahrt angenehm zu gestalten. Letzteres wird immer wichtiger, da man inzwischen eine beträchtliche Zeit im Auto verbringt und dabei nicht mehr auf die Aktivitäten und Funktionen verzichten möchte, die man beispielsweise durch die Benutzung von Smartphone und Tablet gewöhnt ist. Solange der Fahrer selbst fahren muss, können solche Aktivitäten von der Fahrtätigkeit ablenken und eine Gefährdung für die Insassen oder die Umgebung darstellen. Ein Ziel bei der Entwicklung automobiler Benutzungsschnittstellen ist daher eine einfache, adäquate Bedienung solcher Systeme, damit Fahraufgabe und Nebentätigkeiten gut und vor allem sicher durchgeführt werden können. Der Hauptbeitrag dieser Arbeit umfasst einen Leitfaden und beispielhafte Konzepte für automobile Benutzungsschnittstellen, die eine sichere, abwechslungsreiche und einfache Durchführung von Tätigkeiten jenseits der eigentlichen Fahraufgabe ermöglichen. Basierend auf empirischen Methoden der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion stellen wir verschiedene Lösungen vor, die die Entwicklung und Gestaltung solcher Benutzungsschnittstellen unterstützen. Ausgehend von der heute üblichen nicht automatisierten Fahrt betrachten wir dabei auch Aspekte des automatisierten Fahrens. Zunächst betrachten wir die notwendigen Voraussetzungen, um Tätigkeiten jenseits der Fahraufgabe zu ermöglichen. Wir stellen dazu einen Leitfaden vor, der die Gestaltung und Entwicklung von automobilen Benutzungsschnittstellen unterstützt, die das Durchführen von Nebenaufgaben erlauben. Dies umfasst zum Beispiel Hinweise, wie Aktivitäten angepasst oder unterbrochen werden können, wenn sich der Automatisierungsgrad während der Fahrt ändert. Um Aktivitäten im Auto zu unterstützen, stellen wir ein neuartiges Interaktionskonzept vor, das eine multimodale Interaktion im Fahrzeug mit Sprachbefehlen und Touch-Gesten ermöglicht. Für automatisierte Fahrzeugsysteme und zur Anpassung der Interaktionsmöglichkeiten an die Fahrsituation stellt der Fahrerzustand (insbesondere die mentale Belastung) eine wichtige Information dar. Durch eine Fahrstudie im realen Straßenverkehr haben wir einen Datensatz generiert, der physiologische Daten und Kontextinformationen umfasst und damit Rückschlüsse auf den Fahrerzustand ermöglicht. Mit diesen Informationen über Fahrerinnen und Fahrer wird es möglich, den Fahrerzustand besser zu verstehen, Benutzungsschnittstellen an die aktuelle Fahrsituation anzupassen und die Routenwahl anzupassen. Außerdem stellen wir zwei konkrete Konzepte zur Unterstützung von Nebentätigkeiten vor, die schon heute regelmäßig bei der Fahrt getätigt oder verlangt werden. Im Bereich der Telekommunikation stellen wir dazu ein Konzept vor, das die Fahrsicherheit beim Kommunizieren mit Personen außerhalb des Autos erhöht. Das Konzept erlaubt es dem Fahrer, unterschiedliche Arten von Kontextinformationen mit Kommunikationspartnern zu teilen. Dies reicht von der abstrakten Information, dass man derzeit im Auto unterwegs ist bis hin zum Teilen eines Live-Videos der aktuellen Fahrsituation. Diesbezüglich haben wir über eine Web-Umfrage und detaillierte Interviews die Bedürfnisse der Nutzer(innen) erhoben und ausgewertet. Zudem stellen wir ein prototypisches Konzept sowie Richtlinien vor, wie künftige Kommunikationsaufgaben im Fahrzeug gestaltet werden sollen. Als ein zweites Konzept betrachten wir zeitbeschränkte Aufgaben zur Unterhaltung und Produktivität im Fahrzeug. Die Idee ist hier, zeitlich begrenzte Aufgaben in Zeiten niedriger Belastung zuzulassen, wie zum Beispiel beim Warten an einer Ampel oder während einer hochautomatisierten (Teil-) Fahrt. Ergebnisse aus einer Web-Umfrage und einer Fallstudie zeigen die Machbarkeit dieses Ansatzes auf. Mit den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit soll eine Basis für künftige Forschung und Entwicklung gelegt werden, um im Bereich automobiler Benutzungsschnittstellen insbesondere nicht-fahr-bezogene Aufgaben im Übergang zwischen manuellem Fahren und einer hochautomatisierten Autofahrt zu unterstützen

    Performance analysis for wireless G (IEEE 802.11G) and wireless N (IEEE 802.11N) in outdoor environment

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    This paper described an analysis the different capabilities and limitation of both IEEE technologies that has been utilized for data transmission directed to mobile device. In this work, we have compared an IEEE 802.11/g/n outdoor environment to know what technology is better. The comparison consider on coverage area (mobility), throughput and measuring the interferences. The work presented here is to help the researchers to select the best technology depending of their deploying case, and investigate the best variant for outdoor. The tool used is Iperf software which is to measure the data transmission performance of IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11g

    Performance Analysis For Wireless G (IEEE 802.11 G) And Wireless N (IEEE 802.11 N) In Outdoor Environment

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    This paper described an analysis the different capabilities and limitation of both IEEE technologies that has been utilized for data transmission directed to mobile device. In this work, we have compared an IEEE 802.11/g/n outdoor environment to know what technology is better. the comparison consider on coverage area (mobility), through put and measuring the interferences. The work presented here is to help the researchers to select the best technology depending of their deploying case, and investigate the best variant for outdoor. The tool used is Iperf software which is to measure the data transmission performance of IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11g

    GVSU Press Releases, 2010

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    A compilation of press releases for the year 2010 submitted by University Communications (formerly News & Information Services) to news agencies concerning the people, places, and events related to Grand Valley State University