12,231 research outputs found

    Основні принципи побудови центрів сертифікації ключів. Центр сертифікації ключів „Джерело” та його можливості

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    Надаються основні терміни та поняття Законів України “Про електронний цифровий підпис” та “Про електронні документи та електронний документообіг” і задачі по створенню центрів сертифікації. Проводиться аналіз можливості використання центрів сертифікації Windows 2000 для цих центрів. Виконується аналіз архітектур центрів з урахуванням їх використання в розгалужених мережах. Описується центр сертифікації „ДЖЕРЕЛО”.Main term ad concept of Law of Ukraine “About electronic digital signature” and “About electronic documents and electronic documents circulation” and tasks of creation of center certification are given. Analyze of possbilities of using certifications centers of Windows 2000 for this center is lead. Analyze of architectures of centers with taking intо account their using in branchy networks is executes. Center certification “Jerelo” is described

    Development of a mechatronic sorting system for removing contaminants from wool

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    Automated visual inspection (AVI) systems have been extended to many fields, such as agriculture and the food, plastic and textile industries. Generally, most visual systems only inspect product defects, and then analyze and grade them due to the lack of any sorting function. This main reason rests with the difficulty of using the image data in real time. However, it is increasingly important to either sort good products from bad or grade products into separate groups usingAVI systems. This article describes the development of a mechatronic sorting system and its integration with a vision system for automatically removing contaminants from wool in real time. The integration is implemented by a personal computer, which continuously processes live images under the Windows 2000 operating system. The developed real-time sorting approach is also applicable to many other AVI systems

    Installazione di debian 3.0 su workstation hpx4000

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    In questo documento vengono descritte le linee guida per l’installazione di GNU/Linux Debian 3.0 su una Workstation Hp x4000. Viene inoltre descritta la configurazione di VMWare (con windows 2000) e la creazione di un repository per i packages .deb, la loro gestione e la loro installazione

    Diseño de drivers para tarjetas de adquisición de datos para Windows 2000

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    El objetivo principal del proyecto es el control de tarjetas de adquisición de dato (PCL-711B y PCL-812) bajo el entorno Windows 2000. El control y programación de estas tarjetas consiste básicamente es escrituras/lecturas de los registro de las tarjetas. Una vez instaladas las tarjetas en el PC, la lectura/escritura en estos registros se realiza mediante direcciones de memoria del espacio de direcciones del sistema operativo. Las direcciones de estos registros dependen de la configuración de la tarjeta, siendo todas ellas correlativas. Así, ambas tarjetas poseen 16 registros, con lo que contienen 16 direcciones de memoria consecutivas. Por ejemplo, en la configuración estándar de las tarjetas, la dirección inicial es la 220, con lo que el rango de direcciones de memoria para el control de la tarjeta será 220-22F. Una vez diseñado el driver, el usuario final puede programar y controlar la tarjeta mediante el uso de este driver. A pesa de todo, el usuario final debía tener un amplio conocimiento sobre la funcionalidad de la tarjeta, registros utilizados y el modo de operar con ellos. Para solucionar este inconveniente, se propuso el desarrollo de una librería de enlace dinámico (DLL) para el control de la tarjeta. En esta DLL, se definen una serie de funciones que abarcan la funcionalidad básica de las tarjetas, permitiendo al usuario la programación de las tarjetas con un breve conocimiento sobre la funcionalidad de las mismas

    EnFilter: a Password Enforcement and Filter

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    EnFilter is a Proactive Password Checking System, designed to avoid password guessing attacks. It is made of a set of configurable filters, each one based on a specific pattern recognition measure that can be tuned by the system administrator depending on the adopted password policy. Filters use decision trees, lexical analysers, as well as Levenshtein distance based techniques. EnFilter is implemented for Windows 2000/2003/XP

    HRZ-Mitteilungen : 10. Ausgabe, Sommersemester 2007

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    Videokonferenzen - Eberhard Nowak QIS - Webbasierte Selbstbedienungsfunktionen der Prüfungsverwaltung - Jan Wauschkuhn LoadLeveler - Dennis S. Weiss Literaturverwaltungssoftware - Patrick Hilt Und Gigabit steht nicht nur im Prospekt - PD Dr. Hansjörg Ast Poster schützen und konservieren - Laminieren - PD Dr. Hansjörg Ast Girls Day 2007 - Ruth Kurschat Windows 2000/XP Installations-CDs mit integrierten Patches für Administratoren - Thomas Tomala Neues von der Sonnenseite des HRZ: ZFS - Markus Michalek Personalia Für Neueinsteiger - Kaori Schütz Die Softwarefrage - Wolfgang J. Webe

    Deployment and migration to Windows 2000 in a heterogeneous university systems environment

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    This study examines the complex undertakings of the migration of Microsoft's Windows 9x/NT 4.0-based computing systems to the Windows 2000 operating system environment at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Factors examined include the similar paths of migration taken by other universities, various methods by which an academic or administrative department may migrate, and the intricacies of creating the integrated centralized infrastructure which is necessary to fully utilize the complex distributed architecture of Windows 2000. An analysis of the current status of Windows 2000 on campus attempts to provide a recommendation both for departments which have not yet migrated and for future directions of Windows-based distributed computing for the University

    A Comparative Study of Security Mechanism differentiation between Windows 2000 and UNIX Operating Systems

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    "Security" is hard to formalize, hard to design (and design for), hard to implement, hard to verify, hard to configure, and hard to use. It is particularly hard to use on a platform such as Windows, which is evolving, security-wise, along with its representative user-base. The primary environment in which a typical Windows system exists has traditionally been hostile, especially after the advent of the Internet. While UNIX systems share the same environment today, their traditional environments were comparatively trusted: research labs and universities. Similarly, UNIX users have had backgrounds differing from Windows users. Keywords: UNIX, Windows 2000, Security Mechanism, Operating Syste