3 research outputs found

    Digital Gaming and the Advertising Landscape

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    The evolution of the game industry and changes in the advertising landscape in recent years have led to a keen interest of marketers in using digital games for advertising purposes. However, despite the increasing interest in this marketing strategy, the potential of digital games as a medium to convey advertising messages remains unexploited.*Digital Gaming and the Advertising Landscape* explores the different ways advertising messages can be embedded within digital games. An interdisciplinary approach is used to help explain how persuasive communication works within digital games. It does so by forging new links within the area of game studies where the emphasis of this book clearly lies, while also taking up new subjects such as design theories and their relation to games as well as how this relationship may be used in a practical context

    Digital Gaming and the Advertising Landscape

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    The evolution of the game industry and changes in the advertising landscape in recent years have led to a keen interest of marketers in using digital games for advertising purposes. However, despite the increasing interest in this marketing strategy, the potential of digital games as a medium to convey advertising messages remains unexploited.*Digital Gaming and the Advertising Landscape* explores the different ways advertising messages can be embedded within digital games. An interdisciplinary approach is used to help explain how persuasive communication works within digital games. It does so by forging new links within the area of game studies where the emphasis of this book clearly lies, while also taking up new subjects such as design theories and their relation to games as well as how this relationship may be used in a practical context

    Marketing viral: claves creativas de la viralidad publicitaria

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    L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi doctoral 茅s detectar si existeixen claus creatives comunes en els v铆deos publicitaris virals que constitueixin un detonant per al seu contagi entre els usuaris de les xarxes socials digitals. S'inicia amb un estudi diagn貌stic de la literatura existent sobre el tema per aclarir conceptes, resoldre confusions terminol貌giques i distingir difer猫ncies entre el m脿rqueting viral, la publicitat viral o la publicitat boca a orella, entre d鈥檃ltres. A continuaci贸, s'estudia un marc conceptual reticular, en el qual es connecten els fonaments del m脿rqueting, de la comunicaci贸, de la creativitat publicit脿ria i de les xarxes socials per esbossar dos possibles models te貌rics del m脿rqueting viral. D'aquesta manera, es concreten diversos nivells taxon貌mics i de definici贸 del concepte. Per dur a terme l'estudi emp铆ric, l'autora proposa un constructe anal铆tic que permeti la triangulaci贸 dels indicadors b脿sics seg眉ents: drivers creatius, soques virals i ambig眉itat dels continguts. L'an脿lisi -bivariant i multivariant- de 651 v铆deos publicitaris virals ha perm猫s constatar que els continguts basats en el driver de l'emoci贸, explicats amb recursos de la soca ret貌rica cl脿ssica publicit脿ria (o conceptual), s贸n els que mostren una major prevalen莽a i relaci贸 significativa. L'ambig眉itat est脿 present en gaireb茅 la meitat de la mostra analitzada, per la qual cosa es conclou que es tracta d'una condici贸 suficient, per貌 no necess脿ria, per detonar un proc茅s publicitari viral.El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es detectar si existen claves creativas comunes en los v铆deos publicitarios virales que constituyan un detonante para su contagio entre los usuarios de las redes sociales digitales. Se inicia con un estudio diagn贸stico de la literatura existente sobre el tema para clarificar conceptos, resolver confusiones terminol贸gicas y distinguir diferencias entre el marketing viral, la publicidad viral o la publicidad boca a oreja, entre otros. A continuaci贸n, se estudia un marco conceptual reticular, en el que se conectan los fundamentos del marketing, de la comunicaci贸n, de la creatividad publicitaria y de las redes sociales para esbozar dos posibles modelos te贸ricos del marketing viral. De esta forma, se concretan varios niveles taxon贸micos y de definici贸n del concepto. Para llevar a cabo el estudio emp铆rico, la autora propone un constructo anal铆tico que permita la triangulaci贸n de los siguientes indicadores b谩sicos: drivers creativos, cepas virales y ambig眉edad de los contenidos. El an谩lisis -bivariante y multivariante- de 651 v铆deos publicitarios virales ha permitido constatar que los contenidos basados en el driver de la emoci贸n, explicados con recursos de la cepa ret贸rica cl谩sica publicitaria (o conceptual), son los que muestran una mayor prevalencia y relaci贸n significativa. La ambig眉edad est谩 presente en casi la mitad de la muestra analizada, por lo que se concluye que se trata de una condici贸n suficiente, pero no necesaria, para desencadenar un proceso publicitario viral.The aim of this thesis is to test out the existence of common creative key factors in the viral advertising videos that constitute a catalyst for their transmission between users of digital social networks. It all starts up with a diagnostic study of the existent literature about the subject in order to clarify concepts, solve terminological misunderstandings and distinguish between viral marketing, viral advertising or word-of-mouth advertising from a wide range of others. Furthermore, a reticular framework is studied, in which the basics of marketing, communication, advertising creativity and social networks are connected between them to sketch two possible theoretical models of viral marketing. In this way, many taxonomical levels and the definition of concept are concreted. To carry out the empirical study, the author proposes an analytical construct that allows the triangulation of the following basic indicators: creative drivers, viral strains and the ambiguity of the contents. The analysis -bivariate and multivariate- of 651 viral advertising videos has been prone to prove that the contents based on the driver of the emotion, explained with the resources of the advertising (or conceptual) rhetoric strain, are the ones that show a major prevalence and significant relation. The presence of ambiguity is almost in half of the analyzed sample, so we arrive to the conclusion that it is a sufficient condition, but not necessary to unleash a viral advertising process