4 research outputs found

    Wstęp do wiedzy o grach tradycyjnych

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    This book is in a sense a compendium of knowledge about the games falling within the realm of human behaviour, which we define as the concept of fun. The aim of the work is orienting a reader in the intricacies and diversity of traditional games that existed and still exist today, that has beguiled the time of the old and the modern man

    Zabawka - przedmiot ludyczny i obiekt kolekcjonerski

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    Celem książki jest próba pokazania wszystkich etapów życia zabawki od jej wytworzenia, poprzez życie zabawki w rękach dziecka, po drugie życie :starej" zabawki w zbiorach kolekcjonera, czy jej wykorzystanie w nowej rzeczywistości do różnych celów (ponownie ludycznych, terapeutycznych). Tej koncepcji podporządkowano strukturę książki, która składa się ze wstępu, czterech rozdziałów, informacji o autorach oraz indeksu osób

    Z potrzeby chwili i ku pamięci... : studia o poezji i prozie Oświecenia

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    Wydanie książki dofinansowane ze środków Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. Książka udostępniona w otwartym dostępie na podstawie umowy między Uniwersytetem Śląskim a wydawcą. Książkę możesz pobierać z Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Śląskiego i korzystać z niej w ramach dozwolonego użytku. Aby móc umieścić pliki książki na innym serwerze, musisz uzyskać zgodę wydawcy (możesz jednak zamieszczać linki do książki na serwerze Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Śląskiego).The book I hereby present to the Readers focuses on the works of the Polish Enlightenment, which refer to particular facts and phenomena of the then-contemporary reality, or were inspired by the future course of events. The Author is interested in literary and functional texts written for the needs of the moment, or specific time, which, at the same time, served the purpose of commemorating particular human experiences and thoughts in individual or collective memory. The book comprises two parts, each consisting of four studies. The first part has been devoted to occasional poetry (inspired by events, including celebrations held in the private sphere of life) and commemorative poetry (which refers to individuals as well as to public and political scene). A study entitled Oświeceniowa muza okazjonalna w darze dzieciom I młodym solenizantom [The Enlightenment Occasional Muse as a Gift to Children and Young Birthday Persons] concerns the poems, which in the second half of the 18th century were devoted to infants, few-year-olds or adolescents on the occasion of their nameday or birthday anniversary. Characteristic features of the analysed works have been isolated in the reflection. These are: fragments of the plot, eulogistic motifs adjusted to the poems addressees’ age, imagery and stylistic layers, as well as paramount messages and functions of texts. Interesting in the discussed poems are delineations of the childhood world and references to the political life in Poland after the First Partition. Apart from that, the author explains the transfer of typical features of the refined poetry which developed in the Enlightenment into nameday and birthday poems, also referred to as bouquets. Each of the three remaining studies in the first part of the book includes a monographic study of one text concerning a current significant event in the Polish history of the last two decades of the 18th century, which demonstrated an influence on the fate of the nation and its people, the whole community. Prominent poets of the time, Ignacy Krasicki, Stanisław Trembecki and Franciszek Dionizy Kniaźnin, were attracted to reflect on the then-contemporary political scene and its backroom, that is, the forthcoming sejm of the year 1784, sessions of the Four-Year Sejm and the Kościuszko Uprising, depicted in the works which are the subject of interest in the three treatises. A fundamental line of thought, which focuses on analysis and interpretation of particular poems, is complemented with identifications of analogous issues, strands, views taken by a given poet. In the study Gorzki obrachunek Ignacego Krasickiego z polską sceną polityczną u progu sejmu grodzieńskiego 1784 roku [Bitter Calculation of Ignacy Krasicki with the Polish Political Scene on the Threshold of The Grodno Sejm in 1784], the analysis of prosimetrum Do J.B [To J.B.] explains interesting artistic solutions (in accordance with the poetics of the whole cycle Wiersze z prozą [Poems with Prose]). Krasicki applied those solutions in an original literary mystification, which the poet rendered a pretext to bitter reflection on the Polish status quo and the status of Polish parliamentarism at the threshold of sejm which, after a long interval, was convened anew in Grodno, Lithuania. A study entitled Obywatelska odezwa Stanisława Trembeckiego w czas wielkiego sejmowania [A Civil Appel of Stanisław Trembecki at the Time of the Great Sejm] concerns a poem “Do moich współziomków” [To My Countrymen]. A comparative part of reflections puts forward a solution that in order to agitate, the Enlightenment poet has made references to Pieśń o spustoszeniu Podola [Song on the Devastation of Podolia] penned by Jan Kochanowski. The second interpretational context is connected with the epistolary political treatise by Hugo Kołłątaj. The double perspective on the work by Trembecki allowed for unveiling of a new sense and nuances in meaning in this poetic letter. However, in a study Przemyślenia Franciszka Dionizego Kniaźnina w obliczu wydarzeń z roku 1794 [Franciszek Dionizy Kniaźnin’s Reflections in Light of the 1974 Events] a work entitled “Na rewolucję 1794” [On Revolution 1794] which refers to dramatic history of Poland at the end of the 18th century, has been discussed in the context of the late writings by Kniaźnin which link patriotic and religious issues, where artistic means of expression and dynamic representation prevail. Reflections on the interpretation of ideas and artistic values in the patriotic lyric – which expresses unwavering belief of a poet in a sense of sacrifice for the homeland and God’s protection of the nation – draw to a conclusion of the messianic message of the poem, where one can detect elements of representation handled artistically and developed by the Romanticists. The second part of the book primarily highlights literary and functional prose of the second half of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. The first extensive study entitled Ludzie epoki w hołdzie Stanisławowi Konarskiemu [People of the Epoch in Honour of Stanisław Konarski] refers to texts devoted to a man who – due to his versatile activities – had a substantial influence on the development of the Enlightenment tendencies in Poland. The reflections contain glowing journalistic reports and letters written by eminent public personages, published in Konarski’s lifetime, as well as addresses published posthumously, such as: press coverage from a funeral ceremony, funeral sermon and elegies honouring him, anniversary laudatory speech and biogram. The Author offers a compelling and thorough portrayal of Konarski – solidified in the Enlightenment literature – viewed as an erudite, excellent writer, thinker, form teacher and citizen. The subsequent study Perspektywa “wielkiego świata” i żywioł osobisty w relacji Walerii Tarnowskiej z podróży do Włoch [The Perspective of a “Vast World” and Personal Element in Waleria Tarnowska’s Travel Account from Italy] gives an account of two aspects of the writings which were intended as letters penned by the Polish aristocrat during her voyage to Italy and addressed to her one-year old daughter Rozalia. These two aspects concern the information on biography and on critical opinions on various phenomena that Tarnowska illustrated in her French diary (Mes voyages) revealing her deep and emotional involvement displayed on her travels across Italy. In this way, the Reader is provided with a fascinating, multifaceted picture of the countess, complimented with heavily emphasised features of national identity. The way Tarnowska perceives the “vast world” during her travels created the need for identity discernment. The author pays attention to ambivalence of such notions as “one’s own,” “other,” strange.” The second issue discussed concerns a gripping, strongly emotional and multilayered mother-daughter dialogue, which began on the first pages of the diary. This aspect of the travel account shows congruence with epistolary accounts, and – to a certain extent – also with intimate writings. The subsequent study entitled Emocjonalne aspekty wizerunku Adama Jerzego Czartoryskiego w listach do ojca. Uwag i dopowiedzeń kilka [Emotional Aspects of a Picture of Adam Jerzy Czartoryski in the Letters to His Father. A Few Remarks and Clarifications] presents less known, emotional side of Adam Jerzy Czartoryski as a reticent man, perceived as arrogant and caustic. The main line of thought centres on the hitherto unpublished letters, written in Polish and in French, which the duke kept sending to his father (beginning from the year 1795). Noteworthy in the correspondence seems to be the emotional relation between a son (sender) and a father (addressee). The observation thereof led to an interesting view on early youth – which was conditioned by experiences and made deeper and richer with time – as well as on the emotional and ethic-moral condition of Adam Jerzy Czartoryski, which surfaces in the unpublished writings. Due to the fact that the letters belong to the private sphere of life and could therefore be read only by the addressee and other members of the family, the confessions and declarations contained therein can be regarded as forthright and plainspoken. A study closing the book (Druki wróżebne w polskiej ofercie czytelniczej drugiej połowy XVIII wieku) [Divinatory Scripts in the Polish Readership in the Second Half of the 18th Century] deals with the several divinations published in Poland in the second half of the 18th century. The presentation of the divinatory scripts, also known as sibylls, oracles or fates, leads to a conclusion that they are all ludic in nature, and as a kind of party games they do not show resemblance to the Old Polish “books of destiny,” but rather to French publications of this kind l’algebre et le sort (‘arithmetic and fate’), oracles divertisants (‘playful auguries, oracles’) or les oracles des Sibylles (‘Sibyll’s oracles’), which is clearly emphasised in the Polish title formulas. The main strand in the author’s reflection focuses on the introduction of those scripts into readership. The author discusses marketing strategies used by authors in their utterances, by translators or publishers, in order to make potential readers interested and willing to purchase them. Of concern are utterances on the long-standing in the age of reason preoccupation with sciences and esoteric art, the succumbing to superstitions, indulgence in various forms of divination and rules to abide by while using them. Final reflections depict potential reasons for predilection for such scripts in the Polish Enlightenment

    Kultura wizualna w dobie terroryzmu

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    Terroryzm jako zjawisko społeczno-polityczne doczekał się bogatej biblioteczki przeróżnych opracowań, lecz badania nad wizualnymi przedstawieniami terroryzmu nie są już tak popularne, co zważywszy na wpisaną w samą jego istotę spektakularność, może budzić zdziwienie. Kultura wizualna jest najlepszą pożywką zarówno dla wojen prowadzonych przez terrorystów, jak i wojen z terrorem. Walka narracji wizualnych o społeczne uznanie bądź potępienie samych terrorystów (i ich celów) to jeden z najważniejszych obecnie wymiarów polityki. Praca Jacka Zydorowicza stara się wypełnić tę lukę i zaproponować analizę estetyki terroryzmu i wszelkich artefaktów kultury wizualnej, które mają z nim związek. Monografia ta przynależy do nurtu visual culture studies (z niezbyt głębokim ukłonem w kierunku medioznawstwa) i jej głównym tematem jest przedstawienie i krytyczna analiza kulturowych reżimów nadawania znaczenia towarzyszących produkcji, dystrybucji i konsumpcji obrazów medialnych (film, fotografia, działania artystyczne), których źródłem, tematem czy pretekstem jest terroryzm. Rozmaitość form i kontekstów terroryzmu nie ułatwia wyboru konkretnych przykładów i utrudnia analizę, ale autor bardzo trafnie zawęża egzemplifikację do pięciu przypadków (niemiecki RAF, konflikt w Irlandii Północnej, Palestyńczycy, Al-Kaida i ISIS) i ma pomysł na przekonujące ich zuniwersalizowanie. Pytając o obrazy, których punktem odniesienia jest terroryzm, autor zadaje szereg pytań szczegółowych: o zmieniające się strategie i taktyki komunikacji wizualnej terrorystów, o kulturowe konsekwencje tej komunikacji, o polityki obrazowania terroryzmu w mediach i w kulturze artystycznej czy o rolę sztuki we współtworzeniu archiwum terroryzmu