15 research outputs found

    Wideband measurements of ice sheet attenuation and basal scattering

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    ©2005 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.We are developing a multifirequency multistatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for determining polar ice sheet basal conditions. To obtain data for designing and optimizing radar performance, we performed field measurements with a network-analyzer-based system during the 2003 field season at the North Greenland Ice Core Project camp (75.1 N and 42.3 W). From the measurements, we determine the ice sheet complex transfer function over the frequency range from 110-500 MHz by deconvolving out the system transfer function. Over this frequency range, we observe an increase in total loss of 8 +/- 2.5 dB using a linear regression to the log-scale data. With the ice sheet transfer function and an ice extinction model, we estimate the return loss from the basal surface to be approximately 37 dB. These measurements have broad applicability to interpreting radar-sounding data, which are widely used in glaciological studies of the polar ice sheets. These data have also been used in the link budget for the design considerations of the multifirequency multistatic SAR system

    Wideband Measurements of Ice Sheet Attenuation and Basal Scattering

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    Radar Systems for Glaciology

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    This chapter deals with radar systems, measurements and instrumentation employed to study the internal core and bedrock of ice sheets in glaciology. The Earth's ice sheets are in Greenland and Antarctica. They cover about 10% of the land surface of the planet. The total accumulated ice comprises 90% of the global fresh water reserve. These ice sheets, associated with the ocean environment, provide a major heat sink which significantly modulates climate. Glaciology studies aim to understand the various process involved in the flow (dynamics), thermodynamics, and long-term behaviour of ice sheets. Studies of large ice masses are conducted in adverse environmental conditions (extreme cold, long periods of darkness). The development of remote sensing techniques have played an important role in obtaining useful results. The most widely used techniques are radar systems, employed since the 1950s in response to a need to provide a rapid and accurate method of measuring ice thickness. Year by year, polar research has become increasingly important because of global warming. Moreover, the discovery of numerous subglacial lake areas (water entrapped beneath the ice sheets) has attracted scientific interest in the possible existence of water circulation between lakes or beneath the ice (Kapitsa et al., 2006; Wingham et al., 2006; Bell et al., 2007). Recent studies in radar signal shape and amplitude could provide evidence of water circulation below the ice (Carter 2007, Oswald and Gogineni 2008). In this chapter the radar systems employed in glaciology, radio echo sounding (RES), are briefly described with some interesting results. RES are active remote sensing systems that utilize electromagnetic waves that penetrate the ice. They are used to obtain information about the electromagnetic properties of different interfaces (for example rock-ice, ice-water, seawater-ice) that reflect the incoming signal back to the radar. RES systems are characterized by a high energy (peak power from 10 W to 10 KW) variable transmitted pulse width (about from 0.5 ns to several microseconds) in order to investigate bedrock characteristics even in the thickest zones of the ice sheets (4755 m is the deepest ice thickness measured in Antarctica using a RES system). Changing the pulse length or the transmitted signal frequencies it is possible to investigate particular ice sheet details with different resolution. Long pulses allows transmission of higher power than short pulses, penetrating the thickest parts of the ice sheets but, as a consequence, resolution decreases. For example, the GPR system, commonly used in geophysics for rock, soil, ice, fresh water, pavement and structure characterization, employs a very short transmitted pulse (0.5 ns to 10 ns) that allow detailing of the shallow parts of an ice sheet (100-200 m in depth) (Reynolds 1997). Consequently, in recent years, GPR systems are also employed by explorers to find hidden crevasses on glaciers for safety. RES surveys have been widely employed in Antarctic ice sheet exploration and they are still an indispensable tool for mapping bedrock morphologies and properties of the last unexplored continent on Earth. The advantage of using these remote sensing techniques is that they allow large areas to be covered, in good detail and in short times using platforms like aeroplanes and surface vehicles

    Radar absorption, basal reflection, thickness and polarization measurements from the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica

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    Radio-glaciological parameters from the Moore’s Bay region of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, have been measured. The thickness of the ice shelf in Moore’s Bay was measured from reflection times of radio-frequency pulses propagating vertically through the shelf and reflecting from the ocean, and is found to be 576 ± 8 m. Introducing a baseline of 543 ± 7m between radio transmitter and receiver allowed the computation of the basal reflection coefficient, R, separately from englacial loss. The depth-averaged attenuation length of the ice column, 〈L〉 is shown to depend linearly on frequency. The best fit (95% confidence level) is 〈L(ν)〉= (460±20) − (180±40)ν m (20 dB km−1), for the frequencies ν = [0.100–0.850] GHz, assuming no reflection loss. The mean electric-field reflection coefficient is (1.7 dB reflection loss) across [0.100–0.850] GHz, and is used to correct the attenuation length. Finally, the reflected power rotated into the orthogonal antenna polarization i

    Development and Implementation of a VHF High Power Amplifier for the Multi-Channel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder/Imager System

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    This thesis presents the implementation and characterization of a VHF high power amplifier developed for the Multi-channel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder/Imager (MCoRDS/I) system. MCoRDS/I is used to collect data on the thickness and basal topography of polar ice sheets, ice sheet margins, and fast-flowing glaciers from airborne platforms. Previous surveys have indicated that higher transmit power is needed to improve the performance of the radar, particularly when flying over challenging areas. The VHF high power amplifier system presented here consists of a 50-W driver amplifier and a 1-kW output stage operating in Class C. Its performance was characterized and optimized to obtain the best tradeoff between linearity, output power, efficiency, and conducted and radiated noise. A waveform pre-distortion technique to correct for gain variations (dependent on input power and operating frequency) was demonstrated using digital techniques. The amplifier system is a modular unit that can be expanded to handle a larger number of transmit channels as needed for future applications. The system can support sequential transmit/receive operations on a single antenna by using a high-power circulator and a duplexer circuit composed of two 90° hybrid couplers and anti-parallel diodes. The duplexer is advantageous over switches based on PIN-diodes due to the moderately high power handling capability and fast switching time. The system presented here is also smaller and lighter than previous implementations with comparable output power levels

    Cryosphere Applications

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    Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) provides large coverage and high resolution, and it has been proven to be sensitive to both surface and near-surface features related to accumulation, ablation, and metamorphism of snow and firn. Exploiting this sensitivity, SAR polarimetry and polarimetric interferometry found application to land ice for instance for the estimation of wave extinction (which relates to sub surface ice volume structure) and for the estimation of snow water equivalent (which relates to snow density and depth). After presenting these applications, the Chapter proceeds by reviewing applications of SAR polarimetry to sea ice for the classification of different ice types, the estimation of thickness, and the characterisation of its surface. Finally, an application to the characterisation of permafrost regions is considered. For each application, the used (model-based) decomposition and polarimetric parameters are critically described, and real data results from relevant airborne campaigns and space borne acquisitions are reported

    Bulk and Surface Radio-Frequency Response of Ice

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    The flux and cross section of high energy neutrinos is an active area of research. Due to the expected low flux and cross section, interactions are rare and direct detection is ruled out. Large detector volumes with detection signals that can be observed from far away represent a reasonable and economical way to combat this problem. A currently popular detection strategy is to use a large, dense medium -- such as ice -- for the detector volume and radio antennas as the detectors. These radio antennas are sensitive to Cherenkov radiation produced via the Askaryan effect when a neutrino interacts in the detector volume. To determine the absolute amplitude of radio frequency (RF) emissions from high energy physics processes observed by Antarctic detectors, the bulk attenuation and surface reflection properties of Antarctic ice must be estimated. Neutrino experiments that intend to use polar ice as the detector volume must consider the depth-dependent attenuation length of the ice. Airborne experiments, such as the balloon-borne ANtarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA), additionally need to consider the effects of the ice-air transition for both refracted signals produced by neutrino collisions in ice and reflected signals generated by cosmic ray-induced extensive air showers (EAS). Combining radar depth sounding (RDS) data for the estimation of attenuation length with radar scatterometer measurements for the estimation of surface roughness, we seek to create Antarctica-wide attenuation models. Though models and estimates for attenuation and reflection are motivated by ANITA analysis, the methods and results should have general use for the treatment of radio frequency signals interacting with ice and similar media

    Determination of Glacial-Ice Temperature Profiles Using Radar and an Antenna-Gain Estimation Technique

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    Knowledge of glacial ice temperature profiles is important to the study of glaciology. Currently, the only method of obtaining ice temperature profiles is by drilling ice cores, which is a long and arduous process. Fortunately, ice-penetrating radar can be used to obtain temperature profiles without the need of ice cores. A radar technique incorporating common mid-point geometries is presented for measuring ice temperature. However, in order for this technique to work, accurate estimates of the far-zone antenna gain within glacial ice are necessary. Currently, commercial electromagnetics software packages utilizing the finite element method (FEM) are used by academia and industry to accurately characterize antennas in free space, and near finite dielectric and conductive materials. Unfortunately, these commercial packages are incapable of accurately determining the far-zone antenna gain near a dielectric half-space such as glacial ice. Therefore, to solve this problem, a routine for determining the far-zone gain of an antenna located near glacial ice was developed, which utilizes an FEM package in conjunction with a near-to-far-field transformation (NFFT). Additionally, glacial ice imposes another complication to estimating far-zone antenna gain: the dielectric constant is a function of depth. Therefore the far-zone antenna gain within glacial ice changes as a function of depth due to increased ray bending resulting from refraction. To solve this problem, the geometric optics technique (GO) was used to propagate the far-zone antenna gain determined within the relatively shallow upper region of glacial ice, dubbed the quasi-far-zone, to any depth within glacial ice. Results are presented showing that this technique is capable of accurately determining the far-zone gain at any depth within glacial ice for an arbitrary antenna located near glacial ice. Additionally, results are presented showing that with the aid of this numerical antenna gain estimation software, ice-penetrating radar can be used to determine glacial ice temperature profiles at all depths

    Ice Shelf Melt Rates and 3D Imaging

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    Ice shelves are sensitive indicators of climate change and play a critical role in the stability of ice sheets and oceanic currents. Basal melting of ice shelves plays an important role in both the mass balance of the ice sheet and the global climate system. Airborne- and satellite based remote sensing systems can perform thickness measurements of ice shelves. Time separated repeat flight tracks over ice shelves of interest generate data sets that can be used to derive basal melt rates using traditional glaciological techniques. Many previous melt rate studies have relied on surface elevation data gathered by airborne- and satellite based altimeters. These systems infer melt rates by assuming hydrostatic equilibrium, an assumption that may not be accurate, especially near an ice shelf’s grounding line. Moderate bandwidth, VHF, ice penetrating radar has been used to measure ice shelf profiles with relatively coarse resolution. This study presents the application of an ultra wide bandwidth (UWB), UHF, ice penetrating radar to obtain finer resolution data on the ice shelves. These data reveal significant details about the basal interface, including the locations and depth of bottom crevasses and deviations from hydrostatic equilibrium. While our single channel radar provides new insight into ice shelf structure, it only images a small swatch of the shelf, which is assumed to be an average of the total shelf behavior. This study takes an additional step by investigating the application of a 3D imaging technique to a data set collected using a ground based multi channel version of the UWB radar. The intent is to show that the UWB radar could be capable of providing a wider swath 3D image of an ice shelf. The 3D images can then be used to obtain a more complete estimate of the bottom melt rates of ice shelves