8 research outputs found

    Developing Generic Dynamic Models for the 2030 Eastern Interconnection Grid

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    The Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative (EIPC) has built three major power flow cases for the 2030 Eastern Interconnection (EI) based on various levels of energy/environmental policy conditions, technology advances, and load growth. Using the power flow cases, this report documents the process of developing the generic 2030 dynamic models using typical dynamic parameters. The constructed model was validated indirectly using the synchronized phasor measurements by removing the wind generation temporarily

    Development and implementation of an open-box distribution-level phasor measurement unit

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    Phasor measurement units (PMUs) are considered one of the most important measuring devices in power systems. PMUs are most commonly installed in substations, monitoring three-phase power. They provide synchronized measurements from any location where devices are installed. This synchronization is due to the micro-second Global Positioning System (GPS) time accuracy and is necessary for data to have meaning when compared across different locations. Among other purposes, data is used for post-mortem event analysis and system model validation. This thesis aims to provide a deep understanding of the PMU’s inner workings. Academia must know the inner workings of these devices in order to advance synchrophasor research and ensure standard compliance, as some devices do not fully comply with the existing IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) synchrophasor standards. Furthermore, it is difficult, if not impossible, to understand the causes of bad synchrophasor data since the software implementation of these devices is a mystery; although produced synchrophasors are all the same, as dictated by standards, the way these are calculated is undefined and varies depending on the PMU’s manufacturer. The chapters of this thesis explore the steps, challenges, and reasoning involved in the development of an open-box, distribution-level phasor measurement unit as well as the results obtained by deploying a network of these devices across the Urbana-Champaign distribution system.

    Dynamic Modeling and Renewable Integration Studies on the U.S. Power Grids

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    Wind and solar generation have gained a significant momentum in the last five years in the United States. According to the American Wind Energy Association, the installed wind power capacity has tripled from 25,410 MW in early 2009 to 74,472 MW as of the end of 2015. Meanwhile, solar photovoltaic (PV) is reported that its capacity has skyrocketed from 298 MW in 2009 to 7,260 MW in 2015 by the Solar Energy Industries Association. Despite the fact that wind and solar only make up 4.4% and 0.4% , respectively, of total electricity generation in 2014, the nation is right on its track to the Department of Energy (DOE)’s goal of 20% wind and 14% solar by year 2030. The future of renewable energy is aspiring. The rapid growth in renewable generation results in an urge to studying the reliability implication of renewable integration. For this purpose, two DOE projects were funded to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The first project, Grid Operational Issues and Analyses of the Eastern Interconnection (EI), is aimed at studying the dynamic stability impact of high wind penetration on the U.S. EI system in year 2030. The second project, Frequency Response Assessment and Improvement of Three Major North American Interconnections due to High Penetrations of Photovoltaic Generation, concentrates on the influence of high solar penetration on primary frequency response. This thesis documents the efforts of the above-mentioned two projects. Chapter 1 gives an introduction on power system dynamic modeling. Chapter 2 describes the process of dynamic models development. Chapter 3 discusses the adoption of synchro-phasor measurement for system-level dynamic model validation and the impact of turbine governor deadband on system dynamic response. Chapter 4 presents a stability impact study of high wind penetration on the U.S. Eastern Grid. Chapter 5 documents the modeling and simulation of the EI system under high solar penetration. Chapter 6 summaries two dynamic model reduction studies on the EI system. Conclusions, a summary of the major contribution of the Ph.D. work, and a discussion of possible future work are given in Chapter 7

    Wide-Area Measurement-Driven Approaches for Power System Modeling and Analytics

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    This dissertation presents wide-area measurement-driven approaches for power system modeling and analytics. Accurate power system dynamic models are the very basis of power system analysis, control, and operation. Meanwhile, phasor measurement data provide first-hand knowledge of power system dynamic behaviors. The idea of building out innovative applications with synchrophasor data is promising. Taking advantage of the real-time wide-area measurements, one of phasor measurements’ novel applications is to develop a synchrophasor-based auto-regressive with exogenous inputs (ARX) model that can be updated online to estimate or predict system dynamic responses. Furthermore, since auto-regressive models are in a big family, the ARX model can be modified as other models for various purposes. A multi-input multi-output (MIMO) auto-regressive moving average with exogenous inputs (ARMAX) model is introduced to identify a low-order transfer function model of power systems for adaptive and coordinated damping control. With the increasing availability of wide-area measurements and the rapid development of system identification techniques, it is possible to identify an online measurement-based transfer function model that can be used to tune the oscillation damping controller. A demonstration on hardware testbed may illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive and coordinated damping controller. In fact, measurement-driven approaches for power system modeling and analytics are also attractive to the power industry since a huge number of monitoring devices are deployed in substations and power plants. However, most current systems for collecting and monitoring data are isolated, thereby obstructing the integration of the various data into a holistic model. To improve the capability of utilizing big data and leverage wide-area measurement-driven approaches in the power industry, this dissertation also describes a comprehensive solution through building out an enterprise-level data platform based on the PI system to support data-driven applications and analytics. One of the applications is to identify transmission-line parameters using PMU data. The identification can obtain more accurate parameters than the current parameters in PSS®E and EMS after verifying the calculation results in EMS state estimation. In addition, based on temperature information from online asset monitoring, the impact of temperature change can be observed by the variance of transmission-line resistance

    Investigação de metodologias de validação de modelos de simulação da dinâmica de sistemas elétricos utilizando sincrofasores

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, Florianópolis, 2014.Nesta dissertação apresentam-se os resultados da investigação de metodologias para a validação de modelos de simulação da dinâmica de sistemas elétricos de potência utilizando dados fasoriais sincronizados. Com a finalidade de quantificar as diferenças entre registros do sistema e a resposta de simulações, bem como localizar áreas com modelos imprecisos, são propostas quatro estratégias de análise. Na primeira, as discrepâncias são analisadas no domínio do tempo, propondo indicadores quantitativos para o diagnóstico e a localização de modelos imprecisos no sistema. De maneira semelhante, o segundo método quantifica as diferenças entre simulação e registro no domínio da frequência, aplicando a Transformada Discreta de Fourier em ambos os sinais. No terceiro método, são verificadas as discrepâncias em modos de oscilação, sendo considerados a frequência de oscilação, a taxa de amortecimento e os fatores de participação. O quarto método baseia-se na sensibilidade de trajetórias, em que o efeito da mudança de parâmetros é identificado nas medidas do sistema. Para validar as metodologias propostas, experimentos computacionais foram realizados empregando dados de um sistema de pequeno porte e do SIN ? Sistema Interligado Nacional. Os resultados demonstraram a efetividade das metodologias propostas, tanto na quantificação de discrepâncias, quanto na identificação de áreas do sistema com imprecisão nos modelos de simulação.Abstract : In this dissertation the results for several methodologies for system wide model validation using synchronized phasor data are presented. Four methods for diagnosing the existence of errors in simulation models are proposed. These strategies are meant to quantify discrepancies between the simulation results and the system records and identify the source of errors in simulation models. In the first approach, discrepancies are measured in the time domain to identify areas with models misrepresented. In the second method, the differences between simulation and measurements are determined in the frequency domain by applying the Discrete Fourier Transform in both signals. In the third method, discrepancies in the oscillation modes are attributed to errors in the system components models listed in the participation factors associated with that mode. The fourth method is based on the sensitivity trajectory, where the effect of changing parameters is identified in the measurements of system. Results obtained by simulation confirm the applicability of the proposed methods for the identification of areas containing models errors

    Performance Improvement of Wide-Area-Monitoring-System (WAMS) and Applications Development

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    Wide area monitoring system (WAMS), as an application of situation awareness, provides essential information for power system monitoring, planning, operation, and control. To fully utilize WAMS in smart grid, it is important to investigate and improve its performance, and develop advanced applications based on the data from WAMS. In this dissertation, the work on improving the WAMS performance and developing advanced applications are introduced.To improve the performance of WAMS, the work includes investigation of the impacts of measurement error and the requirements of system based on WAMS, and the solutions. PMU is one of the main sensors for WAMS. The phasor and frequency estimation algorithms implemented highly influence the performance of PMUs, and therefore the WAMS. The algorithms of PMUs are reviewed in Chapter 2. To understand how the errors impact WAMS application, different applications are investigated in Chapter 3, and their requirements of accuracy are given. In chapter 4, the error model of PMUs are developed, regarding different parameters of input signals and PMU operation conditions. The factors influence of accuracy of PMUs are analyzed in Chapter 5, including both internal and external error sources. Specifically, the impacts of increase renewables are analyzed. Based on the analysis above, a novel PMU is developed in Chapter 6, including algorithm and realization. This PMU is able to provide high accurate and fast responding measurements during both steady and dynamic state. It is potential to improve the performance of WAMS. To improve the interoperability, the C37.118.2 based data communication protocol is curtailed and realized for single-phase distribution-level PMUs, which are presented in Chapter 7.WAMS-based applications are developed and introduced in Chapter 8-10. The first application is to use the spatial and temporal characterization of power system frequency for data authentication, location estimation and the detection of cyber-attack. The second application is to detect the GPS attack on the synchronized time interval. The third application is to detect the geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) resulted from GMD and EMP-E3. These applications, benefited from the novel PMU proposed in Chapter 6, can be used to enhance the security and robust of power system

    Validação de modelos de simulação de sistemas de energia elétrica utilizando dados fasoriais sincronizados

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, Florianópolis, 2013O planejamento e a operação de Sistemas de Energia Elétrica (SEE) são baseados nos resultados de simulações computacionais nas quais os elementos da rede elétrica são representados por modelos matemáticos. Portanto, a qualidade dos modelos e dados utilizados nessas simulações é essencial para garantir uma operação segura, confiável e econômica dos SEE. A partir do desenvolvimento da tecnologia de Medição Fasorial Sincronizada surge uma nova e valiosa ferramenta para a melhoria na realização da validação de modelos em SEE. Isto porque, a disponibilidade de medidas sincronizadas de grandezas elétricas em instalações distantes geograficamente e a altas taxas de amostragem (da ordem de 60 amostras/segundo), pelos Sistemas de Medição Fasorial Sincronizada (SPMS - Synchronized Phasor Measurement Systems), melhora consideravelmente a observabilidade da dinâmica dos SEE, e, sobretudo, fornece a infraestrutura necessária para a realização de estudos de validação, utilizando a abordagem de Validação de Modelos de Sistemas (System Wide Model Validation), onde todo o sistema é representado. Neste trabalho, o uso da Medição Fasorial Sincronizada na validação de modelos e dados de SEE é abordado. Os principais aspectos e o estado atual das práticas de validação de modelos utilizando essa tecnologia são discutidos. Um estudo de validação de modelos e dados do Sistema Interligado Nacional (SIN) é também realizado utilizando a abordagem de Validação de Modelos de Sistemas. Dados obtidos do registro de eventos ocorridos no SIN por um SPMS de baixa tensão, com PMUs (Unidades de Medição Fasorial) instaladas em 15 universidades pelo Brasil, cobrindo as cinco regiões geográficas do país, foram utilizados para a validação. Os resultados desse estudo de validação confirmam o potencial da aplicação da tecnologia de medição fasorial sincronizada e o seu valor para a validação de modelos em SEE. A qualidade dos modelos e ferramentas de simulações utilizadas nas análises de transitórios eletromecânicos e estabilidade a pequenas perturbações do SIN também pode ser avaliada a partir desses resultados. O estudo também identifica melhorias necessárias a fim de que a metodologia de Validação de Modelos de Sistemas seja incorporada com sucesso como uma ferramenta para o planejamento e operação do Sistema Interligado Nacional. Abstract: The Power Systems planning and operation are based on results of computer simulations in which the elements of the grid are represented by mathematical models. Therefore, the quality of the models and data used in these simulations is essential to ensure a safe, reliable and economical operation of Power Systems. From the development of the Synchronized Phasor Measurement technology emerges a new and valuable tool for improving the realization of Power Systems model validation. This is because the availability of synchronized measurements of electrical quantities in geographically distant facilities and at a high sampling rate (approximately 60 samples per second), by the Synchronized Phasor Measurement Systems (SPMS), improves the observability of the Power Systems dynamics, and provides the necessary infrastructure for conducting validation studies, using the approach of System Wide Model Validation, where the entire system is modeled. In this work, the use of Synchronized Phasor Measurement in Power System model and data validation is tackled. The main aspects and the current state of practice of model validation using this technology are discussed. A validation study of the models and data of the Brazilian Interconnected Power System (SIN) is also performed using the Systems Wide Model Validation approach. Data acquired by a Low Voltage Phasor Measurements System (LVPMS), with PMUs (Phasor Measurement Units) installed in fifteen universities throughout Brazil, covering the five geographic regions of the country, were used for the validation. The results of this validation study confirm the potential of the application of the synchronized phasor measurement technology and its value for Power System model validation. The quality of the models and simulation tools used in the analysis of electromechanical transients and small-signal stability of the Brazilian Interconnected Power System can also be evaluated from those results. The study also detects needed improvements in order that the methodology of System Wide Model Validation be incorporated successfully as a tool for the planning and operation of the Brazilian Interconnected Power System