154,338 research outputs found

    Detail Enhanced Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Based On Edge Preserving Filters

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    Recent computational photography techniques play a significant role to overcome the limitation of standard digital cameras for handling wide dynamic range of real-world scenes contain brightly and poorly illuminated areas. In many of such techniques [1,2,3], it is often desirable to fuse details from images captured at different exposure settings, while avoiding visual artifacts. One such technique is High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging that provides a solution to recover radiance maps from photographs taken with conventional imaging equipment. The process of HDR image composition needs the knowledge of exposure times and Camera Response Function (CRF), which is required to linearize the image data before combining Low Dynamic Range (LDR) exposures into HDR image. One of the long-standing challenges in HDR imaging technology is the limited Dynamic Range (DR) of conventional display devices and printing technology. Due to which these devices are unable to reproduce full DR. Although DR can be reduced by using a tone-mapping, but this comes at an unavoidable trade-off with increased computational cost. Therefore, it is desirable to maximize information content of the synthesized scene from a set of multi-exposure images without computing HDR radiance map and tone-mapping.This research attempts to develop a novel detail enhanced multi-exposure image fusion approach based on texture features, which exploits the edge preserving and intra-region smoothing property of nonlinear diffusion filters based on Partial Differential Equations (PDE). With the captured multi-exposure image series, we first decompose images into Base Layers (BLs) and Detail Layers (DLs) to extract sharp details and fine details, respectively. The magnitude of the gradient of the image intensity is utilized to encourage smoothness at homogeneous regions in preference to inhomogeneous regions. In the next step texture features of the BL to generate a decision mask (i.e., local range) have been considered that guide the fusion of BLs in multi-resolution fashion. Finally, well-exposed fused image is obtained that combines fused BL and the DL at each scale across all the input exposures. The combination of edge-preserving filters with Laplacian pyramid is shown to lead to texture detail enhancement in the fused image.Furthermore, Non-linear adaptive filter is employed for BL and DL decomposition that has better response near strong edges. The texture details are then added to the fused BL to reconstruct a detail enhanced LDR version of the image. This leads to an increased robustness of the texture details while at the same time avoiding gradient reversal artifacts near strong edges that may appear in fused image after DL enhancement.Finally, we propose a novel technique for exposure fusion in which Weighted Least Squares (WLS) optimization framework is utilized for weight map refinement of BLs and DLs, which lead to a new simple weighted average fusion framework. Computationally simple texture features (i.e. DL) and color saturation measure are preferred for quickly generating weight maps to control the contribution from an input set of multi-exposure images. Instead of employing intermediate HDR reconstruction and tone-mapping steps, well-exposed fused image is generated for displaying on conventional display devices. Simulation results are compared with a number of existing single resolution and multi-resolution techniques to show the benefits of the proposed scheme for the variety of cases. Moreover, the approaches proposed in this thesis are effective for blending flash and no-flash image pair, and multi-focus images, that is, input images photographed with and without flash, and images focused on different targets, respectively. A further advantage of the present technique is that it is well suited for detail enhancement in the fused image

    Detail Enhanced Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Based On Edge Preserving Filters

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    Recent computational photography techniques play a significant role to overcome the limitation of standard digital cameras for handling wide dynamic range of real-world scenes contain brightly and poorly illuminated areas. In many of such techniques [1,2,3], it is often desirable to fuse details from images captured at different exposure settings, while avoiding visual artifacts. One such technique is High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging that provides a solution to recover radiance maps from photographs taken with conventional imaging equipment. The process of HDR image composition needs the knowledge of exposure times and Camera Response Function (CRF), which is required to linearize the image data before combining Low Dynamic Range (LDR) exposures into HDR image. One of the long-standing challenges in HDR imaging technology is the limited Dynamic Range (DR) of conventional display devices and printing technology. Due to which these devices are unable to reproduce full DR. Although DR can be reduced by using a tone-mapping, but this comes at an unavoidable trade-off with increased computational cost. Therefore, it is desirable to maximize information content of the synthesized scene from a set of multi-exposure images without computing HDR radiance map and tone-mapping.This research attempts to develop a novel detail enhanced multi-exposure image fusion approach based on texture features, which exploits the edge preserving and intra-region smoothing property of nonlinear diffusion filters based on Partial Differential Equations (PDE). With the captured multi-exposure image series, we first decompose images into Base Layers (BLs) and Detail Layers (DLs) to extract sharp details and fine details, respectively. The magnitude of the gradient of the image intensity is utilized to encourage smoothness at homogeneous regions in preference to inhomogeneous regions. In the next step texture features of the BL to generate a decision mask (i.e., local range) have been considered that guide the fusion of BLs in multi-resolution fashion. Finally, well-exposed fused image is obtained that combines fused BL and the DL at each scale across all the input exposures. The combination of edge-preserving filters with Laplacian pyramid is shown to lead to texture detail enhancement in the fused image.Furthermore, Non-linear adaptive filter is employed for BL and DL decomposition that has better response near strong edges. The texture details are then added to the fused BL to reconstruct a detail enhanced LDR version of the image. This leads to an increased robustness of the texture details while at the same time avoiding gradient reversal artifacts near strong edges that may appear in fused image after DL enhancement.Finally, we propose a novel technique for exposure fusion in which Weighted Least Squares (WLS) optimization framework is utilized for weight map refinement of BLs and DLs, which lead to a new simple weighted average fusion framework. Computationally simple texture features (i.e. DL) and color saturation measure are preferred for quickly generating weight maps to control the contribution from an input set of multi-exposure images. Instead of employing intermediate HDR reconstruction and tone-mapping steps, well-exposed fused image is generated for displaying on conventional display devices. Simulation results are compared with a number of existing single resolution and multi-resolution techniques to show the benefits of the proposed scheme for the variety of cases.            Moreover, the approaches proposed in this thesis are effective for blending flash and no-flash image pair, and multi-focus images, that is, input images photographed with and without flash, and images focused on different targets, respectively. A further advantage of the present technique is that it is well suited for detail enhancement in the fused image

    Advances on CMOS image sensors

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    This paper offers an introduction to the technological advances of image sensors designed using complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) processes along the last decades. We review some of those technological advances and examine potential disruptive growth directions for CMOS image sensors and proposed ways to achieve them. Those advances include breakthroughs on image quality such as resolution, capture speed, light sensitivity and color detection and advances on the computational imaging. The current trend is to push the innovation efforts even further as the market requires higher resolution, higher speed, lower power consumption and, mainly, lower cost sensors. Although CMOS image sensors are currently used in several different applications from consumer to defense to medical diagnosis, product differentiation is becoming both a requirement and a difficult goal for any image sensor manufacturer. The unique properties of CMOS process allows the integration of several signal processing techniques and are driving the impressive advancement of the computational imaging. With this paper, we offer a very comprehensive review of methods, techniques, designs and fabrication of CMOS image sensors that have impacted or might will impact the images sensor applications and markets

    Fully-automatic inverse tone mapping algorithm based on dynamic mid-level tone mapping

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    High Dynamic Range (HDR) displays can show images with higher color contrast levels and peak luminosities than the common Low Dynamic Range (LDR) displays. However, most existing video content is recorded and/or graded in LDR format. To show LDR content on HDR displays, it needs to be up-scaled using a so-called inverse tone mapping algorithm. Several techniques for inverse tone mapping have been proposed in the last years, going from simple approaches based on global and local operators to more advanced algorithms such as neural networks. Some of the drawbacks of existing techniques for inverse tone mapping are the need for human intervention, the high computation time for more advanced algorithms, limited low peak brightness, and the lack of the preservation of the artistic intentions. In this paper, we propose a fully-automatic inverse tone mapping operator based on mid-level mapping capable of real-time video processing. Our proposed algorithm allows expanding LDR images into HDR images with peak brightness over 1000 nits, preserving the artistic intentions inherent to the HDR domain. We assessed our results using the full-reference objective quality metrics HDR-VDP-2.2 and DRIM, and carrying out a subjective pair-wise comparison experiment. We compared our results with those obtained with the most recent methods found in the literature. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the current state-of-the-art of simple inverse tone mapping methods and its performance is similar to other more complex and time-consuming advanced techniques

    Spatiotemporal heterodyne detection

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    We describe a scheme into which a camera is turned into an efficient tunable frequency filter of a few Hertz bandwidth in an off-axis, heterodyne optical mixing configuration, enabling to perform parallel, high-resolution coherent spectral imaging. This approach is made possible through the combination of a spatial and temporal modulation of the signal to reject noise contributions. Experimental data obtained with dynamically scattered light by a suspension of particles in brownian motion is interpreted

    High spatial resolution and high contrast optical speckle imaging with FASTCAM at the ORM

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    In this paper, we present an original observational approach, which combines, for the first time, traditional speckle imaging with image post-processing to obtain in the optical domain diffraction-limited images with high contrast (1e-5) within 0.5 to 2 arcseconds around a bright star. The post-processing step is based on wavelet filtering an has analogy with edge enhancement and high-pass filtering. Our I-band on-sky results with the 2.5-m Nordic Telescope (NOT) and the lucky imaging instrument FASTCAM show that we are able to detect L-type brown dwarf companions around a solar-type star with a contrast DI~12 at 2" and with no use of any coronographic capability, which greatly simplifies the instrumental and hardware approach. This object has been detected from the ground in J and H bands so far only with AO-assisted 8-10 m class telescopes (Gemini, Keck), although more recently detected with small-class telescopes in the K band. Discussing the advantage and disadvantage of the optical regime for the detection of faint intrinsic fluxes close to bright stars, we develop some perspectives for other fields, including the study of dense cores in globular clusters. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time that high contrast considerations are included in optical speckle imaging approach.Comment: Proceedings of SPIE conference - Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III (Conference 7735), San Diego 201