34 research outputs found

    Influence of Facebook Users’ Self-Presentation Tactics on Their Response to Persuasive Political Messages

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    This study examined the influence of self-presentation tactics of Facebook users on their response to persuasive political messages. The self-presentation tactics examined were supplication, ingratiation, self-promotion, success and basking. The responses to political persuasive messages among Facebook users were evaluated using measures like ignoring of posts, viewing posts, commenting on posts, clicking the like option as well as sharing of posts. A total of three null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Survey research design was used for the study. The questionnaire was the instrument for data collection. In the analysis of data for the study, the researcher used simple percentages, mean and standard deviation, weighted mean, correlation, Chi-Square tests as well as multiple regression. The result of the study showed that self-presentation significantly predicts response to persuasive political messages. It was also found that a significant relationship exists between message elements and the response of Facebook users. Also, it was found that the source of Facebook message plays a role in influencing the responses of Facebook users. Recommendations have been made based on the results of the study

    Types of smartphone usage and problematic smartphone use among adolescents: A review of literature

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    This review aimed to provide an overview of the influence of social and process smartphone use on problematic smartphone use (PSU) among adolescents aged between 10-24 years old. Social smartphone use comprises three types of smartphone features: social networking sites, chatting/texting/instant messaging, and video/phone calls. On the other hand, categories of process smartphone use include watching videos/television/movies, web surfing, playing games, listening to music/podcasts/radio, and educational learning. There were 42 studies with a total of 139,389 adolescents met the criteria for inclusion after a thorough search of academic databases. Overall, the evidence from the studies included in this review revealed that chatting/texting, video/phone calls, watching videos/television/movies and music/podcasts/radio were positively and significantly linked to and predicted problematic smartphone use. Social networking sites use, instant messaging, gaming, web surfing and educational learning yielded inconsistent results. They could have a positive or negative relationship with PSU and play a role in predicting PSU. More research is needed for music/podcasts/radio and video/phone calls because the results are still scarce

    Sharing images or videos of minors online: Validation of the Sharenting Evaluation Scale (SES)

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    Sharenting is a current phenomenon of online communication, which is related to the sharing of images of the youngest members of the family (often minors) by parents or relatives, mainly on social networks. However, this constitutes a series of consequences that compromise privacy and may put the child at risk. The aim of this work was to validate the Sharenting Evaluation Scale (SES), designed to assess the degree of sharenting in the adult population, in order to catalogue the type of practice performed through ranges. A rigorous process of design and validation of the scale was carried out on a sample of 146 Spanish adults. Different strategies were used, such as expert judgement, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and reliability analysis using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. After that, the scale was composed of 17 items configured in three factors: implications, social behaviour, and self-control. Finally, the scale showed good psychometric properties, providing a unique and reliable instrument to assess the degree of sharenting performed by an adult.Project E-Safety: Risky behaviour in online environment for students and teachers of the Ministry of Education of Czech Republic (PRCH-IP-organizace_0014/2021I+D+I Project Research of Results Transfer Office (OTRI) of the University of Granada (Reference: 4439)

    Social media content marketing : the case of Facebook in the South African telematics industry

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    Abstract: Social media have become interwoven with consumers’ everyday lives, altering the traditional ways in which consumers and brands interact. Despite the proliferating development of effective digital content as central to driving brand-consumer engagement, research suggests that there are uncertainties in the perceptions of companies about the value of the content they produce on the one hand, and those of its consumers on the other. This study specifically seeks to uncover this indistinctness by analysing the content that marketing professionals in this industry provide on social media platforms and consumers’ responses to that content..

    Sharenting: Internet addiction, self-control and online photos of underage children // Sharenting: Internet addiction, self-control and online photos of underage children

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    Sharenting is becoming a regular practice that compromises children’s safety and privacy. This phenomenon is related to the act of sharing images of underage children on the Internet by their relatives. At the same time, a concern arises about the levels of Internet addiction in the population. In turn, levels of Internet addiction are a current problem in modern societies that has been linked to low self-control. This paper aims to analyse the degree to which images are published and the reasons why the adult segment of the population practices sharenting, to determine the socio-demographic factors that have an impact on sharenting, Internet addiction and self-control, and to establish the correlations between these three variables. A total of 367 Spanish adults aged between 18 and 61 (M=28.98; SD=10.47) completed an online survey. Both the multiple regression analysis and the structural equation modelling revealed that: 1) Age emerges as a predictor of Internet addiction; 2) Age, gender and employment status are predictors of low self-control; 3) No socio-demographic factors were found to be predictors of sharenting; 4) The only significant correlation was observed between Internet addiction and self-control. Finally, practical implications of this paper on the protection of minors and adults’ need for information on Internet security are discussed

    Asztmás gyermekek egészségmagatartásának vizsgálata a média- és internethasználat és az önértékelés dimenziói mentén = Studying the health behavior of asthmatic children regarding the dimensions of media and internet usage and self-esteem

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: Az asthma bronchiale a szakirodalom alapján a szomatikus és a pszichés tényezők összefonódásával jellemezhető. Lényeges, hogy ezen betegcsoport egészségmagatartására releváns hatással lehet a szociális deficiteket kompenzáló virtuális világ. Célkitűzés: Célunk, hogy azonosítsunk olyan faktorokat, amelyeknek köszönhetően a jövőbeli intervenciók hatékonyabbá tehetik a betegellátást. Vizsgálni kívánjuk a közösségimédia- és internethasználatot, az önértékelést és a kötődéssel összefüggő szociodemográfiai tényezőket. Módszer: A vizsgálathoz az általunk magyarra adaptált Facebook Használati Kérdőívet, a Problémás Internethasználat Kérdőívet, a Rosenberg Önbecsülés Skálát és egy szociodemográfiai kérdőívet alkalmaztunk. A kutatásba 10 és 18 év közötti, 175 fő, asthma bronchialéban szenvedő gyermeket vontunk be (92 fiú, 83 lány). Eredmények: A Facebook használata elterjedtebb a lányok, a bölcsődébe járt, illetve a nem szoptatott gyermekek, mint a fiúk, a bölcsődébe nem járt, illetve a szoptatott gyermekek körében (p<0,01). Az internethasználatra ezek a tényezők nem gyakoroltak szignifikáns befolyást. Már az 1–7 napig tartó szoptatás is kötődést megerősítő hatással bír, ami megmutatkozik a kisebb mértékű közösségimédia-használatban, összevetve a nem szoptatott gyermekek értékeivel (p<0,01). Közepes erősségű, negatív kapcsolatot találtunk a Facebook-használat és a gyermekek száma a családban (ρ = –0,400; p<0,01), illetve az önértékelés és a Facebook-használat között (ρ = –0,475; p<0,01). A lakóhely nagysága és a Facebook-használat közepes erősségű, pozitív korrelációval jellemezhető (ρ = 0,492; p<0,01). Következtetések: A kötődési hiányokkal jellemezhető asthmás fiatalok valószínűbben használják a szociális visszacsatolásokat (feedbackeket) fokozottan nyújtó közösségi médiát önértékelésük és szociometriai státuszuk kompenzálására, főképpen a lányok. Védőfaktorként az élő, személyes kapcsolatok meglétét, valamint a korai életévekbeli anya–gyermek kapcsolatot emelhetjük ki. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(47): 1971–1980. | Abstract: Introduction: According to the literature, somatic and psychological factors are connected with asthma bronchiale. The health behavior of these patients can be influenced by the virtual world. Aim: We wish to analyze social media and internet usage, self-esteem and sociodemographic data connected to attachment. Method: For our research, the Facebook Intensity Scale, the Problematic Internet Usage Questionnaire, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and a socio-demographic questionnaire were used. We interviewed 175 asthmatic children from the age of 10 to 18 (92 boys, 83 girls). Results: Asthmatic girls, children who went to daycare (under the age of 3) and who were not breastfed use Facebook more than boys, children who stayed at home instead of daycare and who were breastfed (p<0.01). There is no difference in their internet usage. Breastfeeding (even if it only lasted for 1–7 days) can strengthen attachment which is shown in our results regarding social media usage compared with children who were not breastfed (p<0.01). A negative relation with medium strength was found between the number of siblings (ρ = –0.400; p<0.01) and the self-esteem and Facebook usage (ρ = –0.475; p<0.01). There is a positive correlation between Facebook usage and the size of the place the children live in (ρ = 0.492; p<0.01). Conclusions: Asthmatic youth use social media more frequently which provides social feedback to compensate their self-esteem, especially by girls. As protection factors, we can emphasize the existence of human relationships and the importance of an early mother-child bond. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(47): 1971–1980

    Transformative Quality in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): Conceptualisation, scale development and validation

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    With the increasing post-massification of higher education institutions (HEIs), access-providing business schools (vs elite educational institutions) continue to rank at the bottom in terms of quality. This study defines and develops a measure of quality in the context of access-providing business schools in a developing country. Access-providing private business schools face competing challenges of balancing inclusiveness and access with excellence and quality. Pursuing inclusiveness and access alongside excellence and quality seems a utopian ideal. However, this study propounds transformative quality as key for addressing these conflicting issues, which have long impacted post-massification and continue to have a grave effect post-pandemic. We propose a five-factor, 27-item scale of transformative quality (TRFQ). We validated the proposed scale through three studies exploring the perspectives of front-line faculty members representing 25 business schools from 10 major cities in India. The study results indicate that TRFQ comprises five dimensions such as critical confidence, problem-solving skills for approach-avoidance, overall awareness, overcoming prejudices and skillfulness. The role of TRFQ in future research has implications and recommendations for institutional management in business schools and for policymakers.publishedVersionPaid open acces

    Why people use online social media brand communities

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