164 research outputs found

    Digital transformation in an incumbent organisation: the co-enactment of digital transformation through macro- and micro-level activities

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    Digital transformation forms an important organisational response to digital technologies and their potential digital disruptions. Especially incumbent organisations face the risk of a diminished market position if they fail to digitally transform as competitors use of digital technologies disrupts business models and affects consumer behaviour. Digital disruptions pressure incumbent organisations’ brick and mortar businesses and have already shaken established companies to the ground (e.g. Nokia or Kodak), while pushing others to the brink (e.g. the music industry). These downfalls and trends signal the importance of incumbent organisations engaging in their digital transformation in order to retain their market position. By engaging in their digital transformation, incumbent organisations seek to implement significant changes to their methods of organising by combining multiple digital technologies. The literature on organisational digital transformation sketches three areas of concern: digital transformation strategy, organisational changes (to both value proposition and internal structures) and digital technology. Across these areas of concern, it has delved into organisational activities at either the macro or the micro level of organising. Macro-level studies seem to overshadow the importance of micro-level activities that underlie them. That is, focusing on a phenomenon’s grand scheme, such studies pay little attention to the micro-level activities that enact the phenomenon. On the other hand, micro-level studies tend to miss the relation and influence that a macro-level phenomenon has on the micro level and its constitution of the macro level. They focus on the micro-level activities, neglecting the broader rules and resources that macro-level activities provide. Conceiving digital transformation as a mixed- level phenomenon occurring at both and across the organisational macro and micro levels, we thus cannot fully understand its enactment focusing on either macro- or micro-level activities but only through studying their co-enactment. This dissertation investigates how organisational activities co-enact digital transformation. Drawing on three theoretical angles – improvisation theory, institutional theory and digital infrastructures, it studies organisational activities within the literature’s three areas of concern. Acknowledging the mixed-level nature of digital transformation, it focuses on activities at both the macro and the microlevels of organising. Methodologically, it builds on an ethnography of a large European car manufacturer, an incumbent in its field, which engages in its digital transformation. This ethnographic study took place over a period of three years (from July 2017 to June 2020) and comprised participant observations and both formal and informal interviews as well as the collection of archival records. The findings from the empirical material revealed an interplay between macro- and micro-level activities which co-enacts the car manufacturer’s digital transformation. Conceptualising this interplay, this dissertation contributes to digital transformation research offering the concepts of framing and concretising to understand and explain the becoming of digital transformation as co-enactment. Framing creates space and projects direction for digital transformation. Concretising renders propositions and realisations which manifest organisational digital transformation. Accordingly, digital transformation becomes co-enacted in an interplay of macro-level activities framing micro-level activities, and micro-level activities concretising macro-level activities. The co-enactment conceptualisation emphasises digital transformation’s mixed-level nature, thus proposing the need to observe approaches suitable to further unpack and better understand the phenomenon’s becoming through the interplaying activities of framing and concretising.Digitaalinen transformaation vakiintuneen markkina-aseman organisaatiossa: Digitaalisen transformaation yhteistoiminnallistaminen makro- ja mikrotason toimintojen välillä Digitaalinen transformaatio on merkityksellinen organisationaalinen reaktio digitaalisiin murroksiin, jotka digitaaliset teknologiat ovat mahdollistaneet. Jos vakiintuneet organisaatiot epäonnistuvat muuntautumaan digitaalisesti, kun niiden kilpailijat luovat uusia liiketoimintamalleja ja vaikuttavat kuluttajakäyttäytymiseen, niille markkina-asema voi mahdollisesti heikentyä. Digitaaliset murrokset painostavat vakiintuneessa markkina-asemassa olevien organisaatioiden kivijalkaliiketoimintaa, koska ne ovat jo murskanneet etabloituneita yrityksiä (esim. Nokia tai Kodak) sekä ajaneet toisia ahtaalle (esim. musiikkiteollisuus). Nämä kukistumiset ja suuntaukset viestittävät vakiintuneessa markkina-asemassa oleville organisaatioille digitaaliseen transformaatioon ryhtymisen tärkeyttä niiden yrittäessä pitää markkinapositiotaan. Digitaaliseen transformaatioon ryhtyessään vakiintuneessa markkina-asemassa olevat organisaatiot yrittävät toteuttaa merkittäviä muutoksia organisointiinsa yhdistelemällä useita digitaalisia teknologioita. Tutkittaessa tätä prosessia, organisaation digitaalista transformaatiota käsittelevä kirjallisuus hahmottelee kolme aihealuetta: digitaalinen transformaatiostrategia, organisationaaliset muutokset (sekä arvolupaukseen että sisäisiin rakenteisiin) sekä digitaaliset teknologiat. Näiden aihealueiden sisällä aikaisempi kirjallisuus on syventynyt joko makro- tai mikrotason organisointiin tarkastellessaan organisaation toimintaa. Makrotason tutkimukset kuitenkin näyttävät jättävän varjoonsa niiden taustalla olevan mikrotason toiminnan tärkeyden. Toisin sanoen, jos keskitytään ilmiön suureen kuvaan, tutkimukset eivät kiinnitä riittävästi huomiota mikrotason toimintaan, joka toiminnallistaa ilmiön. Toisaalta mikrotason tutkimukset taas usein eivät huomaa makrotason ilmiön yhteyttä ja vaikutuksia mikrotasoon ja makrotason rakenteisiin. Ne keskittyvät mikrotason toimintaan laiminlyöden laajemmat suuntaviivat ja resurssit, mitkä makrotason toiminnalla taataan. Kun digitaalinen transformaatio ymmärretään monitasoisena ilmiönä, joka tulee esille sekä organisaatioiden makro- ja mikrotasoilla että myös niiden välillä, emme voi ymmärtää sen toiminnallistamista keskittymällä joko makro- tai mikrotason toimintaan vaan ainoastaan tutkimalla niiden yhteistoiminnallistamista. Tämä väitöskirja tutkii kuinka organisationaalinen toiminta yhteistoiminnallistaa digitaalista transformaatiota. Käyttäen kolmea teoreettista näkökulmaa – improvisaatioteoriaa, institutionaalista teoriaa ja digitaalisia infrastruktuureja – se tutkii organisationaalista toimintaa kolmen mainitun kirjallisuuden aihealueen sisällä. Se keskittyy toimintaan sekä organisoinnin makro- että mikrotasoilla tunnustaen digitaalisen transformaation monitasoisen luonteen. Metodologisesti se pohjautuu etnografiaan suuressa eurooppalaisessa autonvalmistajayrityksessä, vakiintuneessa asemassa toimialallaan, joka ryhtyy digitaaliseen transformaatioon. Tämä etnografinen tutkimus tehtiin kolmen vuoden aikana (heinäkuusta 2017 – heinäkuuhun 2020) ja sen aineisto koostuu osallistuvasta havainnoinnista, virallisista ja epävirallisista haastatteluista sekä kokoelmasta arkistotietoja. Empiirisen tutkimuksen tulokset paljastivat makro- ja mikrotason toimintojen vuorovaikutuksen, jotka yhteistoiminnallistavat autonvalmistajan digitaalisen transformaation. Käsitteellistettäessä tätä vuorovaikutusta, tämä väitöskirja edistää digitaalista transformaatiotutkimusta tarjotessaan kehystämisen ja konkretisoinnin käsitteet, joilla voidaan ymmärtää ja selittää digitaalisen transformaation tulemista yhteistoiminnallistamiseksi. Kehystäminen luo tilaa ja tuo esiin digitaalisen transformaation suuntaa. Konkretisointi tarjoaa ehdotuksia ja oivalluksia, jotka ilmaisevat organisaation digitaalista transformaatiota. Tällä tavoin digitaalinen transformaatio tulee yhteistoiminnallistettua makrotason toimintojen kehystäessä mikrotason toimintaa sekä mikrotason toimintojen konkretisoidessa makrotason toimintaa ja näiden vuorovaikutuksessa. Yhteistoiminnallistamisen käsite painottaa digitaalisen transformaation monitasoista luonnetta ja kehottaa jatkotutkimusta etsimään sopivia lähestymistapoja ilmiön esiintymiselle kehystämisen ja konkretisoinnin vuorovaikutuksessa, jotta sitä voitaisiin edelleen selvittää ja ymmärtää paremmin

    The Impact of the Internationalisation of Higher Education on Scientists’ Multimodal Communication: A case study from Catalonia

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    Les universitats de tot el món són instades a participar en el procés d' ‘internacionalització’ com a distintiu de qualitat i com a reclam per atraure estudiants. Aquest estudi aborda aquesta qüestió des del context de les institucions catalanes d’educació superior, que afronten el dilema de donar suport a la/les llengua/gües local/s i, alhora, abraçar el multilingüisme i, sobretot, l’anglès. L'objectiu principal d'aquest estudi és examinar l'impacte de la internacionalització de l'educació superior en la comunicació diària dels científics. Les dades etnogràfiques s’han recopilat al llarg d’un període d’11 mesos d’observació de dos grups de recerca (RGs) multinacionals amb seu en una universitat catalana, i s’han contrastat amb dades extretes d’un RG amb seu a Alemanya i amb idees inspirades en les pràctiques del RG de la pròpia investigadora. De l'objectiu empíric n’ha derivat un objectiu teòric, que consisteix a dissenyar i provar un marc teòric adequat per estudiar el fenomen proposat de manera integral. Aquest estudi té l’objectiu de contribuir a la limitada literatura que descriu aquelles pràctiques comunicatives "informals" i inèdites dels científics, així com a la literatura sobre la internacionalització de l’ensenyament superior. A nivell pràctic, aquest treball pretén contribuir a la millora de les polítiques d’internacionalització de les institucions d’ensenyament superior de Catalunya, d’Europa i potencialment d’altres contextos arreu del món.Las universidades de todo el mundo son instadas a participar en el proceso de ‘internacionalización’ como distintivo de calidad y como reclamo para atraer estudiantes. Este estudio aborda esta cuestión desde el contexto de las instituciones catalanas de educación superior, que afrontan el dilema de apoyar la/s lengua/s local/es y, a la vez, abrazar el multilingüismo y, sobre todo, el inglés. El objetivo principal de este estudio es examinar el impacto de la internacionalización de la educación superior en la comunicación diaria de los científicos. Los datos etnográficos se han recopilado a lo largo de un período de 11 meses de observación de dos grupos de investigación (RGs) multinacionales con sede en una universidad catalana, y se han contrastado con datos extraídos de un RG con sede en Alemania y con ideas inspiradas en las prácticas del RG de la propia investigadora. Del objetivo empírico ha derivado un objetivo teórico, que consiste en diseñar y probar un marco teórico adecuado para estudiar el fenómeno propuesto de manera integral. Este estudio tiene el objetivo de contribuir a la limitada literatura que describe aquellas prácticas comunicativas "informales" e inéditas de los científicos, así como a la literatura sobre la internacionalización de la enseñanza superior. A nivel práctico, este trabajo pretende contribuir a la mejora de las políticas de internacionalización de las instituciones de enseñanza superior de Cataluña, de Europa y potencialmente de otros contextos en todo el mundo.Universities worldwide are urged to engage in the process of ‘internationalisation’ as a hallmark of quality and as a lure to attract students. The current study approaches this issue from the context of Catalan higher education institutions, which deal with the dilemma of supporting the local language(s) and at the same time embracing multilingualism and especially English. The main aim of this study is to examine the impact of the internationalisation of higher education on the daily communication of scientists. Ethnographic data have been collected throughout a period of 11 months from two multinational research groups (RGs) based in a Catalan state university, and contrasted with data taken from a RG based in Germany and with insights from the researcher’s own RG. From the empirical objective has derived a theoretical objective, consisting in designing and proving a suitable theoretical framework to study the phenomenon holistically. This study aims to contribute to the limited body of research describing scientists’ "informal" and unpublished communicative practices, as well as to the literature on the internationalisation of higher education. On a practical level, this work is intended to aid in the improvement of internationalisation policies of higher education institutions in Catalonia, in Europe and potentially in other contexts worldwide

    The relationship between self-directed informal learning and the career development process of technology users

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    Few new studies plus theoretical stagnation mark the inattention of educators to self-directed informal learning during career development in technology. Therefore this study explored the relationship between self-directed informal learning and the career development process among everyday technology users. Supporting questions addressed how self-directedness related categorically and holistically to informal learning during career development. This qualitative study used multiple narrative case studies to collect, analyze, and describe the results of life-story data recovered from 13 technology users purposefully selected using a sampling strategy grounded in the literature. Individual lifestory narratives surfaced tacitly held perceptions and social identities associated with career-related learning. The data were analyzed categorically and holistically leading to a rich description of common themes and patterns as well as triangulating content validity methodologically and thematically. Findings culminated in a conceptualization of self-directed informal learning as entrepreneurial in nature, which without appropriate strategic guidance can become either a negative or positive influence on career development. Such guidance was best expressed as self-reflection on structured play. With much learning thought to be self-directed, the study\u27s implications for social change are economically and educationally important. Results suggest that corporate trainers must replace maintenance learning that is transportable to lower wage locations with innovative learning that encourages resourceful self-directed learning. Educators must make room for story-based self-reflection, the heart of self-directed learning. Recommendations for implementing entrepreneurial learning are provided

    Business process resource networks: a multi-theoretical study of continuous organisational transformation

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    Drawing on multiple theoretical lenses, this research studies continuous transformation, or ‘morphing’, of a business process resource network (BPRN). The aim is to further our understanding of continuous organisational change at the lowest levels of analysis within an organisation: that is, at the resource level, and that resource’s relationships to other resources as they exist within a BPRN. Data was gathered from a single, in depth case study. Analysis was achieved by means of mapping BPRN evolution using ‘temporal bracketing’, ‘visual’ and ‘narrative’ approaches (Langley, 1999). The analysis revealed two mechanisms that appear to govern microstate morphing: bond strength and stakeholder expectation. In addition, four factors emerged as important: environmental turbulence, timing and timeliness of changes, concurrency of changes, and enduring business logic. An emergent model of microstate morphing which acknowledges the importance of socio-materiality in actor network morphogenesis (ANM) is presented. This study shows how effective relationships and configuration of resources within the BPRN can be achieved to facilitate timely, purposeful morphing. Five propositions are offered from the emergent ANM model. Specifically, these relate to the conditional operating parameters and the identified generative mechanisms for continuous organisational transformation within the BPRN. Implications for practice are significant. A heuristic discussion guide containing a series of questions framed around the ANM model to highlight the challenges of microstate morphing for practitioners is proposed. Two routes for future research are suggested: replication studies, and quantifying BPRN change in relation to an organisation’s environment using a ii survey instrument and inferential statistical analysis based on the ANM model features and propositions

    The internationalization paradigm and dynamic capabilities of Portuguese firms: contributions from case studies in the metallurgical and metal-mechanic sectors

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    Esta pesquisa mergulha na esfera microeconómica do setor secundário, visando iluminar os paradigmas de internacionalização das empresas Portuguesas. Um estudo de caso é conduzido nas empresas focais centrado no vértice estratégico. Uma revisão da literatura é realizada nos campos interdisciplinares das ciências económicas e da gestão, com uma focagem dualística no modelo processual de internacionalização de Uppsala e, comitantemente, na teoria das capacidades dinâmicas. No contexto da indústria, o estudo centra-se no setor da metalurgia e metalomecânica. É seguido um design comparativo, com uma configuração de caso múltiplo e unidades de análise incorporadas. Este enquadra-se numa abordagem qualitativa e posição filosófica interpretativista, com uma orientação dedutiva. A análise de dados está enraizada num quadro metodológico triádico: o procedimento analítico geral de Miles e Huberman (1984), o protocolo de Weber (1990) e o quadro de referência de Gioia (2009). Os casos exibem uma realidade de internacionalização multiparadigmática, com heterogeneidade entre si e sobreposição dimensional de alguns fenómenos, aderindo de forma distinta ao modelo de Uppsala e à teoria das capacidades dinâmicas. Em segundo lugar, os construtos seminais abordados na problemática de partida revelam efeitos distintos. Verificou-se uma relação positiva entre os paradigmas de internacionalização observados e os fatores de distância psíquica. Os fatores de distância geográfica, observam um efeito ambidexteriano (relação positiva e de espúrio). A última é causada pelo fenómeno contingencial de perificidade económica (com raízes nas teorias Ricardiana e Smithiana da competividade nacional e absoluta) revelando uma necessidade latente de políticas públicas para restaurar o equilíbrio de forças com os outros mercados da UE e estimular os fluxos de investimento para o exterior. Terceiro, as capacidades dinâmicas (CDs tipo 1 e 2) revelam processos de reconfiguração orientados para a ambidexteridade internacional, porquanto as CD globais demonstram sinais de mutabilidade e transferabilidade bidireccional para múltiplos pontos de destino.This research plunges into the microeconomic orb of the Portuguese economy of the secondary sector, aiming to illuminate the internationalization paradigms of these firms. A case research is conducted upon the focal firms focused on their strategic apex. A literature review is performed in the interdisciplinary fields of economics and managerial sciences, dualistically centered on the internationalization process model of Uppsala, and commitantly, at the dynamic capabilities theory. In the context of the manufacturing industries, this study focusses on the sector of metallurgy and metal-mechanic. A comparative design is followed, with a multiple case setting and embedded hermeneutic units of analysis. It fits a qualitative approach within an interpretative philosophical stance with a deductive orientation. The qualitative data analysis process is rooted in a triadic methodological framework: the general analytical procedure of Miles and Huberman (1984), the Weber protocol (1990) and the framework of Gioia (2009). The cases exhibited a multiparadigmatic internationalization reality, with heterogeneity among them although with some overlapping phenomena adhering differently to the U-model and to the dynamic capabilities doctrine. Second, seminal constructs addressed in the initial problematization revealed distintive relations. The psychic distance factors of the U-model were positively perceived as a true relation. The geographical distance factors observe an ambidexterian effect - true and spurious. The latter caused by the contingency phenomenon of economic periphery uncovers a latent need for public policies to retrieve the equilibrium of competitive forces with other EU markets and stimulate the outward flow of investment of the firms. Third, the DCs, both type 1 and type 2, exhibit processes of reconfiguration oriented towards international ambidexterity, while the GDCs evidence of DC mutability and indiscriminate bidirectional transferability

    Networks, [Mis]trust, and Pentecostal Conversion: narratives of divergent pathways among small Black entrepreneurs in Tshwane

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    This thesis is an exploration of the cultural meanings, practices, and discourse that impinge upon the workings of social capital and trust among small black entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs need to draw on social networks to get advice and resources to launch and manage a business. The contacts that lead to successful outcomes are their social capital and they are a key component of entrepreneurial networks. Structural economic sociologists tend to emphasise 'structural holes', whereby a social actor who is in a position to bridge two actors with no direct ties to each other can parlay control over information into strategic advantage. Recent sociological literature highlights questions of meaning in networks and brings to the fore concerns with the larger cultural framework within which social networks are embedded. Relational economic sociologists contend that networks can be understood as composed of culturally constituted processes. Studies on the networks of South African entrepreneurs are few and far between, and they seem to suggest that African entrepreneurs don't mobilise social capital as well as their Indian and white counterparts. The research used qualitative approaches, relying on a combination of in-depth open-ended unstructured interviews and prolonged ethnographic immersion which generated rich understandings of entrepreneurs' lived experiences, subjective meanings, and contexts. The findings underscore the cultural contingency of social ties and network structure, suggesting that an entrepreneur's proneness to join particular types of associations and networks, and their ability to generate particular types of social ties and generalised trust has something to do with a range of cultural contingencies. The research devoted special attention to the cultural contingency of religion, bringing to light the entrepreneurial consequences of Pentecostal conversion. These intersect with, and extend far beyond, the networks of small black entrepreneurs, affecting issues at the very heart of entrepreneurship such as risk taking and proactiveness. I borrow the concept of 'cultural holes' to illustrate the contingencies of meaning that shape the networks and the entrepreneurial orientation of small black entrepreneurs and, ultimately, drive their divergent entrepreneurial trajectories. Finally, the study adumbrates a typology of small black entrepreneurs, arguing for the possibility that multiple cultural contingencies may open up alternate understandings of entrepreneurship

    The College Education Project

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    The Story of Via Nord

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    A Lifecycle for User Experience Management in Agile Development

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    Context. Agile methods are increasingly being used by companies, to develop digital products and services faster and more effectively. Today's users not only demand products that are easy to use, but also products with a high User Experience (UX). Agile methods themselves do not directly support the development of products with a good user experience. In combination with UX activities, it is potentially possible to develop a good UX. Objective. The objective of this PhD thesis is to develop a UX Lifecycle, to manage the user experience in the context of Agile methods. With this UX Lifecycle, Agile teams can manage the UX of their product, in a targeted way. Method. We developed the UX Lifecycle step by step, according to the Design Science Research Methodology. First, we conducted a Structured Literature Review (SLR) to determine the state of the art of UX management. The result of the SLR concludes in a GAP analysis. On this basis, we derived requirements for UX management. These requirements were then implemented in the UX Lifecycle. In developing the UX Lifecycle, we developed additional methods (UX Poker, UEQ KPI, and IPA), to be used when deploying the UX Lifecycle. Each of these methods has been validated in studies, with a total of 497 respondents from three countries (Germany, England, and Spain). Finally, we validated the UX Lifecycle, as a whole, with a Delphi study, with a total of 24 international experts from four countries (Germany, Argentina, Spain, and Poland). Results. The iterative UX Lifecycle (Figure 1) consists of five steps: Initial Step 0 ‘Preparation’, Step 1 ‘UX Poker’ (before development/Estimated UX), Step 2 ‘Evaluate Prototype’ (during development/Probable UX), Step 3 ‘Evaluate Product Increment’ (after development/Implemented UX), and a subsequent Step 4 ‘UX Retrospective’. With its five steps, the UX Lifecycle provides the structure for continuously measuring and evaluating the UX, in the various phases. This makes it possible to develop the UX in a targeted manner, and to check it permanently. In addition, we have developed the UX Poker method. With this method, the User Experience can be determined by the Agile team, in the early phases of development. The evaluation study of UX Poker has indicated that UX Poker can be used to estimate the UX for user stories. In addition, UX Poker inspires a discussion about UX, that results in a common understanding of the UX of the product. To interpret the results from the evaluation of a prototype and product increment, we developed or derived the User Experience Questionnaire KPI and Importance-Performance Analysis. In a first study, we were able to successfully apply the two methods and, in combination with established UEQ methods, derive recommendations for action, regarding the improvement of the UX. This would not have been possible without their use. The results of the Delphi study, to validate the UX Lifecycle, reached consensus after two rounds. The results of the evaluation and the comments lead to the conclusion, that the UX Lifecycle has a sufficiently positive effect on UX management. Conclusion. The goal-oriented focus on UX factors and their improvement, as propagated in the UX Lifecycle, are a good way of implementing UX management in a goal-oriented manner. By comparing the results from UX Poker, the evaluation of the prototype, and product increment, the Agile team can learn more about developing a better UX, within a UX retrospective. The UX Lifecycle will have a positive effect on UX management. The use of individual components of the UX Lifecycle, such as UX Poker or Importance-Performance Analysis, already helps an Agile team to improve the user experience. But only in combination with the UX Lifecycle and the individual methods and approaches presented in this PhD thesis, is a management of the user experience in a targeted manner possible, in our view. This was the initial idea of this PhD thesis, which we are convinced we could implement

    Design strategies for the exploration of product meaning in meaning-driven innovation

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    Design has been framed as a driver of innovation through product meaning, but it falls short when it comes to dedicated knowledge and methods directly applicable into design practices. Structured by Design Research Methodology (DRM) (Blessing and Chakrabarti 2009), this thesis combines exploratory research with practice-based design research. This thesis presents a literature review covering design studies, psychology, cognitive semantics, linguistics, marketing, innovation management and new product development. Together combined these have been used to develop a new framework of ‘product meaning’ consisting of 4 definitions: meaning as conceptualisation, as importance, as intention, and as representation. The framework has been used to demonstrate that different types of meaning are utilised throughout different stages of product development. Meaning as conceptualisation is identified as fundamental, and the most suitable, for design practice engaged in product meaning innovation. Three strategies of innovation of product meaning through product re-purposing are identified. Furthermore, from the field of cognitive science, theories and methods such as concept categorisation, thematic roles and conceptual blending are used as analysis tools for the selected 6 examples of innovative new meaning products. The structure of meaning innovations has been identified to consist of seven distinctive elements. Ten common characteristics of new meaning innovations are identified and, additionally, an exploratory method of current meanings of products is presented. Moreover, through engagement in practice-based design research a new meaning-driven design process has been developed. The findings from this research have been combined into a new design platform for an approach to meaning innovation and evaluated with experienced designers.</div
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