653 research outputs found

    MOODY: An ontology-driven framework for standardizing multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

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    The application of semantic technologies, particularly ontologies, in the realm of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms is overlook despite their effectiveness in knowledge representation. In this paper, we introduce MOODY, an ontology specifically tailored to formalize these kinds of algorithms, encompassing their respective parameters, and multi-objective optimization problems based on a characterization of their search space landscapes. MOODY is designed to be particularly applicable in automatic algorithm configuration, which involves the search of the parameters of an optimization algorithm to optimize its performance. In this context, we observe a notable absence of standardized components, parameters, and related considerations, such as problem characteristics and algorithm configurations. This lack of standardization introduces difficulties in the selection of valid component combinations and in the re-use of algorithmic configurations between different algorithm implementations. MOODY offers a means to infuse semantic annotations into the configurations found by automatic tools, enabling efficient querying of the results and seamless integration across diverse sources through their incorporation into a knowledge graph. We validate our proposal by presenting four case studies.Funding for open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation via Grant PID2020-112540RB-C41 (AEI/FEDER, UE) and the Andalusian PAIDI program with grant P18-RT-2799. José F. Aldana-Martín is supported by Grant PRE2021-098594 (Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities)

    Indicator-based MONEDA: A Comparative Study of Scalability with Respect to Decision Space Dimensions

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    Proceedings of: 2011 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), New Orleans, LA, June 5-8 2011The multi-objective neural EDA (MONEDA) was proposed with the aim of overcoming some difficulties of current MOEDAs. MONEDA has been shown to yield relevant results when confronted with complex problems. Furthermore, its performance has been shown to adequately adapt to problems with many objectives. Nevertheless, one key issue remains to be studied: MONEDA scalability with regard to the number of decision variables. In this paper has a two-fold purpose. On one hand we propose a modification of MONEDA that incorporates an indicator-based selection mechanism based on the HypE algorithm, while, on the other, we assess the indicator-based MONEDA when solving some complex two-objective problems, in particular problems UF1 to UF7 of the CEC 2009 MOP competition, configured with a progressively-increasing number of decision variables.This work was supported by projects CICYT TIN2008-06742-C02-02/TSI, CICYT TEC2008-06732-C02-02/TEC, SINPROB, CAM CONTEXTS S2009/TIC-1485 and DPS2008-07029-C02-02.Publicad

    Peeking beyond peaks:Challenges and research potentials of continuous multimodal multi-objective optimization

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    Multi-objective (MO) optimization, i.e., the simultaneous optimization of multiple conflicting objectives, is gaining more and more attention in various research areas, such as evolutionary computation, machine learning (e.g., (hyper-)parameter optimization), or logistics (e.g., vehicle routing). Many works in this domain mention the structural problem property of multimodality as a challenge from two classical perspectives: (1) finding all globally optimal solution sets, and (2) avoiding to get trapped in local optima. Interestingly, these streams seem to transfer many traditional concepts of single-objective (SO) optimization into claims, assumptions, or even terminology regarding the MO domain, but mostly neglect the understanding of the structural properties as well as the algorithmic search behavior on a problem's landscape. However, some recent works counteract this trend, by investigating the fundamentals and characteristics of MO problems using new visualization techniques and gaining surprising insights. Using these visual insights, this work proposes a step towards a unified terminology to capture multimodality and locality in a broader way than it is usually done. This enables us to investigate current research activities in multimodal continuous MO optimization and to highlight new implications and promising research directions for the design of benchmark suites, the discovery of MO landscape features, the development of new MO (or even SO) optimization algorithms, and performance indicators. For all these topics, we provide a review of ideas and methods but also an outlook on future challenges, research potential and perspectives that result from recent developments.</p

    MONEDA: scalable multi-objective optimization with a neural network-based estimation of distribution algorithm

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    The Extension Of Estimation Of Distribution Algorithms (Edas) To The Multiobjective Domain Has Led To Multi-Objective Optimization Edas (Moedas). Most Moedas Have Limited Themselves To Porting Single-Objective Edas To The Multi-Objective Domain. Although Moedas Have Proved To Be A Valid Approach, The Last Point Is An Obstacle To The Achievement Of A Significant Improvement Regarding "Standard" Multi-Objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms. Adapting The Model-Building Algorithm Is One Way To Achieve A Substantial Advance. Most Model-Building Schemes Used So Far By Edas Employ Off-The-Shelf Machine Learning Methods. However, The Model-Building Problem Has Particular Requirements That Those Methods Do Not Meet And Even Evade. The Focus Of This Paper Is On The Model- Building Issue And How It Has Not Been Properly Understood And Addressed By Most Moedas. We Delve Down Into The Roots Of This Matter And Hypothesize About Its Causes. To Gain A Deeper Understanding Of The Subject We Propose A Novel Algorithm Intended To Overcome The Draw-Backs Of Current Moedas. This New Algorithm Is The Multi-Objective Neural Estimation Of Distribution Algorithm (Moneda). Moneda Uses A Modified Growing Neural Gas Network For Model-Building (Mb-Gng). Mb-Gng Is A Custom-Made Clustering Algorithm That Meets The Above Demands. Thanks To Its Custom-Made Model-Building Algorithm, The Preservation Of Elite Individuals And Its Individual Replacement Scheme, Moneda Is Capable Of Scalably Solving Continuous Multi-Objective Optimization Problems. It Performs Better Than Similar Algorithms In Terms Of A Set Of Quality Indicators And Computational Resource Requirements.This work has been funded in part by projects CNPq BJT 407851/2012-7, FAPERJ APQ1 211.451/2015, MINECO TEC2014-57022-C2-2-R and TEC2012-37832-C02-01
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