37 research outputs found

    Unraveling problematic smartphone use:The good and the bad through longitudinal, qualitative and psychometric perspectives

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    In an era where smartphones have become ubiquitous, discerning the fine line between normal smartphone use and Problematic Smartphone Use (PSU) is critical. This dissertation investigates the dual nature of smartphone use, delineating its positive and negative consequences, defining PSU comprehensively, and exploring its etiology through a mixed-methods approach. This approach involves a longitudinal study, an in-depth qualitative exploration, and the development of the Smartphone Use Problems Identification Questionnaire (SUPIQ). Chapter 2 presents findings from a longitudinal study with 2100 Dutch high school students, examining the bidirectional relationship between PSU and adolescent peer engagement. The study identifies individuals with low perceived competence in close friendships and those who intensively engage with smartphones for peer communication as particularly vulnerable to PSU. Chapter 3 offers a qualitative exploration of PSU symptoms and possible etiology, finding the similarities and differences between PSU and established addiction criteria and highlighting the trade-off process between smartphones’ positive and negative consequences. Building on these insights, Chapter 4 details the development and validation of the SUPIQ through the analysis of two distinct samples. The SUPIQ demonstrated strong construct validity and superior predictive power for mental health problems. This thesis illuminates the intricate interplay of social, motivational, and normative factors in PSU, enriching the discourse on digital well-being. We argue for interventions that promote digital well-being through a balanced approach to smartphone use rather than advocating for its elimination, offering valuable perspectives on navigating the complexities of smartphone integration into daily life

    Unraveling problematic smartphone use:The good and the bad through longitudinal, qualitative and psychometric perspectives

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    In an era where smartphones have become ubiquitous, discerning the fine line between normal smartphone use and Problematic Smartphone Use (PSU) is critical. This dissertation investigates the dual nature of smartphone use, delineating its positive and negative consequences, defining PSU comprehensively, and exploring its etiology through a mixed-methods approach. This approach involves a longitudinal study, an in-depth qualitative exploration, and the development of the Smartphone Use Problems Identification Questionnaire (SUPIQ). Chapter 2 presents findings from a longitudinal study with 2100 Dutch high school students, examining the bidirectional relationship between PSU and adolescent peer engagement. The study identifies individuals with low perceived competence in close friendships and those who intensively engage with smartphones for peer communication as particularly vulnerable to PSU. Chapter 3 offers a qualitative exploration of PSU symptoms and possible etiology, finding the similarities and differences between PSU and established addiction criteria and highlighting the trade-off process between smartphones’ positive and negative consequences. Building on these insights, Chapter 4 details the development and validation of the SUPIQ through the analysis of two distinct samples. The SUPIQ demonstrated strong construct validity and superior predictive power for mental health problems. This thesis illuminates the intricate interplay of social, motivational, and normative factors in PSU, enriching the discourse on digital well-being. We argue for interventions that promote digital well-being through a balanced approach to smartphone use rather than advocating for its elimination, offering valuable perspectives on navigating the complexities of smartphone integration into daily life


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    Di era teknologi yang canggih pembajakan produk digital sangat mungkin untuk dilakukan oleh siapapun. Kasus ini sangat sulit untuk dicegah namun harus dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi factor-faktor yang mendorong perilaku pembajakan digital. Penelitian ini menitikberatkan pada analisis gender berdasarkan pada model penelitian yang dibuat. Penelitian ini menggunakan model dari TAM yang tidak digunakan oleh penelitian sebelumnya. Sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswa S1 di Yogyakarta dengan menerapkan teknik convenience, purposive, dan snowball. Dengan menggunakan kuesioner daring, penelitian ini memperoleh data dari 94 mahasiswa dan 115 mahasiswi. Hasil menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antara mahasiswa dan mahasiswi dalam perilaku pembajakan. Mahasiswa sulit untuk menerima harga dari produk digital yang asli sedangkan mahasiswi bersedia untuk membayar. Penelitian ini mengingatkan perusahaan untuk lebih memperhatikan keamanan penjualan produk digitalnya. Selain itu, pemerintah dan perusahaan perlu untuk berkolaborasi memerangi pembajakan juga memperkuat perlindungan hak cipta

    Ill. teach. home econ. (1973)

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    Description based on: Vol. 17, no. 2 (Nov.-Dec. 1973); title from cover.Education index 0013-1385 -1992Current index to journals in education 0011-3565Bibliography of agriculture 0006-153

    Love x Design: When a designer's toolkit meets long-term romantic relationships

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    In a world where we are increasingly isolated in our shrinking homes, remote work arrangements, and digital spaces, the pressure on our long-term romantic relationships to be our primary source of connection, support, and inspiration is unprecedented. At the same time, we are investing less time into these relationships than we have in the past. The frustration that results from this gap takes a tangible toll on our health and wellbeing, and presents an opportunity for design-driven innovation. This MRP asserts that we can benefit from being more intentional in our relationships. It proposes that leveraging a designer’s toolkit - which includes empathy, ideation, experimentation, integrative thinking, and systems thinking - can help us create the conditions for such intentional experiences. It embarks on a design process that includes looking at the history of marriage, consulting experts that work on the frontlines of relationships, engaging individuals in long-term romantic relationships, mining insights gained through auto-ethnography, prototyping three relationship design experiences, and testing one of these prototypes for participant feedback. Taken together, these engagements validate the innovation opportunity that exists at the intersection of relationships and design and provide preliminary support for the hypothesis that relationships may be evolving into a vehicle for spiritual fulfillment and self-transcendence. This research concludes that not only can relationships be designed, but it is crucial that they be designed and re-designed to thrive within the dynamic contexts in which they exist

    Stinging the Predators: A collection of papers that should never have been published

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    This ebook collects academic papers and conference abstracts that were meant to be so terrible that nobody in their right mind would publish them. All were submitted to journals and conferences to expose weak or non-existent peer review and other exploitative practices. Each paper has a brief introduction. Short essays round out the collection

    Regulation and best practices in public and nonprofit marketing

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    The volume contains the papers presented during the 9th International Congress of the International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM) entitled "Regulation and Best Practices in Public and Nonprofit Marketing". Structured in accordance with the sessions of the mentioned Congress, the volume includes papers and relevant contributions on marketing research development in the public administration, healthcare and social assistance, higher education, local development and, more generally, nonprofit organizations. The social marketing specific issues take an important part of the volume giving the diversity of the approached topics as well as the large number of researchers concerned with this matter. Though of small dimensions, the contents of the sessions dedicated the revival and reinvention of public marketing must be underlined, as well as of the transfer of public marketing best practices to the South-Eastern European states. Publishing this volume represents a term of the interest expressed by over 40 academic and research groups in Europe and other continents with interests in the public and nonprofit marketing field, as well as in other European states’ bodies that develop specific empirical studies

    Off-time Illness: When Young Adults get Illnesses Associated with Old Age

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    This dissertation explores the lived experiences of young adults with cancer through qualitative methods, including 40 in-depth interviews and participant observation. This dissertation extends sociological inquiry to an under examined population, young adults with cancer. This dissertation focuses on how age and life course state shape illness experience, with attentiveness to variations based on race, class, and gender. Young adulthood is socially constructed as a period of health, and cancer as a disease of old age. Such assumptions shape age-specific social support systems, medical practices, and perceptions of young adult bodies, impacting young adult experiences of illness. This manuscript analyzes themes of young adults’ experience of diagnosis. Young adults experience diagnosis as a multi-sited process encompassing self-diagnosis and professional diagnosis. A central theme in these accounts was the difficulty navigating the age-specific construction of young adulthood as a period of health and cancer as a disease of old age. Second, this project explores the experience of the body for young adults with cancer, focusing on the experience of aberration or out of placeness. Shaped by the institutional environment, aberration represents both the embodied experience of the young adult patient and the positionality of a young adult patient in medical knowledge. This aberration resulted in a loss of agency, especially regarding reproductive autonomy. A third research aim explores the impact of a cancer diagnosis on education, occupation, family formation, and the role of institutions in supporting or exacerbating this disruption. My findings demonstrate universal disruptions in education, occupation, and family formations. The timing of this disruption during the transitional period of young adulthood resulted in potentially long-term, cascading impacts. Finally, this project explores life after a cancer diagnosis. Young adults expressed uncertainty and a recognition of mortality independent of their health status. In response, young adults employ strategies informed by common sense narratives and ideologies, including bodily labor, family work, and support work