7 research outputs found

    Whole Genome Duplications and Contracted Breakpoint Graphs

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    The genome halving problem, motivated by the whole genome duplication events in molecular evolution, was solved by El-Mabrouk and Sankoff in the pioneering paper [SIAM J. Comput., 32 (2003), pp. 754–792]. The El-Mabrouk–Sankoff algorithm is rather complex, inspiring a quest for a simpler solution. An alternative approach to the genome halving problem based on the notion of the contracted breakpoint graph was recently proposed in [M. A. Alekseyev and P. A. Pevzner, IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinformatics, 4 (2007), pp. 98–107]. This new technique reveals that while the El-Mabrouk–Sankoff result is correct in most cases, it does not hold in the case of unichromosomal genomes. This raises a problem of correcting a flaw in the El- Mabrouk–Sankoff analysis and devising an algorithm that deals adequately with all genomes. In this paper we efficiently classify all genomes into two classes and show that while the El-Mabrouk–Sankoff theorem holds for the first class, it is incorrect for the second class. The crux of our analysis is a new combinatorial invariant defined on duplicated permutations. Using this invariant we were able to come up with a full proof of the genome halving theorem and a polynomial algorithm for the genome halving problem

    Sorting genomes with rearrangements and segmental duplications through trajectory graphs

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    We study the problem of sorting genomes under an evolutionary model that includes genomic rearrangements and segmental duplications. We propose an iterative algorithm to improve any initial evolutionary trajectory between two genomes in terms of parsimony. Our algorithm is based on a new graphical model, the trajectory graph, which models not only the final states of two genomes but also an existing evolutionary trajectory between them. We show that redundant rearrangements in the trajectory correspond to certain cycles in the trajectory graph, and prove that our algorithm converges to an optimal trajectory for any initial trajectory involving only rearrangements

    Genome aliquoting with double cut and join

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>genome aliquoting probem </it>is, given an observed genome <it>A </it>with <it>n </it>copies of each gene, presumed to descend from an <it>n</it>-way polyploidization event from an ordinary diploid genome <it>B</it>, followed by a history of chromosomal rearrangements, to reconstruct the identity of the original genome <it>B'</it>. The idea is to construct <it>B'</it>, containing exactly one copy of each gene, so as to minimize the number of rearrangements <it>d</it>(<it>A, B' </it>⊕ <it>B' </it>⊕ ... ⊕ <it>B'</it>) necessary to convert the observed genome <it>B' </it>⊕ <it>B' </it>⊕ ... ⊕ <it>B' </it>into <it>A</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper we make the first attempt to define and solve the genome aliquoting problem. We present a heuristic algorithm for the problem as well the data from our experiments demonstrating its validity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The heuristic performs well, consistently giving a non-trivial result. The question as to the existence or non-existence of an exact solution to this problem remains open.</p

    Colored de Bruijn Graphs and the Genome Halving Problem

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    Breakpoint graph analysis is a key algorithmic technique in studies of genome rearrangements. However, breakpoint graphs are defined only for genomes without duplicated genes, thus limiting their applications in rearrangement analysis. We discuss a connection between the breakpoint graphs and de Bruijn graphs that leads to a generalization of the notion of breakpoint graph for genomes with duplicated genes. We further use the generalized breakpoint graphs to study the Genome Halving Problem (first introduced and solved by Nadia El-Mabrouk and David Sankoff). The El-Mabrouk-Sankoff algorithm is rather complex, and, in this paper, we present an alternative approach that is based on generalized breakpoint graphs. The generalized breakpoint graphs make the El-Mabrouk-Sankoff result more transparent and promise to be useful in future studies of genome rearrangements

    Efficient algorithms for analyzing segmental duplications with deletions and inversions in genomes

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    Background: Segmental duplications, or low-copy repeats, are common in mammalian genomes. In the human genome, most segmental duplications are mosaics comprised of multiple duplicated fragments. This complex genomic organization complicates analysis of the evolutionary history of these sequences. One model proposed to explain this mosaic patterns is a model of repeated aggregation and subsequent duplication of genomic sequences. Results: We describe a polynomial-time exact algorithm to compute duplication distance, a genomic distance defined as the most parsimonious way to build a target string by repeatedly copying substrings of a fixed source string. This distance models the process of repeated aggregation and duplication. We also describe extensions of this distance to include certain types of substring deletions and inversions. Finally, we provide an description of a sequence of duplication events as a context-free grammar (CFG). Conclusion: These new genomic distances will permit more biologically realistic analyses of segmental duplications in genomes.

    Whole genome duplications and contracted breakpoint graphs

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    Abstract. The genome halving problem, motivated by the whole genome duplication events in molecular evolution, was solved by El-Mabrouk and Sankoff in the pioneering paper [SIAM J. Comput., 32 (2003), pp. 754–792]. The El-Mabrouk–Sankoff algorithm is rather complex, inspiring a quest for a simpler solution. An alternative approach to the genome halving problem based on the notion of the contracted breakpoint graph was recently proposed in [M. A. Alekseyev and P. A. Pevzner, IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinformatics, 4 (2007), pp. 98–107]. This new technique reveals that while the El-Mabrouk–Sankoff result is correct in most cases, it does not hold in the case of unichromosomal genomes. This raises a problem of correcting a flaw in the El-Mabrouk–Sankoff analysis and devising an algorithm that deals adequately with all genomes. In this paper we efficiently classify all genomes into two classes and show that while the El-Mabrouk–Sankoff theorem holds for the first class, it is incorrect for the second class. The crux of our analysis is a new combinatorial invariant defined on duplicated permutations. Using this invariant we were able to come up with a full proof of the genome halving theorem and a polynomial algorithm for the genome halving problem

    Models and Algorithms for Comparative Genomics

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    The deluge of sequenced whole-genome data has motivated the study of comparative genomics, which provides global views on genome evolution, and also offers practical solutions in deciphering the functional roles of components of genomes. A fundamental computational problem in whole-genome comparison is to infer the most likely large-scale events~(rearrangements and content-modifying events) of given genomes during their history of evolution. Based on the principle of parsimony, such inference is usually formulated as the so called edit distance problems~(for two genomes) or median problems~(for multiple genomes), i.e., to compute the minimum number of certain types of large-scale events that can explain the differences of the given genomes. In this dissertation, we develop novel algorithms for edit distance problems and median problems and also apply them to analyze and annotate biological datasets. For pairwise whole-genome comparison, we study the most challenging cases of edit distance problems---the given genomes contain duplicate genes. We proposed several exact algorithms and approximation algorithms under various combinations of large-scale events. Specifically, we designed the first exact algorithm to compute the edit distance under the DCJ~(double-cut-and-join) model, and the first exact algorithm to compute the edit distance under a model including DCJ operations and segmental duplications. We devised a (1.5+ϵ)(1.5 + \epsilon)-approximation algorithm to compute the edit distance under a model including DCJ operations, insertions, and deletions. We also proposed a very fast and exact algorithm to compute the exemplar breakpoint distance. For multiple whole-genome comparison, we study the median problem under the DCJ model. We designed a polynomial-time algorithm using a network flow formulation to compute the so called adequate subgraphs---a central phase in computing the median. We also proved that an existing upper bound of the median distance is tight. These above algorithms determine the correspondence between functional elements~(for instance, genes) across genomes, and thus can be used to systematically infer functional relationships and annotate genomes. For example, we applied our methods to infer orthologs and in-paralogs between a pair of genomes---a key step in analyzing the functions of protein-coding genes. On biological whole-genome datasets, our methods run very fast, scale up to whole genomes, and also achieve very high accuracy